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Thread: 2004-2006 R/S Monotype Challenge

  1. #201
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Im not gonna post my gym battles anymore, because I'm too lazy to write them out

    Ruby Version
    Monotype: GROUND
    PLAYER PHIL IDNo.09624
    BADGES 4
    PLAY TIME: 4:52

    -Obtained GO-GOGGLES
    -Captured TRAPINCH
    -Obtained CLAW FOSSIL
    -Captured BALTOY
    -Deposited SKARMORY
    -Withdrew BALTOY
    -Defeated LEADER NORMAN

    -Obtained HM03
    -Defeated TRICK HOUSE Lv3
    -Defeated TRICK HOUSE Lv4
    -Obtained COIN CASE
    -Obtained BASEMENT KEY
    -Obtained GOOD ROD
    -NUMEL evolved into CAMERUPT
    -Defeated PkMn TRAINER MAY
    -Obtained HM02
    -Obtained DEVON SCOPE
    -Defeated LEADER WINONA

    PLAYER PHIL IDNo.09624
    BADGES 6
    PLAY TIME: 8:41

    Party POKéMON:

    TRAPINCH--Male---Lv33-(Sassy)---@ Nothing----Arena Trap--Crunch, Sand-Attack, Faint Attack, Sand Tomb

    BALTOY----???----Lv31-(Brave)---@ Hard Stone-Levitate----Sandstorm, Psybeam, Ancientpower, Selfdestruct

    SANDSLASH-Female-Lv33-(Brave)---@ Nothing----Sand Veil---Slash, Aerial Ace, Sand-Attack, Poison Sting

    CAMERUPT--Female-Lv34-(Jolly)---@ Nothing----Magma Armor-Rock Slide, Return, Ember, Magnitude

    MARSHTOMP-Male--Lv34-(Naughty)-@ Soft Sand--Torrent-----Strength, Growl, Mud Shot, Surf

    ZIGZAGOON-Male---Lv 3-(Quirky)--@ Nothing----Pickup------Tackle, Growl, Cut, Rock Smash

  2. #202
    Advanced Trainer
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    Default 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Been a while since anyone posted here....

    Ruby Version
    Monotype: GROUND
    PLAYER PHIL IDNo.09624
    BADGES 6
    PLAY TIME: 8:41

    -MARSHTOMP evolved into SWAMPERT
    -Defeated PkMn TRAINER MAY
    -TRAPINCH evolved into VIBRAVA
    -Deposited SANDSLASH
    -Withdrew CAMERUPT
    -Obtained RED ORB
    -BALTOY evolved into CLAYDOL
    -Defeated TEAM MAGMA at the BASE
    -Deposited CAMERUPT
    -Withdrew SANDSLASH
    -Released ZIGZAGOON
    -Obtained SUPER ROD
    -Captured WAILMER
    -GROUDON awoke
    -Captured GROUDON
    -Deposited WAILMER
    -Withdrew CAMERUPT
    -Defeated GYM LEADER WALLACE (eventually)
    -Deposited CLAYDOL
    -Withdrew WAILMER
    -Deposited SKARMORY
    -Withdrew CLAYDOL
    -VIBRAVA evolved into FLYGON
    -Got out of VICTORY ROAD
    -Deposited WAILMER
    -Used 6 RARE CANDY

    Begin Pokémon Leauge Challenge

    -Defeated SIDNEY
    -Defeated PHOEBE
    -Defeated GLACIA
    -Defeated DRAKE
    -Defeated STEVEN (damned cradily)

    Final Stats:

    CAMERUPT (F) Lv50 Jolly Magma Armor @Sitrus Berry Rock Slide/Return/Eruption/Earthquake
    FLYGON (M) Lv50 Sassy Levitate @None Crunch/Flamethrower/Dragonbreath/Return
    SANDSLASH (F) Lv48 Brave Sand Veil @Sitrus Berry Slash/Aerial Ace/Sand-Attack/Earthquake
    SWAMPERT (M) Lv48 Naughty Torrent @Soft Sand Strength/Gorwl/Mud Shot/Surf
    CLAYDOL (?) Lv47 Brave Levitate @Hard Stone Shadow Ball/Psybeam/Ancientpower/Selfdestruct

    Monotype: GROUND
    PLAYER PHIL IDNo.09624
    PLAY TIME: 18:00

  3. #203
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Ooh, fun, I'll try this. I'll do Water, but when I beat it I'll probably start over with a new type.


