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Thread: Dr Who 2005

  1. #1
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Dr Who 2005

    Well, here's a discussion topic for the Brittish series following the 9th Time Lord's adventures through time and space in his Police box (The Tardis) with his latest assistant Rose and new hangeronner Jack.

    I personally missed the first episode of the new series, but caught the 2nd, following the destruction of earth. Its mightily well done, amusing, entertaining, a tad creepy and incredibly quirky.

    So I loved it!

    Besides, how can you not live a show that pokes fun at pop culture, calling "Toxic" a solem earth hymn.

  2. #2
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    Default Dr Who 2005

    I guess it's just started in Austrlia, since it's coming to it's penultimate episode in the UK this week. I happened to miss most of the second episode. I saw the earth blow up, but kinda lost out on the plot, other than the last human alive being a flap of stretched skin. Freaky.

    I'll do my best not to spoil anything for you, but 'Dalek' is a great episode (plus Bruno Langly is in it *swoon*), and the most recent 2 parter in the UK, set in World War II is well creepy.

  3. #3
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    Default Dr Who 2005

    Oh, no, since england is producing the show, I reckon once an episode is shown there go ahead and discuss it.

    Besides, I've been spoiler whoring over the interweb today, reading all I can about the new series and the dalek one certainly sounds awesome. But Apparently a whole heap of whingy mums (you know the types that complain that harry potter is making their children evil) wanted to get it changed or something.

    Plus that Jack fellow's apparently hitting on anything with a pulse.

  4. #4
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    Default Dr Who 2005

    Yep, they did. Apparently it's not right for kids to see the Doctor being mean to a Dalek. Even though it's his mortal enemy that wiped out his entire species, it's wrong to let kids see him torturing it.

  5. #5

    Default Dr Who 2005

    Dear god, not Dr. Who.

    Haven't seen it, since I'm a damn dirty Yank, but my brother used to be a huge fan of the crappy old show, which was actually very creepy sometimes. But yeah... I might check it out, see if it's any better than it was in the sixties[I should hope it is].

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    Default Dr Who 2005

    Jesus Christ I hate politically correct whingers interfering with a sci-fi show not about good and evil but shades of gray in a variety of different settings.

    So apart from Dalek, which other episode have you enjoyed RL?

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    Default Dr Who 2005

    I keep meaning to watch it when it's on over here, cause it looks quite good, but I always seem to miss it when it's on . I guess I could buy the first DVD.

  8. #8
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    Default Dr Who 2005

    'The Long Game' it's the episode after Dalek, when the doctor takes Rose and Adam to the 'height of human civilisation'. Only it turns out something has gone wrong. It has Simon Pegg in it (of Shaun of the Dead fame), who's just great. Plus the closing scene is funny as hell. But it's also the last episode Bruno Langly is in (*sadness*). You can tell what i was watching this series for can't you?

  9. #9

    Default Dr Who 2005

    From what i heard the only editing they did to one of the episodes (i think it was Dalek') was because they had the sound of genuine cracking skulls apparently.

    The new doctor is a lot better in my opinion. More common man but not above acting all superior and slagging off the 'lower races' when he gets annoyed. More of a sense of humour too.
    Shame hes not staying.

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  10. #10
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    Default Dr Who 2005

    I saw a few episodes, and some bits a peices. And yeah I liked it to be honest. The Darleks episode was a good one, just because we had seen them before.

    I think the way they thought everything through was well done aswell, it all matched up with what was said in the original ones. Well I think so...

  11. #11
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    Default Dr Who 2005

    Having loved Dr. Who my entire life it's great to see it back. Apart from some vaguely annoying bits (farting aliens?) it's been nothing short of superb so far. : )
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  12. #12
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    Default Dr Who 2005

    I've heard about the new series. Seems pretty good from what I've heard. I wonder when it'll start airing in the US (at some point it'll have to).

    Hopefully this batch of Doctors last a while, as the last couple didn't get much time at all (not exactly as long as the 4th Doctor did, but certainly hanging around a while). After this Doctor, there's only 4 left.

    I hope they haven't messed with the Tardis that much. I kinda liked it being semi-controllable, going where the Doctor would be needed rather than where he wanted to go a fair amount of the time.
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  13. #13
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    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    Pardon the double post (if you can call it that) and topic necromancy, but I thought I should mention this...

