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Thread: Fanfic News Version 2.0

  1. #1
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Fanfic News Version 2.0

    Well here's the news Version 2.0 Its streamlined, easy to read, large headlines and each mod will take a turn in updating it. Its pretty easy to understand so get to work and read it

    9th April 2003

    Fanfic News Version 2.0

    Breaking Information!

    - Fanfic Mod Togechukku has resigned from his Mod Position in Fanfic! His detailed leaving notice is Here. For more information please refer to it. All the other fanfic mods bid a fond farewell to him. Good luck Togechukku!

    - Mist or Misty Dee Dee has been chosen as the new Mod of Fanfic to replace Togechukku. Yay mist and congrats!

    - We'd like to thank the other contenders for their outstanding commitment and dedication. We appreciate it a lot ^^

    - OzAndrew tried to get shameless advertising for his own fic in here but was shot down by DratiniHaunter13.

    - There have been some new helpful topics started in the Fanfic Lounge such as the ideas topic, the where can I find this fic topic and others such as that. Use em

    - dh13 is late for his plane leaving to Peru, but he stopped by real quick in fanfic to let everyone know of his one week absence from the boards. he wants you to behave yourselves and he is actually writing this message, but enjoys referring to himself in the 3rd person too much to say "I". C ya on the 26th!

    Upcoming Events!

    - Fanfic Theme Months are coming very soon. The first theme month is going to be "Jerry Springer Themed"

    - Various Activites include "Write your Own Jerry Springer Episode Contest" with the winner getting a Postcard from me!

    - "Jerry Springer Chainstory" is also planned and others are currently under construction

    - These activities will be participated in within the Fanfic Writers Lounge.

    - To get into the spirit, altering your sig, avatar and custom rank are reccomended.

    - This has not started yet so don't look like a fool and um like do this yet. lol.

    - Perhaps a return of like um... that thing that Toge did, you know with the posting of all your details... 'n stuff...

    Fics Of The Week

    -Every week when this is updated we will feature a brief decription of various new fics and a link. Um... like yeah...

    DH thought this one would be good.
    The Pokemon Bible And it can be accessed Here. By Tails2k2
    From What I can tell its basically The Bible re-written if um... Pokemon had've had a overwhelming part to play... interesting.

    And this is mine 8)
    Its by SpoINK[LEDYKARP] and its called Gossamer Wings and Sweet Tasting Things Linkage Here
    Its funny. And there's death... and its really well written. Check it out

    Quote/s of the Week

    Ninetales3001: I don't want no chocolate, I just want some BANG BANG BANG!
    The OzAndy: *Blinks*
    Ninetales3001: XD
    The OzAndy: If I understood that It'd be funny

    Quality Darwin Award Of The Week

    -Blatently stolen from

    -Basically the Darwin Awards are given to people who die in extremely stupid ways and remove themselves from the gene pool. Hillarious.

    (29 July 2002, Ukraine) Late one night, the inhabitants of Yuvieyna village, a suburb of Lugansk, awoke to a loud explosion. Not long before the explosion, a 40-year-old deputy of the local administration board had taken his dog out for a walk. He encountered a Police Academy cadet who was escorting two women to their homes.
    The cadet pointed out that the deputy's dog was not allowed on a public street without a lead and muzzle. Now, only an exceedingly bold cadet would be presumptuous enough to tell a village deputy what to do, so the two men began to argue. Unable to resolve the matter by verbal means, the deputy finally pulled out a military RGD-5 hand grenade and threw it to the cadet's feet. His well-trained dog immediately ran for the object and fetched it for his master... and man and dog met the same messy fate.

    Police are investigating how the deputy came to have a grenade in a country where citizens are forbidden to carry arms, let alone military ordinance.

    And so ends this issue. If you have any suggestions, PM us or use the Suggestions Topic Okie Doakie ^^ And No. We won't feature your fic if you ask us. Lol.

    --and a tad updated by dh13

  2. #2
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default Fanfic News Version 2.0

    Saturday, 19th April, 2003

    The FanFic News

    Where's DH?

    As latley edited into the first issue of the Fanfic News - DratiniHaunter13 has left us for Peru. He's holidaying, and he deserves him. Hopefully he comes back safe and happy and ready to fix all the chaos that is bound to happen while he's gone!

    Oz Attempts Again:

    And also from last issue, Oz's attempt at shamless advertising was shut down by DH. He tried to get me onto his side also. I quote:

    OzAndy says: Have fun updating the news!
    OzAndy says:
    Mist: okay will do
    OzAndy says: Mention Me! I love shameless advertising
    Mist: XD

    The Fanfic Lounge:

    Recently I recieved a PM asking for permission to post in the Writers Lounge. It's perfectly okay (and that person will remain namelss even though they know who they are) that they PMed me, but just remember the Writers Lounge isn't just for writers and it isn't a place where every post needs permission. You can post anything to do with writing and the fanfic community there. There has been polls about where writers are from, discussions on certain styles and features of writing etc. Everybody is welcome to post there, its not just for writers either.