    Name: Takeru
    ID: 46476
    Type: Water
    Game: Ruby


    Game starts. Name: Takeru. Money: $3000. ID: 46476.
    Withdrawed Potion from computer in room. Set clock for 3:01 PM.


    Current location:
    Littleroot Town


    Pokemon Stats:



    I'll start a notebook to record everything.

    I'm back.

  4. #204
    Feelin' Like P. Diddy Elite Trainer
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    Default 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Sorry for the double post:


    Name: Takeru
    ID: 46476
    Type: Water
    Game: Ruby


    Started Game.
    Recieved MUDKIP, name Vienna.
    Vienna learned MUD-SLAP.
    Defeated MAY.
    Obtained POKEDEX.
    Met WALLY.
    Vienna learned WATER GUN.
    Vienna learned BIDE in place of GROWL.
    Vienna evolved into MARSHTOMP!
    Vienna learned MUD SHOT in place of TACKLE.
    Rescued PEEKO and DEVON GOODS.
    Caught WINGULL, name Paris.
    Caught HM Slave (Zigzagoon).
    Taught HM SLave CUT.
    Paris learned SUPERSONIC.
    Defeated BRAWLY of DEWFORD GYM!
    Caught TENTACOOL, name Cancun.
    Caught MAGIKARP, name Cape Hope.
    Caught second HM Slave (Shroomish).
    Thaught HM Slave 2 FLASH.
    Delivered LETTER to STEVEN.
    Delivered DEVON GOODS to CAPT. STERN.
    Obtained RARE CANDY in TRICK HOUSE, gave it to Cape Hope.
    Paris learned WING ATTACK.


    Current location:


    Pokemon Stats:

    Vienna (Sassy Marshtomp)
    Level 23, F, Torrent
    Mud Shot, Bide, Mud-Slap, Water Gun

    Paris (Mild Wingull)
    Level 13, M, Keen Eye
    Growl, Water Gun, Supersonic, Wing Attack

    Cancun (Modest Tentacool)
    Level 11, M, Clear Body
    Poison Sting, Supersonic

    Cape Hope (Quiet Magikarp)
    Level 11, F, Swift Swim

    HM Slave (Calm Zigzagoon)
    Level 4, M, Pickup
    Tackle, Growl, Cut

    HM Slave 2 (Careful Shroomish)
    Level 5, M, Effect Spore
    Absorb, Tackle, Flash

    Once I'm done or if I use my Sapphire game, I'll be doing either Dark, Psychic, or Bug.

    I'm back.

  5. #205
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    I'm surprised I didn't see this earlier. It seems like a rather interesting challenge and I hope I'm not too late for this.

    So what type have I chosen? Poison. Why? I get Tentacruel and a pseudo-Venomoth in Dustox. Poison is also one of my favorite types in the game due to the tendency of its pokemon to be annoyances in battle (much like Grass and a handful of Bugs). Fortunately, I can get a poison type early on, Dustox, so I don't have to worry about Gamesharking one in. Thus, I begin...

    Name: CECIL
    Type: POISON
    Game: RUBY

    The first Poison pokemon available to me would be Bug/Poison Dustox which evolves from a Wurmple. With that in mind, I chose water-type Mudkip as my starter. Water Gun would do enough damage to wound wild pokemon, but not enough to kill them (like Ember would). Thus, I ran through the game as quickly as possible until I reached Petalburg Woods.

