Illumise? Those things are hard to find,but I'll look for it.Nothing new has happened yet though.Can I find a Surskit around the third Gym?
Name: Nevets
Game: Ruby
Type: Rock
Went through most of the beginning of the game with no Rock types, figured I would get a Aron and Geodude when I got to granite cave. But I realized that would take to long so I breed some and sent them over unfortunately came to this conclusion after I beat Roxanne![]()
Have been in Dewford for a little while mostly trying to get eggs hatched and an Aron with the right nature and ability. Wont challenge Brawly till all my pokemon are lv. 23. Now got to breed for a good lileep will update when I have time.
Current Roster:
Aron (lv.9 finally caught one with rock head and a good nature)
Geodude (lv.15)
Shuckle (lv.16)
Relicanth (lv. 5 just hatched)
Illumise? Those things are hard to find,but I'll look for it.Nothing new has happened yet though.Can I find a Surskit around the third Gym?
Random Mark Twain Saying
"Suppose you were an idiot. Suppose you were a member of Congress. Ah, but I repeat myself."
Surskit are found in several places, one of which was Route 102. I think Route 117 might have them, but I'm not sure. No matter where they are, they're ludicrously rare unless you've recently seen a news report of a mass outbreak of them.Originally Posted by Crazy
Poryhedron's Monotype Challenges
Winner of the 2007 Pokéhelper Unown Award! Glad I could be of help!
Pokémon GO: Level 37, Team Mystic
I strongly suggest avoiding Surskit. I tried training one on my normal team and it was terrible. Neutral personality too.
I'll continue tomorrow, because I'm kind of held up trying to get Espeon and Umbreon, as well as Groudon, the Regis and Latios for LG. So far I've got the Regis and Umbreon, so it's almost done. By the way, yes, Surskit can be found on the route where you find Illumise and Volbeat, and Masquerain should be considered. I'm considering teaching mine Water Pulse so that it's a Shuffler and a confuser all rolled into one. Lousy stats, I know, but there's no other alternative to get a Bug Pokemon which can actually learn Water and Ice based moves
By the way, it's an emulator I'm playing on, my other carts are occupied
I have no courage enough to erase my 200 + hours of gameplay =/
Back. Exams just finished!
Prepare, LONG log.
Water Challenge.
Slateport City-Dewford Town
*Trained all my Pokémon a bit, and then defeated Wattson with Marshtomp.
*Wingull evolved into Pelipper.
*Defeated the Winstrate with Tentacool.
*Went all the way to Fallarbor Town, training a lot.
*Followed and defeated Team Magma on top of Mt. Chimney.
*Tentacool evolved into Tentacruel.
*Marshtomp and Tentacruel swept through Flannery, and earned the Heat Badge.
*Trained a lot as I crossed the desert.
*Marshtomp evolved into Swampert.
*Took on Norman with a bit of problems.
*Got the Amulet Coin from mom.
*Got the Good Rod. But as I realized I wouldn't catch any Water Pokémon of my favorites with it, I traded a Slowpoke Egg from LeafGreen.
*Hatched the Egg and trained Slowpoke.
*Helped Wattson with New Mauville and got TM24.
*Now on my way to the Abandoned Ship and a TM13.
Next destination: Abandoned Ship.
Time: 8:45
Badges: 5
Current Team.
Swampert (Level 37)
Tentacruel (Level 34)
Pelipper (Level 29)
Slowpoke (Level 24)
I won't wait for a fricken' Super Rod until Mossdeep to get my beloved Water Pokés...
This is going to be one of my longest times...
This update is very, VERY short.
Current Status:
Went to Slateport and found that the sub was stolen
Got to the Magma's Hideout and thrashed the Grunts, but again the sub was taken away
Met Steven in Mossdeep City and got HM08, Dive
Beat Tate and Liza with Silver Wind (I like using that move)
Current Team:
Illumise Lv 36 Thunderbolt, Silver Wind, Charm, Wish
Pinsir Lv 37 Strength, Seismic Toss, Brick Break, Guillotine
Masquerain Lv 36 Ice Beam, Bubblebeam, Gust, Water Sport
Volbeat Lv 36 Signal Beam, Silver Wind, Light Screen, Moonlight
Dustox Lv 37 Psybeam, Silver Wind, Light Screen, Moonlight
Shedinja Lv 38 Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Swords Dance, Silver Wind
So far this Monotype poses no problems as of yet.
Play time: 35:17
Last Saved: Mossdeep
Going to defeat Wallace now
I'm a little behind on the rest of you guys, but meh...
Monotype Challenge
Version: Sapphire
Monotype: Grass
Motive: I think they are hard to train and there aren't many of them.
