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Thread: No Pokémon Feb 8th

  1. #1
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    According to this Kids' WB schedule there won't be new epsidoe of Pokémon on February 8, in favor of a third episode of, ugh, Yu-Gi-Oh!

    Keep in mind the 8th is the day that Fox Box debuts the new Ninja Turtles show, so this an obvious attempt to keep viewers away from it.

    But still, since TMNT is on at 10:30, they could have had Yu-Gi-Oh! replace the horrible Static Shock but no dice.

  2. #2
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Oh man... more Yu-Gi-Oh? Why didn't they replace Static Shock? That show is so dumb... well, okay, I guess that's just my opinion but still. I don't see why they would compete with the Fox Box (Kirby rules! What? I happen to like that show!) when 4Kids owns both the Fox Box and Yu-Gi-Oh. I guess it's a KidsWB thing, oh well. Quite frankly, I get a bit confused about the whole who owns what anime thing. Good question though... why take away Pokemon?

  3. #3
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Is Kids WB on crack or what?

    I mean, there are many other shows on their Satuday Morning Block that they could have replaced with the third episode of Yu-gi-oh, but I suppose they had to pick on Pokemon didn't they?

    Static Shock shouldn't just not be aired on the eigth, it should be be never aired again!

  4. #4
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Wow i cant express my anger. I was just coming in here to see if anyone else saw that a THIRD episode of yu-gi-oh was replacing pokemon. I mean come on!!! YugiOh isnt a bad show or anything but three times in one morning is ridiculous especially when u have shows like ozzy and drix and static shock playing and not pokemon. And then a new season of the mummy is coming back??? what is that going to replace?? and what did happen to xmen

  5. #5
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    I believe that Xmen was replaced by Static Shock. I dont mind a third YuGiOh episode, in fact Im all for it, but for crying out loud, dont drop Pokemon for it! I think they should do with Pokemon what they did with YuGiOh, start showing two episodes. What will they drop for that you ask? MUCHA LUCHA!!!!!!!!! THAT IS THE STUPIDEST SHOW IN THE HISTORY OF CARTOONS!!!!!!

    Kids WB needs to start showing more than one "new" episode a week if they are to get to Advance Generation in time to meet the release of R/S. They are at least 40 episodes behind the Johto League! I have said this many times before, and here it is again; They should start showing new episodes on weekdays. If nothing else, do that every other week. They could also show them in order. That is what nerves me about WB, they never show anything in order! One week they had DBZ, and they mixed them all up! <Mumble Grumble>

    Ok enough ranting, gotta do homework

  6. #6
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Well, you really gotta understand KidsWB's point of view.

    As much as we all hate Static Shock, it actually does a great job in the ratings, which is why KidsWB renewed it for another full season.

    Pokemon on the other hand, has honestly dropped a few in the ratings but it's still no doubt one of the top 3 KidsWB show behind Yu-Gi-Oh! and Jackie Chan Adventures.

    I think it's a good move to put Yu-Gi-Oh over Pokémon for this week because then... KidsWB would try to get people to watch Yu-Gi-Oh! instead of Ninja Turtles.

    I'll be watching Ninja Turtles though.. lol

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  7. #7
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Originally posted by Too Cool Scyther
    Well, you really gotta understand KidsWB's point of view.

    As much as we all hate Static Shock, it actually does a great job in the ratings, which is why KidsWB renewed it for another full season.

    Pokemon on the other hand, has honestly dropped a few in the ratings but it's still no doubt one of the top 3 KidsWB show behind Yu-Gi-Oh! and Jackie Chan Adventures.

    I think it's a good move to put Yu-Gi-Oh over Pokémon for this week because then... KidsWB would try to get people to watch Yu-Gi-Oh! instead of Ninja Turtles.

    I'll be watching Ninja Turtles though.. lol
    You have a point there, but in all honesty, couldn't they drop some other of their dumb shows such as Ozzy and Drix or Mucha Lucha instead of Pokemon?

    I mean, those shows to my knowledge don't do too hot in the ratings, and besides, if they just show Pokemon more and actually show them in order, I think Pokemon will get its once high ratings back.

  8. #8
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    Default WOAH

    i know that 3 episodes of yu gi oh is a godsent, and i can undewrstand taking off pokemon for one week.

    but there is one thing i cannot tolerate, which is pokefreak04 blaspheming Mucha Lucha

    that show is comprised of more mature humor, which is probably too complex for pokefreak04 to comprehend

    it's the greatest show about little mexican wrestling kids ever, and i cannot stand for anyone who would dare talk bad about that type of show.

    and furthermore, i think that i should just shut up, because im just going off on a tangeant for no reason whatsoever

    but mucha lucha still rules. its better than real wrestling, and it has an actual plot.

