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Thread: Moonflow Acadamy (Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon) Signups!

  1. #1
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    Default Moonflow Acadamy (Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon) Signups!

    This is a SignUp post. It wouldn't let me edit the title of it so this is the closest I will get to let people know this is a signup post. I'm going to wait for a week or two week max to accept people. If anyone wants to join in later on (passing the two week deadline, I'll still accept). Thankies!


    On an island about the size of Texas located in the Pacific Ocean, there is an acadamy where kids from ages 7-21 go for training thier pokemon, any kind of creatures, and even their own power skills. Some kids are vampires, warewolfs, and immortals with great abilities such as X-Men.

    Long ago the headmaster Enrique built the acadamy a very high tech building with computers in every class room, a traing room, a lovely ballroom with a dome-like glass roof, a river inside it and a bunch of small trees. Everything is almost run by electric. There is a library, a huge cafateria with indoor and outdoor eating area. There are stair, but some poeple prefer the window elevator where you can see the outside of the acadamy when you are moving to your floor. (Looks like Final Fantasy VIII Garden where Squal lives at...I'll try to post a picture of it.)

    The dormatories are just like Harry Potter. The student gets his/her own room, they both share a huge living room with a fire place, comfortable chairs and couches, and they own computer room. It's like a dream come true. Some students call it the "Utopian Dorm Room." The Professors live in the Acadamy too, but their rooms are located outside the Acadamy. Thier houses are just like any other normal house, but they are made out of marble. Doesn't matter what color; it's your pick. Most of the Professor houses are two stories high.

    Moonflow Acadamy is located in Nother Shizo about a hundred miles away from Enrique's Palace. It is surrounded by plains, forest, and the ocean for any kind of training. The closest city, Luca, is located South of Moonflow Acadamy about fourty miles.

    The Acadamy is called 'Moonflow' because there is a lake close by name, Moonflow lake, where spirit-like fireflies come out at night and lit the sky. Sometimes you will find Knight (a rare creature in Shizo) there in the middle of the lake swimming while siging a lovely tune. People call it the "Song of Luner Night." The song tells the people that the next day will be wonderful and safe.

    Students in Moonflow acadamy wear the same thing. They can wear anything they want during non-school hours (which are six days a week (Monday thru Saturday (half a day)) from eight in the morning to four in the evening, but there is a two hour brake from eleven to one), but during school hours they have to wear black cloaks with a symbol of to wear your heart is located. Kinda like Harry Potter cloaks. Each symbol is differnt because the four groups that there are. The four main elements of Light Power. Each symbol is a circular shape with the symbol inside it.

    Group number one is Ice. The symbol is a white snow flake with a ice blue color in the background.

    Group number two is Water. The symbol is a blue wave with white color in the background.

    Group number three is Fire. The symbol is a red flame with white in the background.

    Group number four is Physic. They symbol is a yellow star with white in the background.

    If any student does any great deed they recieve a colored ribbon for a reward. These ribbons are placed of to the right side of your cloak to show your accomplishments. When the student is at higher rank (around the ages of 18-21) they wear a white cloak, but the symbols and ribbons don't change.

    Plot: About hundred years of passed when Enrique made this Acadamy and nothing bad has ever happen until someone decided to temper with his staff and released the villians of an elite group known as Evil Realm. Many things are going wrong in the Acadamy and it is getting bad that it might have to close down. Even though all these bad things are happening about once a year, they are just getting worse everytime. Other then that, these students are getting the education that they need. The objective of the plot it to save the Acadamy, world, and pass the classes and graduate from the Acadamy.


    Here are the Signups:

    Headmaster: Enrique

    I need Professors for: Majic Defense (kind of like Gym), Potions (kind of like Chem class), Training your Creatures, Creature 101 (Biology on Pokemon, etc.), Training in Majic Arts, Librarian, Ancient Literature, and Training in Martian Arts (Sword, Staff, Wand, etc.).

    Students: You get to choose what group you want to be in (Fire, Water, Ice, and Physic)

    If you want to be a professor you need a student too. If you just want to be a student you can also have an 'enemy' to your character. There will be villians in this.

