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Thread: The End of the World | Poke-pocalypse [Chapter 1] [MA15+ Heavy Violence]

  1. #1
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default The End of the World | Poke-pocalypse [Chapter 1] [MA15+ Heavy Violence]

    ~*~*~* Warning *~*~*~*~

    This fic does contain scenes of extreme violence and other less savoury scenes of gruesome detail. Please read at your own risk.

    ~*~*~* End Warning *~*~*~*~

    Chapter 1: The road less travelled, is less travelled for a reason

    "At the beginning of the world there was only darkness. Then when man came he brought light, yet man is a waring creature and before long the world was plunged back into darkness. This is the world that we live in." - Unknown Poet.

    The year is 2015 and in the past five years the world has been thrown into total disarray. In 2010 the four more evil corporations known for their lust for power, Team Rocket, Team Aqua, Team Magma and Team Galactica banded together into one organisation called the Garm organisation. Garm was quickly able to consolidate its power and within months had a monopoly over most companies before they moved on to over throwing the systems of government and slowly but surely they became the governing system of the world, they said they would be a fair governing body but like all people with power it quickly became a dictator like affair. But with every evil power there is always a good side to combat it, trying not to let it win. How ever, the Garm organisation was far too powerful for any freedom fighting organisation to stand up against. Nearly all sects of resistance were quashed by Garm and before long people just started to stop fighting and gave up, accepting their position and the way that the world would be run now. The Garm organisation remained strong over the next two years but with all the inevitability of a train without brakes careening into a wall it was disbanded quite quickly. Even though the separate teams were willing to work together to achieve their ultimate goals, as soon as they were achieved though, each of the different factions thought that it was their right to have complete control of the world so they began to distance themselves from one another, then in 2012 came the horror of the five day war.

    The five day war was a horrible outburst of attrition and not only pokemon warfare, but the use of tanks, guns and bombs. Within the five short days that it lasted most of the infrastructure of the world was destroyed, millions possibly billions died as the four different factions battled for superiority. But in the end like most wars this one ended in a stale mate leaving the world in a state of disarray, cities crumbled to the ground only leaving a small number of structures and people left. Vast wastelands of rumble and rock litter the area between the towns, as well as a vast number of hungry wild pokemon ready to feed. The four teams were each left with their own territories with in the countries of the world, gathering resources as well as still creating small fights to try and weasel out any more resistance from other people. A few months after the five day war had concluded a new way of life for the inhabitants of the world, trying to keep a close knit life within their towns. The paths between towns were very dangerous so one could not go alone without help from a pokemon companion. The trips usually did not last very long for fear of attack from greater numbers of pokemon, but there were those that did walk the wastelands in search of something that would bring the world back to normal. These were the Seekers a rag tag group of people from all walks of life whose only goal was to put the world right again.

    In the three years since the five day war most of the world has returned to normal, the struggle between the four factions had died down to nothing more then a Mafioso style turf war. The people in the towns were rebuilding their life as well as their homes, but due to the scarceness of resources most people were forced to let their kids leave home when they were only ten in search of a better life. In an effort to make this trip not so bad, great walls were constructed around the towns as well as on the edges of the route connecting the towns together. To take their minds of the horrible state of the world gyms and contest halls were built to allow them to become the top trainer or coordinator. Even though these children were allowed to roam free across the land they were told to stick within the designated routes that had been mapped out and never to get involved in the affairs of the evil teams that had caused this mess. The Seekers were the ones that walked the paths that no one travelled, they might be the quickest way to get from place to place but they were no means the safest. They were littered with debris as well as other Seekers who had gone mad and wanted nothing more then to kill people for their own pleasure. They did this using more then their pokemon, like guns as well as other sordid weapons, not many people meet a Mad Seeker they often did live to tell the tale.

    This is where our tale begins; the sky above was quite cloudy casting odd shaped shadows on the rubble beneath. A group of Sentret paraded around the broken down buildings. Then suddenly the sound of small rocks tumbling on top of one another caused the Sentrets to prick up their ears in fear trying to here the creature that caused the noise. Over a cliff in the distance they saw a gloved hand reaching over the each followed by another one, these when then preceded by a head then a whole body making a complete person. This particular person was wearing a long blackened trench cloak with blue stone washed jeans with a pair of well worn hiking boots. The face of the man was covered in dirt with smudges everywhere, his hair a tangled mess of brown hair covered in a thin layer of dust. The man reached down and began pulling up something else this time it was a bag; the man hefted the bag onto his shoulder and strapped it down before letting out a sigh of relief. He couldn't believe that he has just made it up that mountain face with no climbing gear what so ever. In hind sight though it might have been easier if he had just used his Venusaur to assist him, but that was this man's way of doing things, the hard way. This man was Reven Guile; he was a sordid sort of guy, always thinking in his head not always about the situation at hand though. Besides being a pokemon trainer Reven was also a Seeker, one of the dreaded wanderer's of the wastelands where no one dare to tread. Like most of them he was packing more then pokemon in his arsenal but he didn't like to show it keeping to weapons he could conceal rather then big flashy guns which are more bust then bang.