    TPM Fanfic Board For Dummies:

    I'm not saying we're dummies. It's just a very short copy of the black and yellow "For Dummies" books about the Fanfic Board. It's mainly aimed at people who are still unsure about the fanfic board and what posts go where and what forums are for what, but we encourage everybody to check it out.

    Fic Of The Week:

    My turn to choose a fic of the week and this week the Fic of the Week award is handed to A Doolittle of Pokemon by classy_cat18. To be honest, this fic blew my mind. It exceeded all my expectations of a fic from a new member. I can remember my first fic and it wasn't anywhere near this. It has depth in it, and I recommend it be read because its worth reading! And it's not one of those fics that take ages to catch up, it's not very far and already I'm hooked. =)

    My Quote of the Week:

    Me and Oz talk too much.

    The OzAndy: *Jessica and mum in the background are playing around like 6 year olds*
    The OzAndy: ~)~

    MistyDeeDee: lol
    MistyDeeDee: what - ring around the rosy?

    The OzAndy: No more like making fun of eachother and trying to slap eachother and running around
    The OzAndy: Its quite sad

    MistyDeeDee: lol
    The OzAndy: And I wonder why I have problems -_-;
    MistyDeeDee: lol
    MistyDeeDee: mayb cuz ur realated 2 them

    The OzAndy: No.. duh ~)~

    Another Darwin Award:

    My Darwin Award goes to this incredibly stupid story from

    Bad Taste?
    In San Diego in the late 1980's, a man named Tony visited an old people's home and began speaking with an elderly lady. As he talked, he helped himself to peanuts from a jar at the side of the old woman's chair. After some time, he asked the woman if she would like a peanut. She replied, "Oh, I can't eat the things dear. I just suck the chocolate off and drop them in a jar beside my chair."

    And that brings us to the end of another Fanfic News. Keep safe, and have a Happy Easter!


    ♥ Funeral for a Friend . Opeth . Faith No More . Dream Theater ♥
    Unown ! Award (2008) for Amazing Comback!
    Unown S Award (2009) for Smile
    2009 Silver Pencils:
    Best Poem (All I Can Say About You) | Best Plot Twist (Full Moon) | Best Contributor | Queen of Fanfic | TPM Addict

    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  3. #3
    Random Drop-By Elite Trainer
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    Default Fanfic News Version 2.0

    April 30th, 2003

    A little late this week but meh! Here’s what went on in the last few days then. Some news!

    *typical news music*

    *clips tie onto front of shirt with no collar and sits behind a school desk*

    Good evening, and welcome to TPM Fanfic News. I’m dratinihaunter13 and I have not yet caught SARS. *Turns to new camera*

    Where’s DH?
    First things first, oh *turns around*

    First things first, and that happens to be my whereabouts. I went off to Peru for a family visit, and it was fantastic. I never get to see my family, but now that I have I can really appreciate them. Hanging out with my cousins was fun, and it sucks that all of them are in Peru but at least I can visit every once in a while. The only bad things were cold showers, five stitches on the chin after taking a spill on the cement, and a bad case of Traveler’s…well, let’s just say a digestive bacteria ladies and gentlemen. I run a dignified show here. But it was worth the trip! I’ve got pictures but they’re not developing yet. Maybe later I’ll share, teehee. *tries to tighten the clip-on* Moving on…

    Oz Holds Back
    Since last issue, Oz has not asked me once to advertise his fic in this week’s installment. Incredible! Let’s all clap our hands and hoot and holler. Oz: *Mutters* Its hard to do when you're in Peru... Read and reply to my fic everyone!

    Topic Reminder!
    At TPM Fanfic, we like to make sure every member knows that there are many helpful topics out there. Often some may go overlooked, so here are a few that may merit a look see .

    Official Searching for a Fic Thread:
    Just remembered this great fic that once was? Somebody may have it! Post whatever fic you would like to find, and the mods and members will help locate. There also is the possibility that you may help someone else in their search. Find that fic you’ve always wanted to read, and use the topic!

    Official Archive Moving Requests:
    It’s a great accomplishment to finish a fic, and it can be immortalized in our archive. This puts your story in a safe place, and makes it readily available for members to read. Check out the archive every once in a while. I know for a fact that many great fictions are lying there.

    The New Fanfic Suggestion Topic:
    Not so new anymore, but it’s still about Fanfic suggestions. Mods check often and more than willing to have new ideas from the most important part of Fanfic – y’all. So if you got a good idea for the board, let everybody know in this topic, and we’ll discuss!

    Useful Sites for Writing:
    There’s some quality links in this topic for y’all to look at, but it’s been a long while since we’ve had a new one. If you ever find a site that may help some of us fiction writers, let us know in this topic.

