Accepting the man's offer, you lie down on the flaky floorboards, ready to fall asleep alongside your Charmander and Beldum.

"Good night," the man says, as you watch him doze off, as you follow the same itinerary.

A few hours pass as you both stay sound asleep for the moment, before you’re rudely awakened by a large thump at the door. The man calls for you in the other room telling you to quickly hide. You pretty much can't stand around there, so you and your pokémon follow him into the room, as he directs you to a cupboard. You hide inside, though cramped, as he shuts the door while he runs to go and hide himself.

You hear the door bash open, and footsteps speedily scratch across the floor. Listening, you hear a few words mutter from their mouths, but you can't pick up anything solid. Suddenly, the talking begins to slowly die down as well as their movement. About 10 minutes or so pass, and you can't hear a thing anymore. Assuming they’re gone, you slowly open the cupboard door. You notice the man hiding under the table, as he looks up at you and comes out.

"I’m glad you're safe," he says. "I don't know what they were doing here, or who they were. They walked past the table, but it was too dark to make out their appearance."

As you wonder why, your Beldum comes out from the cupboard. You wait for your Charmander to come out also, but he doesn't. You don't see his flame, or any light in there. You rush into the other room where you were sleeping, and notice that he isn't in there either. Where did he go?

What do you do now?

DarkPrince the Dark Knight
The sun flashes upon you at Welcome Beach, relaxing as you await to begin your adventure at Dragonair Island. A Sneasel walks by you and says hi, and before your eyes a striking icy track extends to the island you wish to set off on; you slowly walk across it, being careful not the fall into the flowing waters below.

Finally reaching the end, a Charmeleon comes and annihilates the once frozen trail, as you now ponder on where to go.

What will you do? Head down Route 27? Head down Route 23? Head to the Store? Head to the Mountains, or something else?