Girl character: Maggie
I started my new game by getting myself: A timid Treecko(no specific gender) or a Modest, Hasty, Timid FEMALE Treecko.
Then I trained him on route 103until l.10 as usual and then took on my rival/neighboor.
I defeated the trainers on route 102 and ended up in Petalburg City. Got Wally his Ralts and passed on towards Petalburg Forest WITHOUT defeating any trainers.
When I entered the forest, I searched for a couple of Shroomish. I got 2 Hardy ones, 1 Rash and a Quircky.
When I came back out I accidently challenged the Richboy. But my Treecko(l.12 at that time) had only 2 HP left, so I got my most health Shroomish and defeat the Zizagoon. He grew a level as I continued my way back towards Petalburg PC.
I was so stupid so I ran into the beach youngster and had to fight him. Again same story. So after the battle I decided to train THAT Shroomish witch was the Quirky one. No hard feelings since it didn't have a negative Nature, so meh...
I got back to Petalburg, healed my pokemon, quickly defeated the trainers in the woods...
...I encoutered and defeated the Aqua Member and ended up in Rustboro. I went back to route 104 to dish out some heavy damage to the Lass and Lady. Rising my Treecko to l.14 and my Shroomish to l.12.
I healed them again and sweeped route 106(forgot what number it was, the one leading to Verdanturf) rising Treecko to l.16 evolving him into Grovyle!(w000t 2 new attacks! They suck as crap but still w000t 2 =p)
So after the evolution party I found myself capable of deating Roxanne. I went up to the gym(after healing ofcourse) and defeated the gymtrainers bringing Shroomish to a new level: 16. Hurried up and fixed my pokemon once again.
Then it was time to face Rocky Girl. She sent out Geodude but not for long. 2 Absorbs got rid of the rocky fellow. With all HP left Shroomish fought the Nossepass. It used harden 2 times allowing my Shroomish to set up his Leech seed+Stun Spore Technique. Then he brought Nossepass's HP back to 1/6 before one last Rock Tomb killed him. Bringing up my new Grovyl was a total succes, because one Absorb killed Nossepass, leaving me with the Rock Badge and a TM.
I husselt back out of the rocky gym and faced the lovely member who's butt I had kicked before. History repeated himself, handing over Peeko to Mr.Britney. He thanked me and went off.
I accepted the 2 tasks given by Mr.Stone and his employee, asked Mr.Britney for a ride and ended up in Dewford.
I quickly trained my Grovyl to l.20 and delivered the letter to Steven, earning a Steel Wing TM.
I booted out Dewford's Gym and got Shrooomish to l.18. Quickly healed my pokemon before challenging Brawly.
I sweeped Machop with Shroomish's favorite Technique, leaving him with 2/3 HP remaining. Shroomish used the Technique again on Makuhita leaving the Makuhita with 1 HP left before he fainted. Good enough for Grovyl to just come in the arena and see Makuhita faint by the effects of Leech Seed. Another All Shroomish victory. The knuckle badge and the TM in my grasp.
I healed again and saved right before Mr.Britney ready to sail to Slaterport and fase 2 of my Devon mission...
Badges: 2
Location: Dewford Town
~Dementor/Grovyl[M] l.20 Timid - Absorb_Pursuit_Leer_Quick attack
~Ares/Shroomish[M] l.19 Quirky - Megadrain_Leech Seed_Stun Spore_Tackle
Time: 3.32
Haven't played too much, but I will some more this weekend
Version: Ruby
Type: Normal
Time: 7:02
Money: 110733 P
Badges: 5
Current Location: Petalburg City
Defeated Norman
Yep, that's it for this session!
Swellow (M, Lv. 30 ) Wing Attack, Quick Attack, Double Team, Steel Wing
Linoone (F, Lv. 30) Headbutt, Surf, Tail Whip, Dig
Loudred (M, Lv. 30 ) Stomp, Pound, Supersonic, Howl
Zangoose (M, Lv. 31) Crush Claw, Quick Attack, Leer, Swords Dance
~* - Pokemon art and game info!
To lazy to post something long this time
I went over to slaterport
Defeated aqua
Defeated rival
Booted out all the routes towards, in and around mauville
Trained Grovyl up to l.29 to learn his signature move: Leaf Blade
Got rid of trainers on Cycling Road
Defeated Gym Trainers
Now ready to face Wattson
Badges: 2
Location: Dewford Town
~Dementor/Grovyl[M] l.29 Timid - Leaf blade_Pursuit_Screech_Quick attack
~Ares/Breloom[M] l.26 Quirky - Megadrain_Leech Seed_Mach punch_Headbutt
Time: 5.06
Still exams?
