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Thread: TML vs Psiana (Ref: Needed)

  1. #1
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default TML vs Psiana (Ref: Needed)

    A long awaited rematch (or actual first battle, not too sure )

    2 on 2
    I choose first
    You attack first
    DQ: 4 days
    Your choice of arena
    Ref: Active and some experience
    Battle Ban: Rest, substitute and attract

    I choose Hyperion! (male Eevee)

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  2. #2
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    Default TML vs. Psiana (Ref: DarkPrince the Dark Knight)

    Arena: Perched upon a mountain, with thin fog drifting about, an everything but bare field. A few dead trees scatter around the area, and the brown grass somewhat tall in a few patches here and there. A single pond of murky, muddy water stays off near the center of the area, not seeming very deep, just a few feet down with somewhat slanted land for an easy way to get out. Through the thin fog, light easily gets in, causing it to be easy to see in despite of the misty look. Around the area are a few, non-moveable rocks, that are slanted upwards with a smooth surface, some cluttered together making a small cliff-like place.
    Finally, after all this time - a rematch! Whoo! Now, for your first battle - Hush, I call upon you!

    *a male Growlithe appears on the field*

    To distract away from the Eevee hurting you for this time, perform an Agility and attempt to find a place to hide - nestle into the rocks if you must to protect yourself. Whilst you're hiding, use Swift two times. The move, of course, will track after the Eevee and damage him without you ever coming from your hiding place.


  3. #3
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    Default TML vs. Psiana (Ref: DarkPrince the Dark Knight)

    Hyperion, follow Hush with a quick attack to keep up with him and see where he goes, even if he goes behind the rocks. Since you'll be right beside him when he tries to run away, give him a toxic washing. Finally, bite him and get him hard

    Quick Attack~Toxic~Bite

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  4. #4

    Default TML vs. Psiana (Ref: DarkPrince the Dark Knight)

    Shade *slinks in* Psi, you broke your cover AGAIN. Some disguise... XP

    *sits down on nonexistant bleachers and munches on popcorn*

    Cinder Where'd u get that? *takes some*

    Shade Psi's stash, of course. *munch*

    Cinder Nice. *munchedy munch*

    P.S. *is a spectator*

  5. #5
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
    Knight of Time's Avatar
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    Default TML vs. Psiana (Ref: DarkPrince the Dark Knight)


    As I promised, I will be your handsome referee.

    I'll get a reffing in later.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  6. #6
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default TML vs. Psiana (Ref: DarkPrince the Dark Knight)


    As much as I hate double posting, here's Round 1.

    Round 1

    The_Missing_Link vs Discotheque
    Hyperion the Eevee vs Hush the Growlithe


    The scene is a mountaintop area. With a thin cloud of fog hovering above this mountain area, it could prove to cause a little bit of trouble for the two combatants who are about to battle here. With a few dead trees, a bit of brown grass of varying heights, a murky lake around the center of the arena, and some immovable rocks also here, this could prove to be an advantage for either combatant. Soon, a hot air balloon appears in the sky, being controlled by the challenger. Making the balloon come in for a landing, the trainer reveals herself as The_Missing_Link, one of the current Gym Leaders of ASB, and she takes out a Pokeball. Enlarging it, she opens it up to reveal an energetic male Eevee named Hyperion, who decides to take a little stretch before awaiting his opponent. Within less than a minute, a second hot air balloon appears in the sky. Just like the one that was controlled by The_Missing_Link, the trainer in the second balloon, none other than the challenged, comes in for a landing as well. Jumping out of the basket, the trainer reveals herself as Discotheque aka Psiana, a vet from the past who has just made a successful return. Taking out one of her Pokeballs, she enlarges it, and opens it up to reveal an energetic male Growlithe named Hush. With the two trainers almost ready to battle, a third person in a hot air balloon appears, carrying a white flag in one hand. Lowering the balloon to ground level, this person is revealed to be none other than me, and I wave my flag, declaring this battle to begin.

