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Thread: The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

  1. #1
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    Well, this RPG was a good one on the EZboard, so I'm hoping that it will be just as good an RPG on the vB board.


    The Story

    A group of kids; normal kids. Most are friends with each other, a few are not. You're one of them, and currently, you're spending a day in the park.

    Unfortunately, your life is about to get as abnormal as you could think.

    Without any kind of warning, the ground drops out beneath you. You fall, forever it seems, down a pitch-black hole. Then, as suddenly as you started falling, you lose conciousness.

    Groggily, you wake up feeling fine. That is, until you open your eyes and look around. Everywhere you turn, everything looks like it was drawn Animé-style. Trees, water, even you and other people. You have entered "The AniVerse."

    But the strangeness doesn't stop there. You soon find out that you now live on the same street as everyone else who was dropped here. You also find out that you have a different family and different stuff too.

    All of you must figure out some way to get back to the other world, because like in most Animé, there's some evil guy who wants to take over the world. And he's got a plan.


    Sign-up form
    ~Age: 14-18
    ~Personality: (try to make it brief)
    ~Relationship: (BF/GF or crush — choose which, or have none)
    ~Looks: (what you look like, Animé-style)


    My Sign-up:
    ~Name: Mike Rampart
    ~Age: 17
    ~Gender: Male
    ~Personality: is extremely understanding, friendly, and nice; isn't one to speak his mind; isn't much of a leader, but would gladly give his ideas if they're needed.
    ~Relationship: none…well, nobody's signed up yet!
    ~Looks: tallish, 5'11", brown, short spikey hair, deep green eyes; wears baggy jeans, a printed T-shirt, and a black cap.
    ~Other: is a computer geek


    Currently, I only want one sign-up per person. If we get close, but not enough, I'll consider letting people have a second sign-up.

    A list of Animé Laws can be found here in case you aren't that used to how Animé in general works.
    SteamID: virtualplay
    PSN Handle: VirtualPlay1337

    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  2. #2

    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    Sign-up form
    ~Name: Frank
    ~Age: 15
    ~Personality: Likes to have a light view on life, as in taking things lightly. Thinks the world is place that's crap filled with suffering and stuff, and we people are idiots. Likes to be happy, hyper, and wants to enjoy life to the fullest.
    ~Relationship: Katie!
    ~Looks: Anime-style...hmm...Unruly black hair, plain white t-shirt (or maybe those greyish-white t-shirt). blue jeans, not much else...
    ~Other: Is an idiot. Can be very random. Might be insane...

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  3. #3
    Supernova Advanced Trainer
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    Name:Izumi Morimoto(Japanese..Yes, I know..)
    Personalityhy, she is yet very caring and mature. Her look make's her look Mature too. She's a Tomboy.
    Relationship:None, but she might have one...(winks.. )
    Looks:Tall, like 6 foot 5, with Long Brown Hair(she look's like this in real life too..but) with no bangs. Her hair has a mystical feeling to it. She has Baggy White Pants and Long Pink Sleeved tee-shirt.She does't put her hair in bun.
    Other:Love's to cook and to watch anime(Real world, not Aniverse). She's really nice though, but hard to get along with.

  4. #4
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    Sign-up form
    ~Name: Jarod Something-Or-Other
    ~Age: 15
    ~Gender: Male
    ~Personality: Ignores other people for the most part, tends to try to live in his own little imaginary world. Which, naturally, includes lots and lots of electronic stuff.
    ~Relationship: Not with anyone in this RPG, but likes to think of himself as "taken".
    ~Looks: Tall and not exactly the average skinny-as-hell bishounen type. Not a fat-nerdy-kid type either. Just kinda average build, with square-rimmed glasses. Generally wears a t-shirt and jeans. Prides himself on his newfound ability to adjust his glasses and make them all shiny for a second(like most Anime people with glasses can)
    ~Other: Nothing that I can think of...