Defeated Wattson with 5 Mach punches. 1 on magnemite, 2 on Voltorb and 2 on Magneton. Got 20 damage by a sonicboom =p
Went towards Verdantuf and started searching for a good Roselia. I found a Rash one after 6 other Roselia and decided to quit searching, since I was getting tired of catching the same pokemon.
I trained against trainers on route 111 and he also reached the team level. After that I went over to Fallarbour and trained some more. The meteorite was stolen and I went up on Mt.Chimney. Defeated Archy with just a minor diffeculty of his Supersonic+Wingattack Golbat. But Roselia got him. Then I went down the Jagged Pass into Lavaridge.
The gymtrainers were easily defeated, but Flannery was something else.
Her overheating Slugma(never know it had that TM technique) pwned my Breloom(at l.31 at that time), but Grovyl got rid of him. But the second Slugma put up a nasty Light Screen and defeated my Grovyl before perishing in the hands of Roselia(hands?=p) Then one overheat from Torkoal fainted my Roselia. I was defeated. For the first time.
With more confidence I challenged her again with succes! 4 Mach punches got rid of the Slugma who could only preform a Flamethrower( the second one that was) before he KO'ed Torkoal. Revenge was mine. A new badge and a new TM
I went over to the desert after receiving my GO-GOGGLES from Brendan, to catch my favorite Grass pokemon -- After Nuzleaf(but I hate Shiftry) -- Cacturn. So I caught some Cacnea and defeated some trainers before I was tired. I picked up the Root fossil before I went to the PC and choose the best Cacnea, it was a Hasty one(w000t speed). I trained him in my Father's gym defeating the gymtrainers.(Cacnea was holding exp.share)
I healed and defeated my father. No problem with Ares's Mach punch.
After this I got my Root fossil revived. But I decided not to train Lileep yet.
Then came the longest part of my game(so far). The Nav. Al the trainers I ever fought wanted to battle again, leaving me with some major exp.points! I finally defeat the after 1 hour because everytime I passed a route to go to another route they wanted to fight again. And all the training made my Cacnea evolve!
I'm now in Slateport to defeat all the trainers in the water. Allot of work, but it will make Dementor evolve and make my pokemon ready for a gym battle against another weakness of them. Winona here I come.
Badges: 5
Location: Slateport City
~Dementor/Grovyl[M] l.34 Timid - Leaf blade_Pursuit_Screech_Quick attack
~Ares/Breloom[M] l.34 Quirky - Megadrain_Leech Seed_Mach punch_Headbutt
~Tanthalos/Cacturne[F] l.36 Hasty - Faintattack_Leech seed_Growth_Ingrain
~Aphrodite/Roselia[M] l.33 Rash - Gigadrain_Leech seed_Grasswhistle_Magical Leaf
Pokemon that are proly be in my team, later:
----/Lileep[M] l.20 Forgot - Constrict_Acid_Forgot
Time: 12.06
Ah,I haven't played much and now I'm ticked cause I left my Volbeat a little to long in the Day Care and put quick attack in the wrong spot and it got erased instead of Tackle. Now I have a horrble Volbeat set and I have lost the will to play. Sorry,but I'm dropping out. The challenge of course is still on for everyone else.
Random Mark Twain Saying
"Suppose you were an idiot. Suppose you were a member of Congress. Ah, but I repeat myself."
Blargh, everybody is quitting...GSC and RES
Sounds interesting. I'll try it with Dark types.
Name: Devon
Type: Dark
ID: 23248
Game: Sapphire
First I did all the regular boring beginning stuff. You know, arrived in Littleroot, set the clock, met May, yada yada.
Then I saved Birch using a Mudkip (a female Mudkip!). I also used the Mudkip to beat May's Treecko. Easy. Then I got Poke Balls and Running Shoes and went on to catch my first Dark Pokemon.
Caught Pokemon: Level 4 Male Poochyena - Remus.
I used Remus to catch two Zigzagoon, and then traded them and Lily over to Pokemon Ruby for a Seedot and Houndour and Eevee eggs I prepared.
Caught Pokemon: Level 3 Male Seedot - Nazo.
Then I trained Remus and Nazo a bit. Helped Wally catch his Ralts... then trained my Pokemon some more.
Moved on to Petalburg Woods. Beat Aqua Grunt and got the Great Ball. Moved on and got the Wailmer Pail and my first TM; Bullet Seed.
Moving on... reached Rustboro, got Cut, realized that I have to get an HM slave... eh, I'll catch a Zigzagoon later.
Trained some on Route 116. Then my eggs hatched. They hatched almost one after the other, too! That was nice. =)
Hatched Pokemon: Level 5 Male Houndour - Damien.
Hatched Pokemon: Level 5 Male Eevee - Moonlight.
Trained Damien and Moonlight in all routes according to their progress. Then saved 'cause I got tired.
