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Thread: Focus Punch.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Default Focus Punch.

    My question: Why in the world do you people use this move so much? In MY OPINION it's silly and a waste of time. Brick Break is entirely more efficient than Focus Punch.

    Let me back up my opinion.

    Brick Break's base power is 75. It requires no backup moves, it can hold it's own. You don't need to Paralyze or Confuse or put the opponant to Sleep or any of that garbage before using it. After two turns of using Brick Break, you have delt 150 damage and gotten rid of any Barriers ect.

    Focus Punch cannot be put into a moveset without some kind of backup move; for example with Breloom you must have Spore with Focus Punch or you're never gonna pull it off. People put Focus Punch on Raichu but they need to put Thunderwave there with it, too. I've seen movesets like this, where people have something like

    Thunder Wave
    Focus Punch
    Light Screen

    ...So all you have to back up Focus Punch with is Thunderwave? So you have a, what is it, 30% chance of pulling off this move? While with Brick Break you have a 100% chance of doing damage, and you don't need to set anything up, or "tighten your focus".

    So, in my opinion, Focus Punch has no point. Even if your foe is asleep, it could still wake up, attack you, and screw you over. Both moves do 150 damage in two turns. One is like 90% more reliable than the other and doesn't require back up from another move.

    So, all you Focus Punch users, why do you use it? Am I missing something?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Focus Punch.

    focus punch owns all Slakings

    that might be a reason. i personally have only 1 pokemon that has it, solely for that purpose.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Default Focus Punch.

    Yes, that's very true, Focus Punch would work wonders against any Slaking. Then again, so would Brick Break, and it wouldn't just work against Slaking, but other Pokemon, too. I guess in the case of a Slaking countering Pokemon, it all comes down to whether you want a move that can be used only on Slaking, or a move that does the same thing but can be used on lots of other Pokemon, too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Default Focus Punch.

    Focus punch does significant damage; brick break normally does not unless it gets STAB.

    In addition, you're underestimating the # of times people don't use damaging moves... for example, you could catch Regice off guard when it uses Toxic and FP it for some serious damage. Also, Spore + Focus Punch (Breloom) combo pwns.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Default Focus Punch.

    Originally posted by titandude21
    Focus punch does significant damage; brick break normally does not unless it gets STAB.

    Regardless of STAB, both do exactley the same amount of damage in two turns.

    In addition, you're underestimating the # of times people don't use damaging moves... for example, you could catch Regice off guard when it uses Toxic and FP it for some serious damage. Also, Spore + Focus Punch (Breloom) combo pwns.

    I can see with the Regiice scenario, if you got lucky, you could land a 1hit KO with Focus two turns. But only if you got lucky. Brick Break would KO Regiice in exactley the same amount of time, without worrying about what move it's going to use on you. Brick Break still comes out on top. As for the Breloom example, again, you're putting the foe to Sleep, okay, good. Then you're doing 150 Damage with Focus Punch in two turns. UNLESS the foe wakes up. With Brick Break you're doing 150 damage in two turns REGARDLESS. You can't "Lose your focus". Plus you break down any barriers. Again, Brick Break is the winner.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Focus Punch.

    focus punch is used when you know they are going to switch or to catch people off guard when they curse,toxic,something non-damaging.

    When you have a Choice bander people tend to send in skarm to counter it. The next time you use Focus punch cause it takes a big chunk of skarms hp.

    It's like:

    pogheymanztrainar withdrew regice
    pogheymanztrainar sent out skarm
    someone's slaking used Return
    pogheymanztrainar's skarm laughed


    pogheymanztrainar withdrew regice
    pogheymanztrainar sent out skarm
    someone's slaking used Focus Punch
    pogheymanztrainar's skarm cries

    or in sceptile and raichu's case it's because regice is usually switched in to eat the sp. attacks so instead of useing leaf blade or thunderbolt they use focus punch and hurt Regice.

    edit: It doesn't look like you know that focus punch doesen't take two turns.. It only takes one turn, but always goes last.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default Focus Punch.

