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Thread: Rate my Yu-Gi-Oh deck plz

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Default Rate my Yu-Gi-Oh deck plz

    Hi, this is my deck, plz tell me with cards i should get rid of and rate it 1/10 plz.


    Dark Magician
    Summoned Skull
    Judge Man
    Harpies Brother-3
    La Jinn-2
    7 colored fish
    Dark Zebra
    Witch of the black forest
    Mask of Darkness
    Man Eater Bug-3
    Muka Muka
    Giant soldier of stone
    Aqua Madoor
    Mystical Elf
    Wall of illusion-2

    Change of heart
    Dark Hole
    Card Destruction
    Bait Doll
    Mystical Space Typhoon
    Monster Reborn
    Soul Exchange
    Nobleman of Crossout-2
    Graceful Charity-2
    Malevolent Nuzzler-2
    Black Pendant

    Magic Jammer
    Seven tools of the bandit
    Trap Hole-3


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default Rate my Yu-Gi-Oh deck plz

    Love to help ya man, but here's a tip. Pick a sub-type and run with it. I.e Dragons, Beat-down, Spellcasters, Fiends...or a combination of two(Fiends/Spellcasters being one of the best)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Default Rate my Yu-Gi-Oh deck plz

    The monsters need more focus.

    Drop these...
    -1 Seven tools of the bandit
    -3 Trap Hole

    Add these...

    +1 Mirror Force
    +1 Raigeki
    +1 Harpy Feather Duster
    +1 Magic Cylinder

    Maybe add more Fissure and Magic Jammer

  4. #4
    Master Trainer
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    Default Rate my Yu-Gi-Oh deck plz

    Hmm, well for something you can afford, your deck won't be a Dragon type, because then you'll need 3 BEWDs and a Tyrant Dragon and 3 Spear Dragons from LOD.

    You could have a Fiend/Spellcaster type, because you have the Dark Magician and Summoned Skull to be your mega monsters.

    I'm not slamming you or anything, but your effect monsters need work. If you want that many Man-Eater Bugs, okay, but if you want them quick, how are you going to get them? Get a Sangan to compliment your Witch of the Black Forest, but only one, because both cards are now on the restricted list. Get Penguin Soldier instead of Hane-Hane. PS does the effect for 2 opponent monsters instead of just 1. And if you're gonna do a Spellcaster deck of any form, YOU MUST GET Maha Vailo! L4 1550 1400, but she gets an extra 500 atk power bonus for any equip cards used on her! Get a couple, because you'll need her. If you can't get singles, you might wanna try Joey's starter, because he also has Penguin Soldier. And get a Shadow Ghoul, you must! L4 1600 1300 and gets 100 points boost to atk and def for each monster you have in the graveyard. It's VERY handy! And this deck MUSt have at least 2 Magicians of Faith. You're not relying on power here, but keeping the opposition weak. You need her to get your Magic Cards back. She's also in Joey's Starter FYI.

    Your magic cards are good but could use a bit of work. Spellcasting monsters aren't the strongest, so you must have some good power boosts. You have Malevolent Nuzzler which is good, but get an Axe of Despair if you can. 1000 atk boost and can be returned from graveyard to deck for the cost of 1 monster. Isn't restricted, but get only 1 to save your tribute monsters. AND you must get United We Stand! For each mosnter on the field, the equipped monster gets atk and def power boosts of 800 for each monster! It's restricted so only get one. Also get a Raigeki, and a Pot of Greed. And get Scapegoat. You'll need some defense to get your bigger mosnters out and to deal quick damage. Try and get Snatch & Steal instead of Soul Exchange, because S&S allows you to summon another monster that turn. You don't want to be slowed down with this deck.

    As for Trap Cards, get 1 Mirror Force and 1 Magic Cylinder. They'll save you big time and give you several shots to deal mega damage. And maybe try for Call of the Haunted. It's virtually the same as Monster Roborn, but they're both retricted, so only get 1.

    Whatever you do, make sure your deck isn't bigger than 50 cards. If you have to, drop your Fissures. Your deck is ok, but like mine, you have to get your monsters theme set and the mosnters right for it. I'm trying to get 3 BEWDs, some Lord of Ds and Flute of Summoning Dragon myself, so I know it's hard. but shop around, get a price guide to avoid being ripped, and be wise with your money. Investing in 2-3 expensive cards is worth it, believe me. Magical Cylinder, Mirror Force and Raigeki have given my deck a mega punch.

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