    Special Report
    Now it’s time for a special report on what else? The new Ruby/Sapphire craze that has hit. These two new games for Game Boy Advance were highly anticipated by pokemon gamers everywhere. Once released, all the crazies rushed into stores to pick up their copy. This craze has not only reformed pokemon gaming, but also the very fiction in this forum. Many of us who have been here for a while remember the wave of Gold/Silver fics when those pokemon games were released. The new pokemon, the new moves, the new legendaries, everything was new inspiration for a story. Now, with a brand new batch of interesting pokemon and new features like abilities, moods, pokeblocks, and tag team matches, writers can have new ideas with renewed inspiration. Releases of new pokemon games have always been good for fiction writing around TPM, and hopefully we’ll continue to have more games to write about in the future.

    Fic of the Week
    Time for the fic of the week! Excitement! This week we shine the spotlight on Rose by SneaselReborned . The author has a great handle on the story. It’s got the qualities of a trainer fic that have entertained fans of the genre for so long, and one can tell by the beginning scene that a kid’s journey isn’t the only thing on the plotline. There’s something much, much bigger. It’s only three chapters in and deserves more readers so get over there!

    Quote of the Week
    From Powarun’s sig =D
    “Pokemon I hate: Hypno, tentacruel, Tentacool, Raticate, Dragonite, Jirachi, Croconaw, Feralagator, Ursoring, Pikachu, Riachu, Machoke, Kingdra, Slaking, Gloom, Golbat, Geodude, Spearow, Mankey, Primeape, Persian, Entei, Ho Oh, Weezing, Rhydon, I have issues with all these pokemon”
    I’ve never seen a pokemon hate list in a sig, so this one gets kudos for originality and making me smile =).

    That’ll do it for this week’s lengthy news break. Enjoy your week everybody, thanks for hanging around this place and writing some quality stuff for our fanfic community.

    Goodnight and God bless.

    *credits roll to the music of the Friends theme… don’t ask me*

    dratini by day

    haunter by night

    Best. Forum. Ever.

  4. #4
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Fanfic News Version 2.0

    19th May 2003

    Fanfic News!

    Where to start

    Just thought I'd start off with a Hi to you all! And No, I'm not that obsessed about my fic as you all may thing Really! ^^; I think DH and Mist may disput that however.

    Mist's Gone!!

    Strange but true everyone's favourite Aussie Mod's been yoinked away to England! Mist's overseas travel came as a shock to us all, but mostly her. She's currently going to be overseas I think with Soo, Suzie, Simon, Ade and all those other Brits! Have fun Mist! Sure they have bad hygene if you listen to stereotypes, but remember to spray lotsa deoderatnt around! We'll miss you! ANd she'll be back in 2 months :X

    Oy! I haven't left yet! I leave the 22nd of May, this Thursday!

    Psi's Gone!

    Indeed! Psi's snowed under with finals so when she gets it done, she'll be back!

    DH is gone!

    DH has just finished school forever so he's probably in a ditch somewhere blind drunk. That or he's enjoying freedom! He'll be back someway. lol
    dh sez: i can still mod while drunk! heh, i've been around but now i'm leaving to arizona for three days, i'll be back the 29th or 30th or something. psi and oz have taken over..

    Captain Pringle Is Back!

    Well believe it or not oldtimer Captain Pringle is making a slow and steady welcome back to TPM. You may remember his fics such as "Firewood Ketchup" or "The Emerald League" which some claimed was a spamhole lol. In the time being he has a short story up you should take a squiz at.

    The Theme Month Thingie

    You should take a squiz people, getting a postcard from me in the mail would be pretty cool you have to admit. I'd love one from me! So take a look at the Sticky Topic in the main page and the 3 in the Lounge. Come on get involved!

    Short Story Project

    Its stickied on the main page, take a look, post your short story and have it saved forever. More info there.

    Fic of the week

    Well umm... I'm going to choose...

    1) Minty Thrill Here
    By DragoKnight its a hillariously funny fic you should have a read of with Tony the main nutcase.

    2) Tracey's Quest Here
    By Anime Mod Hanada Tattsu its a new fic about Tracey and a cute Horsea and a boat and stuff. Nice for a trainer fic. Worth a squiz.
    Spring Awards
    Well we've had two people enquire about it and are somewhat interested about them, Mewfour and Gavin and well... we'll make a topic soon about it so we can get it sorted.

    Darwin Award!
    (2000, England) This tale proves that crime does pay, if you're fishing for elective surgery to go along with your stolen goods.
    A 24-year-old supermarket shoplifter stuffed a pair of live lobsters in his pants and sprinted for the door, but he never had a chance. The violated crustaceans brought the thief to his knees in front of startled cashiers when they fastened their powerful claws around his delicate parts.
    Doctors were able to remove the animals with pliers. They say the thief will fully recover -- except for one small detail. "It was a do-it-yourself vasectomy." This man's daring supermarket exploits make him one of the few Darwin Award winners to live to tell the tale.
    The supermarket manager declined to press charges, saying the culprit has already "gone through enough pain (to) learn his lesson."

