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Thread: ~*Poll: ... Wha? O.o;

  1. #1
    Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: ... Wha? O.o;

    Polls, polls, polls XD

    1. Do you get confused easily?
    2. Do you confuse people?
    3. Do you wish you could/couldn’t? :o
    4. Do you enjoy being/not being confused? XD


    1. Very easily... IRL not so much, because I take things in more easily, but ol... I'm confused all the time XP
    2. Yes :o I confuse people a lot, for example when they say something, and I think they mean something else, and I start talking about it and they're all O_o;; wtf :o Also when I ramble like I'm doing now people have no idea what I'm talking about half the time xD
    3. I like confusing people. :>
    4. I don't like being confused, becuase whenever I am, nobody else is and I feel all stupid X_x;

  2. #2
    Guess Who's Back? Advanced Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: ... Wha? O.o;

    1. Yes, big words and alliterations make me go
    2. I confuse people some times with my comments that seem to have no point, but makes you think for hours before realizing they do. I also confuse people a lot with my sarcasm. See number 1.
    3. Doesn't bother me, confusion is normal.
    4. Yes, It makes me seem dumb, then people think I'm dumb, then are surprised to find that I are smart.
    The Lord of the Pokemasters
    Winner of the Best Comedy GoldenPen Award!

    Make Me Lose My *Pant Pant*

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default ~*Poll: ... Wha? O.o;

    1. I get confused because I don't listen. Shiny objects distract me, so don't bother talking to me.

    2. Yeah, when I forget what I'm saying half-way through my sentences. Solution: Don't talk as much.

    3. I don't care, really.

    4. I think you confused me. I don't really "enjoy" being confused, and I don't know anyone who would...well, actually, Mikey said he does, so OK, I do know someone who likes it...

  4. #4
    Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: ... Wha? O.o;

    ....DUDE Cheesey, you confuse me

    1. depends.... sometimes I don't get what people are trying to say, and online, or when I'm texting people, I get confused by their...emotions. its hard for me to tell if they are being sarcastic, mad, happy, and that confuses me

    2. XD yes. irl, and o/l sometimes irl I just start sayign something, and people are always like '...huh o_o' then I always have to say 'NVM! jeeze' lol =)

    3. o_o; huh.... eiether way, I couldn't/don't care

    4. dude...really. you ARE confusing me :< um...was the answer yes?

  5. #5
    Master Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: ... Wha? O.o;

    1/. I got confused today when Syberia kept kissing me. Poor soul. I hope Karin doesn't read this, she might get jealous. =P

    2/. I like to confuse people by changing fonts and background colours on AIM - Syberia thought I was Karin and I often like to imitate Danny =p

    3/. I would like to confuse people like you more often, yes. I probably do for all I know.

    4/. Being confused is fun but sometimes it's really annoying that you don't know what's going on and that sort of stuff x__x I'd prefer to not be confused and know everything.

  6. #6
    Veteran Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: ... Wha? O.o;

    1. Do you get confused easily?
    Quite often.

    2. Do you confuse people?
    Even more often than the aforementioned statement. See, confused you right there, didn't I?

    3. Do you wish you could/couldn’t?
    I wish people understood me more, so I could carry on more relevant conversations to what I'm thinking of, rather than superficial conversations.

    4. Do you enjoy being/not being confused?
    I hate being confused, unless it's in the sense of being in suspense, or trying to figure out a murder mystery, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  7. #7
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    Default ~*Poll: ... Wha? O.o;

    . Do you get confused easily?
    2. Do you confuse people?
    3. Do you wish you could/couldn’t?
    4. Do you enjoy being/not being confused? XD

    1. No
    2. Early and often, I don't know why, I just use a lot of big words and ramble on
    3. well, sometimes it is amusing, however, I do it a bit much.
    4. enjoy it? sure why not.

    ~ Chris

  8. #8
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    Default ~*Poll: ... Wha? O.o;

    1. No
    2. Yes
    3. No
    4. I enjoy being NOT confused

  9. #9
    Elite Trainer
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    Default ~*Poll: ... Wha? O.o;

    1. Do you get confused easily?

    Sometimes if I'm overstimulated and there's lots of information to take in. *Jumps up and down*

    2. Do you confuse people?

    Sometimes, accidentaly and on purpose.

    3. Do you wish you could/couldn’t?

    It doesn't bother me really.

    4. Do you enjoy being/not being confused?

    Depends if I need to pay attention or not.
    Deprived of a semi-colon.

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