Team Stats:
-Remus, Level 10 Male Poochyena, Quirky, Run Away (Tackle, Howl, Sand Attack)
-Nazo, Level 13 Male Seedot, Hardy, Early Bird (Bide, Harden, Growth, Nature Power)
-Damien, Level 10 Male Houndour, Adamant, Flash Fire (Ember, Leer, Will-O-Wisp, Howl)
-Moonlight, Level 11 Male Eevee, Quirky, Run Away (Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Sand Attack)
Not much happening here, because I'm not playing much, but I'm almost ready for the Elite Four.
Awakened Groudon
K.O.ed Groudon
Creamed Wallace
That's all, very little isn't it?
Current Team:
Illumise Lv 39 Thunderbolt, Silver Wind, Charm, Wish
Pinsir Lv 39 Strength, Seismic Toss, Brick Break, Guillotine
Masquerain Lv 39 Ice Beam, Bubblebeam, Gust, Water Sport
Volbeat Lv 39 Signal Beam, Silver Wind, Light Screen, Moonlight
Dustox Lv 39 Psybeam, Silver Wind, Toxic, Moonlight
Shedinja Lv 39 Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Swords Dance, Silver Wind
Currently in training for Elite Four
Play Time: 37:27
Like I said, I defeat all the sea routes by Dewford, Petalburg and Slateport. It have me some MAJOR expierence.
After that I creamed Route 118 and 119 making my ATTENTION: Dementor evolve into a Sceptile! Defeated Team Aqua at the Weather Institute and defeated my rival. Driving me into Fortree city, but first I tought my Breloom Bulk Up.
I healed, and got the Devon Scope from Steven on Route 120. Made Kecleon flee and entered the gym. The gym trainers were a bit harder then I'd imagended, but still no match for my Grass-types. I defeated them all and healed again.
I challenged Winona for a 4 on 4 and began to battle. Her Swellow got rid of my Aphrodite with ease, but Tantalos creamed Swellow. Then Pelipper and Skarmory were up. Pelipper was no match for my Breloom and fainted, but Skarmory was something diffrent! He took appart my whole team except for Dementor, who killed skarm on his turn, leaving only her most dangerous pokemon to face my fastest.
Altaria danced 2 times while I screeched to times. I managed to hit Altaria 2 times with a Quick Attack before she danced again, leaving her Altaria open for my 1HP-remaining Sceptile to finish the job. I had won another Badge and a usefull TM.
I finished booting out Route 120,121, etc...While checking what Hidden Powers my pokemon have, I found out that Sceptile has ICE! I noticed this AFTER my Flying gym battle! ( I almost grabbed my GBA and threw out of the window)
After this I went on towards Lilycove and defeated the trainers. I got some major expierence again. Then my rival wanted to get smacked once more before I went on towards Mt.Pyre. Then I trained some more on the route below Mt.Pyre.
Team Aqua was quickly defeated at Mt.Pyre and I received the Blue orb. Then their base was no threath to me and I quickly discared of them. So I went on to Mossdeep after healing once more.
The sea routes were excellent training for my pokemon and were quickly cleared of all trainers.
I got to Mossdeep and defeated the gym. The gymtrainers were no challenge at all, because my pokemon had reached l.43 by then. After these battles I went healing again, ready for my next Gym battle.
So Liza and Tate were no problem at all. Faint attack from Tantalos and Leaf Blade from Dementor quickly discared the 2 rock types. Although they did some major Hyperpotion use! The Mind Badge was in my grasp and so was the Calm mind TM.
Then I got all the shards for the stones and defeated route 124 en 125.
Now ready to search for Kyogre while defeating Route 126,127 and 128.
Badges: 7
Location: Route 124
~Dementor/Sceptile[M] l.43 Timid - Leaf blade_HP:Ice_Screech_Quick attack
~Ares/Breloom[M] l.43 Quirky - Bulk up_Leech Seed_Sky Uppercut_Headbutt
~Tanthalos/Cacturne[F] l.43 Hasty - Faintattack_Needle arm_Growth_Ingrain
~Aphrodite/Roselia[M] l.43 Rash - Gigadrain_Leech seed_Grasswhistle_Magical Leaf
Pokemon that are proly be in my team, later:
----/Lileep[M] l.20 Forgot - Constrict_Acid_Forgot
Time: 12.06
I thought an update deserved a new post(double post that is today), since the Monotype challenge is going a bit slow and everybody stopped posting or playing...Blargh.
Not much actually...
Trained some more, defeated Aqua, caught Kyogre with one Pokeball, defeated wallace with ease(Sceptile pwns) and I'm currently training for the 1337 4...