    Quote - UnQuote

    The OzAndy: Hey B, would you say something for a quote to put in the fanfic news?
    DamianSilverblad: Quote for the fanfic news?
    The OzAndy: Yes, as in something entertaining, funny or just wierd to put in it
    The OzAndy: That is if you want to
    DamianSilverblad: *shrugs* I'll try to think of one.
    The OzAndy: Great
    DamianSilverblad: But what's this "fanfic news"?
    The OzAndy:
    The OzAndy: Geddit now?
    DamianSilverblad: yeah, pretty cool.
    The OzAndy: Yay^^ A past mods approval
    DamianSilverblad: Yeah, and said past mod may also consider stealing the idea for BMG...especially given how many of my old ideas you guys are still using ;-)
    The OzAndy: But I stole the concept from RPG!
    The OzAndy: Who knows where they stole it from
    DamianSilverblad: "Who WANTS to know?"

    So like this brings us to the end of another news post. Any probs, PM us!

  5. #5
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default Fanfic News Version 2.0

    30th June 2003


    There be a lot to get through, so bear with me here.

    1) Psi's Demodded
    -Psi's been demodded for inactivity... What more can I say really?

    2) Mod Competition.
    - Well we've got a few people in mind, but well, we think there may be some others out there.... there'll soon be a Sign Up for the Mod Competition where the finalists will be our contendors for modship, chosen by us remaining Fanfic mods. So um, keep looking, and be good

    3) DH is Drunk
    -Well DH has just finished school forever, and is on a Binge Drinking area right now... and he's playing Super Smash Brothers. God help us. So um, yeah, he'll be back on the 20th of this month or something, missing a few brain cells too

    4) Mist is Away
    - Mist is STILL away, and missing good old OzLand and our accents. And she'll be back midway through June if I can count 8 weeks from May sometime...

    5)Autumn and Spring Awards Abolished
    - We're lazy bastards and it takes away from the bigness of Winter and Summer awards so we're ditching them Lol....

    6) OzAwards
    - When I have got motivation/not a headache/money/motivation these things will be up. K

    7) Random Stuff
    - B4 Graffittied our Topic >=o Damn RPG
    - There's an Indian Burial Ground on TPM
    - I have a headache.
    - Its really not my fault this is the first update in yonks.. really!

    Darwin Award

    1982, Texas) At the Amarillo Fairgrounds, some buildings were in need of a coat of paint, so local contractors were hired to do the job.
    Between the buildings was an angled alley with a culvert in the middle, designed to drain rainwater away from the buildings. Because of the slope, the wheeled painter scaffolding tended to roll downhill, so the painters removed the wheels on the scaffolding. They were in the process of moving the scaffolding next to a building, when the metal structure met a transformer. The painters were killed.
    The story made the headlines. The town was abuzz with talk of the tragedy, how it had come to pass, and whether the city was liable for damages. The city officials decided they needed to conduct an investigation.
    With much fanfare, they arrived at the scene of the incident, prepared to personally recreate the circumstances. Two officials grabbed the scaffolding in the exact same location as the two painters, began to move the scaffolding... and were promptly electrocuted.

    Fics Of the Week

    Lisa The Legend By Gavin Luper.
    -The Tale of Lisa Walters (From that 3rd Pokemon Movie) and her friend Gavin Luper as they run into stuff... like Legendaries and stuff.

    Damon's Menace
    By DratiniHaunter
    -Umm like read it cause its a mod's fic Jk. Its a comeback fic and its good.

    Quote - Unquote

    The OzAndy: Ok, now say something hillariously funny
    Captain Pringle: you can't just... say... something hilariously funny
    Captain Pringle: it's gotta be in response to something
    The OzAndy: Why not?
    The OzAndy: I do it all the time
    Captain Pringle: it's all about the timing :-P
    Captain Pringle: lol
    The OzAndy: Pffft, so you don't have anything funny to say doya
    Captain Pringle: yes i do, just gotta think
    The OzAndy: Well send me a postcard when you do
    The OzAndy:
    Captain Pringle: haha

  6. #6
    Random Drop-By Elite Trainer
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    Default Fanfic News Version 2.0

    News Flash

    I'm gone July 3rd to July 12th at Colorado with a bunch of friends for a wholesome, good time. Be good for the aussies while I'm away, no making fun of them . And for goodness sake's Oz, you make me sound like a hopeless drunkard, I haven't drank alcohol for about a month or two now! as for the next week though.. ehehe.. >_<;

    ^bad example

    EDIT: I have returned, so put down your stones and kindly remove oz from the beating pole. =D!

    dratini by day

    haunter by night

    Best. Forum. Ever.

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    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default Fanfic News Version 2.0


    Mist has returned. Run for the hills.

    yeah im back. My trip was great. but it was extended because my little brother and sister just had to get the chicken pox about a week before and two days before we were due to fly out. But we got to have a longer trip. less school. tee hee.

    But now Im back so beware.