    Eh, not the best sign-up I've ever written, but not the worst.

  5. #5
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    pokemasterfrank: sorry, no idiots or insanities in this one

    poLIzumi-chan: Japanese names are okay…you're accepted.

    Jarreddo: Looks good, move along. You're accepted.
    SteamID: virtualplay
    PSN Handle: VirtualPlay1337

    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  6. #6
    Like Ninja (You Don't See Me) Elite Trainer
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    Default I haven't had this much fun on a sign-up form for a while!

    Name: Kayla
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Personality: Happy, hyper, funny, can be depressing or really sarcastic.
    Relationship: Anyone? *hears cricket*
    Looks: Purple hair! (I've always wanted to say that!) It's pulled behind her in a bun that sticks out a foot in little clumps in almost every direction imaginable. Red eyes. (I love anime RPGs...) Not 100% skinny, but kind of slim. 6'4. White t-shirt. Jeans.
    Other: Hyper very! WHEEEEEEEE!!!
    Because college has finally stopped gnawing on my soul.

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  7. #7
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    ~Name: Mata-Sama
    ~Age: 18
    ~Gender: Male
    ~Personality: A layed back person. He likes to be by hiself and read Mangas. When he does have someone to talk to he doesnt talk much. Sometimes he is mean too. It must be that taurus in him though! He is a good souled person, and everyone should know that.
    ~Relationship: None, but wishs to have one.
    ~Looks: A normal anime looking person. He has long black hair that comes down and covers his deep green eyes. He is about 6' and weighs about 110. He has a black shirt and baggy blue jeans.
    ~Other: Very weird, yes weird.

  8. #8
    Back?! Advanced Trainer
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    Ooh, I remember this! Funfunfunfunfun!!

    ~Name: Taden
    ~Age: 14
    ~Gender: M
    ~Personality: He likes to pretend he's evil o.O He's a bit of a loner, actually a lot of a loner, and he has a large vocabulary. He's good at holding his tongue, but can throw daggers with it if need be.
    ~Relationship: Has a crush on Izumi, but if anyone finds out he'll kill 'em
    ~Looks: Abotu 5'4", very pale blue eyes, hair is silver and looks a lot like Viceous's (from Cowboy Bebop). Wears a grey shirt and black pants.
    ~Other: Uh... Nothing?
    Yeah, I can break necks with my mind.

  9. #9
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    ~Name: Lorelei
    ~Age: 16
    ~Gender: Female
    ~Personality: Loves animals. Kind, caring, nice. Can get bitchy at times, and tends to often get sassy to someone when she gets a grudge against that person. Has an extremely strong streak of obstinacy, courageous, fun-loving. Often jumps to conclusions and has a short temper. Determined, outgoing. She can be a big flirt, but she knows how far she should go. She can sometimes push her luck, and never gives things a chance sometimes.
    ~Relationship: Um? not yet.
    ~Looks: Blonde hair to shoulders with various shades of blonde. Blue eyes. Slender, tall, pretty. Athletic, agile. Slightly tanned skin. Wears a silver necklace with a horse on it. She has a small tatoo on her lower back of a yellow star in purple and blue flames. Wears khaki coloured boot-cut flares and a black halter top with gold hoop earrings.
    ~Other: Um? no.

  10. #10
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    EVme15: PURPLE HAIR! Accepted ^-^

    Link 10: meh…accepted

    Nabooru23: good, accepted

    Lorelei: yeah…accepted

    about 3 more characters should do…going for 10 here…
    SteamID: virtualplay
    PSN Handle: VirtualPlay1337

    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  11. #11
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    Sign-up form
    ->Name: Arnon
    ->Personality:Always in a cool mode but when he loses his temper he'll become a raging dragon bursting flames, Nice very very slick, he loves new edgy looking devices.
    ->Relationship:Not yet at the moment
    ->Looks:Black hair, Silver glasses, Slick clothes, tanned skin But not very tanned, oh and he works out(gym).
    ->Other:A Computer freak does things that aren't even in the manual , and a smooth talker.