I'm proly going to clear out my Trainers Eye again...*looks and sees ALLOT of trainers*
Badges: 7
Location: Route 124
~Dementor/Sceptile[M] l.46 Timid - Leaf blade_HP:Ice_Screech_Quick attack
~Ares/Breloom[M] l.46 Quirky - Bulk up_Leech Seed_Sky Uppercut_Headbutt
~Tanthalos/Cacturne[F] l.45 Hasty - Faintattack_Needle arm_Growth_Ingrain
~Aphrodite/Roselia[M] l.46 Rash - Gigadrain_Leech seed_Grasswhistle_Magical Leaf
Pokemon that are proly be in my team, later:
----/Lileep[M] l.20 Forgot - Constrict_Acid_Forgot
Time: 18.35
Just thought I'd drop by to say that I've quit the challenge. I'm too busy, and find myself wasting time with it. Maybe another time. ^_~
What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?
Adopted Pokemon . ASB
Blargh another one down...I don't feel like playing anymore...
Well, I'm no quitter.
Version: Ruby
Type: Normal
Time: 10:12
Money: 166313 P
Badges: 6
Current Location: Route 110
Completed Trick House Challenge #2
Completed Trick House Challenge #3
Shut down Power Plant in New Mauville
Defeated Team Magma at the Weater Station
Defeated Rival
Arrived in Fortree City
Caught Kecleon!
Defeated Winona
Arrived in Lilycove City
Caught Girafarig!
Swellow (M, Lv. 37 ) Wing Attack, Quick Attack, Fly, Steel Wing
Linoone (F, Lv. 37) Headbutt, Surf, Tail Whip, Dig
Loudred (M, Lv. 37 ) Stomp, Overheat, Screech, Howl
Zangoose (M, Lv. 37) Crush Claw, Quick Attack, Leer, Swords Dance
Kecleon (F, Lv. 36) Slash, Faint Attack, Psybeam, Screech
Girafarig (M, Lv. 25) Thunderbolt, Confusion, Astonish, Stomp
~* - Pokemon art and game info!
Cleared out Trainers Eye Again and made some expierence. Defeated Wally at Victory road:
~Thought Dementor how to use Dragonclaw
~Thought Ares how to use Brick Break
Altaria was no match for my Sceptile with is new learned move: Dragonclaw and his Special Ice HP. Delecatty fell for Ares's Brick Break, Roselia died in the hands of my own Roselie(Aphrodite), Magneton got his ass Brick Break'ed and Gardevoir fainted do the lack of Sp.def to defend her from Tantalos's Faint attack.
Trained some more. They all reached fifty except for Ares who's training is onder construction.
Hint: I have always used the TV reporters for training. You fly to Mauville, go up on route 111 defeat them, ride back to mauville, defeated them on route 118 over sea, fly towards Fortree, heal, challenge them on route 120 and fly back to Mauville to repeat as long as you need it.
Surely everybody will know that and I will look like a jackass...
Almost cleared the challenge, the last obstacle is the hardest...
Badges: 8
Location: Everywhere and Nowhere(aka training)
~Dementer/Sceptile[M] l.50 Timid - Leaf blade_HP:Ice_Dragonclaw_Quick attack
~Ares/Breloom[M] l.48 Quirky - Bulk up_Leech Seed_Brick Break_Headbutt
~Tanthalos/Cacturne[F] l.50 Hasty - Faintattack_Needle arm_Growth_Ingrain
~Aphrodite/Roselia[M] l.50 Rash - Gigadrain_Leech seed_Grasswhistle_Pental Dance
And I decided to just go with these four...I hate Vileplume and Cradily doesn't have the offence to be considered good for me. I like to have offense pokemon for Ingame...
Time: 21.35
I entered the League, passing the 2 guards, entering Sydney's domain.
He released my favorite Dark-pokemon to the scene: Mightyena. He was rather intimidating, and my Breloom couldn't aggree more. Luckily I had handed him a White herb before the match started and this saved his life. A Brick Break killed the fiercesome beast.
Then Absol popped out. Sidney thought that an Aerial Ace would do the job, he was right. But he didn't seem to notice that my Breloom was 1 level higher and easily outspeeded his strongest pokemon. Again a Brick Break killed Absol.
Shiftry was his next pokemon. The pokemon who had tormented allot of trainers seemed to be no match for my Breloom. He Double teamed once, but 1 Brick break ended his attempt to multiply himself.
Sharpedo was the only pokemon in Sydney's arsenal who was faster then Breloom, thus giving him some minor damage. Brelooms move was obvious: Brick Break
Cacturn fell to the hands(and feet) of Breloom with his trusty move: Brickbreak
(I'll never name the move Brick break again =p)
I entered the Spooky domain, saved the game and challenged ghost girl herself.