    Hyperion: 100% fresh, ready to battle
    Hush: 100% fresh, ready to battle


    As this first and opening round unfolds, Hush smirks at Hyperion. Preparing to make a quick getaway from the Eevee, the Growlithe begins to zoom away in a blur, headed for a couple of rocks for safety. Little does he know, that Hyperion is prepared for this, as the Eevee begins to zoom towards Hush, not about to let him get away from harm so easily.

    Soon, Hush begins to smirk to himself. Sensing Hyperion behind him, the Growlithe turns around to face the Eevee, and he sends forth a barrage of heat seeking stars which slam into Hyperion, causing a few cuts here and there. Ouch. However, Hyperion is not about to let Hush get the best of him, and within a second or two, the Eevee spits out a highly toxic glob of venom which slams into the Growlithe, immediately seeping into his bloodstream as it begins to do its horrendous, burning work on him.

    Soon, Hush begins to glare at Hyperion. Preparing to send forth a second barrage of heat seeking stars to fire at the Eevee, the Growlithe sends the barrage of stars into Hyperion again, causing him to scream out in pain from some of the cuts worsening. Ouch, indeed. Neanwhile, Hyperion quickly begins to glare back at Hush. Running towards the Growlithe, the Eevee opens his mouth, determined to sink his sharp toothed maw into Hush, and he chomps down on Hush, causing him to cry out in pain. Big ouch. With this round over, what will become of the two combatants? Only time will tell as I wave my flag, declaring this first and opening round to draw to a close.

    Post Battle Stats:

    Hyperion: 88% cut up a bit, but is confident, a little fatigued
    Hush: 93% badly poisoned, a little fatigued
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  7. #7
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default TML vs. Psiana (Ref: DarkPrince the Dark Knight)

    Good job Hyperion. Now, use a double team and then follow up with a swift. Finally, use take down

    Double Team~Swift~Take Down

    If Hush uses toxic, use sand attack to drown it out

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  8. #8
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    Default TML vs. Psiana (Ref: DarkPrince the Dark Knight)

    Well, Hush, we can actually attempt to do something this round. Use your own Swift, merely because it will shatter every illusion, so no confusion will be brought upon you. Ignore the swift Hyperion will use, it shouldn't damage you that much. Use a Crunch on it's back paws and slam it into the rocks, since you're so close to them. Perhaps you'll damage it's ability to walk without intense pain, or atleast give it a bit of damage. Finally, as it's running towards you, hit it square in the chest with your strongest Fire Blast - it will be an easy target as it's coming in a straight line for you.

    Swift | Crunch [Grab Hyperion's back paws, then throw him into the rocks] | Fire Blast [As it's running towards Hush]

  9. #9
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default TML vs. Psiana (Ref: DarkPrince the Dark Knight)

    Round 2

    The_Missing_Link vs Discotheque
    Hyperion the Eevee vs Hush the Growlithe

    Prebattle Stats:

    Hyperion: 88% cut up a bit, but is confident, a little fatigued
    Hush: 93% badly poisoned, a little fatigued


    As this second round unfolds, Hyperion smirks at Hush. Preparing to make a few mirror images of himself, the Eevee closes his eyes and begins to concentrate on cloning himself via a few false copies. Within a few seconds, Hyperion opens his eyes to find a total of three clones standing beside him. However, this doesn't fool Hush one little bit, as the Growlithe sends out another barrage of heat seeking stars which slice through all three of Hyperion's clones, reducing them to dust just as Hyperion begins to scream out in pain from the cuts starting to worsen a little. Ouch.

    Soon, Hyperion smirks at Hush again. Preparing to dish out the same assualt that was done to him twice already, the Eevee sends out a barrage of heat seeking stars of his own which slam into the Growlithe, causing him to scream out in pain from the numerous cuts appearing on his body as well. Ouch. However, this sharp assault is not enough to stop Hush from rushing towards Hyperion with his sharp teeth ready to be sank into the Eevee's body, as Hush manages to catch Hyperion by his back legs, biting down hard as he thrashes around a little before slamming Hyperion into a few rocks. Now that has got to hurt.