    "Focus Punch cannot be put into a moveset without some kind of backup move; for example with Breloom you must have Spore with Focus Punch or you're never gonna pull it off. People put Focus Punch on Raichu but they need to put Thunderwave there with it, too. I've seen movesets like this, where people have something like

    Thunder Wave
    Focus Punch
    Light Screen

    ...So all you have to back up Focus Punch with is Thunderwave? So you have a, what is it, 30% chance of pulling off this move"

    You're forgetting one thing. Switching. Bring out a Pokemon with Focus Punch on a Pokemon that they would usually switch out on, and Focus Punch away. Example: Bring out Raichu against Milotic. Obviously they're going to switch. You Focus Punch, and deal a load of damage on the switch. Of course that's just one of many many uses...I dont like the move personally, but it definitly is useful

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2001

    Default Focus Punch.

    focus punch is entirely useful, X(

    if you know your opponent will obviously switch, why hit for half the daage, or if there asleep, or if you encore something like calm mind, or light screen, or whatever... focus punch is good, and it can suprise some stuff where brick break wouldnt ko on the switch, focus punch would... X(

    focus punch is entirely useful...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2000

    Default Focus Punch.

    I wouldn't actually suggest a Focus Punch Raichu without Encore... I thought the best Raichu moveset with Focus Punch was:

    Thunder Wave/ filler
    Focus Punch

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default Focus Punch.

    Riachus don't have thunderwave to help Focus Punch. Raichus have focus punch to help nab those rock types in switch, and do massive damage to earthquakers. Also, Focus Punch is a one turn move that is auto last, like counter and mirror coat and the likes. As to say, if they sleep for five turns you get five attacks in (if it can last that long), not 2-3.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Default Focus Punch.

    Excellent arguments. You've all proved me wrong.

  12. #12

    Default Focus Punch.

    Focus Punch is good by itself if you have any sort of prediction skill ;* *notes that his fp gengar ohkod gm's blissey on switch X)*
    Righteous Chaps

    KissShipping > you.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Default Focus Punch.

    Focus Punch is an all but worthless TM. It's the Ru/Sa equivalent of Razor Wind from R/B/Y.

    Only Breeloom can use Focus Punch effectively, and that's because it is capable of learning Spore.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Default Focus Punch.

    Originally posted by Fire_Convoy
    Focus Punch is an all but worthless TM. It's the Ru/Sa equivalent of Razor Wind from R/B/Y.

    Only Breeloom can use Focus Punch effectively, and that's because it is capable of learning Spore.
    No...just... No...

    Focus Punch put simply is as good as its user. If a person can predict well and has a lot of skill then focus punch can work out brilliantly a lot of the time, if the person happens to be a novice and can not use 'skill' moves such as focus punch well, then well yes, it will come back to bite them in the *** early and often. brick break is a good move, and I use it on my heracross now, but I have also in the past used focus punch and it worked out well for me, I think it depends on the team and the user, and both moves are very good, however, comparing a good skill move like focus punch to... razor wind, is just plain ignorance IMO, sorry dude.

    ~ Chris

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Default Focus Punch.

    If its not been mentioned already, Focus Punch does not take 2 turns to use, and thus Brick Break is not more powerful over the same period of time!

    Focus Punch is so great because of the amazing obsession with Toxic teams!

    The amount of non-offensive teams out there is astounding, you would be surprised how many starters a leading Medicham with Focus Punch will destroy....

    Skarmory used Spikes!
    Medicham used Focus Punch!
    Skarmory drops to 34% HP!

    then what? he can either:
    A) Switch, a wise 'Cham will Hi Jump Kick to predict this move and deal nice damage to the switch (only Gyarados and Salamence ((speaking from what is used on mIRC)) can effectively absorb a Medicham hit)
    B) Protect, meh, nothing you can do about this
    C) Toxic, Hi Jump Kick will KO before he pulls it off (Jolly 'Cham = win! 252atk252spd)

    With Spiker gone, most teams drop to dust, the over reliance on toxic/roar/protect/spikes is evident on mIRC and all out offense teams do surprisingly well.

    (this coming from the results I have had with a 4 fighter, 1 'Gross and 1 Ninjask team, one hell of a flying weakness but with only toxic and spikes out there, who cares? )


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