    What came next was rather annoying. Wurmples can evolve into either Silcoon or Cascoon, but you don't know which one they will become until you evolve them. I nab two of them, raised them both to Level 7.... both Silcoons. I nabbed a few more, reseting until I got one with good stats that wasn't a Silcoon. Finally, I caught a decent Wurmple-turned Cascoon and I went on my way. "Airduster", as I named her, was going to be my only pokemon for a while and, for the purposes of this challenge, my starter.

    With Dustox's Confusion, I was pretty much able to handle any wild pokemon or trainer that I encountered. After clearing out the area north of Rustboro, I thought it was time to go up against Roxanne (I'm level 14 at this point by the way). Bad idea. Potion-whoring Roxanne and her Geodude waste me. I try again at Level 16 (I think that is when Dustox learns Protect). I make it past the Geodude but the Nosepass kills me. I level up to 18 and try again. The third time's a charm but it was more like a fluke here. I nail the Geodude with Confusion and get a lucky first-turn confusion. Geodude misses with Rock Tomb. I nail the Geodude again, and it hurts itself in its confusion. Roxanne tosses a Potion, I use Confusion. I use Confusion again, dropping the Geodude down to 2 or 3 HP. Geodude hurts itself again, KOing itself. So far so good. I toss up an X-Defend and eat Rock Throw while whittling down Nosepass's HP. I manage to confuse it after two hits (it hurt itself on that round). I then pull off a critical and Nosepass nails me with Rock Tomb. It apparantly was just above the minimum HP for Roxanne to use a potion, as I Confused it once more and Nosepass hurt itself and KOed itself. Victory!

    After my victory, I pick up a Nincada and name it the appropriate "SLAVE-ONE" as it's going to be my HM slave. I toss Cut on it and head to Dewford. Picking up the Old Rod, I fish a Tentacool and I nab a Zubat in the Granite Cave (the Zubat has a Bold personality.... meh). Realizing I need to beat Brawly now to use Flash, I headed to the Gym. Ridiculously easy. Bug/Poison with a Psychic attack > Fighting types. Heck, Brawly's pokemon only used Bulk Up during that entire fight. With the Knuckle Badge in tow, I march off to Granite Cave. My Nincada flashlight (Bateries not included) helps me to Steven quickly (Rock and Steel types are there; I really don't want to fight them). With Dewford complete, I head off to Slateport. Additionally, I dumped the Steel Wing TM on my Zubat, just so it has an attack that can do a bit of damage.

    I've cleared the trainers on the beach, the Soda House (Fresh Soda Pop! YAY!), and the Team Magma event. I'm now heading north to face a ton of trainers, as well as pick up Oddish and Roselia.

    Current Team:
    AIRDUSTER (Dustox) L21 F Serious
    CNIDOCYTOR (Tentacool) L15 M Docile
    LOSEFANG (Zubat) L13 F Bold
    "If you vote, you can't complain."

  6. #206
    Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    If I may join in:
    Type: Electric

    If I'm allowed, I'll make my "strater" an electric type trading from FR/LG to my Ruby.

    EDIT: Is there a chance I can do this on my Emerald? I mean it;s basically the same.
    Electric Pokémon Rule

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  7. #207
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    I'm joining the challenge.

    Trainer Apoc ID: 25604
    Type: Grass
    Game: Sapphire

    Got Treeko as stater
    Defeat Rival
    Got Pokedex
    Caught Lotad
    Met father and help Wally
    Defeated Aqua Grunt for first time
    Caught Shroomish
    Defeated Roxanne
    Defeated Aqua Grunt for second time and resured Peeko and Devon Goods
    Got Pokenav and Letter
    Lotad evolved to Lombre
    Treeko evolved to Grovyle

    Current Stats:
    Lv. 16
    Hardy Nature
    Quick Attack
    Fury Cutter
    Bullet Seed

    Lombre (Poke Power Rain Dish)
    Lv. 18
    Calm Nature
    Nature Power

    Lv. 15
    Calm Nature
    Stun Spore
    Leech Seed

    Nincada (HM Slave)
    knows Cut
    will know Flash after I beat Brawly

    Until next time
    Speedy the Fast Dragon
    Behold the power of D. Blade.