    Soon, Hyperion glares at Hush. Starting to get pretty angry thanks to this sinister tactic, the Eevee begins to run very quickly towards the Growlithe, determined to try and charge him as hard as he can. Unfortunately for Hyperion, Hush proves to be one step ahead of him, as the Growlithe exhales a fireball shaped like a kanji symbol that slams into Hyperion's chest, causing him to cry out in pain again. Luckily for Hyperion, he manages to shake this off just in time to see Hush continue to wince from the toxins burning away at his insides. With this round now over, will Hyperion be able to make a comeback? Only time will tell as I wave my flag, declaring this second round to draw to a close.

    Post Battle Stats:

    Hyperion: 52% no clones, cut up quite a bit, is a little less confident, moderately fatigued, angry at Hush
    Hush: 82% badly poisoned, cut up a little, moderately fatigued
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  10. #10
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    Default TML vs. Psiana (Ref: DarkPrince the Dark Knight)

    Excellent job, Hush, you are dealing quite the damage upon that Eevee. Hurry and set out your own clone, but better than just illusions - leave behind a Substitute to take the damage for you, but make it only about five percent of or health. While Hyperion is beating away at that, though it shouldn't be very hard to get rid of, make sure you're hiding away somewhere but you can still attack. Then, hurry and Dig under the ground, so that he's puzzled about your whereabouts, then dig under him and throw him into the air, and nail him with a Fire Blast as soon as you can!

    Remember, if it tries to double team you, merely brush the illusions away with a Swift and cause even more cuts to spread on his body!

    Substitute [5% health] | Dig [Burrow under Hyperion, then come up and knock him into the air] | Fire Blast [Hit the Eevee as hard as he can while it's still flying through the air]

  11. #11
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    Default TML vs. Psiana (Ref: DarkPrince the Dark Knight)

    Ok Hyperion, use an iron tail to destroy that substitute. Then when he goes under, simply jump on top of one of the rocks.I'd like to see him break through that. Finally, when he goes to use fire blast, ram him hard with a take down

    Iron Tail~Jump on top of the nearest rock~Take Down

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  12. #12
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default TML vs. Psiana (Ref: DarkPrince the Dark Knight)

    Round 3

    The_Missing_Link vs Discotheque
    Hyperion the Eevee vs Hush the Growlithe

    Prebattle Stats:

    Hyperion: 52% cut up quite a bit, is a little less confident, moderately fatigued
    Hush: 82% badly poisoned, a little fatigued


    As this third round unfolds, Hush smirks at Hyperion. Preparing to call forth his Malletspace account to make a body double for him, the Growlithe vanishes, safe behind his small body double...for now. However, this "hiding place" doesn't last very long for Hush, as Hyperion decides to break the body double into many small pieces, thanks to his hardened tail, its colour a brilliant silver. Within a second or two, the Eevee swings his tail at the Growlithe's body double, and he is relieved as it breaks apart upon being hit with the sharp edged tail, revealing the real Hush.

    Soon, Hush smirks at Hyperion again. Preparing to dig underground and catch Hyperion upon burrowing up, the Growlithe digs into the ground, where he is safe once again. However, this doesn't bother Hyperion too much, as the Eevee jumps on top of a few nearby rocks. Not having much of a clue where Hyperion is, Hush quickly decides to tunnel upwards, in hopes that he would surface directly under Hyperion. However, this proves to be a little futile as Hush digs up underneath the rocks Hyperion is standing on, causing the Eevee to fall off and hurt himself a bit. Ouch.

    Soon, Hush smirks at Hyperion once more. Snickering at the Eevee, the Growlithe opens his mouth to reveal another kanji-shaped ball of fire, and fires it towards Hyperion, only to find the Eevee suddenly ram his whole body into him before he can react. Ouch, indeed. To make things worse for the Growlithe, he winces once again as the toxins in his body continue to torment him. With this round over, will Hyperion be able to continue his comeback? Only time will tell as I wave my flag, declaring this third round to draw to a close.

