... Where being stranded on a floating island in a chaotic existence-rifting storm is the least of your worries. SUUURRRRE, you can try to magic your way out, blow-****-up your way out, or even think you way out, but alas, the unstable existence outside the world's largest temple will either send you straight back here or rip you to shreds. But don't worry, despite the ancient echidna ghosts with chainsaws, the endless amount of booby traps, and the chaotic environment, we hope you enjoy your stay.

There are many things you can do while Knuckles attempts to fix this chaotic mess he supposedly made, which includes, but isn't limited to:

  • Playing "KILL THE ECHIDNA GHOSTS!" Because after all, being hacked in your sleep by these crazy things is most unpleasant.
  • Catch/ grow your own food. There's purportedly a couple of lakes around here. But beware, the food MIGHT try to eat YOU. Oh, and do NOT attempt to feed Kraid. Knuckles tried that once and well...
  • Forge alliances, friendships, and rivalries however you please. Plot escapes (in vain) together! Help out Knuckles (although he'll refuse)!
  • Anyone lucky enough to find the computer room (or have a laptop) has unlimited (pr0n-less) internet

Granted, the sooner we figure out who ripped existence apart, the sooner Knuckles can restore it and we can all go home. Enjoy your stay at Chaos Angel.

Inspired by this livejournal RP, I opted ot bring a similar RP here. The rules? Simple, you can use any existing character from any fandom, video game, T.V show, etc.. Any at all. Any NUMBER of them! Original characters can only be pulled from a fanfic (which will be scruitnized by me). NO ORIGINALS MADE UP FOR THE SAKE OF THIS RPG. Ever. And even so by joining this RPG I have the right to refuse an original character if s/he is too powerful/annoying/not written well, but I doubt this will be the case.

For this RPG, maximize any and all humor while keeping all characters in character (duh). Unfunny posts will be IGNORED. Arc plots are NOT encouraged (so LSU's can hop right in without being confused) but you can use one. I HIGHLY recommend writing in the style of a journal.

Sign up sheet:

Name of character:
Series (provide link if possible):
Canon History/Personality: (try to be detailed about the personality, and when in canon your character appears)

Knuckles will periodically announce new revelations as well as his progress. I will sign up with my two characters later. Just know that Slade of Teen Titans is taken by me.

Sign up!