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Thread: a dummy question about fr/lg

  1. #1
    Beginning Trainer
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    Default a dummy question about fr/lg

    I haven't been here in like forever.
    so I was just wondering if
    Fire and Leaf are out at all yet?
    like in Japan, and if they are, where can i order them?
    also...any clue one when they'll be out in the US??

    thanks a bunch, later y'all
    PKMN Soul Silver FC: 2880-4807-4245

  2. #2
    Beginning Trainer
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    Default a dummy question about fr/lg

    The japanese versions are available since Jan 28th. The US or Eurpean versions are not even announced and no release dates are known.
    I received my japanese versions yesterday from Lik-Sang. I am eagerly looking forward to play them on the upcoming weekend.
    Look at I hope I don't break some rules posting this link.

  3. #3
    Junior Trainer
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    Default a dummy question about fr/lg

    will the the japanese versions of red and green work with the us ruby and Sapphire..?
    MASTER ROY. 43270 :masterbal

  4. #4

    Default a dummy question about fr/lg

    If you mean that they can trade and battle with each other, yes. Different language versions of the games can do so with each other.

    You'll have to beat the Elite Four and obtain the Ruby and Sapphire Plates in FRLG first before you can do so, however.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2000

    Default a dummy question about fr/lg

    You sure, DRWS? I seem to remember a Region lock in GSC. Maybe due to the absence of the Japanese selection(Hirigana or katakana) for nicknames, which is in RS? Hmm.

    But yes, they're out in Japan and positively going to be released in the US. It was "hinted" at when the wireless adaptor was announced, as well as the "games pioneering it"(FRLG)

  6. #6

    Default a dummy question about fr/lg

    I'm 100% sure. Other people with the Japanese version of Colosseum have confirmed that they can get their snatched Pokémon sent to their Japanese Ruby\Sapphires and then traded them over to their English cartridges, and Meowth346 had pictures posted up at some point as well.

  7. #7
    Beginning Trainer
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    Default a dummy question about fr/lg

    I can confirm that trading is possible between the R/S versions of all languages. I have traded several times from my japanese versions to my US versions without any problems.
    And I am 100% sure like DRWS that this is also true for FR/LG.
    Currently I have only started my japanese FR and LG games. So, if it is true that I can only trade to my US R/S after I have beaten the E4 than it will be awhile before I can confirm that.
    Out of curiosity I tried to trade between Ruby and Sapphire with the Wireless Link Adapter from FR/LG. But unfortunately it did'nt work.
    Looks like only FR/LG are compatible with the new Wireless Link Adapter.

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