  12. #12

    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    well its a party once DBs arrived!

    Name: Morbrid Chaos
    Age: 15
    Sex: Male
    Looks: has black roopy spikey hair and wears goth clothing
    Personality: He keeps to himself and can be arrogant
    Crush: none...yet...
    In Anime Form: he's now wearing a black leather suit w/ straps (sort of a cross between Yugi's clothes from Magic Ruler and Yugi's clothes from Duelists of the Rose)
    Other: kill...kill..kill...

  13. #13
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)


    S-3: umm, sorry, no transformations…and (not to be prejudiced, but) no newbies…sorry…

    DarkBlastoise: sorry, no spammers either…

    *waits for 3 more people*
    SteamID: virtualplay
    PSN Handle: VirtualPlay1337

    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  14. #14
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    Kalad Galadorian
    sex male
    Looks:has long black hair (Zechs type of hair) and wears a pocket tee, blue jeans and a black cape
    Personalityaranoid, but good hearted, when he is defending a friend, he can be VERY deadly
    Crush:too busy being paranoid to have a crush, yet.
    Looks(changed): similar, but has bright emerald green eyes instead of blue.
    other:none for now
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

  15. #15
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    kalad: ok up to the "gun nut" part. I'm trying to keep this nice, so you won't have weapons like guns and such…at least not until we get to fighting the bad guy(s). Then maybe I'll decide to let some weapons in…
    SteamID: virtualplay
    PSN Handle: VirtualPlay1337

    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  16. #16

    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    d00d whats ur problem? why r u calling me a spammer? if u say u dont want me in the RPG just say it dont give some gay reason why unless ur scared or sometin...

  17. #17
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    Name: Yugi Mouto
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    Personality: He's brave and confident. He always stands up to his freinds and is very kind and philosiful. He's obsessed with a card game called Duel monsters
    Relationships: he has a crush on Kayla.
    Looks: He has blonde and crimson hair (blonde at the front and crimson at the back). He has purple eyes and wears a blue uniform.
    Other: n/a

    (Sound familier?)
    I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!

  18. #18
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    Mystic_clown: well, sorry, but…please post more fully elsewhere, please; I'm not calling you a n00bie or anything…just that I was hoping for more quality posts like the Aniverse that was on the EZboard.

    DB: ok, in my eyes you are a very poor RPer whose posts are short, incomplete, unfinished, and otherwise annoying. I do not want you in my RPG because I'm hoping for a good time. Period.
    SteamID: virtualplay
    PSN Handle: VirtualPlay1337

    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  19. #19

    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    thank you for being straightforward w/ me I will leave now...

  20. #20
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    ~Name: River Troika (her real first name is Samantha, but don't ever call her that)
    ~Age: 17
    ~Gender: F
    ~Personality: Eccentric and outgoing, she's usually happy but can get quite gruff.
    ~Relationship: She has a tiny seed of a crush for Mike.
    ~Looks: Long blue hair tied into two buns on the top of her head with a long braid dangling from each. Wears a with tank top under a red hawaiian shirt with khaki shorts and sandels.
    ~Other: Enjoys rule #43 on Anime Laws List.

  21. #21
    WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! Elite Trainer
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    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    Anjana's Halo: Accepted, of course

    Just one more good sign-up and we can start…

    EDIT: ah, heck…I'm just gonna start this now…forget the 10th character…
    SteamID: virtualplay
    PSN Handle: VirtualPlay1337

    VirtualPlay: they were checking your age so they could legally allow the guys to ogle you?
    ChobiChibi: yeah I guess XD

  22. #22

    Default The AniVerse (sign-ups are HERE and NOW)

    name:Ken Connolly



    personality: uh kind of a loner type really shy


    Look: Blonde Hair, Brown Eyes waers jeans and t-shirts all the time


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