    Post Battle Stats:

    Hyperion: 49% cut up quite a bit, pretty fatigued
    Hush: 59% badly poisoned, Substitute destroyed, moderately fatigued
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  13. #13
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    Default TML vs. Psiana (Ref: DarkPrince the Dark Knight)

    Brilliant Hyperion. You brought him down well

    Now, use a mud slap to block his vision. Then use double team and finally relax

    Mud Slap~Double Team~Relax

    If he tries toxic on the last slot, use sand attack. If he uses dig on the last slot, jump onto the nearest big rock

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

  14. #14
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    Default TML vs. Psiana (Ref: DarkPrince the Dark Knight)

    First things first, avoid all of that mud, use an Agility to dart out of the way, and go behind Hyperion. Then, Swift away the illusions of the Eevee. Finally, while he's relaxing, Crunch to disturb his peace and do anything to damage him - go for a weak spot, such as his legs or ears, and hit him against the rocks once more.

    Agility [Dodge mud, go behind Hyperion] | Swift [destroy illusions] | Crunch [Go for ears/legs, hit Hyperion against the rocks]

  15. #15
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default TML vs. Psiana (Ref: DarkPrince the Dark Knight)

    Round 4

    The_Missing_Link vs Discotheque
    Hyperion the Eevee vs Hush the Growlithe

    Prebattle Stats:

    Hyperion: 49% cut up quite a bit, pretty fatigued
    Hush: 59% badly poisoned, Substitute destroyed, moderately fatigued


    As this fourth round unfolds, Hyperion smirks at Hush. Preparing to kick some mud at Hush in hopes it would land in the Growlithe's eyes, the Eevee digs his forelegs into the ground, where he quickly begins to repeatedly kick some mud into Hush's eyes. Unfortunately for Hyperion, this strategy proves to be a futile one, as Hush quickly darts off, safe from Hyperion...for now.

    Soon, Hyperion smirks at Hush again. Preparing to make several mirror images of himself again, the Eevee closes his eyes, and begins to concentrate again. Within a few seconds, Hyperion opens his eyes to find a total of not one, not two, not three, but four clones right next to him. However, Hush is once again not fooled by this cloning trick, as the Growlithe sends another barrage of heat seeking stars which hit Hyperion and his clones, causing the clones to all vanish one by one, while the real Hyperion begins to scream from the stars worsening some of his cuts while inflicting new ones. Ouch.

    Soon, Hyperion glares at Hush. Not about to let the Growlithe tire him out so easily, the Eevee decides to pause for a few seconds as he catches his breath. However, Hush is ready to interrupt the Eevee's peaceful break, as the Growlithe opens his mouth again, readying his jaws to sink them into Hyperion's back legs. Within a few seconds, the Eevee finds himself caught in the back legs thanks to Hush's sharp chompers, and thrown into a few rocks a short distance away seconds later after being thrashed around once more. However, Hyperion is still proud of his work on Hush, as the Eevee smirks to himself upon seeing Hush wince again from the toxins continuing to burn his insides. With this round over, will Hyperion be able to possibly survive the next round? Only time will tell as I wave my flag, declaring this fourth round to draw to a close.

    Post Battle Stats:

    Hyperion: 31% cut up badly, angry at Hush, pretty fatigued
    Hush: 51% badly poisoned, speed sharply increased, confident, pretty fatigued
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

    Discord Handle: Knight of Time#4253

    Moderator of GGG since April 2, 2020

  16. #16
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    Default TML vs. Psiana (Ref: DarkPrince the Dark Knight)

    These are the kind of things that get me pissed off

    No catch/evolve for us again Hyperion

    *recalls Eevee and walks away*

    My ASB Team:
    Nightshade, Orion, Drake, Apollo, Shino, Ares, Arya, Isis, Ace, Arbiter, Nero, Haplo, Coren, and Marit

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