  9. #9
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Mucha Lucha isn't that bad, but I don't really think we need Ozzy and Drix. Sure it is a cartoon based of a Osmosis Jones but I don't think it will last that long. I also can't believe that The Mummy is going to have a new season. It was okay I guess, but will the new season do as well as the first season.

    I am okay with three episodes of Yu-gi-oh. If it gets people to watch Yu-gi-oh over TMNT, that's okay but it is weird that it will be a 4Kids show competiting against another 4Kids show.

  10. #10
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Originally posted by Snakes N' Legends
    Mucha Lucha isn't that bad, but I don't really think we need Ozzy and Drix. Sure it is a cartoon based of a Osmosis Jones but I don't think it will last that long. I also can't believe that The Mummy is going to have a new season. It was okay I guess, but will the new season do as well as the first season.

    I am okay with three episodes of Yu-gi-oh. If it gets people to watch Yu-gi-oh over TMNT, that's okay but it is weird that it will be a 4Kids show competiting against another 4Kids show.
    Well, 4Kids isn't in charge of programming options or choices that WB makes.

    To WB, it's simple; if that show is being aired by a rival network, it is a threat to their Saturday Morning Block, it's even regardless if they're made by the same production company, etc.

    Mummy is still on? I thought it was cancelled ages ago. Anyway, I hated that show even during its prime. I found it pointless and dumb. I think one of the reasons WB aired it in the first place was to kind of throw in some kind of an Egyptian genre to the network to pave the way for Yu-gi-oh, even though Yugioh does not exactly concentrate on Egypt that much, though.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: WOAH

    Originally posted by ryandude713
    i know that 3 episodes of yu gi oh is a godsent, and i can undewrstand taking off pokemon for one week.

    but there is one thing i cannot tolerate, which is pokefreak04 blaspheming Mucha Lucha

    that show is comprised of more mature humor, which is probably too complex for pokefreak04 to comprehend

    it's the greatest show about little mexican wrestling kids ever, and i cannot stand for anyone who would dare talk bad about that type of show.

    and furthermore, i think that i should just shut up, because im just going off on a tangeant for no reason whatsoever

    but mucha lucha still rules. its better than real wrestling, and it has an actual plot.
    Please tell me you're being sarcastic. If Yu-Gi-Oh! is a godsend, that must make God a pretty malevolent force.

    And Mucha Lucha is comprised of "mature humor?" It's about farting Mexican stereotypes.

  12. #12

    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th


    Static Shock > j00 IMO

    Like someone else said if anything should be replaced That honor goes to MUCHA LUCHA. that cartoon suXX0rz!

  13. #13
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    That's what I feel right now. WHAT IS UP WITH THREE FREAKING EPISODING OF YUGIOH!!!! Isn't that I don't know GETTING A LITTLE RIDECULES!!! What I don' get is are they on some kind of a schdule with Yugioh? They first don't show a new episode for like months then throw a billion episodes at once at you.

    Then they go and skip Pokemon. WHAT IS THE BIG IDEA of that? Okay they keep stupid shows like Mucha Lucha. God do I hate that show. ITS SO STUPID!! Like Mexican creatures with hoods on GOD!! Then its that Static Shock!!! A kid with electric powers and riping off the old super creatures. STUPID!!!

    What's New Scoby Doo isn't any better either. Its always these kids and a talking doy solving mysteries. When they are soo OBVIOUS!! GOD KidsWB makes the stupidest mistakes. They cut out the interesting and good shows and keep the STUPID ones.

  14. #14
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    Default lol

    mexican fart jokes Pidgeot018?

    if u watched the show ud see how funny it is.

    besides, im mexican so u can kiss my arse

  15. #15
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Hey, I don't dislike it because it's Mexican (heck, I think WWE's Rey Mysterio and the Guerreros are great), it's because Kids' WB seems to be using these stereotypes as a ways to entice the minority demographics to watch.

  16. #16
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    i know that 3 episodes of yu gi oh is a godsent, and i can undewrstand taking off pokemon for one week.
    And you are what, liberalist or hispanic yourself? I admit that the flea is somewhat funny, but it is poorly drawn and us poor little white/black/chinese/japanese/wahtever people who don't understand Spanish don't get what they are saying. They don't even give a translation when they go off speaking Spanish. But of course we should all be forced to learn it in school and adopt it as our native language, right?

