Hm, I have an idea that may or may not be good, and here it is: An Lord of the Rings RPG. Never seen anyone do this kind of RPG, wonder if it's good. Well, here's the sign-up sheet:

Race: (Choose between man, elf, dwarf, hobbit, wizard, or part human-part elf)
Spells(If wizard):

Oh, by the way, you can have more than one character, but no more than three.

Here's mine:

Name: Siribon
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Man
Weapons/Armor: Standard equipment of Rohan soldiers (so basically he looks like the soldiers in the Two Towers movie) except that his equipment is made of mythril and carved with magic runes that make them stronger. He also carries an Elven bow.
Spells: None
Homeland: Rohan
Looks: 6'4, muscular with red hair and deep green eyes.
Personality: Very courageous and kind-hearted. He serves in the army of Rohan with great zeal.
Other: He's a great hero in Rohan and is well known far around, along with his younger brother, Evigar.

Here's my second character:

Name: Evigar
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Race: Man
Weapons/Armor: Same as Siribon
Spells: None
Homeland: Rohan
Looks: 5'9, strong but sort of thin in the shoulders. He has red hair and green eyes like his brother.
Personality: A very great tactician in battle, he both devises and carries out the strategies. Always goes into the front line and sometimes can be a little reckless.
Other: A great hero like his brother.

Ok, a quick breakdown of what's happening in the story:

It's been many, many years since the Ring was destroyed. After all the battling, some Orcs survived and searched through the ruins of Barad-dur and found on of Sauron's spellbooks. They used it to give them strength to survive and re-spawn until their numbers were great enough to rise again. In the meantime, they laid low, which they were very good at, in mountains and deep woods and such. Now a new or leader, Rakael IX, has arrisen and decided it is time to strike once again. And so they made their weapons, prepared their armies, rebuilt Barad-dur(again) and are preparing to strike the Free People of not only Middle Earth, but all Earth this time. Our mission is to stop them, of course.

So there you have it, anyone interested in joining up? I'm hoping the popularity of Lord of the Rings will attract many followers.