  8. #208
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    I guess i'll try this out with Ground types.

    Name: Peter
    Type: Ground
    Game: Ruby

    -set clock
    -talked with neighbor May
    -Chose mudkip and beat the poochyena easily
    -Battled May:

    May sent her treecko after my trusty Neptune, a Modest Male Mudkip (triple "m" lol)
    She started off with a pound attack on Neptune. Neptune countered back with a nice tackle attack. Treecko, kept pounding Neptune.
    Neptune had the advantage as he got the Treecko to yellow. Treecko attacked once more still leaving Neptune's health at green. Neptune attacked once more leaving Treecko in low yellow. Suddenly Treecko managed to get a critical pound attack on the poor Mudkip leaving him at deep red health.

    But Treecko was no match when Neptune delivered the final blow right after the critical showing that he was much superior even having a type disadvantage

    -Went back to pokemon centre

    Edit: Team as of now:

    Neptune (Mudkip) - Modest
    Tackle, Growl
    Lvl 6

  9. #209
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    I have a question. Do we use the information from our actual games for this, or can we make it up?

  10. #210
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by chavajo
    I have a question. Do we use the information from our actual games for this, or can we make it up?
    You are supposed to use actual info from your Ruby/Sapphire games. This challenge is basically for people that have already beaten the game multiple times and aren't really challenged by the game anymore. So, they play like this to try something new, to try and make the game a little more difficult. So, this isn't like making up a story or anything, this is actual game play.
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  11. #211
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Oh thanks. I have beaten Sapphire multiple times, but the thing is that I gave it away. I still have my Emerald. Oh well.

  12. #212
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Sorry I haven't been active at all. Congrats to all who have completed this challenge,you all win a worthless title of master of whatever type you used. I think my old grass team is still on Sapphire,and I will try to complete the challenge.
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  13. #213
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Name: Ceipe
    Type: Electric
    Number: 23116
    Game: Ruby

    Switched starter to pichu
    Evolved to Pikachu
    Traded Magnemite
    Defeated Roxanne
    Defeated Brawly
    Caught Electrike
    Defeated Watsson
    Eltrike Evolved to Manectric
    Magmeite Evolved to Magneton
    Defetaed Team Magma at Mt. Chimney
    Defeated Norman
    Caught Voltrob
    Defeated Winona
    Voltrob evolved to Electrode
    Caught Chinchou
    Defeated Liz and Tate
    Chinchou evolved to Lanturn
    Electric Pokémon Rule

    B&W First Clear Team:

    B&W Autum Friendly Tournament Team:

    The First Latino team (GSC):

  14. #214
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Ahahahahaha! I love these challenges!

    I'm doing a "Mono poke" challenge through Emerald. One critter - just my starter.

    Name: Quinn (Female)
    Pokemon: Torchic (Chikky)

    Current status: I have caught a Wingull, Marill, and a Lotad for HM slaves (resting in their boxes right now), and a Zigzagoon for HM slaving as well as pickup. I wind up spending most of my money right now keeping a healthy supply of potions, antidotes, and such. As of just before Rustboro, Chikky is now a Lv. 16 Combusken (I had to have the fighting type in there for Roxanne). My pokedex has all of 6 entries seen in it, and I can only double battle if I let Zigzagoon get killed in the first round. The first double battle (the twins north of Petalburg woods) made me knock out Ziggy on my first turn.... Oh well, he comes in handy.

    Eventually I'll have a kickin' Blaziken. I'm working on a MS later today.


  15. #215
    The Old Sea Cap'n! Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    If i can find my Ruby game, i'll join with a complete dark team.

  16. #216
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge


    Name: Storm
    Game: Ruby
    Type: Dragon

    Log -
    **Chose Treecko as my starter and saved Birch's sorry rear.
    **Defeated my rival
    **Recived Pokeballs and Dex

    Just need a new shark, hopefully will get one tomorrow.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  17. #217
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Yeah blowing new life into this. MTC Fighting.

