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Thread: How is Halloween going for you?

  1. #1
    Elite Trainer
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    Default How is Halloween going for you?

    Well it is 7:10 and kids have been coming around for the past 2hrs and I am sick of the screaming from them already. Just wondering who has been out trick or treating and who has had enough of this.

    Is Halloween really needed nowerdays anyway?


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  2. #2
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    Default Re: How is Halloween going for you?

    Halloween is so awesome! ^_^ I never get trick or treaters because people are too lazy to climb the stairs to the houses out where I live... (I live in a beach house, for those who don't know...) But I still get dressed up. Tonight I have to work, but it could be worse, I suppose! At least we can be in costumes...

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  3. #3

    Default Re: How is Halloween going for you?

    It's pretty much just another day for me. Halloween isn't really a major event here like it is in America, although I did see one house decorated today in general it's not the done thing. Kids have been coming around trick-or-treating, my mum has been giving them sweets, if she wasn't here though my dad would've just turned the lights off and watched football in the dark while pretending not to be home.

    The real meaning of Halloween is long gone to the masses now, as with most holidays. It's not needed, but it's a bit of fun anyway.

  4. #4
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: How is Halloween going for you?

    No trick or treaters here. I have a pack of Penguins, but no damn kids are getting them. I'm wearing a t-shirt with the Communist logo on it. That's all I'm doing for Hallowe'en.
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: How is Halloween going for you?

    all but 2 of my teachers gave us candy that was fun. well, one gave cookies, he doesn't seem to grasp the concept of halloween very well, but he's a dumbass so it was pretty much expected. I have no plans for tonight, usually I'd go trick-or-treating with my best buddy but as she moved last spring, no one's immature enough to go with me :[ my last year as a kid and I'm stuck home handing out candy to stupid little kids instead of being out there with them. oh well.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: How is Halloween going for you?

    So far so good, but I just got out of school. As soon as I'm done printing some pictures, my boyfriend and I are gonna go around town taking pictures of ourselves in costume. We're going as our gangster alter egos, him being Skowmoney, and me being Johnny Paycheck.

    Here's a drawing I made, for reference: L3F and her man are teh secks

    We're then going to take my little sister trick-or-treating. Fun!

    I'll be sure to share our real pictures once they're uploaded..
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  7. #7
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    Default Re: How is Halloween going for you?

    Terrible actually, I lost a notebook(which had tons of crap that I needed). I also lost a very important book for Literature and it's driving me insane. I want to smash something.
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: How is Halloween going for you?

    Halloween isnt big here but its getting bigger.

    It was ok up until about 7 when we had little kids in cool costumes and their parents with them. But then its the teenagers who dont actually bother dressing up and still expect chocolate and sweets.

    Cant stand those kids...

  9. #9
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    Default Re: How is Halloween going for you?

    I'm not doing anything for Halloween. Just staying at home, studying for school tomorrow.

    We've only had the doorbell ring twice tonight, which is odd. Usually it happens more often.
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    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  10. #10
    Cool Trainer
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    I've just studying for school. I live in a condominium, and since the onwers allow I did buy some candy. About 10-15 kids have stopped by, most of who I know live here as well.

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  11. #11
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    I went out as Barry Potter for kicks. I pulled it off pretty well. Went to a couple houses where we knew the people that lived there for fun. Got some loot. We college kids can't afford everything! Plus people guessed I was like, 15, even though I'm 19.
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  12. #12
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    Default Re: How is Halloween going for you?

    halloween is pretty much like every other day to me. although today I had to work and it was chaotic. people buying last minute costumes, candy, was crazy. but other than that, bought some candy for myself and my family, then we turned off all the lights like we normally do and hid upstairs in the living room we also watched sleepy hallow. haha. and that was my halloween

  13. #13
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Default Re: How is Halloween going for you?

    I had the best... and worst... halloween ever. That's all I'm saying...

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  14. #14
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    I visited my parents for the latter half of the day, and we got a grand total of one group of kids. And - get this - they were collecting canned food for a charity. So it didn't matter that they had no candy in the house whatsoever. Well, I suppose we could've given them baking chocolate, but still...

    As for me, I got edged out in a critical fantasy football game because Stover missed a field goal. Yeah, he was 4/5, but who cares? He still missed one, dang it! ARGH!

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  15. #15
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    Default Re: How is Halloween going for you?

    I spent the evening at home watching The Exorcist 3. Suprisingly good, mostly because of George C. Scott and Brad Dourif. The film is a build-up for the last 20 minutes, but the first hour and twenty minutes are just as good.
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  16. #16
    Товарищ Красный Master Trainer
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    Halloween was boring since I had to be back at Uni.

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  17. #17
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: How is Halloween going for you?

    I found Halloween a bit boring too.

    With mainly kids coming to our door last night, there weren't very many.

    Of course, I'm not into trick-or-treating. That's something I gave up many years ago, but I still don't mind giving out treats to any kids who come to our door. We even get to eat any treats that weren't given out (after all, it would be a waste to not take any treats that were not taken, they'd eventually spoil!).

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  18. #18
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    One of the things I did to observe Halloween was dress up like Sapphire as she appears in "Unreal Championship 2" (*POINTS TO AVATAR*) with clothes and stuff from around the house.

    It was the first time in 7 years that I actually wore a costume. :biggrin:

    BTW, we only got 3 Trick-or-Treaters, and they were all here at once.

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  19. #19

    Default Re: How is Halloween going for you?

    Worst halloween i've had. The night before I worked, and I bought a pirate hat/sword for like 2 bucks. I was sick the next day so I didn't go to school. I felt better by night time when I had to go in (5:30) and the girl I was working with decided to call in sick.. Sick on halloween night? Yeah .. okay.

    So halloween day was spent at home doing notihng watching boring TV and halloween night was spent sitting behind a counter. I did get to wear my pirate gear though... that was the first time I had a "Costume" in years. I got to play the electronics dept. display DS at my counter and I played Nintendogs for quite a bit. I got a chihuahua and called it LASER. Yes. LASER!

    But yeah, pretty shitty halloween all around.

    and omg zak u spammer

  20. #20

    Default Re: How is Halloween going for you?

    I played Ocarina of Time on Halloween.

    But I played it without pants on. ;D

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