    As Reven walked through the debris shifting rocks with his feet as he continued his journey to the next town to pick up more supplies. The noise made by his boots hitting the earth made the Sentret in front of him begin to hiss loudly in an effort to scare him away. But Reven had dealt with worse then a bunch of angry Sentret so he kept on moving, as he got closer to the bunch they began to crouch getting into an attack position. Reven laughed as he walked past and in the blink of an eye one of the Sentrets leapt at him going for his throat ready to rip it out. But even though this particular Sentret was quite quick, Reven was quicker. Reaching into his trench coat he pulled out a small 9mm pistol and with as much lithe as its release so was its firing and with one quick shot then Sentret fell to the ground with a bullet wound in his head which began to pour its blood out onto the ground beneath it.

    "That'll teach you, you little shit. Nobody attacks Reven Guile and gets way with that" Reven smirked as he put the gun back into its hiding spot. The rest of the Sentret just stood in silence as if gripped by a hand of fear, but then almost as quick as their mate had attacked Reven they all jumped onto the body of the deceased Sentret and began feasting on it as if they hadn't eaten in a month. Reven looked away from the horrible scene before spiting on the ground in disgust at the sight of the cannibalistic pokemon ripping the flesh of the dead pokemon and cramming it in their mouths, blood dripping down the side of their face before diving back in for more. "The real truth about nature, survival of the fittest, death to the dumbest, keen or killed" Reven's statement was short lived as a gun shot rang through his ears followed by a loud thump as it hit the dirt right next his foot. "Ahhh" Reven screamed as he jumped worried that there was more to come, he wasn't wrong another two shots rang out this time getting closer to Reven. "Vega" shouted Reven "Use Reflect" as his rang out across the wasteland, as if from no where a red beam of light shot Reven's jacket and fired at the ground before forming into a large humanoid shape before dissipating leaving a tall human like creature with green hair and wearing a white dress in its place.

    "Garrr" yawned the creature as it stretched after being cooped up in her pokeball for so long.

    "Vega" shouted Reven again "Use Reflect"

    "Devoir?" questioned Vega as she turned towards Reven with a tired look on her face. This however was quickly turned into a look of shock and surprise as another bullet hit the ground beneath her. Quick as a flash Vega turned around and closed her eyes concentrating her power into putting up a large shield of psychic energy protecting her and Reven. More shots came from the hill above but the bounced almost harmlessly off the shield though one did leave a small crack in the barrier.

    "Damnit" cried Reven as he riffled through his coat looking for something "I can never seem to find it when I need it. Ah there you are you sneaking little shit" Reven exclaimed as he pulled out a small cylinder which he placed on the ground next to a number of various parts before he assembled them into a quite well crafted sniper rifle but the one thing it was missing was a scope. Reven also pulled out a small pair of dark glasses which he put on and flicked a small switch, the lenses of the glasses lit up with dark green lines which began streaming across giving technical information to Reven about the location of his assailant. "Crap, can't get a fix with him. Farsight, give me a hand here" just like it had before another flash of red light emanated from Reven's jacket and this time released a small round metal orb with a single eye and two magnets on its sides.

    "Miiiiite" cried the floating fridge magnet as it was finally free from its ball.

    "Oi Farsight listen to me. Patch into the targeting system and use Lock-On." The tiny orb nodded as a small aerial extended on the back of its head and Farsight floated into the sky. Farsight stopped when he had reached about ten metres off the ground scouts around on the ground looking for the person firing at Reven, after a little searching around he managed to get a lock on to the target and sent the data down to Reven. The information streamed its way across the glasses like water down a waterfall. "What is this" shouted Reven "You can't be serious"

    "Mag, magne, mag" came the response from Farsight.

