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Thread: ~*~Old Flames Never Die Out~*~

  1. #1
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    Default ~*~Old Flames Never Die Out~*~

    Here's a fic i spent some time on. It not very good. but read it ya?

    Chapter 1:

    "Vulpix I choose you!" My trusty fox appeared from her pokeball, ready for fight. Across from me, a young boy wth a Croconaw ordered his attack.

    "Croconaw, this will be simple, water gun!" He yelled.

    Simple huh? We'll see.

    "Dodge it and counter with ember," I ordered. Vulpix leapt nimbly into the air easly dodging the jet of water and spurting embers into the crocodile's eyes. He stumbled back, roaring with anger.

    "Now, use quick attack!" Vulpix charged forward at lightning fast speed, slamming into the little blue beast's stomach, causing him to wheeze and fall to one knee.

    "Now end with OVERHEAT!" I roared dramactically. Vulpix jumped into the air and blew fire around, creating a raging twister of red flames. Croconaw screamed, getting sucked into the tornado and being continully twisted inside the flames. Vulpix barked angrily, coming to halt and sending Croconaw to his trainer's feet, severely charred and unconcious. The young trainer sighed and returned the fried gator, and came over to congratulate me.

    "Good battle. That Vulpix is strong! I'm Logan by the way," he said, holding out a hand for me to shake. I took the token a gratitude.

    "Yeah me and Vulpix have been together for a long time. I Blaine," I said. Logan's eyes opened as wide as hubcaps.

    "The Blaine?" He asked, "from the Cinnabar gym? I thought you were older," He shrugged, making me grin because I got that a lot.

    "No, he's my Grandpa, and when I get back from Lavaridge I'm gonna become gym leader. I'm goin there to see my sister, Flannery. She's gotta couple of pokemon for me to take back," I said, seeing the questioning look on his face. Suddenly, a voice came over the ship's P.A. system.

    "Attention, the H.M.S Sharon will be arriving in Rustboro Port soon. Please- What the hell?" She screamed loudly and suddenly i saw why. Huge storms appeared. I returned Vulpix and grabbed a different pokeball.

    "Go Nidorino," I said, releasing my only pokemon cabaple of swimming.

    "Hang tight pal, this looks wick...ed," I said slowly, seeing a gigantic wave coming our way. I yelled and grabbed onto Nidorino. The dark blue wave came crashing down on the deck, sweeping us away in the riptide. I hung on to Nidorino tightly, who was swimming for dear life. We went underwater briefly and I swear i drank half the ocean. We surfaced again and i tried to look around. The rain clouds weren't letting up. People were getting sucked down the the ocean depths the mammoth ship, which was now half way underwater. i saw a life raft with a few people hanging tight and tried to get that way. Suddenly, the raft was struck by a giant pole from the ship, killing all on board and sinking the little raft.

    "OH MY GOD!" I screamed. The blood was very horrifying. Nidorino steered (or tried to) toward a very small life raft. Inside it was Logan, who was pierced throught the chest by a large shard of glass, which was still stuck in him. He was dead. Nidorino used his powerful horn to throw him out and we jumped inside. I couldn't believe it was happening. Suddenly something struck me from behind.

    "Hey!" I muttered, going unconcious...


    terrible eh? oh well.

  2. #2
    Traveling Housekeeper Cool Trainer
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    Default ~*~Old Flames Never Die Out~*~

    Actually this is really cool, I love how you didn't start with *trainer gets pokemon* and stuff like that. I love it. Can I have a char? please? I look forward to reading more. I'm the first to reply wahahah!

    And he was asked, "What is philosophy?" And he answered, "It is a seperation of soul from body."

  3. #3
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    Default ~*~Old Flames Never Die Out~*~

    Firegaurdian: glad u liked it. Yea i tried to steer away from uber trainerish. By char, im guessing u mean character? we'll see. Im trying to think up a few survivors , but it's still really early next chapter will be u tomorrow most likely. how bout pm me a profile with a few pokemon an age and description and I'll see if i can work u in.

  4. #4
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    Default ~*~Old Flames Never Die Out~*~

    here's a preview for chapter 2.o and fireguardian, can u please clear your inbox i need to pm ya.

    What happened to Nidorino, wheres Robby and why is Logan's Croconaw with him?
    I'm sorry Croconaw, but you are a fool," I said. Croconaw pretended not to hear me and just danced around like he never evloved. I felt sorry for the poor insane fellow. Suddenly a smile crept over his face.

    "I have a idea," he said through he stupid grin. Dumb water pokemon, I sighed

    And Robby. What about him? Was he the only survivor?

    "Scyther go!" A voice roared. Suddenly i was face to face the razor sharp point of a green scythe. "Scyther," it muttered, mere inches from taking half me face off.

    "Did you cause this?" a voice growled from the weeds.

    all this and more tomorrow! erm...Stay tund!

  5. #5
    Traveling Housekeeper Cool Trainer
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    Default ~*~Old Flames Never Die Out~*~

    did it, Scyther ^^

    And he was asked, "What is philosophy?" And he answered, "It is a seperation of soul from body."

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default ~*~Old Flames Never Die Out~*~

    Ok, this is your first fic so there are so tweeks in it. First the length of your story should be much longer, if you are using word try for 2 or more pages. Lengther storys can be more enjoyable to read. Description is ok, but you could have described the attacks alittle and the surrounding area you were in alittle better but its the first chapter. The plot is still alitte unclear to me but I think its the beginning and it takes awhile but I got that its about battling and stuff not sure if you get badges and stuff. I alos think the boat crash might have something to d with the fic. Also is english your first language because I noticed a few things that sounded werid

    beast, who wheezed fell to one knee.
    I think you might mean, beast, who then wheezed and feel on to one knee. Maybe thats what you meant but it sounds a little werid. Also your grammer is a ok but needs a little weak because for this

    ," He shrugged. I grinned. I got that a lot.
    You could have said ," He shrugged and then I grinned because I got that alot. You could have said something like that or put comas in there.

    The next chapter sounds intresting and I hope you take some suggestions as you write it. I will continue to read to see how it plays out.

  7. #7
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    Default ~*~Old Flames Never Die Out~*~

    well, im a bit offended that u think english isnt my first language. u should probably wait for a few chapters before giving me such a bad rating. I simply didnt read through it. if i would have taken my time it would have made sense.its the first chapter, how are u going to know the plot. The second chapter brings it together a bit. i was in a bit of a hurry in writing this (im writing in secret ;o )
    . Im glad that u noticed mistakes and i hope u read some more.
    *confidence level drops to negative 4,687 and 1/2*

  8. #8
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    Default ~*~Old Flames Never Die Out~*~

    I never said your story was bad and that wasn't a bad rating, i just said stuff to help you out. I am sorry if I offended you but I was just helping you.

  9. #9
    for all seasons Moderator
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    Default ~*~Old Flames Never Die Out~*~

    Well, as far as things go, I liked the offset. Battle, serenity, but I was a little taken aback by the sudden violence. No, I'm not against it, I just think a little warning would be nice. ^^;

    I thought the first chapter was a tad quick, but the direction it was going is promising. Quite obviously, by the concept of the ship sinking, this fic is going to be taking a very different path from the norm. I'm not sure what, but I'll be anxious to find out.

    Oh, and don't knock Croconaw. Croconaw is unknockable
    Quote Originally Posted by Oslo View Post
    Tony is gay for little Snorlax.

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  10. #10
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    Default ~*~Old Flames Never Die Out~*~

    im not sure i can geta chapter tongiht, Ill try real hard though.

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