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Thread: Lava Plains Challenge

  1. #1
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    Default Lava Plains Challenge

    our rematch Mudkip14 and this time i'm going to win!!!

    it will be a 4Vs4 match
    dq: 2 days
    arena: Lava plains

    these plains are on a undiscoverd island close to the Seafoam Islands. this island is a breeding place for charizards. (yeah, charizards!!!)

    our battle will be held on a nice looking grass field on this island. the only thing that isn't nice is that the grass field is surrounded by an lava river. if a pokemon drops into that river it will burn the crap out of it (doing 10% damage for each turn it is in that river, and with a 50% chance of being burnt. And it will only do 5% damage to a fire pokemon because of its resistance, 0% of being burnt). now this ain't the big obstical in this arena. there are 2 big Charizards looking at us from a big distance. they are friendly BUT don't attack them or the will KICK YOUR ***. Another thing that makes them really angry is if you make it rain. its a nice day with a nice sunny day up, if you use rain dance one of the Charizards will counter it by putting up a sunny day again and the other will come and KICK YOUR ***. These Charizards will only attack the one who hurts them or messes with the weather, they will attack with randomly chosen attacks.

    so, i hope you like the arena (it took me some time )

    ref: i like Cyrus style of reffing and Raz's style. if one of these show up, the've got the job. other refs are welcome 2, but make sure your online a lot because if your not i will FIRE YOU!!!

    b.t.w: Mudkip14 you pick pokemon first and i will attack first

    good luck......

  2. #2
    Master of Electricity Advanced Trainer
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    Even though I am not one of your prefered refs, I want to ref this battle. I am online every day usually, so yah.
    Master of Electricity
    Credits for the awesome banner go to Saffire Persian

  3. #3
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    Default Lava Plains Challenge

    I have no objections to you reffing Elec Man EXE. It's nice to have a different ref. Not that Cyrus isn't good it's just that I'd like to see some other reffing styles.

    Well I have a feeling that I have a pokemon that would like a re-match. So come on out Nate.

    Nate is my Female Natu. Cyrus calls her gender confused because of the name. I hope you post with your choice soon VC.

  4. #4
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    Default Lava Plains Challenge

    you're HIRED ELEC MAN!!!

    *puts a sticker on elec man's forehead with you're hired on it*

    so, we have a good ref and i'm fighting that nate again. things couldn't be better . just kidding

    *Shadow Wing pops out of its pokeball and sits on my shoulder*

    Shadow Wing "so VC, am i going to battle him....?"

    No, but i will need your help later. this is a perfect job for my male Charmander Raptor.

    *Raptor pops out of its pokeball*

    Raptor "nice, i'm going to kick that natu a....."

    CONCINTRATE. now lets see what we can do.
    start of with a nice substitute, make it around 20% so it can defent for a few turns. then use toxic to poisen the opponent badly. if the opponent used double team on this turn or the first one, use swift. end the round with a nice flamethrower, or swift if the opponent uses double team.

    substitute 20% ~ toxic / swift ~ flamethrower / swift

  5. #5
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    Default Lava Plains Challenge

    Well Nate it seems as if our opponent is trying to take advantage of our surroundings. This is the plan I wna tyou to use a Psychic on Charmander and throw him into the lava. Hopefully that will stop him from creating that Sub. Next I want you to time a Faint Attack just before toxic hits you. That will help you dodge and do some damage. Finally use Confuse Ray to stop him from attackig for awhile and possibly make him hurt himself.

    Psychic~Faint Attack~Confuse Ray

  6. #6
    Master of Electricity Advanced Trainer
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    *whipes stamp off of forehead* My beautiful face, it has been damaged! Lol, just kidding. Oh, I have a pretty detailed reffing style, so I hope you don't mind. Lets do this.

    Start Battle

    Pre-Round Status
    VampiricCrobat: Raptor (Charmander M) 100% pumped and ready, likes this arena
    Mudkip14: Nate (Natu F) 100% ready, but a little afraid of those 'zards in the distance

    VampiricCrobat: Substitute - Large ~ Toxic ~ Flamethrower
    Mudkip14: Psychic ~ Faint Attack ~ Confuse Ray

    I hate battle beginings. So much extra description . Anyway, the trainers arrive, via motor boat, to this strange, undiscorvered island (how are we battling on it if it's undiscovered lol) of fire and large flying lizards. Both trainers appear to be quite confident as they step forward, grinning at one another. Mudkip makes the first move of this match, picking out a pokeball and tossing it skyward. It falls to the ground, opening in a flash to reveal a small green bird. Nate, the female Natu, spreads her tiny wings and hops about, scoping out the arena. VC (I hope you don't mind if I call you VC, writing your full name would kinda suck) chuckles to himself, pulling out his own ball from his belt. After being tossed, the ball opens and a lively looking Charmander appears, tail blazing. Gazing at the arena he is at ease, this being very close to his natural environment. As the trainers yell their commands, the battle commences.

