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Thread: What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

  1. #1
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    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    I bet you saw this topic coming. Especially from me. Personally I would love them to remake the game. What are all your opinions. FF7 is deemed by many as the best game ever. A remake would surely be a best seller for the PS3 right?
    Pokemon Pearl FC: 3479 9091 3139

  2. #2

    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    I am one of those people who agree that FF7 was the best game ever. I would love to see a remake, hopefully they will add a bunch of new stuff too, like extra bosses or mini-games.

  3. #3
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    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    I'd buy it. *shrugs*
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  4. #4
    Hates You Master Trainer
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    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    It was a great game, but not the best game ever. Not even close.

  5. #5
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    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    It was so close it actually was the best game ever.
    Pokemon Pearl FC: 3479 9091 3139

  6. #6
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    Wow, this topic absolutely emits intelligence:

    "No it's not."

    Anyway, the demo was good, but don't hold your breath. Sony bullshitted us with EA-esque tactics before with the original FF7 intro sequence and then the in-game graphics were only average. Don't expect in-game graphics like this. I'll believe nothing until I see in-game footage.

    I'd buy it since I haven't played the original for an age. One of the best RPGs and the best Final Fantasy but I wouldn't call it the best game ever. If you put a gun to my head and told me to make a list of top 50 games, I'd probably put it on it.

    I wouldn't count it on being a best seller though. Final Fantasy X didn't exactly have a good reception (deservedly) which shows either the gaming community knew it wasn't a must-get game (unlikely, since the majority of the gaming community couldn't tell their arse from their elbow) or that they'd rather get the latest game EA makes in an attempt to be black, except instead of calling it NHL: Niggers On Ice, they call it NHL: Street. EA is AIDS.

    Anyway, while this might do well, it won't be Sony's main draw. Certainly not in itself a reason to get a PS3.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  7. #7
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    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    It would be a best seller. This isn't just my opinion in just a couple of days gamespots message board for this got 17 pages of topics. The amount of people that are absolutely obsessed with the game is unbelievable. I can see some people just getting a PS3 for it but not many. I know I wouldn't get a console for one game. EA does suck that is very true I must say. FFX got a fairly good reception and was a great game but was a brand new game and not many games reach the popularity of FF7.

    Sorry about the NOOBish comments. You have no idea how much i love that game.
    Pokemon Pearl FC: 3479 9091 3139

  8. #8
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sceptile_Master
    It would be a best seller. This isn't just my opinion in just a couple of days gamespots message board for this got 17 pages of topics.
    I went to Gamespot and did about five searches for this topic and I couldn't find any topic concerning the Tech Demo with 17 pages of replies, nor could I find a board with "17 pages of topics." I don't know if that is a typo or not.

    But assuming you are correct and everyone on Gamespot is having multiple orgasms over FF7. I couldn't find out how many members there are on Gamespot but there were 3000 members online. Assume this number trebles during peak hours, that's about 10000 active members. Now lets assume all 10000 members buy the FF7 remake. That's 10000 sales. The only list it would get on with 10000 sales would be the worst selling games list.

    Now I know that example is illogical but here is how it applies. Gamespot does not make up anywhere near a significant number of the gaming community. Furthermore, the active members of Gamespot are going to be hardcore gamers, not casual gamers. Casual gamers make up the vast majority of the gaming community and they're the ones who buy EA's shit and 'Mary-Kate and Ashley Go To The Abortion Clinic'. Therefore, Gamespot's members only form a minute proportion of the gaming community and therefore will not determine what is a best seller and what isn't. The only way it will be a best-seller is if the casual gamers buy it or not, and that cannot be determined because of the lack of information on that particular demographic. Because casual gamers don't join message boards or write letters to gaming magazines, the gaming industry has to guess at what they want. That is why we do not get any innovation because making a game is such an investment, publishers cannot afford to risk being creative and losing a lot of money and so that is why we have hundreds of shitty World War 2 FPSs and only one game where you play as a journalist trying to bring down a totalitarian government in a neo-future setting (Beyond Good & Evil). Therefore, whether it'll be a best-seller depends on if the casual gamer still likes Final Fantasy (which is uncertain considering FFX's poor reception), whether they'll buy it because they think it's a good game (likely since it is famous) and whether the publisher markets it to them. You can't determine that from a pre-rendered video and the comments of a few thousand nerds.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  9. #9
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    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    I wouldn't buy it. I frankly hated the game. Mind you, I didn't play it all the way. The game stopped giving me any challenges and the plot progressed too slowly to keep me enthralled.

  10. #10

    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    FFX wasn't poorly recived. It sold over 2 million copies, I belive making it the second best selling Final Fantasy only behind FFVII. The game was also had great reviews. On top of that, people like Final Fantasy so much, that over a million people went out and bought FFX-2 the sub par sequel.

