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Thread: Falkner's Story

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Default Falkner's Story

    This is the story of Falkner, the Violet City Gym Leader, and how he became a gym leader.

    Chapter #1: Falkner's First Pokemon

    Falkner: Yes! It's my first day of Pokemon training! I'm so happy!

    Sparower: Easy son, you might not get the Pokemon you want.

    Falkner: Dad, I know I want Hoothoot! I have to get Hoothoot!

    Sparower: Okay, son. Whatever you say.

    Falkner: I'm going to the Sage's so I can get my first Pokemon!

    Sparower: See you later, Falkner!

    (at the Sprout Tower)

    Sage: Bellsprout, use Vine Whip!

    Violet: Totodile! You can win this battle!

    Sage: Bellsprout, try a Sleep Powder!

    Violet: Totodile, return! I choose Pidgey!

    Sage: Ah, a Pidgey! Bellsprout, Growth!

    Violet: Pidgey, use Gust!

    Sage: Bellsprout, return. Good work Violet. I'm proud of you. You knew when to recall your Totodile before it got too weak. Your other two friends have been here, but you were the best of the three.

    Violet: Thank you, sir!

    Sage: Here is the Flash move. Teach it to one of your Pokemon.

    Violet: I will, Sage! Thank you!

    Falkner: Hey, Sage!

    Sage: Ah, young Falkner. How have you been doing today?

    Falkner: Very well, Sage.

    Sage: You have come to pick up your first Pokemon, right?

    Falkner: Yes. Hoothoot is the one I have chosen.

    Sage: Well, there is a problem with that. You see, Abe came a little earlier than you did.

    Falkner: You mean Abe got Hoothoot?!

    Sage: Well, yes.

    Falkner: Oh well. Spearow will be a very powerful Pokemon for me.

    Sage: Well, another Bird Keeper named Rod already picked up Spearow.

    Falkner: No! Now I can't start training Bird Pokemon!

    Sage: Well, you're in luck, Falkner. I just happen to have a Pidgey with me.

    Falkner: What good will a Pidgey do me?

    Sage: Pidgey can be trained to be an excellent Pokemon. If you train it hard enough, it will evolve into a Pidgeotto, and then into a Pidgeot.

    Falkner: You mean that Pidgey has a third evolution?

    Sage: Yes. With a little effort, Pidgey can become a very strong fighter. I must go home now. The Pokemon League Tournament is on. There is a young trainer who has a Kingler that has defeated an Exeggutor and a Seadra. I want to see the end result.

    Falkner: Maybe that trainer has a Bird Pokemon! I'm going to watch the battle with you!

    Sage: No, young Falkner. You must begin your training now, if you ever want to become a strong Pokemon trainer like your father.

    Falkner: Okay. Thank you for the Pidgey, Sage!

    Sage: You're very welcome, Falkner!

    (back at Falkner's home)

    Falkner: Pidgey, come on out!

    Sparower: That Pidgey looks like it might be strong. Train it with love and care. It might be as strong as Fearow someday.

    Falkner: Thanks, Dad! Okay Pidgey, let's get to work!

    What did you think of my story so far? Chapter two will be coming very soon.

  2. #2
    Beginning Trainer
    Beginning Trainer

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    Default Falkner's Story

    i really like this fic. it seems to go into the background of the gym leader Faulkner, and i like that kind of perspective.

    however, you might want to add a little detail to the story. its not all just dialogue, you know

  3. #3
    Master Trainer
    Master Trainer

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    Default Falkner's Story

    well, its written in script, which isnt really a fanfic. Don't worry, its easy enough to change.

    Falkner: Yes! It's my first day of Pokemon training! I'm so happy!

    Sparower: Easy son, you might not get the Pokemon you want.

    Falkner: Dad, I know I want Hoothoot! I have to get Hoothoot!

    Sparower: Okay, son. Whatever you say.

    Basically, add speech marks and add some flavour to it to indicate how it is said:

    "Yes! It's my first day of Pokemon training! I'm so happy!" Falkner cried.

    "Easy son, you might not get the Pokemon you want" His dad said, pecimism in his voice.

    "Dad, I know I want Hoothoot! I have to get Hoothoot!" Falkner cried out again, his voice flooding with anticipation.