    Oh, and may Kids WB burn in hell and their families be forced to watch. Stupid TV execs.

  17. #17
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    I just watched Kids WB and it will be another All New Saturday. They mentioned 3 new episodes of YuGiOh, A NEW EPISODE OF POKEMON MASTER QUEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and new O&D and Static Shock. I think WB got the message that Pokemon is to stay on the air. I didnt see anything about a new Mucha Lucha. <Hears a resounding YAAAAAAAAAAAY!> The TV execs Kittymon mentioned got smart! I wonder how many letters they got concerning the ordeal? To make a long story short, Pokemon WILL air on February 8th, well at least in America. So we can all stop bickering about what show should be dropped, cuz by the looks of it, ML got dropped for the 3rd YuGiOh.

  18. #18
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    I don't see why they should take off Ozzy and Drix either, as much as we hate it.. it is in fact RENEWED for next season as well. Like I said, KidsWB does great ratings, and all their shows generate good rating.

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  19. #19

    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Wrong, pokefreak04. There will be the 3 new episodes of Yu-gi-oh! as well as new episodes of JCA, O&D, Pokémon, Static Shock, and Mucha Lucha.
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  20. #20
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Damn, then what got canceled?

    EDIT: Whats New Scooby Doo!!!!! I dont really watch that show very often anyway. Maybe they can take it off permanently and replace it with a second new episode of PMQ. I would like it a lot if they did that, they need to meet the deadline anyway. Im not gonna say it again cuz I've said it about 10,000 times.

  21. #21
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Yep,I was guessing that Scooby Doo was dropped for that Saturday. It's not as bad a loss as Pokemon,but it's worse than losing Mucha Lucha(which I didn't really like;I'm glad that they canceled X-Men Evolution and stuffed Mucha Lucha in the tail end of the cartoon bloc.

    BTW,if they want to air all their shows,they should drop the Sunday morning bloc and put more cartoons on,like some channels do,maybe have a Sunday afternoon bloc(since kids might have to go to church in the mornings) of:

    * Mucha Lucha
    * X-Men Evolution
    * Powerpuff Girls
    * and the other episode of Yugioh

    Then on Saturday morning it could be:

    * Scooby-Doo
    * Ozzy & Driz
    * Pokemon
    * Yugioh

    Just a suggestion.

  22. #22
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Yeah, I saw that. When watching the preview for the schedule for January 8, there was no What's New Scooby Doo. Well, at least that gives pokemon a boost in the right direction.

  23. #23
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Toonzone has revised their schedule

    But I thought the title was to be "Xatu The Future." "Future Shock!" doesn't sound as cool, and is about as funny as a screen door on a battleship.

  24. #24
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Originally posted by Kittymon
    And you are what, liberalist or hispanic yourself? I admit that the flea is somewhat funny, but it is poorly drawn and us poor little white/black/chinese/japanese/wahtever people who don't understand Spanish don't get what they are saying. They don't even give a translation when they go off speaking Spanish. But of course we should all be forced to learn it in school and adopt it as our native language, right?

    Oh, and may Kids WB burn in hell and their families be forced to watch. Stupid TV execs.
    Mucha Lucha is quite funny, actually. And if you can't understand it, no big deal. It's not like half the show is in Spanish. Just stuff like "That's buena (good)!" and other random words like "muneca/ muneca de peluche (doll/ stuffed animal)". That and the title, which means "Much Fighting". Oh, and I think 'pelota (small ball, like a tennis ball I think)' was used once.

    Yu-Gi-Oh is quite the odd show. Interesting at times, but most of the time it's one off the wall show.

  25. #25
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Originally posted by RyuukoAremi
    ]Yu-Gi-Oh is quite the odd show. Interesting at times, but most of the time it's one off the wall show.
    By that you mean bad@$$ right?

  26. #26

    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Oh. No Pokemon on my birthday...
    But at least Yu-Gi-Oh is better than nothing.

  27. #27
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Johto Island Girl, read the post above, there WILL BE Pokemon on Feb. 8th! I confirmed that it will at least air on Kids WB.

  28. #28
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Originally posted by pokefreak04
    By that you mean bad@$$ right?
    I don't see how long, drawn out card game battles can be that. It's just an off the wall show.

