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Thread: Movie/Actor similiarties

  1. #1
    Jedi Hunter Moderator
    Fett One's Avatar
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    Default Movie/Actor similiarties

    Today in school I had to watch "West Side Story" and I noticed something interesting. The episode of pokemon called "Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon" is based off of "West Side Story". In both cases you got two people/pokemon named Tony and Maria who love each other and in both cases there friends/trainers don't want them together. After I realized this I started thinking back to other episodes to see if they were based off of other movies or actors and I found 2 more that are based on actors. The first being Quincy T. Quackenpoker from the episode "The Wacky Watcher!" He's based off of Groucho Marks. The second one I've noticed is in the episode with the murkrow. In the beginning they introduced themselves the same way the 3 Stooges do. The only other things I've noticed that are based off of movies are the titles of the episode "Good Quil Hunting" and "Mewtwo Strikes Back" which are both based on "Good Will Hunting" and "The Empire Strikes Back".

    Has anyone else ever noticed this or are know of anymore movie/actors that have provided inspiration for the show?
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Movie/Actor similiarties

    LOL, I never saw "West Side Story" before, but it is clever how the dubbers did that.

    I remember in an early Kanto episode, you know the one "Go West Young Meowth" where the producers name was Steven Speillbunk, or Steven Speilburg. LOL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Default Movie/Actor similiarties

    There are actually many movie titles that became Pokemon episode titles. Here are a few that I remember:

    Good Will Hunting became the episode Good 'Quil Hunting
    Forrest Gump became Forest Grumps
    Beauty and the Beast became Beauty and the Beach and Beauty and the Breeder.
    Beach Blanket Bonzo became Beach Blank-Out Blastoise
    Fried Green Tomatoes, a movie based on the book The Whistle Stop Cafe, became The Whistle Stop.
    For Whom the Bell Tolls, a book by Ernest Hemingway, became For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll.
    Back to the Future became Xatu the Future.
    Some Like it Hot became Some Like it Hot.

    That's all I can think of right now.

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