    "Okay, son. Whatever you say." Sparrower said. His dad was...

    where i left off, you can start to describe his dad; stocky? thin? fat? small? big? You tell us

    Thats just the start. Try the next chapter in this way, and see the difference.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Default Falkner's Story

    I agree with ShinyMarill. This story has the potential to be even better then it already is, but, if I were you, I wouldn't make it like a script. Dialouge is important, but othe text is important. too. I'm going to take your first four lines, and show you how you could make it better.

    Falkner: Yes! It's my first day of Pokemon training! I'm so happy!

    Sparower: Easy son, you might not get the Pokemon you want.

    Falkner: Dad, I know I want Hoothoot! I have to get Hoothoot!

    Sparower: Okay, son. Whatever you say.

    Falkner was a tall boy, with dark blue hair. He lived in Violette City, with his father, Sparower. Waking up one morning, Falkner jumped out of bed, and ran into the kitchen, where his father was eating Breckfeast.
    "Yes!" Falkner yelled, "It's my first day of Pokemon training! I'm so happy!"
    "Easy son," his father replied, "You might not get the Pokemon you want."
    "Dad," Falkner said, giving his father a stern look, "I know I want Hoothoot! I have to get Hoothoot!"
    His dad studied him a minute, with his large, gray eyes, before replying. "Ok son,. Whatever you say."

    It just makes the sotry more fun to read. Other then that, it is great. Good grammer, and proper spelling. Good job.

  5. #5
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    Default Falkner's Story

    Thanks for the suggestions, everyone! Okay, here's Chapter #2:

    Chapter 2: The First Battle

    Falkner was really excited. He took out Pidgey's PokeBall and threw it. The small bird Pokemon popped out.
    "Pidgey, we are a team!" he said. "My name is Falkner Birdman, and this is Violet City. It is the hometown of the Sprout Tower and Earl's Pokemon Academy, which is where I used to go to school."
    Pidgey nodded at Falkner. Suddenly, they heard a rustling noise.
    "What was that?" Falkner asked. "Is anyone there?"
    Out from the bushes came a Bellsprout.
    "Aha! A challenge!" Falkner exclaimed. "Do you think you can take him, Pidgey?"
    "Pidgey!" the Pokemon agreed.
    "Use your Tackle attack!"
    Pidgey flew towards the Grass Pokemon. The Bellsprout never saw it coming. Pidgey slammed into it, and the Pokemon fell.
    "Now Pidgey, use your Sand Attack!"
    Blinding sand flew towards the Bellsprout. The Pokemon is practically blinded, and it must retreat. The startled Pokemon runs off to where it came from.
    "We did it Pidgey!" Falkner exclaimed. "We won our first battle!"
    The excited little bird lands on his master's shoulder. But they don't have very long to celebrate. Falkner spots something else flying towards them.
    "A Ledyba!" Falkner shouted. He whipped out his PokeDex that his father had brought him.
    "Ledyba. The Five-Star Pokemon." said the PokeDex. "Ledyba may look small, but they are known to be very powerful. They can learn the attack Comet Punch."
    "Pidgey, be careful. Use your Tackle!"
    Once again, the little bird flies straight toward the unsuspecting Pokemon. The small Bug Pokemon didn't stand a chance against Falkner's Pidgey.
    "Wow! A one hit KO! Pidgey, you're amazing!"
    It went on like that all morning long. Pidgey kept battling Bellsprout, Ledyba, Spinarak, Rattata, Sentret, and even other Pidgey at times. After a few hours, Falkner looks at his watch.
    "7:00!? I need to get home! Pidgey, return!"
    Pidgey is recalled inside its PokeBall. Falkner rushed straight through the door. His mom almost dropped the phone.
    "Where have you been, young man?!" Falkner's mother, Pigeoner said. "I was just about to call Officer Jenny when I saw you burst in!"
    "Sorry, Mom." said Falkner. "I was just training with Pidgey."
    "Aw, Pigeoner, leave the boy alone." Sparower said. "You can't discourage him from doing what he loves."
    Pigeoner sighed.
    "I guess you're right. Oh, by the way, Falkner. You got a letter in the mail from your friend Abe."
    Falkner nearly spit out his Moo-Moo Milk. Abe sending a letter to him? There must have been something wrong, but he wouldn't dare say that to his mother.
    "Let me see it." he said. He read the letter out loud.
    "Dear Falkner, I got Hoothoot before you even woke up! Isn't that funny? Did you get stuck with that lame Pokemon Spearow? Or the even lamer Pidgey? Tell your dad he's a lousy trainer. I'll write you later! Sincerely, Abraham 'Abe' Woodpecker."
    All three members of the Birdman family spoke at once.
    "Lame Pokemon Pidgey?!" Falkner shouted.
    "I'm a lousy trainer?!" Sparower exclaimed.
    "I didn't know his last name was Woodpecker!" Pigeoner said.
    Falkner was so furious he practically tore up the letter. He took out Pidgey's PokeBall.
    "Pidgey is not lame, and I'll prove it to both Abe and Rod! You'll see! I'll be the greatest Bird Pokemon trainer ever!"