    Also, for each student you can have a max of two pokemon with you. They kind of stick with you throught out the whole RPG. If you want to change them go ahead. They will not be in pokeballs. Also, if you choose to be a Professor you can have a choice of two legendary pokemon (even Mew and Mewtwo).

    Well, here is the form:

    Professor: Yes/No (if YES, name of subject)
    Student: (name of group)
    Pokemon/Other Creature:
    Power: (optional)

    That's all. Here are my character stats (they are kind of long):

    Name: Enrique
    Gender: Male
    Power: (if you choose to have one) Heaven's Light (The most strongest power ever in the whole universe and dimensions. No power can't exceed it but can only be used at important events (thus is why Enrique is training people to become strong power Elite). Only Enrique can have it. (and I'm not going to let him use it) If Enrique, Honker and Knight dies of any reason then no power will exsist in the whole universe, dimensions, or other worlds at all and forever).
    Ocupation: Headmaster, Emperor of Shizo
    Hight: 5'11
    Hair color: blond/brown (if you watch Fushi Yugi...thats the guy with blond hair) (color of hair depends on power change)
    Eye Color: all white (it's because of his power), but can see times are hazel
    Age: ??? (he looks like he is 18)
    Looks: He has a very nice looking muscular body. Light tenned skin. His hair looks change depending if he switches to his power. If he is not in his power then his hair is a medium cut black. If he is in his power then it is long blonde. Has a nice white smile.
    Wears: He normally wears lose fit baggy Tommy H. Jeans, blue, a tight black t-shirt, brown boots, a unbutten white over****. When he is at Moonflow Acadamy (where he mostly stay at) he wears a white robe with gold, black, and red designs on it. Around the waist is a black cloth belt with gold markings. Then he has a long white cape that drags a little on the floor with a huge gold and black symbol on the back meaning "Heaven's Light" in Ancient Shizoian. He has on white ninja boots with colored jewels on it. Around his neck is a pharoah golden necklace with a huge white crystal in it (important in this RPG). Around this clear crystal is colored little crystals symbolizing all the power in the universe.
    Creatures/Pokemon: Honker and Knight

    Name: Honker
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Guardian of Enrique (King of honkers)
    Age: ???
    Power: Heaven's Light and Fire (he is connected to Enrique power wise)
    Looks: He has two powerful back legs, no arms or wings, and has a long neck with a llama's shape head (but looks more beastly like a lion is..sort of like that). His body is kind of shape like a Ostritch, but he is very very muscular. His tail is like a lion's but it is on flames like a Rapidash. His fur is a dark red mixed with a little bit of white and black. There is more black around his head. His eye colour is red. From the top of his head down to the middle of his arched back is three rows of black spicks. He is about 5'9 tall from head to foot, and if he stretches his neck and tail is is about 15 feet long.
    Info: He is the rarest of all animals. If there was a battle between him and Mew/Mewtwo he would win (not to be mean). He started the creature race name honkers and they only live on Shizo where the are treated fairly and have their own tournament just like Pokemon. He can talk in many languages.
    Wears: (optional) Since he is Enrique's guardian he usually wears a animal type of cape. The color of it is white and has the same looks as Enrique's cape. Also around his neck is the same necklace that Enrique has.

    Name: Knight
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Enrique's Guardian (also known by the people as Protector of Night)
    Power: Heaven's Light and Night powers
    Age: ???
    Looks: His body looks just like Honker's but a little bit different. His fur is black mixed with brown, white, and silver. There is more brown around his head. Instead of three rows of spikes he has brown, silver, and black horse-like hair. Instead of a Rapidash tail, he has a long black featered tail. He also has a total expended thirty feet wings. His tail is about fifteen feet long. He is the same size as Honker.
    Wears: (optional) Same thing as Honker...even the necklace.
    Info: Where ever Honker is, Knight is right beside him. When Enrique and Honker are walking down the halls you will usually find Knight off to the right of Enrique. He also talks, but he has a British accent. He is very smart and even has his own Lab and Library to himself.

