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Thread: In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

  1. #1
    Returning Hotshot Junior Trainer
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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    What other genres do you write in, and what type of stories are they? Maybe give a brief summary of the type of fiction you like to write.

    Personally, I love writing with animals. I'm 16 now, and the bulk of my writing from since I was young has included animals. In the last few years I went into writing about upright animals (you know, stand on back legs like humans, and act like humans.) Lately, I'm branching into writing with humans, probably as a result of poke-fiction with human characters in them.

    Summary of story I wrote:
    The animals of Pineberry Forest are in grave danger! The Prenkar Virus, which causes temporary paralysation to all adult animals, has struck. It's up to the youngsters of the Forest to race across the wildlands to the Orchard of Miracles, where the Relo Fruit is found. As this is the only cure to the virus, they have to go quickly! After all, the paralysation becomes permanant in two weeks.....

    I'd love to hear what people write about beyond poke fanfiction!



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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    Well for Halloween I did my first thriller horror type story and I really enjoyed writing that. I would like to see some more of thous around. I think they make you guess and wonder and for some scare.

  3. #3

    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    I like writing about animals, mythical creatures, someone dying or the destruction of the world. As you can probably guess, the stories about someone dying or the destruction of the world are always really short. I actually don't write them, I just make them because I'm such a depressed person.
    The Quest for the Legends

    Chapter seventy-seven, THE END, up!

    Also check out the spin-off, Scyther's Story, as well as its sequel, The Fall of a Leader.

    Winner of six 2008 Silver Pencils, including Best Fiction Overall and Best Plot
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  4. #4
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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    I haven't gotten around to starting it yet, but I have this 4000 word document full of ideas just for a fantasy story that I want to write whenever I get time (and after I finish up the very ends of TEL and TAoFKaHFCaS... 'cause I like to finish what I start).

    I've also toyed with the idea of writing a story about spies and stuff... but that's surely because ALIAS season 3 just started.

    We are half-hearted creatures,
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    Like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum
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    We are far too easily pleased.

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  5. #5
    i ♥ f a n f i c f o r u m Master Trainer
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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    What genre do you class Full Moon under?

    I really dont like fantasy fics that much but I tend to write like, fantasy fics but not fantasy fics. Semi-fantasy if you know what i mean. Like not all that olden stuff but like, quests n stuff. Either that or I just write basic general fics. I dont know!!!


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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    Mt. Moon gives me that similar feeling I used to get when I would wake up first thing in the morning as an 11/12 year old and get excited about browsing TPM.

  6. #6
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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    I like writing fics that have fantasy in them, but focus more on real-life issues. eg. Magical quests to stop the destruction of the world don't really appeal to me, but I read a book once that involved magic majorly, but the plot dealt more with minority groups and people's status. I like that sort of fiction, and I obviously write what I like to read as well.
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  7. #7
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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    Fantasy's my main genre. The fic I'm posting on TPM (Quest of Twelve) is the first of my writings which has everything Tara described as the opposite of her line of work.

    Normally, I write fantasy stories that are either atemporal or set in the present, and involve magic, travelling between dimensions or just strange stuff. I wrote a short novel about a group of kids/early teenagers that got stranded on an unknown dimension for 40 days, and it was quite successful, though the digital version got tragically erased. I may retype it some day.

    As for Quest of Twelve... I think of it as a semi-traditional fantasy quest story, with an original and rather unusual cast. I think the characters are the center of the fic, as with most of my writings.

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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)


    The FRTC fics were trainer, although The Indigo Road was....just different; there wasn;t 8 badges or any league, it was just a sequel. There was romance, a little...

    Monica's Army was a fantasy questficcy, which I enjoyed writing until it got terminated.

    Life's a female dog, then you get one for christmas

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    Though I haven't posted anything here, I tend to work on whatever takes my fancy at the time. I mean, I've never been a huge fan of short stories, but I've got a bunch of ideas for a few - so whenever I feel like it, I click open a new page and write down what I'm thinking of and edit it later. And as yet I haven't finished a single one.

    I also write "Sci-Fi/drama" - like, if you ever saw Roswell when it was being screened, that sort of thing. It always takes me ages to work out the nitty-gritty bits of the stories, even though it tends not to take me that long to think of a concept, and so I never really have a whole lot of stories on the go at once.

  10. #10

    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    Aside from Pokemon, I mostly write anime fanfiction - I used to be really into Dragon Ball Z, and while I still like it I'm not the obsessed fan I once was. Other than that... well, currently I write mostly Pokemon and Invader Zim stuff. I am writing an original novel, but unlike so many OTHER novellists I'm not putting it online for people to steal. *paranoid glance around* I plan to publish it.

  11. #11
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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    In addition to my Pokemon fanfics, I also write poetry, drama, fantasy, suspense, action, adventure... just about the only thing I don't do is horror. And porno. Blech. X(

    Anyway, I'm actually working on a fantasy-adventure story right now. I don't know where exactly it will lead, but I do have big plans for the plot. I guess only time will tell if I ever finish it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  12. #12
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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    Oh! I'm already intrigued. Please do tell if you decide to post it!

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  13. #13
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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    Fantasy. I wrote all the Pokemon out of my fic, because I'm just not a Pokemon fan anymore. I've seen too much of proper anime to be able to write about that stuff anymore.