    To be continued. . .

    How did you like this installment? It's starting to gain momentum. Chapter 3 is where things start to get a little more exciting, but I won't spoil it for you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Default Falkner's Story

    The new chapter is much better then the first one. The first one was good too, but the way it was written turned me off a bit. Great job. This is going to be a good Fan Fic.

  7. #7
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    Feb 2003

    Default Falkner's Story

    Thanks for the compliment, Mr. Mayor! Now, here's chapter 3:

    Chapter 3: Win Some, Lose Some

    After reading the letter from Abe, Falkner started training his Pidgey everyday. He never knew when he would meet Abe again, and he couldn't risk having a weak Pokemon.
    "Pidgey, Tackle!" he said. The Metapod had fallen!
    "Great work, buddy!" Falkner said.
    "Pidgey!" agreed his Pokemon.
    Falkner was just about to have his Pidgey attack a wild Spinarak, when his father came out. He was carrying a tent and camping eqipment. Falkner groaned when he saw him.
    "Don't tell me. The annual BirdMAN camping trip?"
    "You know you like it, Falkner." Sparower said.
    "But this year I have a Pokemon! Can't we postpone it until later?"
    "No, son. We've been doing this for twelve years, ever since you were born. Besides, we might see a rare Pokemon!"
    Falkner's eyes glistened.
    "Now you're talking my language!" said the young trainer. He recalled Pidgey and grabbed his camping equipment from under his bed. Then, he and his father set off.
    The camping spot was near Mt. Mortar. It always took a while to get there, and they had to pass Ecruteak City on the way. That was no problem to Falkner, because he had an old friend who lived in Ecruteak.
    "Hey Mortimer!" Falkner called to his friend.
    The young trainer glared at Falkner.
    "The name is Morty, Falky!" the other young trainer retaliated.
    "So, have you begun your Pokemon training?" Falkner wisely changed the topic of discussion.
    "As a matter of fact, I have." Morty took out a PokeBall. "I choose you, Gastly!"
    The purple, hazy Pokemon appeared with a flash.
    "What is that?" Falkner said, and pulled out his trusty PokeDex.
    "Gastly. The Vapor Pokemon. Gastly are pure-gas, and are know to play tricks on people. They have been known to mess around in people's hair."
    "Well, I have one, too!" Falkner said. "Go, Pidgey!"
    The small, brown bird popped out of its PokeBall.
    "Impressive. Have you battled a trainer yet?" Morty asked.
    "Well, no." Falkner admitted. A little embarrassed. "I have to go on this camping trip with my dad. I think camping is for losers!"
    At that moment, a young camper heard what Falkner said. He got up and ran towards the trainer.
    "What did you say about camping?" the camper, named Barry, said.
    "I said it's lousy, why?" Falkner foolishly said.
    The trainer took out a Lure Ball.
    "I challenge you to a one-on-one battle!"
    Falkner had to think for a little bit.
    "I accept your challenge! Pidgey, go!"
    "I choose you, Marill!" Barry said.
    Falkner once again pulled out his PokeDex.
    "Marill. The Water-Mouse Pokemon. Marill uses its ears to listen to the surroundings. If it is cornered, it will dive underwater to escape the danger."
    Falkner smirked at the Pokemon.
    "I'm not afraid! Pidgey, Tackle!"
    "Marill, use Water Gun!" Barry said.
    The water was too much for Pidgey. It was pushed back against a tree, and injured slightly.
    "Oh!" Falkner cried. "Pidgey, don't take that! Use Sand Attack!"
    Pidgey send blinding sand across to the Marill, but Marill stepped to the side and the attack missed.
    "Marill, use Tackle!" Barry said.
    Pidgey was squashed under the body of the Marill.
    "Finish it off with Tail Whip!"
    Marill's tail landed right on top of Pidgey. The Pokemon staggered for a minute, then fainted.
    "Pidgey, no!" Falkner shouted.
    "You know, he's only a beginning trainer!" Morty shouted.
    "Well, that's what happens when you mess with us campers! I'm off to camp! Marill, return." Barry said, and left.
    Falkner was cradiling Pidgey like it was one of Falkner's children. Falkner got up.
    "Morty, where's the Pokemon Center?"
    "I'll show you. Follow me!"
    Morty, Falkner and Sparower all ran to the Pokemon Center. Nurse Joy was sitting at her desk when they came rushing in.
    "Nurse Joy, my Pidgey just got whipped by a Marill!" Falkner shouted.
    "Oh my!" Nurse Joy exclaimed. "Chansey, help me get it to the Emergency Room!"
    "Chansey!" the pink Pokemon agreed.
    Falkner waited for hours. Sparower had flown back to Violet City on his Fearow to notify Pigeoner. Morty went back to his house, but Falkner stayed. Finally, at about 7:00 AM, Nurse Joy walked in.
    "Falkner, your Pidgey is going to be just fine!" Nurse Joy said. "I know that Camper Barry. He can be mean sometimes."
    "Yeah." Falkner said. "But if I'm ever in a rematch with him, how can I defeat hime?"
    Nurse Joy smiled. She went into the back room for a few seconds. When she came out, she was holding three PokeBalls.
    "These are empty, but I'm sure you know what to do with them, don't you Falkner?"
    Falkner thought for a minute, then realized what she was thinking.
    "Yeah!" Falkner exclaimed. "I'm going to have to catch more Pokemon if I want to succeed!"
    "That's right!" Nurse Joy said.
    "Once Pidgey is fully recovered, we're going to catch more Pokemon!"

