View Poll Results: AIM or AIM

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  • AIM

    11 57.89%
  • AIM

    8 42.11%
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Thread: AIM or AIM?

  1. #1
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default AIM or AIM?

    How do you pronounce the instant messanging program, AIM? Do you pronounce it AIM, or do you prounounce it as AIM? More information, fine..

    Do you prounounce AOL Instant Messager as

    1) AIM as in a word, for eg "I AIM to hit the guy in the head" Or "I AIM to keep this".

    2) Or do you pronounce it in letters, A I M?

    I pronounce it as 1), in a whole word, much better in my opinion.. Yourself?

  2. #2
    Elite Trainer
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    Good poll Shazza

    I pronounce it as #1 as in.. I AIM to hit you in the head, lol
    I think thats how your supposed to say it o_O; we normal people have to stick together

    Vote for #1!

  3. #3
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    Default Poll: AIM or AIM?

    Yes, go number 1. :>

    I guess the reason why most people pronouce AIM as a word instead of an acronym is because, well, it's a word. I mean, you don't go around saying AOL as "Awol".

    People who say A.I.M. are wierd.

  4. #4
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    *glares at Sam* Psst.. Legolas! x3

    Hurrah, go number 2. Only us special people can say it that way. XD I pronounce it as letters. A I M sounds a lot better, IMO. I think that saying it as a word is sorta weird. ^^'

    .. hey kids, vote for #2! =D

  5. #5
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    I guess I pronounce it as A. I. M.

    I wouldnt think of saying "get on aim now". It would be better if I said "get on A. I. M. now". However, this is online so however others take it is up to themselves - I've never said either before in real life. That's how i'd say it though. If I ask a few people more than half of them wouldn't know what the heck I'm talking about when I say "aim".

  6. #6
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    Er, I do say A.I.M... but most often I just call it "AOL instant messanger" becuase if I said it any other way, 3/4 of the people in my school would be like "huh?" lol

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  7. #7
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    Default Poll: AIM or AIM?

    i pronounce it AIM, like the word aim

  8. #8

    Default Poll: AIM or AIM?

    You missed out one choice. What about weirdos like me who sometimes call it "AOL Instant Messenger"? Hehe, most of the time I call it AIM. I never say A-I-M but sometimes I say AOL Messenger.

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  9. #9
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    I also pronounce it as one word. and so do my two brothers and my sister. We all know what it means, so we keep saying it that way.
    Come to think of it, i think i know a couple people from school and work who say it as a word, too.
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  10. #10
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    I pronounce it one word cuz I'm lazy and is much faster than saying 3 to 1.

  11. #11
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    Well, normally I pronounce the 3 letters in Spahish, which would sound something like Ah Ee Ehmeh. I don't know how I'd pronounce it if I were speaking English. Probably version 1, since that's the most common.

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  12. #12

    Default Poll: AIM or AIM?

    I used to say A.I.M. but my friend just says aim and I picked it up from her. That way's easier anyway.

  13. #13
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    I pronounce it A.I.M (saying "aim" just seems weird =/ ). I pronounce it really fast tho, so it sounds like one word (ayeyem or something like that O_o) rather than an acronym. Though I don't usually say it out loud so it doesn't really matter =/.

  14. #14

    Default Poll: AIM or AIM?

    um, i say (1)AIM, cause its quicker to say

    and is there a link to this, i have never checked it out, i just use messenger...

    and Angel Blossom: i like ur avatar ^_^

  15. #15
    Jedi Hunter Moderator
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    I say it as number #1. I never liked referring to it as A.I.M which is why I always stick with #1.
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  16. #16
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    Default Poll: AIM or AIM?

    I almost never say either of them... I say A.I.M. a few times, but I've never said AIM as one word. It sounds like you're trying to shoot something o_o;;
    I usually just say "talking to people online" because A.I.M. sounds weird and AIM sounds like what I said above.

  17. #17
    TPM's Statistician Honorary ModeratorMaster Trainer
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    Default Poll: AIM or AIM?

    I say A-I-M, 3 weeks ago at school some kid said "Mirc" and not M-I-R-C. And I was like Mirc? WTF! and i told him it was M I R C ~

  18. #18
    Veteran Trainer
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    I pronounce mirc as a word, actually..

  19. #19

    Default Poll: AIM or AIM?

    at first i thought it was "AIM" but then i found out that it stood for "AOL Instant Messenger" so i called it "A-I-M"
    Its all about number 2!

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