Well, I have a sprite comic about the UPN/BG PASBL over at UPN. and I had one partially involving the TPM ASB.

Deck Knight, Gamewizard, anyone else involved... you may get a laugh out of this, or you might be offended. Just a small warning for those in the TPM ASB that may be offended by this.

A lot of people thought the chat between Mozz, Gamewizard, and Deck Knight was humorous, so I made a short sprite comic out of this. Plasma Kirby/the Kirby at the computer is me, Wobby is The Mozz, the mage guy is Eternal Chaos, and the other guy (kind of looks like a red-headed warrior) is Blastoise 5150. The others are all explained in the comic.


Now.. the other picture. I drew a Treecko last weekend, and I liked it. Enjoy - it's attached.

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