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Thread: The Pros and Cons of using Counter

  1. #1
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default The Pros and Cons of using Counter

    Right, since TMM and MS have been having "words" about their conflicting veiws on the use of counter, we'll make a nice discussion topic about it. Post and discuss veiws on using Counter.

    No flaming. No matter who you are.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default The Pros and Cons of using Counter

    I like it. It can't be on every pokemon like thunderwave in. I certainly think it has a place in standard battle, such as counter alakazam. Seismic toss and reflect aren't really that great of moves because seismictoss is to easily countered and psychic just gets PP wasted.

    I'm currently experimenting with a counter/softboiled/thunderwave/stoss chansey, and so far the tauros killing has been high.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Default The Pros and Cons of using Counter

    I don't like Counter on pokemon like Alakazam or Chansey, if it is there for the purpose of killing Tauros's.
    Like, if your opponent is smart, they should only brng in Tauros if they think they wont get paralysed, and since any turn your pokemon is countering, it could be thunderwaving.. You probably wont often get to use counter on the Tauros of a decent battler.. Plus I just have this thing about seismic toss-ing Chanseys..

    Counter on something like a Snorlax or Kangaskhan I figure should be a lot more successful..

    Basically, Tauros is the one pokemon most likely of winning a battle by itself, and a move that can do like 75% damage to it in one shot is always going to be a good thing.. But I also feel there are better ways of dealing with that problem.. Counter is always going to be a risk, because you are always giving Tauros a chance to attack.. and whenever you do that there is always a fair chance that something will go wrong..

    But, with a bit of luck/brains, it can be an effective move.. Maybe slightly over-rated though..

    Have a nice day.

  4. #4

    Default The Pros and Cons of using Counter

    pros: opponent dont expect it /wob
    cons: spc att+non physical attacks...

    aipom is a OK counter'er, if he even survives it XD
    its about the only way he can KO something.........poor aipmom

    but t-wave interfers with counter. same with d-team/some others

    if it dont work (cause of t-wave/d-team) the opponet wont use physical on him anymore...only got one shot really....
    EDIT:lol, i was looking ages for this in g/s/c
    i never knew that (fight/norm only)

    then i think it sucks.

  5. #5
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default The Pros and Cons of using Counter

    As much as a contribution to this topic is appriciated, could we please make sure we're playing the same games here?

    Counte rin RBY differs to counter in GSC. For starters, in RBY, the attack only works to Counter Normal and Fighting type attack, rather than the whole range of physical blows.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Default The Pros and Cons of using Counter

    after reading this me thinks a chansey with double team, soft boiled, counter, and blizzard would be good eh? before i was concerned about chansey dying to a hard hitting attacker, but counter could cover the normal/fighting and blizzard could refute earthquake and STAB, but not plain old earthquake i guess. am i wrong here? is there a weakness?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default The Pros and Cons of using Counter

    Double Team screws the whole idea of counter, seeing as if you don't get hit the damage isn't countered back. Thunder Wave and Counter on a Chansey is risky imo, because if you twave when tauros is switched in, and it is paralyzed on the turn you counter, your advantage of surprise is screwed and tauros will be earthquaking chansey from now on.

    Counter isn't really that much worse in rby, seeing as I'd say a good 70% of physical attacks from standards are normal (The exception being tauros eq and golem/rhydon). Counter Chansey complete destroys Persian, since bubblebeam is hardly going to be killing Chansey anytime soon.

    edit: Oh, and my counter chansey set is softboiled/ice beam/thunderbolt/counter. Don't like having just blizzard because then it can take ages to kill Starmie.

  8. #8
    Mr.E's Avatar
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    Default The Pros and Cons of using Counter

    Counter Chansey complete destroys Persian, since bubblebeam is hardly going to be killing Chansey anytime soon.

    ~Mr.E, the mystery.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Default The Pros and Cons of using Counter

    Good point. You had to go and ruin my delusionally happy state, didn't you?

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