  14. #14
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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    Originally posted by Citrus Crush Chikorita
    Fantasy. I wrote all the Pokemon out of my fic, because I'm just not a Pokemon fan anymore. I've seen too much of proper anime to be able to write about that stuff anymore.
    You mean... they're really... gone? I can't believe it... I was hoping they'd be back somehow... WHY?!?!

    Originally posted by Lady Vulpix
    Oh! I'm already intrigued. Please do tell if you decide to post it!
    Who said I was gonna POST it? Heck, I'm gonna advertise like crazy in my sig, but the heck with posting it! Coming to a store near you sometime in the next few years! Only $217.33! Buy it today! [/commercial voice]

    Oh, sorry, hehe. But honestly, that IS my explanation. If I ever do get it published, you guys will be the first to know! ...If you're still here, that is.

    Anyway, yeah, I've been into fantasy a lot more lately. I love some action and adventure to spice it up, though. But I thoroughly enjoy the creativity of fantasy. It's awesome when you can "visit" a world where you can do whatever you want.

    And CCC, how could how make Ash get rid of his Pokes? How could you? How can he save - or at this point, defeat - Misty and Li, now? He'll be totally reliant on Sakura! And how will he get it past her, anyway? WHAT THE HECK!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  15. #15
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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    Besides Pokemon, I've dabbled in Gundam and Dragon Ball, and I write in Megaman just as much as Pokemon. I've also piddles about with Metroid and F-Zero. Yes, that's right, I'm writing an F-Zero fic. PH33R.

    Mewfour is a Canadian writer and longtime TPM veteran.
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    He's also not above posting stuff about himself in the third person.

  16. #16
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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    Comedy is kinda the core for the new work I'm making, although with it comes a lot of seriousness and life in it, if it makes sense. It's going through Chris, a character I made ages ago, and he's 15-going-on-16. It seems that, right now, his life's pretty downhill.

    It covers drugs, relationships, smoking and loadsa stuff I won't spoil for you...

    but it's so interesting writing this, it's like I've handpicked the most interesting intricate personalities and i'm being god...deciding what happens. It's fun ^^

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    Posted September 22nd, 2013


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    A stlye that I just found out to write is mystery. I think its a challenge thinking up all these different things to keep people guessing along with guessing what you will do next to make it interesting for yourself and the readers. After I finish this one I might try for a comedy or drama...who knows.

  18. #18
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    Well, besides writing Pokemon fics I usually tend to enjoy writing comedies/parodies as you can see with Lord of the Pokemasters. It is great to come up with ideas and comedic stuff for such well known movies. In fact, I plan to continue writing the parody versions for the Pokemasters for a long time. After Lord of the Pokemasters, I wll begin The Pokemaster Chainsaw Massacre, and from there....I'll probably go on to the original Star Wars trilogy and title it Pokemaster Wars!
    The Lord of the Pokemasters
    Winner of the Best Comedy GoldenPen Award!

    Make Me Lose My *Pant Pant*

  19. #19

    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    I like writing Sailor Moon fics, although I'm pretty new to them. I wrote a short little humorous Sailor Moon one-shot based on an Archie comic I read, and I'm working on a Sailor Moon/Spider-Man crossover.

    I'm also trying to work out the details for an original superhero story, I'll post it if I ever get part 1 written.

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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    For me, fantasy is the main genre for my writing and reading, though I also enjoy suspense thrillers like John Grisham's novels. I am currently working on a fantasy tale called "Destiny of Scord" (The thread the link in my sig guides you to is simply a first impression of it). Now, I have rewritten the prologue to further elaborate on the background of the Decrasos War, and the language and style of my newer version have been changed.

    I do hope to write stories of the suspense genre involving contemporary struggles, but for now, my understanding of such hardships is still superficial. So for the near future and into the distant, I will be working on the three books of my fantasy story.

  21. #21
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default In what other genres do you write fiction? (non-pokemon)

    Many of my other works scan a range of genres.

    Godzilla vs Godzilla: Sci-Fi/Horror

    The two titan's duke it out in an all-out rumble that holds the planets fate in the balance. Will Godzilla build a nest for his 200-some hatchlings or will Gojira contaminate the world with radiation?

    Star's End: Sci-Fi/Fantasy

    In Space, no one can bring down the outlaws like this gang of Bounty Hunters: Ji Omon, a Computer specialist. Jared, a Weapons specialist and ex-Technoid Millitary Officer. Isha Taoya, a woman with a sarcastic additude and a dead-eye. And Finally, Kei Kiaka, a Technoid Darvor Hybred with something to prove, and nothing to lose.

    Chains of Dragons: Fantasy

    On the Planet Jakarta, the Gods sealed up a great evil in a magic pendant, sacraficing their own freedom in the process. 4000 years later, the bonds on the pendants are breaking, and evil is once again starting to rise. Join the 11 Pendant Bearers as they travel Jakarta, fighting evil, and trying to learn the secrets behind, Chains of Dragons.

    Okay.... yes... that was shameless pluging. But anyway...

    I enjoy writing in genre's that I have an interest and some background knowledge in. Sci-Fi always had some influence, but Fantasy had some place too. Star's End was the only real one where I tried to combine the two... Currently I'm writing a version of it for a chance to win some college money. ALthough i do have some major revisions to do before I can even think of submitting it.


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