  29. #29
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Well sadly I am happy for that, I have a swim meet at ten oclock and the bus leaves around eight so I don't miss any thing. But Static Shock really does suck. Goes to punching bag and destroys it screaming NNNNNNNNNOoooooooo. And Mucha Lucha is something that came from Kids WB a$$, I mean at least Pokemon has video games, cards and practically everything and yet it is cancelled
    If something is wrong, please say so.

  30. #30
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    What do you mean? Pokemon not getting cancelled right? They renewed it for the Advanced Generation didn't they? At least Pokemon's going to be on on Feb 8th. But still what's getting replaced for The Mummy Returns Secrets of the Mejei (right? can't spell) Maybe Scooby Doos going bye bye or they will cut off a Yugioh episode. Or maybe no more Mucha Lucha. Sorry people that like it but I think its boring. That's why I'm glad that its pushed back. Now I don't have to suffer after I watch Pokemon to watch Yugioh. At least Static Shock it watchable kind of.

  31. #31
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    I don't think Pokemon is getting cancelled.

    If they are, then why are they going to even release Ruby and Sapphire in the states? It would be a dumb move.

    I hope it's not, after all, the fillers do get much better in Houen, so we may get a lot of fans back with the sixth season.

  32. #32
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    I think what Powarun meant was the episode for that day getting cancelled. Not the whole show. If they did that and still had all those other dumb shows on... ooohhh..

  33. #33
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    4Kids BETTER have all of Master Quest dubbed by March 18... But, what's getting cancelled for Advanced Generation? Master Quest? Most likely...

  34. #34
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Just put shows like Mucha Lucha (god save us!!!!), X-men, and yugi-oh on during the week. And then put a yu gi oh on on saturday. Either that or cancel ML, O and D, Mummy, and SS and put Yugioh, Scooby, Pokemon on on Saturday. Or cancel the 'paid advertisments' for fake weight loss programs and run KidWB all day until 5. That would work.

  35. #35
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Yes. Take off that horrible stereotypical Mucha Luncho whatever and that What's Up Scuuby crab! I don't like the Mummy cartoon, but at least this isn't the old crappy season. All KWB needs is Poke'mon and Yu-Gi-Oh 1st and foremost, Jackie Chan, else do they got?

    hell, just bring back the Zeta Project! Strecth those shows for 4 hours, BRING BACK X-MEN, and watch the ratings sky rocket!

  36. #36
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    Default Well MuchaLucha is gone..

    The Schedule has been rivised and MUCHA LUCHA is gone!!!!!!!

  37. #37
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    I'm just wondering,do you hate the other shows on Kids WB because they're American?Just a thought because you seem to prefer anime over American cartoons. You see,I like both.I'm not biased like most of you are.Don't get me wrong,I like some anime,just not the perverted or ultra violent stuff like Weiss kruz or Cowboy Bebop.And no,I don't like the fact Pokemon is Americanized for your protection either like most of you. I mean,I agree with you on some American cartoons on Kids WB.

    [Scooby Doo] I used to like the show alot when I was a kid,but this is overkill,really.I was mad when they decided to remove one episode of Pokemon from their schedule just so they could air Scooby Doo reruns.I figured it was to hype that movie,but after it's release,they kept airing them.{To WB "Hello,Cartoon Network airs Scooby Doo a lot! Bring back Animaniacs,Tiny Toons,and other WB/Amblin shows!And give us back our extra half hour of Pokemon}

    [Static Shock] I don't like the show either,but that's only because I hate superhero shows. They're boring. But if you go to Toonzone's forums,you'll see that just about everybody loves that show(sadly,they hate Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh!, which makes them the exact opposite of about an ironic twist)

    [Mucha Lucha] I'm sorry to say that this the only decent American show on KWB.I like it's weird animation and humor.Okay,so it's flash,big deal! Most webtoons are flash. plus it's kinda like cut out animation, only better.It's really kinda stupid how you can like South Park's crappy animation,and hate Mucha Lucha's animation.(yes,I hate South Park,just like you hate Mucha Lucha)

    [X-Men Evolution] Now,if you said that you hate X-men at Toonzone,boy,they would have a feild day with you.They'd be saying stuff like "HOW DARE YOU BASH THE ALMIGHTY X-MEN!?" or"X-MEN OVVNZ YOU"or"THE X-MEN CAN KICK POKEMON'S BUTT ALL THE WAY BACK TO JAPAN WHERE THEY CAME FROM" They're very militant about American cartoons.Just like gakis are about some shippings.Anyways,I really couldn't care less for the X-Men since I'm anti superhero(DBZ and TMNT don't count)
    I used to be Entei Master,but I didn't like it too much.So now I am