    The new Doctor Who series will begin airing on Sci-Fi channel on Friday March 17 at 9:00 PM Eastern (8:00 Central) with a second episode immediately following, for all of you waiting to see the series that haven't seen it yet in some shape or form.

    Too bad I don't have Sci-Fi (damn cable company moving it to the digital package...).
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  14. #14

    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    Doctor Who's the only sci-fi series I actually watch and like, you Americans are in for a treat with the new series.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimate Charizard
    From what i heard the only editing they did to one of the episodes (i think it was Dalek') was because they had the sound of genuine cracking skulls apparently.
    The Empty Child, actually. :p
    Gonnae no dae that?

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    Wow, apparently I haven't been on in so long I wasn't logged in anymore...

    Anyway, on topic, I love this show! Funny, quirky, and somewhat creepy.
    We got 2 episodes on the 17th, and then another this past Friday, and of the 3 I've seen so far, I'd have to say "End of the world" is my favorite, and that's the one that got me hooked. I've been watching the SciFi Channel religiously now just to catch the trailer for the next episode. Wow, just saw it as I was typing this, looks good.
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    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    I have yet to see what promises to be an entertaining series.

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  17. #17
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    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    Er, wow. I watched episodes the old, campy Dr. Who series when they aired here on PBS in the US, and now watching The Docotor in the '00s is amazing. Watch a Tom Baker show and then watch one of the new eps of the new doc, you'll see how far special effects come :biggrin:

    Glad to see the Doctor still travels with the beauties, lol

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  18. #18
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    The second series has started up and what a doozy. I really enjoyed Tooth and Claw, not to mention New Earth (But not as much). Poor Jackie, I feel a bit for her, but she still is a slag. Mickey just needs to die.. next week GILES!

  19. #19

    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    Tooth and Claw was awesome though i think this New Doctor is actually better than the last.
    For anyone who's not sure he played the Bad Guy in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. (Barty Crouch Jr i think) and i didnt think that the Manic style he played that would work but hes a perfect Doctor. He is pretty flippant at times, innocently rude and a downright mentallist at others but when he gets mad he goes nuts. (New Earth for example)

    Just saw the latest episode and it too is a Cracker. Anthony Head (Giles from Buffy) is a damn good villain and it has the return of one of the docs old assistants and K-9.

    And bad news Andrew, looks like Mickey is going to be more Regular...for a while.

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  20. #20
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    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    What? Mickey's gone along with them? Say it isn't so.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    It does at least look like hes physically threatened in the next episode lol

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    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    Let's hope it's his damn demise. He's a loser of a hanger-onner of a boyfriend. I think if Mickey dies, then at least Rose may be a bit more "I don't want to go back to London every second episode!" because she thinks every time she goes back, people are at risk. Like her mum.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    Well from what i could Gather Mickey is now a damn Hacker. Just casually strolling around military websites picking up info on UFO's etc.

    How come none of the other assistants ever got any home visits. Back in the day the Doctor was like the damn MiB.

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  24. #24

    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    Possible spoiler (Scroll down to read)
    According to the Doctor Who Confidential preview in Doctor Who Magazine, The Cybermen 2-parter is Mickey's final story.


    Oh, and Ultimate Charizard, the final episode of the classic series featured the Doctor and Ace visiting her home town in the present day, if that counts.
    Gonnae no dae that?

  25. #25

    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    but that was a series finale. Not every other epidsode lol.

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  26. #26
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    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    But wasn't there an episode where the first five doctors, some fromer companions(like the Doctor's granddaugter), and the UNIT folks got together or something? I also recall the Sixth and Second Doctors working to together to fight the big mushy-headed aliens...I forget their names though.

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  27. #27
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    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    There have been 3 multi-Doc episodes over time.

    First up was The Three Doctors with Docs 1, 2, and 3 and introduced one of the ancient Time Lords: Omega. Also was one of the two only instances where the Brigadier travelled in the Tardis.