  11. #11
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    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    Very much so. Just look at like every final fantasy after 7 and including 7. They all sold loads. And since 7 sold most a remake of most RPGers fave game will be very highly recieved. And to find it on gamespot heald just scroll down and it's the #01 on the list of most popular game thing. Let's put it into perspectiv,e even though this too isn't completely reliant. Lots of best sellers section on gamespot haven't even made it close to the kind of praise this has so far recieved. And putting that into perspective means it may even sell better than those best sellers.
    Pokemon Pearl FC: 3479 9091 3139

  12. #12
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    Quote Originally Posted by PNT510
    FFX wasn't poorly recived. It sold over 2 million copies, I belive making it the second best selling Final Fantasy only behind FFVII. The game was also had great reviews.
    GTA: San Andreas sold 1 million in the UK in a few days. It didn't have the blockbuster sales it apparently deserved.
    On top of that, people like Final Fantasy so much, that over a million people went out and bought FFX-2 the sub par sequel.
    About the same as DOA Volleyball. Proves people are suckers for tits.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sceptile_Master
    Let's put it into perspectiv,e even though this too isn't completely reliant. Lots of best sellers section on gamespot haven't even made it close to the kind of praise this has so far recieved. And putting that into perspective means it may even sell better than those best sellers.
    Just because it receives high praise is no guarantee that it will be a best-seller. Examples? Ico, Beyond Good & Evil, Haven etc.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  13. #13
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    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    Praise from alot of people is a little different from praise from reviewers.
    Pokemon Pearl FC: 3479 9091 3139

  14. #14

    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    GTA: San Andreas sold 1 million in the UK in a few days. It didn't have the blockbuster sales it apparently deserved.
    That's expect seeing as how GTAA is basicly expected to be the top selling game worldwide(or close to it), Final Fantasy(or any other game for that matter) just isn't on that level.

    About the same as DOA Volleyball. Proves people are suckers for tits.
    DOA Volleyball didn't sell nearly as well. It sold on the Final Fantasy name, not because the characters were females.

  15. #15
    Hates You Master Trainer
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    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    I was always partial to Chrono Trigger.

  16. #16
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    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    I'd say the FF label is pretty much equal to GTA now. Even though the initial sales are faster growing final fantasy in overall sales does does almost just as well. And When people have stopped playing GTA people are still playing FF. FF keeps intrest up for longer.
    Pokemon Pearl FC: 3479 9091 3139

  17. #17

    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?


    Okay, you people need some real data.

    FFX sold 2.3 million in Japan and 2.2 million in the US, and probably about 1.5-2 million in Europe. This is hardly a weak reception - in fact, it's one of the best selling games this gen, behind GTA and Gran Turismo 3. Weakly received on GameFAQs, maybe.

    That said, it's not even in the same league as GTA. Even GTA3 sold 8 million, and VC and San Andreas both sold 12 million on the PS2 alone. FF is strong, but GTA is a phenomenon. Pokemon is the only series this gen that's even close to GTA. Even Halo 2 got killed by San Andreas, thanks to rising European support for SA.

    In any case, FF7 - I played the game recently. I think it's a great game and worthy of praise, but to call it the best game ever simply makes you look ignorant of classics like Super Mario World, Super Metroid, or just about any Nintendo-made Zelda ever. Hell, I preferred Namco's Tales of Symphonia to FF7.

    And a remake? No thanks, I have the original, and I find it perfectly playable. How would a remake help it? Prettier graphics? Wow! Truly worth spending an extra $20 or whatever(keep in mind the original can easily be found for $10). The soundtrack is already great, the gameplay wouldn't change, and the dialogue would probably be completely the same, lest they change anything that ruins all the damn FF7 spinoffs.

    Besides, they'd probably end up removing all the great Engrish. FF7 without "This guy are sick"? Perish the thought.
    Righteous Chaps

    KissShipping > you.

  18. #18
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    Default What does everyone think of the FF7 tech demo?

    Quote Originally Posted by Misty
    In any case, FF7 - I played the game recently. I think it's a great game and worthy of praise, but to call it the best game ever simply makes you look ignorant of classics like Super Mario World, Super Metroid, or just about any Nintendo-made Zelda ever. Hell, I preferred Namco's Tales of Symphonia to FF7.

    And a remake? No thanks, I have the original, and I find it perfectly playable. How would a remake help it? Prettier graphics? Wow! Truly worth spending an extra $20 or whatever(keep in mind the original can easily be found for $10). The soundtrack is already great, the gameplay wouldn't change, and the dialogue would probably be completely the same, lest they change anything that ruins all the damn FF7 spinoffs.

    Besides, they'd probably end up removing all the great Engrish. FF7 without "This guy are sick"? Perish the thought.
    Agreed. FF7 is a great game, I'll admit, but it's hard to call it even the best final fantasy, let alone the best game ever. Those honors belong to, in my opinion, FF3 (or VI depending on where you are) and either LoZ:LttP or SMB3 for best game ever.

    However, I can understand why people consider it the best game ever. It's great, epic, and sparks a great feeling of nostalgia for many as it was the first RPG that many people played. That said, I don't see a remake as necessary. It's easy enough for people to access the game (since all the PlayStations are backwards compatible) and I don't know what they could add to warrant another purchase. Now, if they were to make a sequel, then it would be a good idea for a bargain priced, updated graphics version. Personally, I'd rather have a completely new Final Fantasy.

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