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Thread: Pokemon MMORPG

  1. #1

    Default Pokemon MMORPG

    i couldn't figure out any other place ot put this but here any

    If nintendo got there heads together and put out a massively multiplayer online pokemon game, how well do you think it'd go over and what kinda things do you think it would have in it?

  2. #2
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    Well, firstly I'd reckon they'd be very reluctant to do it, unless they could seriously prevent people hacking in "designer pokémon". There are also issues of the target audience (still young kids basically) having access to MMORGS.

    However, I don't reckon they'd stray from the old formula too much - wander around different areas, catch wild pokémon and battle trainers (many of whom would be other players). Obviously they would be able to run Leagues without any AI players, and quite possibly Gym Leader could be a player ambition (the Anime implies that there are many more than the 8 standard Kanto gyms - Gary has badges from other ones...). Grand Champion of the whole World? Yes please

    Online would give Nintendo the ability to release legends and other rare pokémon without having to pre-determine the rules or trigger. They could set up quests to find them.

    Teamplay is also likely - you could kick around in groups like Ash & co, and perhaps fight evil teams.

    The GREEN Pokémon master!

  3. #3

    Default Pokemon MMORPG

    Nintendo has the worst online support etc on gamecube.
    Nintendo putting anything online on PC...

    Let's just say that i'll eat my pokemon cartridges if they do this.

  4. #4
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    Default Pokemon MMORPG

    It's a good idea, yes. There's one problem. Nintendo is still making tons of money off the same Pokemon formula of releasing new games every few years with new areas and new Pokemon. As long as they're still profiting from that, they have no reason to change.

    In fact, if I remember correctly, Ruby and Sapphire were some of the top-selling games of 2003... in America. It's still profitable by this method, so we won't be getting a really fresh twist on it any time soon.

    Heck, if they did this, maybe even Raz would play again...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  5. #5
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    The main drawback of a pokemon MMORPG will be the player base. Our friends from the green forums will make it Counterstrike 2: Electric Boogaloo. But then again, beating those mouth-breathers on a daily basis could be fun. Nah, not worth it.

  6. #6
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    The reason why not. Go my NORMAL lv 50 Venasaur STATS: the normal you would expect froma venasaur. Opponent sends out lv 2 pidgey. STATS: all 999.

    ME: <_< >_> *runs far, far away.

    Cheating is hard to stop on the PC
    Pokemon Pearl FC: 3479 9091 3139

  7. #7

    Default Pokemon MMORPG

    Quote Originally Posted by Sceptile_Master
    Cheating is hard to stop on the PC
    Not if they had the power to IP ban cheaters on their Servers.

  8. #8
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    They could do that but it wouldn't stop them ruining you're fun for a little while, also the amount of hackers out there is huge. But none the less a very relevant point andy.
    Pokemon Pearl FC: 3479 9091 3139

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sceptile_Master
    They could do that but it wouldn't stop them ruining you're fun for a little while, also the amount of hackers out there is huge. But none the less a very relevant point andy.
    Who cares? You should be able to smell a cheater from a mile away, and any new MMORPG would have consentual PvP and /ignore anyway.

  10. #10
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    Ridiculous stats should not be possible, but the danger is the hacking in of unlikely but possible maximised stats. This is made all the more problematic in that you'd expect a pokémon MMORPG would ideally allow importing of cartridge pokémon - and we all know they can be hacked with cheat devices, sometimes undetectably.

    I wouldn't think PCs would be involved - the Nintendo DS comes with wireless internet capability built in, and any MMORPG would be based on that or the next generation of Nintendo console. Wireless internet may well be the cornerstone of Diamond/Pearl.

    The GREEN Pokémon master!

  11. #11
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    Nintendo should have like a thing that will compeletely disable the cheating device when the game is put in it. I mean the ignorance, they are not even licensed by nintendo (is that legal). I doubt they would let people upload there pokemon (for the reason of cheating on the game undetected). Nintendo could put the a special limiting feature on each of the seperate pokemon's stats (encorperating the EV, IV system into help), AND not allow any pokemon with higher stats than that.
    Pokemon Pearl FC: 3479 9091 3139

  12. #12
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    The stats are calculated. It's not physically possible to make the game give higher stats than effort 255 and IV 31 would allow. There are already game checks for illegal possibilities, but they *can't* exclude legal but unlikey "super pokémon" such as one with all IVs at 31. Heck, I've managed to breed several with IV totals over 160 or with three stats at 31.

    The latter isn't as hard as it might sound, as three stats are inherited from the parents. If both parents have two stats at 31, chances of a baby with three at 31 is quite good (certainly much better than wild chance).

    The GREEN Pokémon master!

  13. #13

    Default Pokemon MMORPG

    Uh... Hacking in MMO's just DOESNT HAPPEN. They wouldn't be able to run a game that way. Look at games like EverQuest, Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes etc. EQ had hacking issues it's first year where MMO's of this kind were brand new, after that there hasnt been a HACKING problem since. No other games get hacked except i belive Anarchy Online servers were crashed once. Or maybe that was Shadowbane.. anyway back to what i was saying. A pokemon MMO wouldn't allow you to import gameboy pokemon, maybe giving you bonus things for the number of trainer stars you have or something but nothing game-breaking. Maybe being able to put guys from the MMO to your gameboy (like if you win something) but like i've said before. Nintendo WILL NOT do a massive online project like this, they still feel that the majority of thier players aren't interested in online gaming. This is a great dream that will NEVER come true, so if you wan't to raise creatures in a massive environment pre-order WoW or go pick up SWG.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aarkan
    go pick up SWG.
    You forgot to add: " and/or FF XI if you want to hate the whole MMORPG genre with the pit of your soul". Don't do that! Those games are why I hate this idea.

  15. #15
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    Cheating in MMORPGs still exists via bots. It's not stat-tinkering, but people can set up a bot to do all the work for them.

  16. #16
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    Yeah I don't hink ninty will like the idea.
    Pokemon Pearl FC: 3479 9091 3139

  17. #17
    why wub woo Moderator
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    SWG has been bogged down by people who just use macros (i.e. leaving their avatar on a stat-building loop) to gain levels.

    It is possible. I would vent ideas about it but I despise people who go 'Hay guyz, this would be a great idea for a game (and lists all the features with diagrams and stuff).

    Developers never use ideas suggested by people in the public. It just doesn't happen. Even if you cite examples such as 'when people said they wanted to fly in GTA, look at Vice City!', it is crap because that is the obvious. If you, Mr. Joe Public and no experience in Video Game R&D whatsoever, can figure out a brilliant idea for the next game, chances are the developers were thinking about it before they even began work on a game.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  18. #18
    Hates You Master Trainer
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    Developers DO think about the public; they just withhold it and release it in a 50 dollar sequel.

  19. #19
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razola
    Developers DO think about the public; they just withhold it and release it in a 50 dollar sequel.
    I never said they didn't. What I'm saying is that when people go 'OMG having Optimus Prime in the next GTA would R0XX0R!' or something equally retarded, developers never listen. My previous post did state that the only time that developers seem to listen to the public, they are really just adding obvious improvements to the sequel.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  20. #20
    Hates You Master Trainer
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    Basically: Developers only listen to improvements that are profitable.

  21. #21
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    Yeah >.<
    Pokemon Pearl FC: 3479 9091 3139

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