View Poll Results: What do you want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction

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  • Action/ Adventure

    5 17.24%
  • Romance

    2 6.90%
  • Pokemon Hybrids/ Pokemorphs

    0 0%
  • Shipping Stories

    0 0%
  • Comdey

    2 6.90%
  • Horror/ Supernatual

    2 6.90%
  • Stories Where A Person From Our World Is Zap Into the Pokemon World

    0 0%
  • All of the Above

    6 20.69%
  • None of the Above

    0 0%
  • Originality (Added By Oz)

    12 41.38%
Results 1 to 22 of 22

Thread: What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    I just want to see what it is that people want to see in a pokemon fanfiction.

  2. #2
    Random Drop-By Elite Trainer
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    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    different people want to see different things in fictions, though lately i'd say the main interest has been action/adventure, comedy, and anything original. people love reading new stuff, as well as favorite genres. so just like on my tests in school, if i see an all of the above option, i'm filling out that bubble!

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  3. #3
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    If there were a bubble for Origionality then I'd tick that. Basically I dont mind what genre it is, but as long as it has origionality, otherwise i get soo bored.

    :p origionality is kewl


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  4. #4
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    But Mist, you can edit it! *Edited his first poll*

    *Clicks Originality*

  5. #5

    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    when pikachu dies

    but cant beat comedy

  6. #6
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    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    Wouldn't that count as comedy?

    Anyway, I voted for "all of the above".

  7. #7
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    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    Originality! Don't follow the plot o Ruby/Sapphire. Most of us have done that. Don't do something everyone else does. We've already read that. Brainstorm new ideas, and then use them in your fic. Sure, you can have one or two things that we've all seen thrown in their (Team Rocket, the game staters are your character's starers) but you have to drown non-originl stuff with your own stuff.

  8. #8
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    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    Well I want to see something new and yet old. SOmething different, I mean you usually see the same thing happening in ever fic. That is what I am trying to do with my fic is just add unusual twists that most people wouldn't have thought of. How many people here would like to read the same kind of trainer fic, well most of you have, Mist did something great with Lapras Valley High. And Shadow Mewtwo's Weak Might, well something different, Oragianlity is good but difference is better.
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  9. #9
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    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    I really like reading things that are different. It could be about a pokemon trainer getting badges but not being in hoenn or johto or kanto a new place I would really like 2 see more of them.

  10. #10
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    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    Something along the lines of character development, internal conflict, blah-de-blah. Something that you would never, EVER find in the actual game or animé.

    "...Character development? Animé? The two do not mix...I don't understand...what?"

    Basically, don't make the characters two-dimensional. Don't have something like, "Trainer M likes Trainer A, but A is too moronic and remains oblivious to anything that verges on what we might call adult-like behaviour, maturity, and general non-5 to 10 year old sort of actions.
    Trainer B, meanwhile, is great at being an older brother, but is basically the comic relief; he chases girls and never gets them; or, he does get one, but is too scared and bewildered to do anything. At the end of the day, though, he is just in their for funnies, A is in there for the all-round stupid, brainless and downright witless but oh so brave 10 year old trainer-hero, and M is in there to make people fret and moan because there are constant hints that M and A should be together, but it never happens. Each episode involves these basic premises, only the subject of the episode changes with each new day - one day it is a bird, the next, a talking rat.

    Gee, I wonder what I'm talking about.

    Basically, you need continuity, carry-on issues, internal and external conflict, underlying issues that aren't referred to directly but are blatant in some cases, and at the end, some ultimate goal that is, perhaps, just that of a foolhardy young boy who realises later on that he doesn't truly want fame or glory, but something else.


  11. #11
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    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    Originality is truly the strongest aspect. Of course, a story would be dull if you just follow the plot of the show or the game. I would certainly enjoy seeing a fanfic with a brand new continent and the star do many other side-quests. Having new villains, new transport, and new features, like a nuclear plant!

  12. #12
    Cool Trainer
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    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    I agree with The Rusted One, a good fic needfs some good ol' fashioned internal conflict, characxter development, etc, etc. It makes the fic seem more intence and interesting. And you most definitely need (as so many have mentioned) origionality. Something new and exciting that no one's done before (like....."The Journal of Giovanni" or something). Personally, I like- no- love- no- ADORE angst/tradgedy. Can't get enough of the depressing stuff.
    I also say that a good fic (if you'tr not planning a straight-up angst oir comedy with nothing but laughs/sadness) needs to be well rounded, especilly if you're doing an action/adventure fic. Put in some humor, some action, some sadness, maybe some romance, and maybe a story from the past or two.
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  13. #13
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    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    Yeah orginality, but you must learn that it is pretty darn hard to make something up and not use refences. Yeah something out of the ordinary but a new land quickly lands into a Johto/Kanto ish.
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  14. #14

    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    -_-; I'm the only one who voted horror... What about detective? Aww no, there een't no votes for fakemons... I guess that's why my fic gets kinda unpopular...

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  15. #15
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    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    Originality, definitely. That's what makes your fic stand out from the rest, and keeps it new and interesting. Of course you need good writing skills too, but it's also important that the story is based on a good idea.

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    We are far too easily pleased.

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  16. #16

    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    Technically since I've never seen a pokemon horror story, the first one I read would probably seem origional, unless you rip off something else, like Alien, Aliens, Psycho, or something like that. I thought it was a genrč thing, you know?

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  17. #17

    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    I would pick shipping primarily but I love action-adventure stories as well. As far as originality goes--well, you are borrowing characters and plot devices created by others in writing fan fiction in general. You can novelize the games if you like but these fics tend to be bland in terms of action or character development.

    One thing I think is important in fan fiction is the 'hook'. At least that's what another author calls it: the moment in the storyline where you simply have to know what happens next. It could be a character revelation, a plot twist, a cliffhanger, or whatever you like. I can't tell you how many stories I've given up on simply because the author couldn't convince me to keep going to the next chapter.

  18. #18
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    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    No offence but that hook is the climax. But I have read some stories and written half of one, and you can not do them all, and you do not want to make it boring oh well, anything can happen in your own mind.
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  19. #19

    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    Originality, but comedy and action/adventure. Like I love those off the wall trainer fics like Tyler and Magmar and MintyThrill. I also LOVE fics that focus on the Pokemon and its thoughts and nature like Weak Might and that Umbreon one (sorry, I forgot the title). I only like shipping if there is comedy involved. I also like horror but we don't get enough of those.

    What I don't like are trainer fics that follow the game, they almost always lack personality and charm. I also hate fics that have a lot of senseless killing...kill only for a reason and if it has some importance to the story. And I REALLY despise Ash/Misty romance....come on folks, they're kids! Kids in love is GROSS! I don't even like seeing adults showing affection for eachother in public!

  20. #20

    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    Isn't adding Origionallity a bit futil? Is there anybody who Doesn't want to see origionallity? A show of hands please?

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  21. #21
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    Comedy, mixed in with a little of tragedy. I love to laugh, but I also like a little drama once in a while. And sorry if I sound stupid, but what's shipping? I've heard that term before; I just want to know what that is.
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  22. #22

    Default What do people want to see in a Pokemon Fanfiction?

    Originally posted by Darien Shields
    Isn't adding Origionallity a bit futil? Is there anybody who Doesn't want to see origionallity? A show of hands please?
    Indeed... "I think everyone should write complete rip-offs of everything I've seen before, because I love reading the same thing twice."

    I like suspence and interesting characters O_o 2-dimensional = bleah.
    Righteous Chaps

    KissShipping > you.

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