    Raptor starts out by closing his eyes, a faint glow encircling him. Suddenly there is a flash, but nothing appears to have happened. Nate laughs to herself, and focuses her mind. Her eyes glow blue, and a similar colored aura surrounds Raptor's body. It lifts up off the ground, and is then sent soaring into the pool of lava behind him. The little bird pokemon smiles, thinking that she was successful in her mission. But, to her suprise, she looks to find Raptor standing a little behind where he was, not phazed at all. Natu ponders this matter, questioning how her attack completely failed.

    Raptor, on the other hand, knows exactly what happened. That little bird took out his sub with one fair swipe, and he isn't happy about it at all. He gags himself, preparing a nasty blob of poison in his jaws. This he spits out at the little bird, but to his suprise, she disappears suddenly. The blob of toxins falls to the ground and splatters, bubbling upon contact. Raptor stamps his foot in anger, but just as he does, he hears a faint sound from behind as Natu slams into the back of his head. He rubs it as he turns, astonished to see his foe behind him all of a sudden. Nate smiles at Raptor mischieviously, but Raptor isn't at all ammused.

    Raptor is a bit ticked off to say the least, and he isn't going to take it any more. He opens his mouth, and in a split second a stream of searing flames are expelled from his internal fire sac. As the flames make contact, Nate cries out in pain. The burning sun and hot arena power up the flames to unberable levels, causing a deep and immense pain to the tiny bird. As the flames cease, Natu wimpers, her body slightly burned by the powerful attack. She decides that she wants vengeance on this fire lizard. Her eyes glow, and emmit a milky beam. This beam makes a direct hit on Charmander's body, especially his head. He shudders and clutches his head, unable to distinguish what is real and what is fake. Nate giggles, but her burns hurt when she does so, and she cries out softly and stops. She looks on at the distressed lizard as round 1 draws to a close.

    Post-Round Status
    VampiricCrobat: Raptor (Charmander M) 86% hallucinating, unhappy
    Mudkip14: Nate (Natu F) 88% slightly Burned
    Arena: Blob of Toxic on the opposite side of the field that could still cause poison if touched, Clear Skies in effect

    Master of Electricity
    Credits for the awesome banner go to Saffire Persian

  7. #7
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    Excellent Nate. Now since he's seeing thimgs it should make your next attack even more devastating. Use a Swagger to work him into a frenzy. If he uses Protect to guard against it just use it again. If he didn't use protect then use Flash to himder him further. Again if he protects from that then use Flash again. Finally use a Toxic if you have any attacks left.

    Subs: If at any time a Double Team is used use Swift to get rid of the clones. If he use Substitue use Psychic and throw him into the lava gain to get rid of it. If he tries to cause any status effects then use a Fain ATttack to dodge and deal damage.

    Swagger/Swift/Psychic/Faint Attack~Flash/Swagger/Swift/Psychic/Faint Attack~Toxic/Flash/Swift/Psychic/ Faint Attack

  8. #8
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    alright Raptor, i know you can do better then that.

    Raptor "your right, but that natu is tough"

    so, your thougher.

    oké lets use a scary face then a smoke screen. en and this round with a fireblast

    Scary face ~ smoke screen ~ fireblast

    Raptor "i will do my best VC"

  9. #9
    Master of Electricity Advanced Trainer
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    Default Lava Plains Challenge

    Oh dear, so many orders for your little Natu, eek.

    Round 2

    Pre-Round Status
    VampiricCrobat: Raptor (Charmander M) 86% hallucinating, unhappy
    Mudkip14: Nate (Natu F) 88% slightly Burned
    Arena: Blob of Toxic on the opposite side of the field that could still cause poison if touched, Clear Skies in effect

    VampiricCrobat: Scary Face ~ Smokescreen ~ Fire Blast
    Mudkip14: Swagger ~ Swagger/Flash ~ Flash/Toxic
    Subs: If sub is used, Psychic, if status effect is used, Faint Attack

    As the round begins Raptor continues to hold his head, dillusional in all aspects. Nate is still smiling, and has good feelings about this round. As the trainers order their commands, this round begins.