  38. #38
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    Those are valid points Weird Wobbuffet but calling people biased is going a little to far. I believe the reason that people lilke Japanese Cartoons over American, is that the Japanese Cartoon usually have long drawn out plot arcs in which each episode helps draw out the series * The Yugioh Duelist Island story arc * while most American cartoons are Episodic based inwhich you can miss several episodes and still know what is going on. Also Japanese Cartoon usually evolve their characters * Joey in Yu Gi Oh, Ash in Pokemon in so on * while in American cartoons the characters stay the same through the whole run of the show. Also the Japanese cartoons also cater to an older audiance * Most of us are the age that those cartoons target * while American cartoons try and target younger kids along with pre teens * Go look at most of Cartoon Networks morning and Evening run if you need proof * Now you put up some good examples of cartoons but they do have their falts.

    [Scooby Doo] While this cartoon was good back in the day, it now follows the same plot over and over again to which their is no originality in the cartoons.

    [Static Shock] This is one of Kids WB's Politically Correct cartoons where they try to put these on to cater to minority audiances, now the cartoon does have some good episodes and morals, the reason that I believe that alot of people dislike it, atleast the reason I dislike it, is becuase Kids WB likes to play favorites with it * having a Gun Episode, while removing guns from Pokemon and Yu Gi Oh * they also just throw random Superhero's in along with Celeberties to get raitings while they should be working on trying to create better stories.

    [Mucha Lucha] This is the second one of Kids WB's Politically Correct cartoons, like I said before they are trying to cater to a minority, except this time they are mixing in Spanish words in thus alienatic a large part of the audiance since they have no idea what they are saying. Also this cartoon relies on bathroom humor and sad jokes thus taking out a large part of the older audiance of the minorty that they are trying to cater to.

    And finally [X-Men Evolution] It has taken this series along time to get on track * The whole first season was just introducing characters one after another with bairly egnough story to put around the character introductions * but once that was finished then the series began to shine, it has now introduced Character development episodes, along with multiple plot arcs for the characters. Out of all the shows Kids WB runs, this show shouldn't be attacked by members of the Anime comunity becuase it is the closest to an Anime that is on the station that didn't come from Japan, and members of the Anime comunity should be happy for the show, since it shows that the American companies are starting to progress to more of an Adult like cartoons.

    Well thats all I have to say thanks for reading this long post!

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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    The only reason I hate cartoons made here is that they put stupid jokes in (IE "I'm a bird! I can fly! *fart* I'm flying!") or make it too censored (IE Guns in Yu-Gi-Oh! get censored, and people making it so that if you're talking about guns in japan, you're talking about friendship in america). It's annoying me. If you're going to make a show that kids like, it's probably about farting...

  40. #40
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    Default No Pokémon Feb 8th

    I personally love Static Shock. It's no where near as good as the comics, I mean KidsWB isn't going to show Virgil protecting his gay friend from homo haters but it's still well written, like it or not. It's even better now that Milestone comics is working together with DC, because now we've already seen some DC heroes help Static on his show and Static is supposedly appearing on Justice League this season. I think the best eppie this season was where Richie gained powers from that one bang baby. It started out like one of those cliched superhero eppies but the way they acted like Richie's powers hooked him like a drug was cool. I really don't see it as really that politically correct outside the even black/white guy ratio in the hero/villian numbers. Most shows wouldn't touch gun, racist and drug related issues like it does.

    Mucha Lucha, I don't see how TVguide gave this show a good review. Very stereotypical and full of silly stupid jokes. No one will ever make a good Lucha Libre show for America.

    I didn't know the Mummy still aired. I watched three episodes, and for me that's three episodes too many. I hate poorly made cartoons that try to capitalize on a movie. It'll probably end up on Nickelodean after it gets cancelled.

    KidsWB also ought to bring in Samurai Jack for it's Saturday mornings. That show seems to do well on Cartoon Network. I love it, but I must admit I thought it would go no where when it premiered, it looked too artsy to be a hit with kids. Actually, since it airs late, it probably more of a hit with teens.

    Pokemon helped make KidsWB popular. Even though gratitude doesn't exist in the business world, Pokemon should always have a place on KidsWB.

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