    ♥ Funeral for a Friend . Opeth . Faith No More . Dream Theater ♥
    Unown ! Award (2008) for Amazing Comback!
    Unown S Award (2009) for Smile
    2009 Silver Pencils:
    Best Poem (All I Can Say About You) | Best Plot Twist (Full Moon) | Best Contributor | Queen of Fanfic | TPM Addict

    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  8. #8
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Fanfic News Version 2.0

    Enough of these “News Flashes.” It’s time for a full dose of...


    Mist Returns!
    That’s right, Mist is back! She was over in England for three months, where she got hit on by a drunk guy in a bar (“pub,” whatever). But don’t worry… he got RE-jected, and Mist is back to moderate TPM fanfic in all her glory once again. ^_^ Welcome back, Mist.

    DH Returns!
    Well, actually, he’s been back for like a month already. But this fanfic news never gets updated (how do you think I got away with doing it this time? Well, actually, I had to blackmail OzAndrew to pull this off, but that’s another story), so this still qualifies as news.

    Oz… has been here the whole time!
    Rock on, man!

    Mod Contest going strong
    It started with 17 competitors and is now down to 12 total, with 6 on each tribe. Keep watch over the next few weeks, as the tribes are sure to merge after a few more elimination challenges!

    Summer Awards
    Says OzAndrew: “Well we'll talk about it now that all 3 mods are back. Yay!” In other words, the Summer Awards are coming... soon.™

    Darwin Award
    Overzealous zookeeper Friedrich Riesfeldt fed his constipated elephant 'Stefan' 22 doses of animal laxative and more than a bushel of berries, figs and prunes before the plugged-up elephant finally let fly and suffocated the keeper under 200 pounds of poop! Investigators say ill-fated Friedrich, 46, was attempting to give the ailing elephant an olive oil enema when the relieved beast unloaded on him like a dump truck full of mud. "The sheer force of the elephant's unexpected defecation knocked Mr. Riesfeldt to the ground, where he struck his head on a rock and lay unconscious as the elephant continued to evacuate his bowels on top of him," said flabbergasted Paderborn police detective Erik Dern. "With no one there to help him, he lay under all that dung for at least an hour before a watchman came along, and during that time he suffocated. "It seems to be just one of those freak accidents that happen."

    Fic of the Week
    Electric Buggy to Victory
    By OzAndrew
    A quirky offbeat trainer fic which has a good dose of violence, satire, and humor. (Wow, looks like Oz finally got some shameless advertising in the Fanfic news ).

    Quote – Unquote
    MistyDeeDee: oh lol i didnt tell u guys what happened on the plane at breakfast did i? -.- lol it was embarassng
    The OzAndy: No, tell tell!
    Captain Pringle: tell tell ^_^
    MistyDeeDee: i couldnt open my milk so i spent five to ten minutes opening my milk for my cereal. mum ended up doing it for me, but straight after that i poured it all over myself and the tray.
    MistyDeeDee: nobody told me that the cereal had a plastic lid over the bowl.
    The OzAndy: LOL!
    The OzAndy: Lol
    Captain Pringle: XD!
    MistyDeeDee: it took three napkins to clean up, after i stopped laughing, and then when the guy came to take away my tray he said something like "i bet your never going to live that one down"
    MistyDeeDee: and finished cleaning up the milk spill on my tray.

    Oz's Last Words

    If any of you want to give us a News Update, then then get in contact, and we'll work something out, because the news is for everyone, and if you want to get involved, do so. Go to Fanfic 101 for our details K.

    Mist's little input which shouldn't be here

    Right - I'm here but I'm not. people and computer bots need to know this. I'll be active at the board but with catching up on homework and stuff and other stuff I wont have time to read and take participation in most stuff. Not for about a month at least. But I'm still here okay? -.- oz is gonna kill moi. :-P

    We are half-hearted creatures,
    Fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us,

    Like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum
    Because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea.

    We are far too easily pleased.

    C.S. Lewis ~ "The Weight of Glory"

  9. #9
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default Fanfic News Version 2.0

    This time its my turn:

    Tuesday, September 02, 2003

    The Fanfic News:

    Mod Contest:

    Mod contest is currently going well, very well in fact. Gavin and Ryan have quit which is a pity but they have their reasons. Now there are only like, a few people left, six or seven or something, so keep watching the topic to see what's happening.


    Get online or ring me dude. -.-

    Summer...? Fanfic Awards:

    Even though the southern hemisphere countries are entering spring, and summer is coming to an end for those of us in the northern hemisphere, no matter how late it is, the summer fanfic awards are still going to be held. In the Writers Forum there is a large discussion on the categories and if you have any more to suggest then please do so as it will be finished soon. Us mods are finalizing the list so hurry up if you want to nominate a category. As usual, no matter how big the discussion (-.-; the same basic rules will apply, such as no self nominations or votes and other basic ones. Keep your eyes out because in the next week or two I hope to be starting up the topic.