    Nate is the first to make a move. She starts hopping around, then slaps her rear end with her wing, taunting the poor Charmander. But he doesn't see any of this, as he is too busy trying to avoid getting doused by a giant fire extinguisher. He runs around the arena, fearing for his life. Nate stops taunting and watches Raptor, finding it very commical as he runs around with nothing chasing him. Quickly Raptor turns and uses his frightening face on the fire extinguisher, which turns around and runs into the lava. Nate shudders a little, as she did see a little bit of the face.

    Raptor smiles, happy that the rogue fire extinguisher is no more. He turns his attention to Natu, who appears to be in deep thought. He remembers his order and breathes heavily, then exhales a black smoke out into the arena. This reduces visibility to zero, but Nate doesn't realize this as her eyes are closed, while she prepares a brilliant flash of light. She opens her eyes and makes a flash, but the blinding light is unable to make it through the dense cloud of smoke. Nate sulks, very distrought about her failure.

    But she won't fail again. She sits and waits for the right moment as the smoke begins to dissipate. Raptor, on the other hand, isn't going to wait. He opens his jaws and begins charging a large orb of heat energy in it. He hopes the smoke will clear so that the orb can be powered up by the intense heat of the sun, but has difficulty holding this orb for long. He blows out the orb, which takes the shape of a japenese letter of some sort, towards the tiny bird, who he can barely see. But he doesn't realize that the smoke he exhaled earlier is combustable. Oh no . Suddenly, the flames ignite the smoke, and a huge explosion ensues. It engulfs the entire arena, and for a few seconds afterward debris and smoke envelops the arena. As the smoke clears, both pokemon are seen lying on the ground. Raptor raises himself to his feet slowly, hurting all over his body. He breathes heavily, as resisting being thrown off of the arena took quite some energy. Nate opts to just lie there, as she isn't at all resistant to the flames of the explosion. The arena is in shambles, and a lot of the ground now is cracked with lava surging through. As the pokemon moan in pain, can either of them continue much longer?

    Post-Round Status
    VampiricCrobat: Raptor (Charmander M) 52% in a large amount of pain, moderate fatigue
    Mudkip14: Nate (Natu F) 44% (DAMAGE CAPS) toasted, lying on the ground in extreme pain, moderate fatigue
    Arena: Cracks are surging through the battle field, filled with lava. Though not as powerful as the large lava pools, they can still hurt if touched.

    Master of Electricity
    Credits for the awesome banner go to Saffire Persian

  10. #10
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    Default Lava Plains Challenge

    are you oké Raptor.

    Raptor "yes, i'm messed up but fine "

    ooooh, that natu doen't look fine to me. is he finished....?

    Raptor "nope, she isn't. but she got the full impact on her. thats why he's lying there. SHE'S MORE MESSED UP THEN ME"

    then we should take advantage and finish her off.

    oké, grab her before she can get up. and sysmic toss her into the big lava river. then every time she would try and get out of the river, dragonrage her back into it.

    seismic toss ~ dragonrage 2x

    if she manages to get up before you could grab her, and she try's to save herself with a double team or faint attack (so that you can't grab her) swift. so you atleast do some damage.

    Raptor "lets do this VC..!!!"

    b.t.w: elec man, your allowed to call me VC........... everybody does it, and you are now exception to that

  11. #11
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    He made a mistake Nate, and were gonna take advantage of that. Since your a Psycicyou don't need to move to attack so use Pschic on him and throw him into his own Toxic goop. Then dodge both of those Dragon Rages with a Faint Attack and deal some damage. This battle is far from over for you Nate and this time your gonna beat at least 1 opponent.

  12. #12
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    Default Lava Plains Challenge

    I am really busy with a report for school tommorow (yah, I waited till the last minute :p) so I won't be able to ref today, at least its not likely. Tommorow, though, it shalt be reffed.
    Master of Electricity
    Credits for the awesome banner go to Saffire Persian

  13. #13
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    i'm still waiting on your reffing Elecman.....

    i hope you didn't forget about this battle

  14. #14
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    No, I didn't forget about it (I couldn't, I have it so that I get an email whenever anyone replies to it and I have it in my favorites list) but we had a power outage for a while yesterday, and I didn't get a chance to ref it. Sorry for the wait, but now, it shall be reffed.

    Round 3

    Pre-Round Status
    VampiricCrobat: Raptor (Charmander M) 52% in a large amount of pain, moderate fatigue
    Mudkip14: Nate (Natu F) 44% (DAMAGE CAPS) toasted, lying on the ground in extreme pain, moderate fatigue
    Arena: Cracks are surging through the battle field, filled with lava. Though not as powerful as the large lava pools, they can still hurt if touched.