    "What do you mean I can't get a shot from down here? What do you mean they have got me pinned down? Who is they? You're not making any sense at all" Reven screamed at Farsight "Look; I am sending you some targeting data give me a success rate"

    "Mite magne" beamed Farsight as he correlated the information and sent back a response.

    "97%, that’s not too bad. Ok let’s get this show on the road" Reven whispered to himself. Suddenly a loud squawking sound could be heard across the field; Reven slowly put his head over the rubble he was taking cover behind only to see a trio of Fearow beating down on his position with the intent of pecking out his brains and eating his liver for tea. "This is not my lucky day, Farsight we don't have much time hit them with a Thunderwave that should by us sometime. Farsight nodded and began charging up a small electrical shot which he fired at the trio of birds causing them to drop to the ground like flies which have just been swat from the sky.

    "Magnemite" Farsight screamed in joy knowing that it had done very well.

    "Hey Farsight" yelled Reven "Get your shit together" in response to this barrage of language Farsight nods and begins to float in position. "Vega use Reflect on Farsight" Vega nodded and responded to the command by out stretching her other hand creating a small box of psychic energy around Farsight. "Thanks" Reven shouted, a small smile crept across Vega's face as if she was over joyed that she had been thanked. Reven picked up his sniper rifle once again and aimed it at Farsight using the data streaming across his eye to calculate the angle of the barrier protecting Farsight "Angle down 3 more degrees please Farsight"

    "Mag" cried Farsight as he angled his body to his master’s wishes.

    "Ok take this you little bastards" muttered Reven as he pulled the trigger on his weapon, the bullet left the muzzle of the gun and flew up hitting the barrier box protecting Farsight then ricocheting towards one of the enemies shooting at Reven. The bullet made its way through the air before slamming into the left temple of one of the three shooters sending him crashing to the ground slamming his head on a rock on the way down sending out a small cracking sound as the bone met with the hardness of the rock creating small cracks in the skull. "Bullseye" Reven shouted in jubilation as he chambered another round letting the other spent shell hitting the ground with a metallic clink. With another two shots both bouncing off the reflective shield protecting Farsight gunning down the other two remaining assailants. Breathing a sigh of relief Reven finally stood up from his hiding spot and confirmed with Farsight if in fact all his foes had been killed. The floating orb nodded in affirmation followed by a series of beeps. "Ok guys return" Reven said as he disassembled his sniper and two red lines of light hit Vega and Farsight causing them to disappear into nothingness. "Let's go see what they have on them"

    Hefting the bag onto his shoulder Reven moved over to where the people that had just been shooting had lived up until a few seconds ago. He walked over to one of the bodies and kicked it over with his foot to see a face covered by a 1940's gas mask with one of the lenses over the right eye shattered where the bullet went in. Kneeling down he searched the body of the Seeker he had just shot and rifled through his pockets as well as his bad. Looking down at the Seeker's weapon he saw how dilapidated it was in fact he was surprised that the thing was still firing. A look of disappointment crossed Reven's face after he had searched the body and only found a meagre booty of fifteen dollars, some power bars and two pokeballs containing pokemon. The other two Seekers didn't have much on them either besides more tiny rations and another pokeball with a pokemon inside. Hoping that the three of them had a camp nearby Reven looked around a bit more but to no avail as the immediate area was void of the usual signs of camp.

    "What did I expect from these three pissheads. Might as well keep on going then" Reven muttered under his breath. Climbing up another derelict structure Reven had finally made it to the top of the mountain and looked out across the stretch of wasteland which lay before him. "Humph" he murmured "They say God created the world in 6 days, it only took 5 for us to destroy it" with that poetic saying Reven opened up his coat again and reached inside pulling out a small pair of binoculars, holding them up to his eyes he peered into them looking into the distance. There he could see a small town with a large waterfall gushing next to it into a small lake. "Looks like that is my next destination" Reven said with a smirk "New Bark Town, where winds of new beginnings blow"

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  2. #2
    perpetually absent Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: The End of the World | Poke-pocalypse [Chapter 1] [MA15+ Heavy Violence]

    Eep, Reven's a cranky one.

    Anyways, I like the idea. :O Although it was a little gruesome in places. Keep going with this, I want to see how Reven and his Pokemon develop. :3

    Click for my VS Seeker entry!

    Winner of the 2009 Jack of all Trades and Rising Star Unown Awards!
    Winner of The 2009 Diamond Masquerade's Most Valuable Newbie and Best History Awards!

    17:27 Samchu if Becki won't let me kill off Sara then Cici can't use super effective one-hit adorable ko moves on anyone

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