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Thread: --=-- Naruto Shippuden: Cloud of Pain --=-- ( Sign Ups )

  1. #1
    Master Trainer
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    Default --=-- Naruto Shippuden: Cloud of Pain --=-- ( Sign Ups )

    Naruto Shippuden

    Cloud of Pain

    It has been two years since Orochimaru's attack on Konaha which claimed the life of the third Hokage, and Sauske's defection. For new Genin who are just now graduating from the Ninja Academy and taking their first steps out into the larger world. It could not be a more dangerous time. From Akatsuki threatening with their plans of world domination, to Orochimaru preparing his master plan, to strained tensions between the villages. The thin line between life and death that this year's Genin must walk, is the smallest ever.

    Alright this is going to be a bit of a merger between Naruto and Naurto Shippuden, if you know the story line from the first series you will be okay, except different events will be happening around the villages and many of the Naruto characters will be older. For example, we will still be going through the Forest of Death and taking the exams, but instead of dealing with Orochimaru's attack, we will be dealing with Pain's invasion.

    Everyone starting out will be a Genin, except for the four Ninja Sensei's who will head your group ( PM me if you wish to be a Sensei, but you will also need a Genin character ). Right off the bat you will be getting team assignments and missions.

    Jutsus obviously cannot be uber powerful, but if you wish to be creative and have massive draw backs with it feel free to PM me and we can discuss it.

    Also due to age, Original Naruto characters obviously will be unplayable unless you are a Ninja Sensei.

    Age: (Approx, should be between 10 – 17)
    Appearance: ( Every Ninja has a black head band with a silver plate upon it with the symbol of your village etched in it. (this symbol is found in the village guide link I provided). Make sure to include how your character wears this, because it doesn’t have to be on your head.)
    Main Jutsu: ( What’s your main Jutsu form? Genjutsu (Illusion Techniques), Ninjutsu (Ninja techniques), or Taijutsu (Body techniques.) You can choose to be well-balanced, but then you wouldn’t have the extreme abilities of any specific Jutsu.
    Special Abilities: (Every Ninja has a ‘main’ attack ability or special ability. This can be anywhere from a special attack they have perfected (Such as Shadow Replication Technique, which allows you to create replications of yourself) or a special technique passed on by your family’s bloodline etc… get creative here. Look over the website for helpful hints and such if you need advice or simply ask me.)

    Name: Iokawa, Hiro
    Gender: Male
    Age: 11
    Appearance: His hair is messy black, dipping down to his eyes which are hidden underneath the hair. His skin is soft and a light tan. He is only five foot, two but his body is extremely muscular and hidden beneath a black one-piece jumpsuit. He keeps the head band placed in his messy hair to which it can some times be glimpsed. He carries a long a long yellow pocketed belt around his waist that he uses to carry any ninja related objects needed for missions.
    Personality: Although it may not look like it he is extremely friendly to people, and keeps his past and hidden pains a secret. He doesn’t like to talk about his past and will usually lie about it. When asked about why he doesn’t use Chakara he will boast about how he has gotten too strong with Chakara and wanted to try something else out.
    History: Originally born in the war torn Sand Village, Hiro only saw death and destruction at the hands of ninjas and chakara. Seeing this and seeing his father and friends killed at the hands of a bloody war, he shut out all connections of chakara within them, scared to even touch or use his own chakara in fear of causing the exact same harm that he had seen brought upon his home. When he was five his mother smuggled him into the Leaf village making a small and meager life inside of the village. Plagued with nightmares of his past Hiro eventually set out to become a ninja but would not use his Chakara no matter what.
    Main Jutsu: Taijutsu
    Special Abilities: Mighty Fist of Wind – A Taijutsu that uses the fist and arm to strengthen the air around it, compressing and firing the wind at a speed that when hit it feels the same strength as if hit straight on by the fist. This can be used for long range attacks against further away foes.
    Hobbies: He builds small sand castles and clay figurines which give away a clue of where he was originally from.
    Relations: Open
    Other: Does not know how to use his Chakara, because of this is Chakara is very raw and if used can be extremely damaging to both him and his opponent.
    Last edited by Roy Karrde; 29th August 2010 at 06:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Give me my cookies. Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: --=-- Naruto Shippuden: Cloud of Pain --=-- ( Sign Ups )

    I friggin love you dude

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