    VampiricCrobat: Seismic Toss ~ Dragon Rage ~ Dragon Rage
    Subs: If Faint Attack or Double Team used first, Swift
    Mudkip14: Psychic ~ Dragon Rage ~ Dragon Rage

    Oh, VC is vicious when it comes to attacks. But it seems that Mudkip14 has a plan to counter it with. After hearing the trainers shout their attacks, the battle slowly commences.

    Raptor smiles devilishly as he breaths. Though tired, he wants to finish of the little birdie ASAP. He starts running towards Nate as fast as he can in his current state. Nate looks faintly, seeing the fire lizard approaching. She looks around, but finds no blob of toxic goop. But as Raptor draws ever closer, she panics. Her eyes glow a blue tint, and a similar aura surrounds Raptor. Suddenly, he stops moving. He looks down, and sees that he is about 6 inches above the ground. He struggles, but isn't able to escape. Suddenly, he is hurled into the air, and falls with a thump onto his back. He pulls himself to his feet, stunned, and rubs his back with his hands. Nate smiles faintly, but this isn't over yet.

    Raptor glares at the tiny Natu with hatred. That thing has foiled him so many times he can't even recall. He wants her smashed. He breathes deeply, and begins gathering draconic energy from deep within his body. This ball gathers in an orb in front of him, and with a final boost he sends it flying towards the fallen bird. Nate struggles to her feet, and disappears just seconds before the energy connects with her. As the ball hits the ground, it explodes into a small energy field. This field hits poor Nate, even though she is invisible, and she is thrown a short distance. She falls to the ground, and becomes visible again. She wimpers, in extreme pain from both burn and energy.

    Raptor smiles, and starts repeating his previous attack. But Nate sees it this time, and jumps to her feet. Even though it causes her great pain to move quickly, she would rather have a little pain than be hit by another attack. She disappears from sight once again, and moves around behind Raptor unseen. Raptor continues making his ball of energy, but with no target to hit, he is dispirited. In an instant he hears a scream, and starts to turn just in time to see, out of the corner of his eye, Nate flying at him. She slams into the side of his head, throwing off his concentration and causing him to lose control of his energy. It disipates into thin air as Nate hops back, but she hops right into a lava flow. She hops aside and buckles over in pain, crying softly, and Raptor feels a little sorry for his burned foe. But only for a second as he remembers all the pain she has inflicted on him. He glares on, breathing heavily, as round 3 draws to its end.

    Post-Round Status
    VampiricCrobat: Raptor (Charmander M) 41% in some pain, angry, fairly high fatigue
    Mudkip14: Nate (Natu F) 32% toasty, crying out in pain, moderate fatigue
    Arena: Cracks are surging through the battle field, filled with lava. Though not as powerful as the large lava pools, they can still hurt if touched.

    Master of Electricity
    Credits for the awesome banner go to Saffire Persian

  15. #15
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    [COLOR=green] Ok Nate we need to take control of this match. Rest your physical self and use your mind this whole round. Just use Psychic to grab him and then throw him into a lava pool. That should stop his attacks. If he ever use Double Team use Swift


  16. #16
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    lets do this Raptor.

    this is going to be the last round for you or nate, do your best and you will survive this round.

    Raptor "i will do my best as always VC, but i will win!!!"

    oke, when he lifts you up with its psychic, mimic it and send him right next to you in the big lava pool. now that he's right next to you in the lava pool, give him a nice mudslap oooh wait it would be a lavaslap. end this round (hopefully nate) with a nice looking fireblast or dragonrage (you choose)

    mimic ~ mudslap (lavaslap) ~ dragonrage / fireblast

    Raptor "lets do this VC"

  17. #17
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    Default Lava Plains Challenge

    Wow, lots of burning and lava and stuff. Yay for that.

    Round 4

    Pre-Round Status
    VampiricCrobat: Raptor (Charmander M) 41% in some pain, angry, fairly high fatigue
    Mudkip14: Nate (Natu F) 32% toasty, crying out in pain, moderate fatigue
    Arena: Cracks are surging through the battle field, filled with lava. Though not as powerful as the large lava pools, they can still hurt if touched.

    VampiricCrobat: Mimic ~ Mud Slap ~ Fire Blast/Dragon Rage
    Mudkip14: Psychic ~ Psychic ~ Psychic
    Subs: Swift if Double Team used

    As the next round begins, Raptor the fire lizard is breathing heavily and glaring at Nate, who is kneeled over in extreme pain and crying out faintly. As the trainers see this, commands are issued, and this round will be hot.