Dusclops fell at the hands of another trusty pokemon of mine: Cacturne. Although not easy because of Dusclops major Sp.def. One Faint attack left Dusclops with little to spare, but enough to confuse my Cacturne and let Phoebe heal him again. I Ingrained, growthed 2 times and sweeped the rest of her team.
(I wouldn't want to tell you how he did Faint attack 5 more times)
Same routine, entering, saving and battling.
This was probably the most difficult opponent in the league so far. She sent out Glalie who flattend 5 of 6 pokemon in my team(2 HM slaves) with Ice beam before he was defeated by my fastest pokemon: Sceptile. Then I killed the 2 Seleo before I revived the rest of my team, leaving Sceptile fainted. I sent out Roselie who used his Grasswhistle to put Walrein asleep. Then I revived Sceptile and Lemonaded my whole team back to full health.
But Roselia had to face the consequences of her noble sacrifece. He was fainted by a huge Blizzard, summoned by the angried and awoken Walrein. Walrein didn't last long since 3 Leaf blades killed him on the spot. Then her last pokemon Glalie did the same as his brother. He almost sweeped my entire team before fainting. Glacia was defeated.
Drake(or I forgot his name)
The normal routine: entering, saving, battling:
My level 53 Sceptile quickly disposed of Shelgon using Hidden Power, but had his speed lowered by a Rock Tomb. Flygon came popping out of his pokeball before he got hit by a Hidden Power.
Then he summoned a Sandstorm leaving Sceptile trapped in the sand vortex, weakening every turn. Suddenly Flygon rose up in the air preforming a Fly. I got a brilliant idea and quickly switched for Tropius(HM SLAVE) who fainted on the spot. But this switch had given Sceptile his speed back! The speedy Sceptile showed no merci as he HP'ed Flygon away into his pokeball. The next Flygon had to share the fate of his compagion, fainting aswell.
The intimidating Salamence formed no threat when he appeared on the scene, since Sceptile does not use any Physical attacks. Then 2 HP: Ice killed salamence, but the heavily hurted Sceptile fainted at the hands of Altaria's take down. Next up was Roselie who got defeated in no time, but managed to hold on long enough for me to revive Sceptile again, who killed Altaria on his turn.
Then I healed all my pokemon back with revives, lemonades and Hyper potions before I saved my game ready to challenge the mighty Champion.
*Well my Monotype Challenge is almost finished, it was fun. I mean it IS fun*
Badges: 8
Location: Ever Grand League
~Dementer/Sceptile[M] l.53 Timid - Leaf blade_HP:Ice_Dragonclaw_Detect
~Ares/Breloom[M] l.51 Quirky - Bulk up_Leech Seed_Brick Break_Headbutt
~Tanthalos/Cacturne[F] l.52 Hasty - Faintattack_Needle arm_Growth_Ingrain
~Aphrodite/Roselia[M] l.53 Rash - Aromatherapy_Leech seed_Grasswhistle_Pental Dance
And I decided to just go with these four...I hate Vileplume and Cradily doesn't have the offence to be considered good for me. I like to have offense pokemon for Ingame...
Time: 22.48
Good luck MeLoveGhosts. Steve will be tough with all of those steel types. I may start on a water or electric challenge later.
Random Mark Twain Saying
"Suppose you were an idiot. Suppose you were a member of Congress. Ah, but I repeat myself."
Thanks, I have tried now(just a sec ago) and I lost, I will keep trying and tell you guys how many times I lost, but I will only post the winning log =p
His Skarmory is almost inpossible to beat with Grass, even HP:Ice or Brickbreak are nothing to him. IF you manage to beat him you end up with a Sweeper Cradily :roll: and Metagross ows meh...No pokemon of mine can learn Reflect or Light screen...sigh only Safguard. Overheat and T-Bolt are also out of the question for Grass...I'll be here al loooong time. But then I'm finished!w0000t
I'll do Flying next or Bug, probably flying. I have made a Team post and I need some help since I'm not a real RS expert... thanks in advance
Click here if you want to help me
If life is that good why are we all born crying?
Hmmm... Monotype.
I may begin one next week. I just need to check what can I actually catch and then I'll decide on a type... XD
(And if my emu works, because I know my Sapphire cart doesn't ;_; )
EDIT: Okay, now I have to take a decision.
The choice depends on a question, and it is:
Until I catch my first Pokémon, am I allowed to use the starter for all the necessary battles (even after defeating the rival)?
If I can, I'll go for Psychic. If not, I'll go for Dark.
Another thing: Is Sharking the first Pokémon possible? (Expects the obvious "NO".)
Yes,but read the rules next time. You may only shark if your type cannot be found quickly. If you picked Dragon types then you could pick any dragon(in R/S)as long as it starts at its lowest evo at a low level.