    To be continued. . .

    I'll probably post Chapter 4 either Sunday or Monday. Excitement is starting to build, isn't it? You haven't seen anything yet, though. This is just beginning.

  8. #8
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    Default Falkner's Story

    Chapter 4: Big Changes

    Falkner decided that he should capture more Pokemon. So, as soon as Pidgey was released from the Pokemon Center, he started to look for Bird Pokemon.
    "Pidgey, go!" Falkner said. His trusty Pokemon came out of its PokeBall.
    "Pidgey, be on the lookout for a new Bird Pokemon. We need a new friend to help us win our battles."
    "Pidgey!" agreed the Pokemon.
    They started walking through the long grass. The only Bird Pokemon they managed to find were Pidgey. They had found some other Pokemon, such as Geodude, Marill, Spinarak, and Ledyba, but no really interesting Pokemon.
    "There's got to be a. . ." Falkner began. "There's one!"
    A Doduo was pecking at the ground. It was looking for Caterpie and Weedle to eat.
    Falkner whipped out his PokeDex.
    "Doduo. The Twin-Bird Pokemon." said the computer. "The two heads they have will occassionally get into fights. When this happens, trainers are advised to stay away."
    "Pidgey, attack Doduo with a Quick Attack!" Falkner said.
    Pidgey went soaring towards the Pokemon. One of Doduo's heads saw Pidgey, but the other one got hit with the Pokemon.
    "Do! Do!" The angry bird shouted. Their beaks started turning in the form of a drill.
    "Pidgey, that's the Drill Peck! Use your Gust Attack!"
    Doduo was fast, but Pidgey was faster. It blew Doduo right off its feet. They started to get up.
    "Now blind them with Sand Attack!" Falkner said. His loyal Pokemon obeyed, and Doduo was down. Falkner took out one of the PokeBalls Nurse Joy gave him.
    "PokeBall, go!" he said, and threw it.
    Doduo was pulled inside the ball. The ball rocked back and forth for about five times.
    "Well, Pidgey," Falkner said. "I think we can safely assume that. . ."
    Falkner never finished his sentence. The PokeBall broke open and there stood Doduo, angry as ever.
    "Uh-oh." Falkner said.
    Just as he said that, the large Pokemon started glowing. It seemed to be growing taller. It appeared an extra head was being added to it, and a tail had grown on it.
    "Oh no. It evolved." Falkner said in disbelief.
    Once again, his PokeDex was on hand.
    "Dodrio. The Triple-Bird Pokemon. The evolved form of Doduo. Dodrio's three heads stand for joy, sorrow, and anger."
    "It looks more angry than happy or sad!" Falkner exclaimed.
    Dodrio immediately launched into a Drill Peck, which knocked Pidgey off its feet.
    "Pidgey! Use your Gust Attack!" Falkner commanded.
    Pidgey flapped its wings as hard as it could, but Dodrio just used Agility to go around the gust.
    One of Dodrio's mouths opened. Inside, there appeared to be fire. Then, a second mouth opened to reveal ice. Finally, the third head opened to reveal electricity.
    "Tri-Attack!" Falkner said. "Pidgey, get out of the way!"
    But it was too late. Pidgey was hit by the Tri-Attack, but it was hit by electricity the hardest. Falkner took out Pidgey's PokeBall.
    "Pidgey," he began. But he never expected what happened next.
    His small bird Pokemon started glowing like Dodrio had. It grew taller, and got a bigger wingspan. It looked like it was growing hair on its head.
    Falkner stared in disbelief.
    "Pidgeotto!" the Pokemon exclaimed.
    Falkner nodded in agreement.
    "Pidgeotto, use your Quick Attack!" he said.
    The newly-evolved Pokemon flew straight towards Dodrio. The Pokemon tried to stand still, but the heads for sorrow and anger started pecking each other.
    "Pidgeotto, finish it off with Wing Attack!"
    The giant bird fell. Falkner reached into the Ball Pocket of his backpack and found a Friend Ball. His old friend Bugsy had given it to him.
    "Friend Ball, go!" Falkner said. Once again, Dodrio was pulled into the ball. Falkner counted how many times the ball rocked back and forth.
    "One. Two. Three."
    As soon as he hit three, the ball stopped rocking. Falkner ran up to it and grabbed it.
    "We did it, Pidgeotto!" he said. "We captured Dodrio!"
    "Wow, son!" Sparower said. "That was amazing! I saw you from the bushes over there, and I couldn't help but watch!"
    "Dad, could you take me to see Sage? I want to how him how much I've improved!"
    Sparower nodded. He took out his PokeBall.
    "Fearow, go!"
    "Fear!" the Pokemon said.
    "Fearow, Fly us to the Sprout Tower in Violet City!" Sparower commanded.
    His Pokemon obeyed, and Falkner looked down from his father's Fearow, looking for the Sprout Tower. He saw a trainer with a Quilava walking into the tower. Then, he remembered something.
    "Dad, when can I battle you?"
    Sparower thought for a few seconds. Then, he said, "Falkner, you're getting to be really strong, but let's wait until you get one more Pokemon."
    "Fine with me, Dad." Falkner said. Then, Fearow landed next to the Violet City Pokemon Center. He couldn't wait to tell Sage.

    To be continued. . .

    Don't miss Chapter 5: Surprising News

  9. #9
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    Default Falkner's Story