    Raptor calms down a bit, though still tired, and waits for his foe to make her move. Slowly she closes her eyes, doing her best to ignore the extreme pain. When she opens them once more, they are glowing blue. In an instant an identical colored glow is around Charmander, and he lifts into the air. Raptor smiles, remembering exactly how this attack is going. Suddenly he is jerked around and tossed into a large lava pool to the side. He emerges from under the lava, in a bit of pain, but not as much as he will be causing. Nate smiles, but she won't be happy for long. Raptor's eyes are glowing exactly like Nate's were, and she is surrounded by a pale blue aura. She tries to resist, but isn't able to, and is thrown into the lava near the fire lizard. She shrieks upon contact with the molten liquid, the intense heat doubled with her intense burn almost giving her a heat stroke.

    As she cries, she decides that she needs out and now. She uses her psychic abilitys on her own body, lifting it from the lava and on to safe ground a short distance away. She collapses on the ground, almost unable to bear the great pain any more. Raptor still smiles, though the lava is taking its tole on him again. He scoops up some lava in his claws and swings them so as to fling the hot liquid. But it doesn't go very far and most of it just splatters back into the pool with a hiss. Charmander frowns and swipes the lava with his claw again in anger.

    But he won't let this get him down. He opens his mouth, and taps into his draconic energy reserves, having a nice plan to inflict pain. He channels this energy into an orb, and when satisfied with the intensity, fires it at the ground. The energy makes contact with the lava and forms into a spinning cyclone which sucks in the lava as it speeds toward the poor fallen bird. Nate concentrates once more, telekenetically locating Charmander and lifting him up into the sky. Before she can toss the lizard, the vortex of magma and energy hits her, and she is pulled in. She cries out and winces in pain as the lava fries her even more and the draconic energy swirls around contacting with her, causing even more pain. Suddenly, the crying stops, and Raptor drops from his position back into the lava. He lifts himself up, and rubs his head, since it got hit on the bottom of the lava flow. But he smiles as he watches his cyclone disipate and the small chared bird fall to the ground, laking any energy to continue the fight. But Raptor breathes heavily, tired out from his assault on Natu. Thus ends Nate, and round 4.

    Post-Round Status
    VampiricCrobat: Raptor (Charmander M) 17% in some pain, quite high fatigue, but happy
    Mudkip14: Nate (Natu F) 0% X_x
    Arena: Cracks are surging through the battle field, filled with lava. Though not as powerful as the large lava pools, they can still hurt if touched.

    Mudkip sends out pokemon.
    VC attacks.
    Mudkip counterattacks.
    Master of Electricity
    Credits for the awesome banner go to Saffire Persian

  18. #18
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    Default Lava Plains Challenge

    i have almost waited 2 weeks for Mudkip14 to post.

    (he would be gone for just one week)

    so i guess i won

  19. #19

    Default Lava Plains Challenge

    U shouldnt just declare yourself the winner like that untill the ref gives you the match.

    I noticed you have already gone to the approval tower etc to claim you prize.....

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
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  20. #20
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    If you really want to end the battle, then I will grant you that VC. It has been well over the DQ time. But like UC said, you shouldn't be claiming anything until the ref gives you the victory, that is who really controls the battle. You can ask to DQ him, but I have to approve of that.
    Master of Electricity
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  21. #21
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    i'm sorry Ultimate Charizard and Elec Man.

    i'm kind of new at this, my second victory.....

    my apologize and i've learnt my lesson

  22. #22
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    No harm done, just keep that in mind from now on. NIce reffing your battle.
    Master of Electricity
    Credits for the awesome banner go to Saffire Persian

  23. #23

    Default Lava Plains Challenge

    Sorry to bring up another bad point VC....

    Although this battle was a 4v4 because it was DQ'd with only 2 pokemon competing you only get 1 yen. Thats the number of pokemon you used.
    I noticed in the Bank you have posted u got 4 yen.

    Afterworld ~ Chapter 2 | Blood Bowl ~ Chapter 3
    If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.

    ASB Record
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  24. #24
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    Well everyone here certainly is really nice. If you read the Absence Tower about a week ago, I posted saying I'd be gone for about a week and you shouldn't have expected me back untill this past Tuesday. We didn't get back till wednesday and I didn't even think to check my mail yesterday. This match should not be DQ'd. Although it will be postponed even further. We just now starting the process of moving so I win't be able to get on that much. Sorry. I'll be posting in the abscence tower with exactly how long. Sorry VC. I wasn't expecting all of this to happen at once. I hope yours and *g_rocks* match found a ref.

  25. #25
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    you're back


    now lets finish this battle

    (i hope we can still proceed the match, i will undo the evo and the bank money )

    pick a pokemon Mudkip14

  26. #26
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    If you wish to continue Mudkip, I would still ref it. Its your call.
    Master of Electricity
    Credits for the awesome banner go to Saffire Persian

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