    (I'll post my student later)


    There ya' go. Don't mind their powers. I'm just stating that they are very powerful people/creatures. I'm not even going to use their powers. This is a 'school' RPG so powers isn't that major in here. If you want some, go ahead, but remember what Enrique has. Umm..whatelse to say...I just got into detail with their stats because I just want you guys to know more about them. Thats all.

    So, anyway, go ahead and post your character's stats. When we get five people we can start. I hope you guys join in and have fun with this. There is another topic like this ina different forum and it is a year old and still going. It is very fun once you join me. If you want to join in later just to see how it is going go ahead no body isn't stopping you.

    Well, HAVE FUN!!! Please, PLEASE, join in. THANKIES!

    PS: Don't mind the spelling and grammer errors. I didn't even bother checking it over. I was just typing non-stop. Sorry for the mistakes. And thanks for the help D! I hope this is alright.

  2. #2
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Mmkay dude...
    1- You need to have a sign up form that people can copy and fill out
    2- Make the plot a little more detailed too. It's a good start, just give something more... exact.
    3- Make a list of classes too. That's a mistake I made as well, I didn't have a list of classes for people to put in thier signup.
    4- Describe the school a little bit more. Are there houses like in Harry Potter? Or, are people just put in dorms like in X-men?

    Nice start though! I'll keep this one in mind

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
    PoGo Code: 5716-4300-0144
    Steam: Jessyrah

  3. #3
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Drusilla: Thanks for reading it! And thanks for the advice, I'm sure you are tired of constenly repeating it to new people like me . Anyway, I edited my post, I hope that is okay and good enough. Thanks again!

  4. #4
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Excellent! Check this post for an edited in sign up in a day or two!

    No prob about the help, I'm always around if ya need it ^_~

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
    PoGo Code: 5716-4300-0144
    Steam: Jessyrah

  5. #5
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Few suggestions, minor details...
    Colors- Ice as white snowflake, ice blue background; Water as blue wave, white background; Fire as red flame, orange background, Psychic as yellow star, purple background. Make them all different.

    Have two or three people to a room in the dorms. It's just more believable that way, and it causes character interaction.

    This computer room thing, is it a computer for every person in thier room, or is there a lab for every "house"?

    I'm assuming that everyone takes the same classes, just separated by level...

    What's the "enemies" thing for students? Is that rivals?

    Name: Junasta Kalaan
    Gender: female
    Age: 29
    Professor: Yes- Martial Arts; Teacher of Psychic House (kinda like on HP, some teachers are Heads of houses)
    Pokemon/Other Creature: Typhlosion (f) that could knock the %*&! out of any water type, and a pet raven (f) named Cailleach (Call-ee-ahck; the 'ahck' is a throatish sound, almost 'ah' with a soft 'k'). I'll explain her name later...
    Power: She can move faster than the human eye can detect. It's helped greatly in her occupation (obviously) and has elevated her to the rank of Master at an extremely young age.
    Looks: clickie!
    Like that, but she's got two swords crossed on her back, like a Saracen (Arabian assassin, if you're not familiar with the term). Her hair is usually back like that during school hours, but she sometimes will let it down for formal occasions (Opening Ball, holidays, End of Year Ball, ect.). She dresses like that too, except for said formalities, where she will wear some kind of black gown.

    Info: She was once a student here, and has returned to help the next generation along. She's a sturdy person, the kind that you could tell anything and know that she won't tell. Her first priority is the safety of her students; she tolerates absolutely no foolish behaviour in her class. In this regard, she's very strict, and students who are accident prone aren't going to think very highly of her either. People who are used to getting their way are put right back in their place. Her class is her empire, and she rules with an iron fist. However, she has the best intentions at heart. She's a master of sword, bow, staff, and hand-to-hand combat.
    Her house is of black marble ^_^