Random Mark Twain Saying
"Suppose you were an idiot. Suppose you were a member of Congress. Ah, but I repeat myself."
Well well well...Here it comes:
I lost to Steven not 5 but 6 bloody times! He is as hard as hell, because of his medium fast Metagross and his damn Skarmory. AA on Armaldo made it harder for Breloom to take most of his crew.
Steven's Skarmory was the first one he released against me. On all the other matches it preformed Spikes first. I guess I was lucky(very lucky) because he did an Aerial Ace for the first time, leaving my Roselia with only 24 HP to spair. Roselia Grasswhistled Skarm to sleep and I quickly switched to Breloom. He Bulked up twice and then preformed Dynamic punch. Leaving Skarm with half of his HP. 2 Brickbreaks set Skarm to rest.
Second up was Cradily, who had tormented me allot in other games. His sludgebomb was super effective against my Breloom, but couldn't withstand a Brick Break attack after 2 Bulk ups.
Next was Armaldo. The ferious beast had good type coverage with AA, Ancient power, slash and Water Pulse! I Brick Breaked him, but Armaldo had HP left! So he took Breloom down with an Aerial Ace. Darn him! I let out Sceptile and he finished the job.
Then it came. His strongest pokemon: Metagross. He Meteor Mashed at Cacturne(who I switched Sceptile for) who had only 1/20 of his HP left after the hit. But Cacturne managed to give Metagross a Faint attack. Metagross wasn't harmed much, only 1/6 of his total HP before he killed my trusty cactus pokemon. Out came Breloom(who had been revived) and Dynamic punched(luck!) Metagross to 2/6 HP, before Psychic took him down. Sceptile was my man because a Critical Hit Leaf Blade killed Metagross!(luck!).
Then both Aggron and Claydol fainted after receiving 2 Leaf Blades.
I couldn't believe it! I won!
Well you see, I only won by luck. But luck is in the game so you must respect and cherish it.
End Status:
~Dementer/Sceptile[M] l.57 Timid - Leaf blade_HP:Ice_Dragonclaw_Detect
~Ares/Breloom[M] l.56 Quirky - Bulk up_Leech Seed_Brick Break_Headbutt
~Tanthalos/Cacturne[F] l.55 Hasty - Faintattack_Needle arm_Growth_Ingrain
~Aphrodite/Roselia[M] l.54 Rash - Aromatherapy_Leech seed_Grasswhistle_Pental Dance
Time to finish Montype Challenge : Exactly 25.00 hours! w000t(luck=p)
I'm the first one to complete the R/S Monotype Challenge! w000t
*waits for special prize*
Well I'll probably do another one. Flying or Bug. I want to complete my second one before the rest of you finish your first one. You play slow =p. No, I'm sick. I got salmonella and therefore have lot's o' time, since all I do is lay in my bed and play some RS...But I'll proly be better tomorrow!
Now that you have finished with your grass challenge I will begin my grass challenge soon. They are my favorate type after all. Then I shall do water. Congrats. You now get the title of Grass Master. Enjoy this lame prize.
Random Mark Twain Saying
"Suppose you were an idiot. Suppose you were a member of Congress. Ah, but I repeat myself."
Ok,I'll join with flying.....
Met May
Saved Professor Birch
Recieved Mudkip
Defeated Brandon
Caught Lv.5 Taillow(TJ) and released Mudkip
Caught Zigzagoon(HM Slave)
Trained till Lv.10
Caught Wingull(peeko......real original)
Saved Director in Petalburg Woods
Trained TJ to Lv.14 and Peeko to Lv.13
Faced and Defeated Roxanne
Saved Devon Goods
Recieved Pokenav/Letter/Devon goods
Saved Game
TJ/Taillow (F) Lv.15 Naughty: Peck,Growl,Wing Attack,Quick Attack
Peeko/Wingull (M) Lv.14 Docile:Water Gun,Supersonic,Growl,Wing Attack
HM Slave
I'll start playing after this post.........
Heh, I did read the rules, I just thought the rules were too harsh, as I have seen in some contests I've been, where I get disqualified just because there was nothing else to do. I feel hated... XD
Ooooh, you CAN shark. Hmmm... I might even try Ground types.
...Nah, I'll try Dark first.
hi, i know im a bit late, but alot of you seem to be dropping out
Player name : LEE
Type : Water
started game as usual, recieved my mudkip (Belial), breezed through the first couple of routes, capturing a zigzagoon as a HM whore on the way, met father, helped Wally catch his first pokemon....
thats its for now, will post later when something intersting happens ^_^
Belial/Mudkip LV 10 (F) (HARDY) tackle/growl/mud slap/water gun
should be intersting guys !