    Second was the 20th anniversary special: The Five Doctors. This was the one where they brought back a fair amount of old companions. To note is that a clip from one of William Hartnell's episodes opens this episode and that clips from the lost Doctor Who episode Shada provide the footage for Tom Baker's scenes (as he did not work on this episode). This episode also features 4 old enemies of the Doctors: the Cybermen, a Dalek, a Yeti, and the Master, though they were the least of the Docs' worries...

    Third was The Two Doctors with Patrick Troughton (Doctor #2) and Colin Baker (Doctor #6). To date, this was the final episode concerning the Sontarans (who are certainly a stubborn bunch, though nowhere near as much a threat as the Daleks or Cybermen).
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  28. #28

    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    See, i know this is late, maybe because of the Shock but i really hope this weekend is Mickeys last episode. I just dont like the charachter and not only that but before they finish him off they actually give us anohter one.

    2 Bleeding Mickeys!!!!

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    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    So, what did we think of the Doc Who 2006 finale...

    Me, I cried when Rose was at Bad Wolf Bay/Beach, poor love... also, Jackie, bless her heart was brilliant..

    But I was left wondering, what was left of the Torchwood staff made into Cybermen who weren't pulled into the void? Ie Yvonne....

  30. #30

    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    You know i never thought of that. Maybe they gave the 'well the Cybermen materials came from the other Universe' excuse? And another, why was Pete able to teleport in and grab her? How did he know? Hed be like 'Bamf, oh hello Rose, why are you flying towards me, hmm whats pulling on me, oh bugger'
    We may find out more about it when Torchwood Starts. For those who dont know they are making the first Ever Doctor Who Spin off. It is called Torchwood and focuses on the activities of the institute post Cybermen/Dalek incident.

    Hopefully this will finally mean the permanent End of Mickey! Was a pretty good ending though and what the hell is going on with that final bit. I know its setting up for the Christmas special but how the hell does anyone just get in the Tardis?

    And its official. Billie Pipers replacement is the Actress that played the Torchwood Computer woman. The one who Yvonne pulled the ear piece off. Billie is open to a return though has hinted she wouldnt mind being the First female Doctor. And John Barrowman (Captain Jack) is going to return in the next series. Kind of like a Stopgap assistant till the new one is installed officially.

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  31. #31
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    Oh definately the end of Mickey thank GOD he was insufferable to the end.

    I'm going to miss Billie and her mangling of the english language. "Whatcha fink docta?"

    But I felt Pete saving Rose was mirroring her saving him in Father's Day.... and the Bride, is a TOTAL bitch, but you know she's so going to break down in a minute....

    Oh, and the computer woman was Adeola... I didn't really like the actress, but the guys, yes.

    Oh and Captain Jack! Welcome back with your innuendo! I can't wait for Torchwood... when does it start? MAYBE Cyber YVonne will like be a part of it!

  32. #32

    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    Well nothing confirmed yet. Dont think filming has started yet though id expect it to tie into the next Series of Doctor Who and i seriously doubt they would run them against eachother so either Spring or Autumn next year id say....that is if Doctor who starts Late Spring/Early Summer again.

    Any thoughts on Favoutire episode? Tooth and Claw (the Werewolf one) was a good one for The new doctor to stamp his mark on the role, though now we know it was all to set up Torchwood and i really liked the School one. Anthony Head was an awesome villain and K9 was brilliant.

    BTW Billie wasnt Mangling the English Language, thats Cockney lol.

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  33. #33
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    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    Woot Daleks rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They are soooo funny

    .................and thats all I got to say

    PS: Paradise towers episode rocked.

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  34. #34
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    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    My first introduction to this series in any big way was on the Sci-Fi channel and let's just say I was really impressed. I am interested to see if Sci-Fi will pick up the spin-off.

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  35. #35
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    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    Actually they are filming Torchwood atm. I saw on Doc Who Confidential 12 that they were filming it with Gwen!

    Favourite episodes... Hmm... I liked The Idiot's Lantern, HATED fear her, loved the Impossible Planet/Satan Pit... Poor hot Toby... The Cybermen was okay.... Tooth and Claw, lots of fun! The Girl iN the Fireplace, in fact, I really did enjoy that.

  36. #36
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    Default Re: Dr Who 2005

    I caught this on a Sci-Fi Whoathon and am intrigued.

    Victory should definitely be naked.

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