    Name: Varda "Vixen" Morgil (Teh Vixen r teh b4x0rz, w00t! ^_~ or, w0r0t©!)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Professor: No O_o
    Student: Fire House
    Pokemon/Other Creature: Arcanine and Flareon
    Power: Pyrokinetic (control, and sometimes create, fire; she usually carries a few lighters for this reason though, like Pyro)
    Looks: Tall, about six feet, with long black-red hair that falls to her waist. She usually keeps her hair up in a bun, since it's not fun when your hair catches fire. Wears a black and silver velvet peasant-style blouse and a long black skirt. Has a long, hooded, reddish-black cloak and a phoenix-pentagram pendant set in silver. (I'll try to find a pic of it.)
    She's fair skinned, with deep green eyes that will change tint according to her mood. Her ears are quadruple pierced, and her left ear has a cartilage piercing. She also has her left eyebrow and right side of her lower lip pierced too. On her ears, the earrings have dangling charms of wand, sword, cup, and pentacle (in order from outer-most in) that represent the suits of the Tarot.

    Info: Total computer junkie, she's always working on something it seems. Her favorite thing to do is play interactive games online with her friends late at night. She's a nocturnal person, loves to stay up and sleep in. It makes it hard for her to go to her first class in the morning though. She loves music, and never goes anywhere without her purse-bag, which carries her CD player, 32-slot CD case, batteries, GBA, and at least one deck of Tarot cards, usually the Vampire Tarot.
    Relationship-wise, she's a nice enough person, but not the easiest to get close to. She likes to hang out with guys more than girls, just because guys are a little more mischievous than girls. She's a mischief maker, much to Junasta's chagrin, but she's an excellent student. Most likely, she'll have two really, really good friends, be on good terms with most everyone else, and have a group of enemies. Romantically, she's pretty sceptical about it, and would rather have fun than mess around with all that stuff. But, you never know; if she finds someone, she'll recognise it subconciously, but probably won't even realise it unless someone says something.
    Room Mate: available ^_^
    Enemies: any person who listens to pop-punk, pop, hip hop, R&B, or just about anything that would make it onto TRL. And this includes, but is not limited to, Good Charlotte, JLo, Eminem, Avril Lavigne, and just about anyone like them

    [Annie] - Kurosakura says: Dru Dru, your RP's not rated M XD
    Drusie says: Oh fuck.
    Headbutting a car = not fun! says: It is now.

    3DS Code: 5300-9721-4472
    Switch Code: 1866-7493-0014
    PoGo Code: 5716-4300-0144
    Steam: Jessyrah

  6. #6
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Name: Kalad Galadorian
    prof.: NO
    Student:Fire house
    Pokemon/Other creature:An Arcanine and a Kadabra
    Power:Gate of Sword:He materialize blades of various lengths through what is called a "Gate" (it looks like two red circles that appear suspended in the air.)
    Looks:like this. but, he removes the gauntlet and head band part when wearing his cloak.
    Info:He's a loner type, who has an obsession of getting stronger, so he's constantly practicing and "Training", his obsession stems from seeing a family member die and not being able to help, he comes from a mildly rich family too.
    The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go.
    What was, what will be, and what is may yet fall under the Shadow
    Let the dragon once again ride on the winds of time.

  7. #7
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Drusilla: You know what, I was thinking of the same thing about the colors early this morning but I never got the chance to fix them and the colors were exactly what you wrote. So they are the new symbols (that you have). Thankies! Also, in every class (some such as Martial Arts and Training Pokemon/Creatures don't have them) has a computer for each student and there is a computer lab. Sorry if I didn't go in great detail on that. As for the dorms, there can be as many people living in one (the dorms are just like Harry Potter) but as long as they are with their 'group'. They just have their own bedroom but share the same living room, and 'family' room. THANKIES FOR THE HELP AGAIN!!

    Also you characters.... I also like your picture too!

    kalad1: ... cool pick too!

