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Thread: Rmt

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2000

    Default Rmt

    -Sleep powder

    Yeah. I think this thing is faster then eggy, so it sleeps him, and then keeps growing until I kill something with megadrain. I found out that it learns swords dance so I could use sd and bslam over stunspore and growth if wanted.

    -Swords Dance

    I know this is pretty lame, but yeah, I'll try to use it. Basicly I use this at the end, swords dance as much as possible, and hyperbeam. This is the only pokemon I'm aware of that can sd and hyperbeam with STAB. Counter r0x because when tauros or something switches in, it gets pwned by counter when it bodyslams. Icebeam is for golems/rhydons, although I'm considering surf.


    Does as much damage as possible ASAP. Switches in on something and hopefully does something. I really like having this just for fun, but I can always switch to the standard if I want.


    Pretty straight forward. I'm obsessed with counter even though it sort of sucks. Psychic for STAB, thunderwave for more parylises, rest to regain health, and reflect for stability.

    -Sand attack

    I'd be crazy not to put sand attack on because that can be really annoying if the pokemon is using blizzard.


    Submission will school some normal pokemon, I don't care what you say. Surf owns golems and rhydons even if it doesn't OHKO them. Hyperbeam rides off great attack with STAB. And counter does stuff such as killing tauroses and the like.

    I don't like this team anymore then you do, and I just threw it together as you can see. Rate anyways. You'd be crazy not to.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Rmt

    Originally posted by MetalScyther
    -Sleep powder

    Yeah. I think this thing is faster then eggy, so it sleeps him, and then keeps growing until I kill something with megadrain. I found out that it learns swords dance so I could use sd and bslam over stunspore and growth if wanted.
    ~Or your sleep misses and you get put to sleep/PARed. Or even worse, you sleep my Eggy and while your growthing along comes Chansey to be annoying and Fire Blast you.

    -Swords Dance

    I know this is pretty lame, but yeah, I'll try to use it. Basicly I use this at the end, swords dance as much as possible, and hyperbeam. This is the only pokemon I'm aware of that can sd and hyperbeam with STAB. Counter r0x because when tauros or something switches in, it gets pwned by counter when it bodyslams. Icebeam is for golems/rhydons, although I'm considering surf.
    ~Don't use Counter. Ever.


    Does as much damage as possible ASAP. Switches in on something and hopefully does something. I really like having this just for fun, but I can always switch to the standard if I want.
    ~Hydro Pump cannot compare to Surf. Barrier over Supersonic(WTF!?)


    Pretty straight forward. I'm obsessed with counter even though it sort of sucks. Psychic for STAB, thunderwave for more parylises, rest to regain health, and reflect for stability.
    ~NEVER use Counter...on anyone...Reflect.

    -Sand attack

    I'd be crazy not to put sand attack on because that can be really annoying if the pokemon is using blizzard.
    ~No you'd be crazy to leave it absolutely SCREWED against Flying-types. Sand-attack is Useless. Go for Sub AND Rock Slide.


    Submission will school some normal pokemon, I don't care what you say. Surf owns golems and rhydons even if it doesn't OHKO them. Hyperbeam rides off great attack with STAB. And counter does stuff such as killing tauroses and the like.
    ~No submission. No. NO Counter. In fact, no Kangaskhan. It's not that great.

    I don't like this team anymore then you do, and I just threw it together as you can see. Rate anyways. You'd be crazy not to.
    6/10...not a very good team.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000

    Default Rmt

    Its a fun team.

    First off, chanseys don't have fireblast. Wtf are you talking about?

    Next off, isn't the risk that every starter takes, that he will miss with his sleep move and get PARd?

    After 1 growth tangela has 450 special, and after 2 he has like 625 special or something. An icebeam off of a chansey isn't going to harm it if it doesn't CH.

    Why does counter suck?

    No **** surf is better then hydro pump, its a fun team. If you don't get what that means that means that you don't always have to use the moves traditionally used, such as hydro pump and thunder.

    Note that flying types aren't used, and rockslide is being used as I speak.

    As for your kangaskhan comment, take it back. Kangaskhan is great.

    I think everyone underestimates counter, especially you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Rmt

    Tangela: I much prefer Swords dance, but you may also find that your team is somewhat short on paralysis as well.. I would still go with swords dance though, I really dont like growth.. megadrain just isnt powerful enough..

    Lickitung: I would expect Licki to have more problems with special attacks.. and bodyslam will help with paralysis..

    Tentacruel: Barrier will have hardly any use without any recovery.. supersonic could work, but you wouldonce again need par support..

    Hypno: Reflecting Hypno is unbelievably boring, so definitely counter..

    Slash: If you're confident you wont meet any flyers go for it, but honestly, I would hate to be you if your opponent was packing a Zapdos or something.. Once again, will need par support..

    Kanga: Bodyslam definitely.. and also surf definitely too.. I would expect that bodyslam would do sufficient damage against normals when coupled with hyperbeam.. Counter could be used in that spot for most normals -obviously not Chansey, but you would have to be confident with Kanga vrs Chansey anyway.

    Starmie will destroy this team.. It ususally does with UU teams, Uhh.. Zapdos too, but, you probably didn't need me to tell you that..

    Have a nice day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Rmt

    Not too sure, but I think counter in r/b/y only works on countering fighting moves so thats probably why its so unwanted.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Default Rmt

    Actually, it's only fighting and normal moves..

    And normal moves are very, very common.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Rmt

    ...that still doesn't make it good.