    Fic of the Week:

    You know we like to have members involved so if anybody has suggestions for Fic of the Week then please PM me (Mist) and I'll make sure your suggestion gets put up. Please remember to put the following things in your suggestion:

    - Name The name of the fic - kind of obvious.
    - Author The author is obvious
    - Page A link to the fic's page
    - Review A quick review on the fic (only about two lines)
    - Other Anything else you'd like to put in

    And hey, those words make up the word NAPRO = name, author, page, review, other

    Please remember that if you suggest your own fic, it wont be put up on fic of the week. Because that is so not modest. Totally girlfriend. ^^;;

    Member News:

    If you have any news you think should be mentioned, have a Darwin Award or a Fic of the Week, or just want to write your own news report PM one of us mods. Or you can contact us in other ways:


    AIM - MistyDeeDee
    MSN -


    AIM - OzAndy
    MSN -


    AIM - martinthirteen
    MSN -


    -.- I dont talk to nobody.


    Well this is the end of another news update. Hope you actually know some stuff now, and you should take notice about this stuff! Bye!


    ♥ Funeral for a Friend . Opeth . Faith No More . Dream Theater ♥
    Unown ! Award (2008) for Amazing Comback!
    Unown S Award (2009) for Smile
    2009 Silver Pencils:
    Best Poem (All I Can Say About You) | Best Plot Twist (Full Moon) | Best Contributor | Queen of Fanfic | TPM Addict

    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  10. #10
    Random Drop-By Elite Trainer
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    Default Fanfic News Version 2.0

    Let's do some news!


    So what's up with the mods and why do they smell?

    The Summer awards finally began not too long ago. Mist is running 'em nicely and y'all should go vote, help bring some recognition to writers who deserve it . Remember the community, let's support each other now. Communism baby. But yeah, mist's been doing that since her return from britland, make sure ya thank her for running the awards, it can be a tedious job come voting time =).

    Oz is sick. No, I mean unhealthy sick, but yeah either way ^_^. Even worse, the poor kid is being dragged on a family vacation to the beach in his condition! There will be kids circling him like bees, so good luck Oz. Keep watching movies and get well soon buddy.

    Me? I'm getting the college experience here, with all the homework load that goes with it. With all the great distractions college has to offer, I haven't been as active as before. Sorry guys =(. Once I get this time management thing down, we'll be in biznass. I'll be gone this weekend though, along with Oz, but I'll be in Mexico. Why? Why not! Just to have a good time with some friends really. Behave for Mist, no wild parties, and I don't want to call anyone's parents, OK?

    And I don't know why we smell.

    How about the other mod that was supposed to come out of the mod contest? Wait, what the **** happened to the mod contest?!

    Heh, sorry about the delay, but the mods have been pressed for time. It's been entirely too long since the last elimination and challenge. Once oz comes back, we'll hopefully have all contestants available and have a decision made for the next eliminated person. It's not being abandoned, I promise!

    So, anything new?

    The awards are going on! Go take part in that little piece of heaven. Stories still going on, and the activity isn't that bad for the school year. Way to be =).

    Also, if you've recently finished or will finish a fic, make sure you report in the archive request topic in the lounge. It's been a while since we've had a new one.

    Feature Fic
    I don't know if Mist's gotten any PMs about this, suggestions for it. So I'll leave the space vacant for now, just in case .

    just a little news report, keeping y'all informed. good luck with everything and keep writing peoples. til next time

    dratini by day

    haunter by night

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  11. #11
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    11th October 2003

    Fanfic News

    Ah well I thought I'd best update this place!

    Poor DH

    Poor DH's family got screwed over by the airport today and so his family can't visit him Doesn't that make you feel sad


    Mist has this whole big Passions soap opera going on, don't go there, you DON'T want to know what's going on with it.


    I'm just dandy.

    Fanfic Mod Contest

    Well we're down to 3 competitors, Misty Sakura, Captain Pringle and DragoKnight, they're each getting 4 days work experience to help us decide on who to mod. Show your support, and I'll be making a topic in the lounge soon to relate to it K

    The Summer Awards

    Well Mist should have them up tonight! Keep an eye out for our star studded awards ceremony! Whee! And they're out!

    NEW BANNERS!!! More info there. Any help MUCH APPRECIATED

    Fic of the week

    Nikko to Gekko
    An Eevee fic I can actually tollerate. And enjoy. Amazing, if anyone knows my Eevee hate, they'll know I wouldn't reccomend one unless it was exempleatory.

    Quotes of the Week

    The OzAndy (2:08:08 PM): Everyone say something funny
    MyraLink (2:08:17 PM): SOMETHING FUNNY!
    MyraLink (2:08:21 PM): ^-^
    The OzAndy (2:08:22 PM): ~)~;
    Syberia X (2:08:23 PM): he who stands on toilet is high on pot
    craig tpm (2:08:24 PM): bling bling
    MyraLink (2:08:25 PM): lol
    The OzAndy (2:08:34 PM): Why do I come here again?

    And from DH.