  8. #8
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Name: Laura Aqualeaf
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Professor: No
    Student: Water House
    Pokemon/Other creature: A Vaporeon and Sneasel
    Power: Aquakinesis(she can control, but not create, water...)
    Looks: She's sorta tall, about 5'11" in height, and fairly thin. Her hair is a dark brown, near black, in color and goes down to the middle of her neck in length and have blue highlights dyed into them. Her eyes are a forest green color, with a slight brown 'ring' surrounding the pupils. Is normally seen wearing a black long-sleeved shirt with a blue flame design on the sleeves with a water drop on the front, and baggy blue khakis at a length we can't really tell if she's wearing shoes or not(O_o). Is never seen without her pair of silver-rimmed, black tipped glasses for the reason she's nearsighted. She also has her ears pierced three times with silver-loop earrings.
    Info: She seems lonely in life, only her Pokemon for companions. As a depressed and apathetic person, everybody ignored her and she developed to being anti-social. The only thing she concentrates on is getting through Moonflow and making it alive. She's actually quite a good student, but won't like to admit it too much.
    Relationships: None yet...But might develop a crush....Depends
    Room Mate: None yet....
    Enemies: Any preppies.....If any sign-up...that is....O_o

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  9. #9
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Name: Yuko Nishida
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Professor: Nope
    Student: Psychic House
    Pokemon/Other Creature: Houndoom and Sneasle.
    Power: Can teleport from one place to another(like Nightcrawler), and has weak psychic powers(like Jean Grey).
    Looks: here She's the one with green hair.
    Info: She's quite smart, but won't admit it, and sometimes acts dumber than she is to fit in. She also has a great sense of humour, and loves to make people laugh.
    Room Mate: Penelope
    Enemies: Anyone that can say the words Avril Lavigne without shuddering.

  10. #10
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Gothic Latias: Okay, you are in

    Ice_Maiden: You are in , nice picture, and also you need two pokemon.

  11. #11
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    Default Okay,hope I can join...

    Name: WindBreather Xavior(or just Xavior)




    Teaches- WindBreathing and Fire Controlling (Like Pyro)
    Pokemon/Other Creature: Typholsion,Latios(The blue one,if the name's right).

    Power: Can dodge thrown objects at high speed.Has the abbility to dissapear into thin air and move anywhere in an instant.Since he teaches Fire Control,he can control fire like Pyro from X2.He can use both hands at once,though,and he can be deadly with this power if used wisely.

    Looks: Looks suprising like one of the Twins from Matrix:Reloaded.

    Info:One of the Youngest professors at Moonflow.Can be a traitor as some times,and loves to windbreathe into other professors' offices to see what they're doing.Also wants to get out of the school and experience life his way.
    Ennemies-Anyone who has similar abbilites as him. Anyone who tries to fight him,even he/she wins or loses.
    Relationships-His son,Ridley.

    Name: WindBreather Ridley
    Pokemon/Other: Tyranitar and a Magcargo(both male).
    Looks-Just like Xavior.
    Powers-Same as Xavior's.Except he uses only one hand for fire control,however,and is much weaker.
    Info- Ridley and Xavior are from the same family,and are twins.
    Ennemies-His dad,Xavior.

  12. #12
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    The_Hunter: You are in.

    Anyone wants to be a professor?

  13. #13
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    Well,maybe I COULD be a prof in WindBreathing or something like that if it's possible and make your life better...

  14. #14
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    That will be awsome! But you need to make a student character. It's all up to you. Anyway, thanks for volunteering!

  15. #15
    "Viddy well little brother.." Cool Trainer
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    I'll be a professor. Lol...

    Name: Kathryn Kyoukan (But you can call me Miss Kathryn. I'm a lenient teacher. )
    Gender: Female
    Age: 28
    Professor: Yeah. "Training Your Creature" and/or "Creature 101"
    - - -
    Pokemon/Other Creature: Velocalophus and several Velocas.
    - - -
    Looks: ((Click here. Just picture with a dark blue t-shirt. Lol.)) 5'6" tall, light brown hair to midway-down her back (usually in a ponytail). Usually wears (in either classes) a dark blue t-shirt with a black jacket and navy cargos (usually with some gloves and some pokeblocks sticking out of the pockets. LOL).
    Info: At first you may think she's one of those boring teachers that rambles on and on about how you should never stick your hand in a Charizard's mouth. Actually, she's a really nice, outgoing person who hasn't lost her fun and adventure. The classroom is usually decorated with lots of interesting stuff, and, (like in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom in Harry Potter), she has a huge skeleton of some weird raptor hanging from her ceiling.
    Pic of Velocalophus
    And unfortunately, I have no pics of Veloca. But picture a smaller Velocalophus, with a shorter horn, smaller legs, blunter claws, and cuter eyes.