    Chapter 5: Surprising News

    While Sparower's Fearow was flying Falkner to Violet City, Sage was inside the Sprout Tower. He was battling a trainer from New Bark Town named Brandon. Brandon had previously fought Sage and won the Flash HM, but Brandon had dropped it, and was now getting a new one.
    "Weepinbell, Sleep Powder!" Sage commanded.
    "Quilava, use your Ember!" Brandon exclaimed.
    Sage saw that his Weepinbell had gotten too weak. He took out a PokeBall.
    "Thank you, Weepinbell. Return." Sage said. "Now, go Hoothoot!"
    "Hoo!" the owl Pokemon said.
    "No problem!" Brandon said. "Quilava, use Flame Wheel!"
    Sage sighed.
    "Hoothoot, use Peck!"
    The small owl swooped down and pecked the Quilava right on the head. Even though Quilava was much larger than Hoothoot, Hoothoot had been raised to a higher level.
    Brandon couldn't stand to look anymore.
    "Quilava, return!" he said.
    Sage recalled his Hoothoot.
    "Brandon, do you see why you lost?" Sage asked.
    "Why did I lose, Sage?"
    "It is because you didn't establish a firm trust with your Pokemon. Quilava needs to trust you so that it can go out and battle tough opponents. Once that happens, come and see me. I'll give you the Flash HM once again."
    Brandon glared at Sage.
    "It's not my fault! I was trying to teach it to my Mareep and a Nidorino came up and took it."
    The poor trainer walked sadly down the Sprout Tower. As he was walking away, a very excited Falkner came dashing up the stairs.
    "Hello, Sage!" Falkner said.
    Sage was surprised to see Falkner.
    "Why Falkner," Sage said. "Why have you come back to the Sprout Tower? Is your Pidgey doing okay?"
    Falkner took out his PokeBall. He then threw it into the air. The ball opened up to reveal Falkner's Pidgeotto.
    "Does that answer your question, Sage?" Falkner asked.
    Sage walked closely to the Pidgeotto. He looked the Pokemon straight in the eyes. He then looked up at Falkner.
    "I can tell this Pidgeotto really trusts you, Falkner. Do you have any other Pokemon to show me?"
    "As a matter of fact, I do." said Falkner as he took out a Friend Ball. "Go, Dodrio!"
    The three-headed bird burst out of the Friend Ball.
    "I just captured this guy yesterday. He put up a good fight, and he helped Pidgey evolve."
    "Something told me you would be successful, Falkner." Sage said. "Unlike the two other trainers who thought they could make it, but couldn't."
    It took Falkner a few seconds, but finally he realized who Sage was talking about. Abe and Rod!
    "What happened to them?" Falkner asked.
    Sage took out a letter. It looked like it was Rod's handwriting, but Falkner wasn't too sure.
    "I received this letter yesterday. It is from Rod. I would like to read it to you. 'Dear Sage, I have decided to give up training Pokemon. My Spearow refuses to listen to me, and every time I tell it to attack, it just flies away.