    The OzAndy (2:07:42 PM): Ah well, say something funny please
    martinthirteen (2:08:30 PM): Claustrophobic Shellder
    The OzAndy (2:08:43 PM): Heh, that's ironic
    martinthirteen (2:08:51 PM): yea not so much funny
    martinthirteen (2:09:04 PM): claustrophobic cloyster?
    The OzAndy (2:09:13 PM): Alliteration and ironic
    martinthirteen (2:09:23 PM): we're getting there!
    The OzAndy (2:09:51 PM): One more try! If you're not funny this time, you're not going to be funny. Ever. Full stop.
    martinthirteen (2:10:02 PM): ok
    martinthirteen (2:10:08 PM): ^wait, that wasn't my try
    martinthirteen (2:10:15 PM): ok
    The OzAndy (2:10:29 PM): Was that the try ;-)
    martinthirteen (2:11:10 PM): lol, you can't do this to people ozzy, the funny thing about funnyness is how spontaneous it is.
    The OzAndy (2:11:18 PM): Be spontaneous! NOW!
    The OzAndy (2:12:33 PM): I'm waiting...
    martinthirteen (2:12:37 PM): no.
    The OzAndy (2:12:40 PM): Fine then!
    martinthirteen (2:12:47 PM): get your ff news quote elsewhere
    The OzAndy (2:12:51 PM): You'll never be funny DH! NEVERRRRR!

    The End

    Ta da

    Crappiest. Update. Ever.

  12. #12
    Random Drop-By Elite Trainer
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    NEWS FLASH!!!!!

    The Mod Contest has finally ended and after a painful decision-making process, we have chosen mistysakura as our new mod! Congrats mistysakura! Quick pro/con of this:

    pro: ms will kick major booty as moderator Totally. I like editing other people's posts. ~mistysakura
    con: too many aussies for me!!!
    AUSSIES RULE!!! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TOO MANY AUSSIES!!! - and be careful who you say that stuff around... ~Mist

    All of our finalists were difficult to rule out, and it's nice to know that all of them could make good mods. thanks to everyone for playing!

    Bonus footage:

    As you can tell, we got orders to shave the stickies in our forum down to a more reasonable number. Oz did some nice re-decorating, and i think we can all live with it .

    and good luck ms, remember we're all here to work with ya if you have any questions or anything. you can get our aims from fanfic =).

    P.S. Thanks suzie =PPPPPPP

    Edit By Oz- I miss out on all this editing action! And um yea, if you're going to destroy TPM, 3/4 of the mods are aussies now so poor DH is so lonely ;_; wait.. I shouldn't be saying this.

    dratini by day

    haunter by night

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  13. #13
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    19th December 2003

    After a month, finally an update...

    DH: Currently busy...

    Mist: Holidays! Going camping at Ulladulla, then to Fiji for a week, from 10th to 21st of January. Sounds fun, and it's her birthday on the 23rd, so happy birthday in advance!

    Oz: Attempting to get his license, but the earliest space the Transport department has for a test is in Mid-February. Evil Transport Department.

    Me: More holidays. I'm in Hong Kong right now, and I'm going off to Shanghai from January 4th to 10th. And I'm bored.

    Fanfic Golden Pen Awards
    After a round of voting, we have new names for our awards! We have the Golden Pen Awards for December/January and the Silver Pencil Awards for July/August. We have a voting system suggestion topic here, and if anyone wants to help us mods out there, it would be cool. Nominations going up in the near future.

    Fic of the Week... or whatever
    Awaiting nominations; PM one of us.

    Quote of the Update
    Me: okay, I'll do news
    Me: we need a quote
    Tara: "they call them fingers but i never see them fing" ~ otto from the simpsons
    Me: okay. lol. weird but funny
    Tara: i know yeah
    Tara: well u wanted a quote!
    Tara: whats the quote for anyay?
    Me: news
    Tara: oh yeah.....
    Tara: excuse me for a second
    Tara: blonde moment.

    ~The End~
    Don't kill me for the waste of time, it's my first try.

    EDIT: Go me, I forgot to close the topic.
    2007 Golden Pens: Co-winner of Best Poem (Rain Eternal) and Best Reviewer
    2007 Silver Pencils: Winner of Best Poem (Death Sonnet -- Untitled)
    2004 Silver Pencils: Winner of Nicest Fanficcer & Least Likely Couple (with PancaKe)
    Former 3-time winner of Most Dedicated Reader at the Fanfiction Forums
    Also Keeper of the 'A'ctivator Unown

    Brimstone Diamonds. The Artist. Tightrope. Solitude. Autopsy.
    Glitter (one-shot).
    Listen to Rain Eternal -- a song.

    Random thought: 2+2=5.

  14. #14
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Okay... heres for the news...

    The news!


    None of us - as far as I know - are on holidays. School has started tho in Aus so thats where I'll be most of the time. But we're all still alive.

    The Awards:

    In case you havent noticed, the voting topic is now closed and sliding down the pages fast, which obviously means that ms (MistySakura for those a bit slow...) or another mod excluding me is getting a move on with them. So results should be up sometime soon. No official date yet...