    Edit: (To BlackKnight's next post) Oops, sorry 'bout that. LOL, I copied the url when I was still viewing them in my editor instead of the community page. Heh! And I'll just post my student character on a different post so as you know I posted it and won't overlook her, or something.
    Edit2: Hooraaay! I found a picture that resembles her! I take no credit for it. I just found it.

    ~ ~ [[deviantArt]] ~ [[MySpace]] ~ ~

  16. #16
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    YES A PROFESSOR!!! Opps, , sorry. lol

    SmearGal: , you are in. Just post your student when you get the chance, and I couldn't get to see your picy. It said I had to log in. Ohh well.

  17. #17
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    So,when are you going to start the RPG?
    Just asking.

  18. #18
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    Um, sometime this week around friday. It depends how many people I have. I would like to get more, maybe a couple. Till then I'm saying as of right now that Friday will be the deadline.

  19. #19
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Name: Penelope "Scarlett" Evan
    Gender: Female
    Age: Sixteen
    Professor: Nope.
    Student: Fire House
    Pokemon/Other Creature: Her constant companions, Hush the male black Arcanine with crimson stripes and Banshee the female blue-eyed Houndoom.
    Power: Well, she is a vampire, but has slight control over the element of metal, allowing to warp it into whatever she wishes. But it can only be created into creatures, such as wolves and hawks.
    Looks: Of course, pale ivory skin, that clashes with her raven hair, with a streak of scarlet on her long bangs which grow in with her long hair. She wears all black, for some reason like most of her kind, usually in the form of a long skirt slitted on the side and a long flared sleeve shirt with a scarlet triangle with a stake going through the centre of it and crimson flames on her sleeves. Stands nerely six feet despite her young age, and is slim, as truly - vampires don't really eat anything for them to gain weight. Usually she wears smoky grey eyeshadow and pale red lipstick, and that's the only makeup that she's even seen wearing, because it seems that break outs don't spring upon the dead! And seriously, what vamp has dark skin? Also, she doesn't wear jewelry - the cloest thing to it is a thick chain-like metal necklace that she wears around her neck, and the spiked cuffs around her arms. Her boots, which are ebony leather, are knee-high and tie up on the sides. She also wears a long black trenchcoat that goes down nearly to her ankles.
    Info: Er, she's a tempermental little bugger. Talk about moodswings! She also pampers her two Pokémon, and treats them as if they're the only thing that matters in the world. Except blood, of course.
    Relationships: Stealing blood on the first date. Smooth. This also means, "Not in your lifetime."
    Room Mate: She doesn't have one. If anybody wants to be roommates with a blood-stealing, tempermental, metal-bending vampire - here's your chance!
    Enemies: Er, she considers everyone her enemy. It may take a while to gain her friendship.

  20. #20
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Name: Chris "Frostbite" Kerkin
    Gender: M
    Age: 11
    Professor: No
    Student: Ice House
    Pokemon/Other Creature: A Politoed and a Sealeo
    Power: Pretty much Iceman's power except not as strong.
    Looks: He has spiked bleach blonde hair with blue streaks, turquoise eyes, and tanned peach skin.
    Info: He's a loner. An outcast. Nobody bothers him, he bothers no-one. If someone would just make social contact with him... Nah.
    Relationships: None.
    Roommates: None.
    Enimies: None, but he has no friends either.

    I'm back.

  21. #21
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Discothéque: , Your in, and a vampire character too..kewl

    Parsec's Politoed: Ok you are in too

  22. #22
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Can't resist these RPGs!

    Name: Sakura Wealsey
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Professor: No
    Student: Fire house
    Pokemon/Other Creature: A Houndoom and a phoenix...
    Power: The creation and manipulation of any object (like her sword), and the four elements (fire, water, earth and wind)
    Looks: Click here! Something like that... Except she's got bright blue eyes. She also seldom wears dresses and skirts, except for special occasions. She never wears black, unless she has to, like in the case of the school uniform.
    Info: Excels in her studies, especially martial arts class, which she enjoys immensely. She always gets into trouble, due to her boisterous character and lack of respect for authority.
    Room mate: Anyone?
    Enemies: None. She rather make friends than enemies.