    "'My other two Pokemon are no better. My Pidgey is constantly breaking out of its PokeBall and my Hoothoot refuses to battle in the morning. I have lost fifteen battles and won none of them. When I come back to Violet City, I will return my Spearow to you. Say hi to Falkner and Abe for me. Rod.'"
    For the longest time, Falkner just stood there. He was trying to absorb what was really going on. Finally, he spoke up.
    "Abe. What happened to him?"
    "I think you should ask him yourself." Sage said. "Abe, you can come out now!"
    Abe crept quietly out of the dark shadows of the Sprout Tower. He had heard everything. Falkner had never seen Abe like this before. They had known each other since they were at Earl's Pokemon Academy.
    "Falkner." he said.
    "Abe." Falkner said.
    "I would like to tell you what happened to me. This takes place right after I got Hoothoot from Sage. I made it to Union Cave. I saw an Onix, so I sent my Hoothoot to battle it. Hoothoot ran away and hid in a tree."
    Falkner interrupted.
    "Abe, you should know that flying Pokemon are weak against rock Pokemon."
    "I know!" Abe exploded at Falkner. "Let me continue! My Hoothoot wouldn't come down. I took out my PokeDex and it translated Hoothoot as saying, 'You are a lousy trainer. I refuse to come down and be trained by you.'"
    Sage stepped forward.
    "Your error was that you did not listen to your Pokemon. Hoothoot knew that it was wise not to go into the cave. You did not listen to your Pokemon. That is why it turned against you."
    Abe looked embarrassed.
    "I wish there was something I could do." Falkner said.
    Sage's face lit up. He had an idea.
    "Falkner, I think I have something for you to do. You could capture Abe's Hoothoot and give it back to Abe. That way, he could start all over again from the beginning."
    Falkner looked at Abe. He then looked at Pidgeotto and Dodrio, who were still out of their PokeBalls.
    "Go for it," said Abe. "You have nothing to lose."
    "Okay." Falkner said. "I'll go for it!"

    Don't miss Chapter 6: The Ruins of Alph

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default wow

    This is a very good fic, I really enjoy reading it. But Dodrio seems a little strong for a beginning trainer, but who am I to tell you what's good and what's not?

    Just one question, when is Falkner going to camp, or isn't he? I didn't completely understood that

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Default Re: wow

    Originally posted by PokéRuler
    Just one question, when is Falkner going to camp, or isn't he? I didn't completely understood that
    He was just camping out for one night with his father. Falkner and Sparower (his father) have been going on camping trips ever since Falkner was born.

    Next chapter is coming up soon!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Falkner's Story

    I'm looking forward reading it

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