EDIT EDIT : i also decided to do it without ANY guides, so dont post saying, hell thats a bad moveset that poke learns blah blah blah ok! grrrr
EDIT: anyone who lives near me, feel free to come and see me and trade me an Eevee egg or a ludicolo, or even a lapras, go on ya no you want to!![]()
Just started on my Grass Challenge.
Progress:I just moved to Littleroot and saved the professor. I got my Treecko and named it Herba. I shall now begin training it.Just caught my 2nd pokemon Phykos(Lotad).Herba grew a couple of levels.Caught a Shroomish and named it Mykes.Raised the team up some levels.
Herba(Male,Timid) Lvl:10 Pound,Leer,Absorb
Phykos(Male,Calm) Lvl:9 Astonish,Growl,Absorb
Mykes(Male,Hardy) Lvl:10 Absorb,Tackle,Stun Spore,Leech Seed
Random Mark Twain Saying
"Suppose you were an idiot. Suppose you were a member of Congress. Ah, but I repeat myself."
Well poor poor POOR roxane, Belial wrecked its way,single handedly, through her and her lil trainer mates hehe evolving after the last battle and learning mud shot.
Traveled to battle the magmar member in the cave (tryin to avoid battles as i went, this will help later wen training my magikarp!), meet up with the magmar in question, one mudshot later, and he goes running, leaving me to return peko and the stollen goods
Belial LV17 Watergun/Mud shot/ tackle/ growl
UPDATE: returned the stolen goods( the owner of devoncorp didnt seem NEARLEY thank full enough!) and to top it all off he asked me to deliver things for him!, ahh well, might get a reward for it, so i might as well, got the old codger whos pokemon i had saved earlier to give me a lift in his boat, the fool gladley obliged hehe, when i arrived in Dewford town, a strange fisherman aproached me and offerd me an old rod, looked prety batterd, but i thought i may catch something with it, i tried it out and managed to catch a Lv6 magikarp with it, which i called Leviathan, and has been added to my team, i am now in the laborious process of Training the blooming thing! update later
Belial/Marshtomp Lv 19 (F) (HARDY) Water gun/mud shot/tackle/growl
Leviathan/Magikarp LV10 (F) (IMPISH) Splash
Went to Dewford
Defeated all the trainers then faced Brawly
Swept Brawlys team with TJ's Wing Attack
Delivered Stevens Letter
Taught TJ Steel Wing
Sailed to Slateport
Delivered Devon Goods and defeated the Goons
Trained a bit
Took on Rival
Swept Numel and Wailmer with Peeko's Wing Attack And TJ took out Sceptile
Started Training again before Wattson,Whom Birds HATE!!!!!
Saved Game.......
TJ/Taillow (F) Lv.20 Naughtyteel Wing,Double Team,Wing Attack,Quick Attack
Peeko/Wingull (M) Lv.20 Docile:Water Gun,SuperSonic,Growl,Wing Attack
Zigzagoon(HM Slave)
well me belial and leviathan are chuggin along good, i deliverd the letter to steven, and he gave me a TM in return, but god only knows why he was sitting at the end of a cave!!, anyway, after id done this i proceded to the local gym, which was nearly pitch black, and so i stummbled into more then a couple of battles, mud shot finnished of most of the combatants though,Leviathan STILL hasnt evolved!, but were getting there slowly!, anyway, then i jumped back on brineys boat and sailed off to slateport and there we go!
Belial/marshtomp Lv20 Watergun/mud shoot/tackle/growl
Leviathan/magikarp Lv 12 splash
UPDATE: well as soon as i landed on slateport city beach, i was besset upon by a number of trainers not to worry though, Leviathan needed the EXP., anyway, i battled my way up the beach ( though not quite in a normandy landing way!) and cleared out the soda hut, i then sought out Capt. Stern to deliver the devon goods to, i was told he'd gone for a walk, so i looked in the museum for him, i found him and gave him the goods, though not before fighting off two team magma members, i have a sneeking suspision im goin to be seeing alot of these guys!, with not much else to do i decided on a bit of training, and after a long wile i finaly managed to get leviathan to evolve!!!, at least he has a visage mor beffiting his name now!now to find a new and better rod!
Belial/Marshtomp LV23 water gun/mud shot/tackle/growl
Leviathan/Gyrados LV20 bite/tackle/splash
W000t, pwnage!Originally Posted by "almighty Crazy"
Is is ok to give a pokemon that is going to be linked to my game, TM Steel Wing? I know I'll have 2 Steel Wings then, but I'm just not going to use the one I'm receiving from Steven. It is because otherwise my Taillow won't be able to beat Roxanne...
I guess that will be fine.
Random Mark Twain Saying
"Suppose you were an idiot. Suppose you were a member of Congress. Ah, but I repeat myself."