  23. #23
    "Viddy well little brother.." Cool Trainer
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Anyway, here's my student character. And I fixed the image problem. Heh...

    Name: Tori Souhun
    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Professor: Nooo...
    Student: Ice House
    Pokemon/Other Creature: A Zaptillion and Hyoukai (See description)
    Power: She never gets cold. Neeveeer. In other words, she can survive extremely cold temperatures, and just act as though it were 90 degrees outside.
    Looks: 5'4" tall with dirty blonde hair to her shoulders and sky blue eyes. Under her cloak she wears a t-shirt with the colors varying anywhere from sky blue to navy, and baggy denim jeans. She also wears a dark blue choker with silvery stars.
    Relationships: Up for grabs. Lol...
    Roommate(s): Uhm...Sakura? XD Wanna be roomies?
    Enemies: I agree with Gothic, PREPS. *gags and makes a cross sign with fingers*
    Info: Really hyper almost all the time. Definitely not a morning person, though. Smart, although she sometimes doesn't act it.

    A Hyoukai (icy waters) is a small, 2' tall...lizard (I suppose), made entirely of water and ice. I warn you, it is very hard for me to describe, and it'd be best to give a picture, but I don't have a picture of it, so you're stuck with my odd description. The skin is made of a thin sheet of ice that's smooth and cold to the touch, and see through, so you can see the insides of it, but the insides are water. It has a row of sharp spikes running down its back, and it has sharp claws on its feet. Its tail is very long and whip-like. Its eyes are indecipherable (in other words, you can't tell exactly where they are), but they're little balls of light that shine in a soft, icy blue. Hyoukais are possible to the ice cracks, or melts, and it turns into a puddle, it can reform itself once it's cold enough to freeze again. They are very friendly and love nothing better than to get their heads patted.


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  24. #24
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Sakura12: , kewl! You are in...also I like your picture...I'm really more of a Final Fantasy Freak and a Harry Potter fan my self too.

    SmearGal: , You are already in, but only for your professor..and your!!! In. I also like your drawing! Very nice!

    These are the students that I have so far and they are assigned to their houses:

    Fire House: Leader of House- Xavior
    Varda "Vixen" Morgil
    Kalad Galadorian
    Sakura Wealsey

    Ice House: Leader of House- Kathryn Kyoukan
    Chris "Frostbite" Kerkin
    Tori Souchun

    Water House
    Laura Aqualeaf

    Psychic House: Leader of House- Junasta Kalaan
    Yuko Nishida
    Penelope "Scarlett" Evan



    Professor Junasta Kalaan : Martial Arts

    Professor Xavior : Power Basics

    Professor Kathryn Kyoukan (or Miss. Kathryn): Traning Your Creature and Creature 101

    Headmaster Enrique: Headmaster


    I forgot to mention to the guys with a Professors...If you can, can you guys decide what House you want to be leader of? Psychic House is alread taken so that leaves Ice, Fire, and Water. Thank you so much

    PS. I'll post my student later..I may have more then one just for adding some more.

  25. #25
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Sure, SmearGal! I'd love too...

  26. #26
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    Default I'll be the leader of a house...

    I'll lead fire house,no problem.

  27. #27
    "Viddy well little brother.." Cool Trainer
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    O-o';; Why did you laugh so dementedly? XD!

    Umm...LOL, I might as well lead the Ice House.

    I have a professors get their own rooms? XD Or do we get roomies too?! XD!! Lol...I'm hyper...


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  28. #28
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    I can't remember why I laughed so dementedly. On no! I have short term memory! Argh!

    Ehm, anyway, to answer your question professors get their own room and office. Also you can lead Ice House, and Hunter you can lead Fire House.

    The RPG will start this Saturday just to give anyone a chance to join in.

  29. #29
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Hey, Black Knight, can my character switch to the Psychic House? I believe she'd fit in better there.