    General Forum Blah:

    Nothing exciting really is happening. We're getting some nice little debates/discussions in Writers Lounge, which is great seeing people are using the forum. There's been a sudden boost in new fics, which is excellent and just check them out, welcome new members, welcome back old members who have once again rejoined, read and rate their fics just to be the nice loving people I know you all are. and I'm not being a hypocryt this time, I'm reading their fics too!

    Forum Rumors:

    I wish...


    If you have any news, any "shout outs" you wanna put in the news, any quotes, fics that u think deserve a mention, or just want to have your name pointlessly mentioned, PM me or msn me or tell another mod to tell me.

    WE need more news...


    ♥ Funeral for a Friend . Opeth . Faith No More . Dream Theater ♥
    Unown ! Award (2008) for Amazing Comback!
    Unown S Award (2009) for Smile
    2009 Silver Pencils:
    Best Poem (All I Can Say About You) | Best Plot Twist (Full Moon) | Best Contributor | Queen of Fanfic | TPM Addict

    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  15. #15
    For Real Reals. Super Moderator
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    Default New News

    6th April 2004

    Mods -

    Um, well DH last I checked was bowling, lucky bugger, Tara was in her own episode of Passions still, (She's Teresa I tell you! Teresa!) And Ada and myself both held reasonably boring lives. Nothing particularly groovy happening.

    April Fools

    Hee! If anyone did fall for it, I would be mighty surprised, and amused, I thought TPM was going to stone me for it, but it all worked out in the end lol.

    Fanfic Reviewer Organization

    Well Gavin's soon restarting it, if you have have ideas, skiddaddle over there and give them to him, and sign up when he gives the ok! Go Gav!

    Suggestion Box

    If anyone has an idea for the mods, feel free to create a Suggestion Box topic and put it in the lounge, and we'll get back to you ASAP. Its really a place to go when you think you've got a rad cool idea.

    Tara's Demodding

    Well Suzie demodded Tara for inactivity, but so far, getting her remodded is a bit of a task, around here, getting admin-esque work done around here requires many, many bribes . So yeap, we hope this mistake is cleaned up ASAP, HAY SUZIE AND KEVIN >=o

    Forum Upgrades

    Its pretty rad cool eh? Like OLD Tpm, and Pokeball ranks are back 8)

    Chain Fic

    I was talking to Ada about this earlier, but I was too lazy to start it, so hopefully I can by whinging here. I was going to start a chain fic where we ran a book store, and with ninjas and that rad cool stuff!

    Fic Of the Week

    The Power Within By Onimusha seems pretty rad cool, I don't think it deserves its R rating, MA at best though lol. Go there if you want to take a squiz.

    Quote Unquote

    [09:26] <OzAndrew> hay
    [09:26] <bakahams7er> hay
    [09:26] <kurai> how are you using 3mb with 14 songs when i used 7mb with 0 songs
    [09:26] <kurai> this math is broken!!!

    Until next time kids, SMILE SMILE SMILE!

    Or something like that

  16. #16
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Tada! :-)

    Here I am!

    Thank you thank you.:-)

    Yeah, we need to bring life back to this board! Lets do it!

    But its gonna be a team effort so we need all of you members to pitch in and Revive Fanfic. Check out the writers lounge for more.


    ♥ Funeral for a Friend . Opeth . Faith No More . Dream Theater ♥
    Unown ! Award (2008) for Amazing Comback!
    Unown S Award (2009) for Smile
    2009 Silver Pencils:
    Best Poem (All I Can Say About You) | Best Plot Twist (Full Moon) | Best Contributor | Queen of Fanfic | TPM Addict

    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  17. #17
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    July 7th 2004

    Mod Spot

    Oz has been 'promoted' (only way we could get rid of him) - so now there's a vacant position. Stop by HERE and put in an almost-resume and try your luck!


    The FFFEz (or 3FEz for the lazy) is finally up! For those who dont know, this is the Fan Fic Forum Ezine that Darien Shields has so kindly put together to create a bit of activeness. It is awesome - to say the least. Check it out HERE

    Writing Competition

    Dont know what to write about? Stuck in writers block? Need a quick release? Feel like typing up an A4 page on word but dont know what about? Then maybe THIS is for you. The lovely Brit Chris is hosting the July Writing Contest and is aksing for one A4 page to be submitted. Whats the writing piece? A descriptive piece on the theme violence. Should get some good entries.

    Silver Pencils

    Right - its about that time of year that a Silver Pencils was held. This time us mods are talking about cutting down the categories for nomination - but keep your eyes peeled for any topics regarding the Silver Pencils.

    And thats all...

    ♥ Funeral for a Friend . Opeth . Faith No More . Dream Theater ♥
    Unown ! Award (2008) for Amazing Comback!
    Unown S Award (2009) for Smile
    2009 Silver Pencils:
    Best Poem (All I Can Say About You) | Best Plot Twist (Full Moon) | Best Contributor | Queen of Fanfic | TPM Addict

    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

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