    And as for MS - Alright, Blizzard then. And you're trying to pass off Tangela as superior...ahh yes, the old "it's a fun team" excuse. If it sucks, "Hey it's just for fun"

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Rmt

    And as for MS - Alright, Blizzard then. And you're trying to pass off Tangela as superior...ahh yes, the old "it's a fun team" excuse. If it sucks, "Hey it's just for fun"

    I don't think tangela is superior to exeggutor, champ.

    As for the witty "ahh yes, its a fun team" remark, **** off. Whether you like it or not the idea of a fun team is to try something new for once(gasp, a strange idea for you!), and have some fun!

    Since my team "sucks" so much, I'd like to see you make this uberleet team. You can say sand-attack sucks, but I know your wrong.

    ...that still doesn't make it good.

    You still haven't gave us a reason why it sucks so much.

    *laughs at the fact that you used to mod this place and still have that superiority feel*

  9. #9
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Rmt

    I've used Tangela in a proper team and I've KO'd Articuno's with it.

    And can we please stop assuming that unless a team is made up of Alakazam, Tauros, Exeggutor, Chansey, Starmie and Exeggutor, that it sucks. For gods sake, I swear the next topic I see with a team made up of 6 pure standards I am going to close.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Default Rmt

    -Sleep powder

    I used as a starter for some time and loved it. I used that very set (with Stun Spore) and it worked exceedingly well. He isn't supposed to kill anything, just dish out status changes. Though if he can get powered up, you'd be suprised what he can do. And he takes explosions decently well. =P

    -Swords Dance

    Looks pretty good. I've tried Lickitung on fun teams and eventually decided on a pseudo-Fishlax setup (Hyper Beam/Body Slam/Swords Dance/Surf) and it's suprisingly effective if he gets a SD off. Fun to play him too.


    Tentacruel rocks. I'd go with Surf over Hydro Pump considering he's got STAB there and Hydro Pump tends to miss more than I'd like. If you're going with an offensive mindset here, probably Supersonic in the last slot. A Poké with as many weaknesses and as frail as him shouldn't waste any time trying to become a tank, either.


    Honestly I'd put Hypnosis there somewhere. I know it's cruddy, but it can really save your butt, and it's usally unexpected. And yes, you're a little counter-happy. =P Hypno might be a good choice for it though since he's primarily going to be attacked physically.

    -Sand attack

    Can't really do it any other way. Rock Slide, btw. =P


    Kangaskhan and Lickitung on the same team is repetitive. I really wouldn't bother with Submission, and Body Slam is a must on any normal Pokémon that can learn it in my opinion.

    If you do drop Kanga or Licki, the team could use some flying action. Shame you already have a water, Gyarados would do quite nicely on this team.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Rmt

    Originally posted by MetalScyther
    -Sleep powder

    Yeah. I think this thing is faster then eggy, so it sleeps him, and then keeps growing until I kill something with megadrain. I found out that it learns swords dance so I could use sd and bslam over stunspore and growth if wanted.

    -Swords Dance

    I know this is pretty lame, but yeah, I'll try to use it. Basicly I use this at the end, swords dance as much as possible, and hyperbeam. This is the only pokemon I'm aware of that can sd and hyperbeam with STAB. Counter r0x because when tauros or something switches in, it gets pwned by counter when it bodyslams. Icebeam is for golems/rhydons, although I'm considering surf.


    Does as much damage as possible ASAP. Switches in on something and hopefully does something. I really like having this just for fun, but I can always switch to the standard if I want.


    Pretty straight forward. I'm obsessed with counter even though it sort of sucks. Psychic for STAB, thunderwave for more parylises, rest to regain health, and reflect for stability.

    -Sand attack

    I'd be crazy not to put sand attack on because that can be really annoying if the pokemon is using blizzard.


    Submission will school some normal pokemon, I don't care what you say. Surf owns golems and rhydons even if it doesn't OHKO them. Hyperbeam rides off great attack with STAB. And counter does stuff such as killing tauroses and the like.

    I don't like this team anymore then you do, and I just threw it together as you can see. Rate anyways. You'd be crazy not to.
    cool team, i really REALLY LIKE IT, that tangela is a powerhouse from hell, substitute btw very good, not the standard mewtwo and 5 alakazams i've seen before and muffin man i hate to say it but no, you may not argue with me here i have had the game since it's release date.
    One more round; one more low.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Default Rmt

    Fish: I usuall use hypnosis/twave/counter/psychic on hypno, but I already have sleep powder on tangela, so I didn't put hypnosis on it.

    Leon-IH: Errr..thanks for the compliments, but I'm not sure if everyteam has a mewtwo and 5 alakazams, but whatever.

    I must say that having hydropump on tentacruel and using lickitung has been so much fun on the PBS. I had a lot more fun with this team on the PBS then with my standard team.

    I am realizing that counter on kanga does suck, but I did get to use it on a few chanseys. The recoil damage wasn't pleasant, though.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Re: Rmt

    Originally posted by Leon-IH
    muffin man i hate to say it but no, you may not argue with me here i have had the game since it's release date.
    Really? I guess that makes you an expert...

    Guess when I had it since? Guess, go on. Guess. Yep. The Release date!

  14. #14
    Misanthropic Master Trainer
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    Default Rmt

    Having the game from the release date and being able to battle well is not the same thing.

    Being able to battle without having to use standards repeatedly is far better than battling with the same pokemon again and again.

    Last time I checked being creative and coming up with strategies is not illegal, and shouldn't be dismissed because they do not fall within the set out rules that govern the standards.

    There is a topic now for the pros and cons of using Counter. Use it to discuss other moves and strategies if you wish, but if your going to dismiss anything without a fair chance, don't bother replying.

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