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Thread: Oni help

  1. #1
    SALTED NUTS! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Oni help

    Ok, my bro needs help on the PC game. Where do you enter in the cheat codes, and how do you get there?

  2. #2
    Master Trainer
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    Default Oni help

    you need a modified persist.dat file from your oni folder and delete the existing persist.dat file and put this one in it's can now cheat. during the game, just press F1 to pause the game and access the diary and movelist ****...and just type in the codes:

    shapeshifter - Change Characters (with F8 key)
    liveforever - Invincibility
    touchofdeath - Enemy is killed instantly when you injure them
    canttouchthis - You cannot be stunned or knocked over
    fatloot - Fat Loot (Ammo+Health)
    glassworld - Makes all the furnishings destroyable
    winlevel - Instantly Win Level
    loselevel - Instantly Lose Level
    bighead - Big Head Mode
    minime - Mini Mode
    superammo - Infinite ammo
    reservoirdogs - Last Man Standing Mode (AIs fight with each other)
    roughjustice - All weapons fire extremely fast
    chenille - Same as the overpower effect except it lasts forever
    behemoth - Godzilla Mode
    elderrune - Your health slowly regenerates up to a maximum of 100%
    moonshadow - Phase Cloak
    munitionfrenzy - All weapons appear on the ground
    fistsoflegend - When you punch an enemy they get knocked back
    killmequick - Makes the computer characters tougher
    carousel - Slow Motion Mode

    shapeshifting mode rules because you can use the moves of the character you shapeshifted to. good game.

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