    And, if Ice_Maiden doesn't mind, our characters could be roommates. xD

  30. #30
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Sure thing, I'll fix it up.

  31. #31
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    Default Just a little note..

    About my character's student,he's a twin to Xavior,and they play this trick where Ridley goes in for Xavior,and when the next lesson comes,they switch.
    And they're from the same family. And say they have a secret that they want no one to find out about.

  32. #32
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Ok, just as long as it goes with the RPG and the character's stats. I like your idea too.

  33. #33
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    I don't mind being roommates with you, Discotheque.

  34. #34
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    Default Moonflow (Pokemon Acadamy)Harry Potter/X-man/Pokemon RPG

    Sorry for the delay. I've been a little bit busy in the past couple of days. Here is my two other character's stats:

    Name: Christian (last name unknown)
    Age: 22
    Professor: Yes, Teaches Military Stratagies and Procedures
    Dorm Leader: Ice House
    Powers: Poisen is his main power and controlling time (Sage of Time), and he has the same powers as Enrique, but not as powerful as Enrique
    Protectors: He has a honker name Lux. It is a flying honker that is about a tad smaller then Knight. His fur is grey with bits of brown in it and has a very cocky attitude at times and talks very rarely.
    Looks: Looks like this when he isn't at work or teaching ("street clothing"), Christian wearing his casual clothes at work , Christian close up, Christian sitting at his office, Christian talking to Enrique at Enrique's Palace
    Attitude: He is very serious when it come to teaching and work. The only time he jokes around is when he is on his free time, but that never happens. When students joke with him he will laugh, but then continueing teaching. People respect him for what he does to his country and planet, and especially to the students.
    Occupation: He is a professor at Moonflow Acadamy, and works as a Shizo's Army General. (History: Shizo's Army is the best army of Earth for the only reason why they have the best technology to fight in space. They have gundams, space colonies, and all sorts of things. Many countries look up to them to protect Earth, thus giving the the Shizo's army name..Third Rock Army (Earth's Army).)
    Likes: His students, family and friends, and loves to teach to young people about the crime of war, but why we should fight it.
    Dislikes/Enemies: Smart-a$$ people and the students that don't listen in his classes.

    Name: Brendan (last name unknown)
    Age: 14
    Professor; No
    Student: Yes, Psychic House
    Powers: Silent Powers (paraylize, and psychic powers)
    Creatures: Abra and a honker name Marius. Marius is a flying honker that is about the same size as Lux. His fur colour is mainly bown, but has bits of white around his two back feet and legs, and a little bit brown on his horse-like messed up hair, long neck, and face. His attitude is similar to Christian's but he enjoys having fun and always looks out for Brendan.
    Looks: Looks like this on a casual day (when he gets to be around 18 years old though)
    Occupation: Student at Moonflow Acadamy, and Enrique's son..Prince of Shizo.
    Attitude: He doesn't act like a prince at all. Just like a normal kid, but quiet on the first few days of school because he is not use to be around kids his age, thus is why his parents made him go to this Acadamy.
    Favorite Subject: Creature 101, Military Procedures.
    Likes: his family, friends, and playing around (having fun: ex. sports (History: Shizo's main sport is Blitzball (just like the one on Final Fantasy 10), and their second main sport is honker/digimon/pokemon/yugioh monster's tournaments.). He also likes to hang out with his friends.
    Dislikes/Enemies: People that are smart-a$$, and people that are rude, mean, immature, and not to mention...preppish (well, the ones that are WAY TO preppish).

    Well there ya' go. My other two characters since I won't be using Enrique or Christian as much. I hope you guys like the pictures I have, I'll be posting more if I find any. Especially the one for Enrique. As for the honkers, well, there are no pictures for them. My sister is drawing them, and we are trying to post them on the internet via digital camara, but the pictures are getting blurry, so we are still trying our best.

    I really do hope you guys like this RPG. I know I will. I don't know if we continue writing the RPG on this topic or make a new one? Normally on other forums you just continue posting it just to save space, but this is a whole different forum (not to be mean..sorry). So, do I make a new topic or do we continue on this one?


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