    Name: Matt
    Type: Fighting
    Reason: They're awesome and not used THAT much, except for Blaziken
    Badges: 3

    So I started out picking a Torchic with a Hasty nature. I trained him up on various wild pokemon before challeging my rival. After that I went on my quest defeating trainers and raising up my Ares (the name of Torchic). I saved that Devon Guy from Team Aqua and blablabla. Then I trained some more and challenged Roxanne with my newly evolved Ares ^^


    Yeah piece of cake. Double Kick smashed Geodude and another Critical hit Double Kick put Nosepass to rest.


    Then I went to the cave, saved Peeko, went to the president, yadayadayada. Followed up by a boattrip. (free boattrip mind you!) I arrived at Dewford and immediatly caught a Makuhita. I trained him up by fighting Aron, Makuhita, and Zubat (who I taught him Rock Tomb for). Then I delivered the letter to steven and challenged the gym.


    So I got rid of the gymtrainers first, leveling up Makuhita up some more. Then came Brawly himself. Machop fell to two Vital throws and a Tackle. Other Makuhita, KO'ed my Makuhita, but got finished by a Double Kick from Ares. Hurray!


    So I continued my journey to Slateport where I trained some more, defeated Team Aqua (I'm a meddling kid), picked up a TM, did some more training, beat rival to finally arive in Mauville. Makuhita evolved by now ^_^

    Yeah Mauville, what did I do there? Well, guess. A bit of training -___- So both my pokemon were l.28 and I decided to challenge the gym. I first disposed of the trainers and then went to Wattson.


    Yeah, Double Kick, Double Kick, Double Kick, winnah!


    I received strenght from the guy in the tunnel and saved before the rock at the Winstrate house. Going to update later.


    - Level: 28
    - Trait: Guts
    - Type: Fighting
    - Nature: Naive
    - Item: Quick Claw
    - Moves: Tackle | Rock Tomb | Vital Throw | Fake Out

    Ares (Combusken)
    - Level: 29
    - Trait: Blaze
    - Type: Fire / Fighting
    - Nature: Hasty
    - Item: None
    - Moves: Double Kick | Ember | Bulk Up | Scratch

    - Have a nice day ^^

  18. #218
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Name: Matt
    Type: Fighting
    Reason: They're awesome and not used THAT much, except for Blaziken
    Badges: 3

    Yeah, did some playing. Raised Ares and Hariyama a level and then caught a Machop in the Fiery Path. Raised him against wild pokemon and various trainers. He evolved against some pokemaniac with an Aron at Meteor Falls. I saved there.


    - Level: 28
    - Trait: Guts
    - Type: Fighting
    - Nature: Adamant
    - Item: None
    - Moves: Revenge | Low Kick | Strenght | Karate Chop

    - Level: 29
    - Trait: Guts
    - Type: Fighting
    - Nature: Naive
    - Item: Quick Claw
    - Moves: Tackle | Rock Tomb | Vital Throw | Fake Out

    Ares (Combusken)
    - Level: 30
    - Trait: Blaze
    - Type: Fire / Fighting
    - Nature: Hasty
    - Item: None
    - Moves: Double Kick | Ember | Bulk Up | Scratch

    - Have a nice day ^^

  19. #219
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    My computerscreen crashed so I was cut from society. I did some MAJOR playing seeing that I had nothing else to do, except for studying...

    Name: Matt
    Type: Fighting
    Reason: They're awesome and not used THAT much, except for Blaziken
    Badges: 8

    So I rushed through all of Hoenn defeating all Gymleaders and catching a new pokemon: Medite. So I'm not in the mood for telling my whole progress, but I defeated all gymleaders and am currently training for the league. Hurrah!


    - Level: 44
    - Trait: Pure Power
    - Type: Fighting / Psychic
    - Nature:
    - Item: None
    - Moves: Confusion | Thunderpunch | Hi Jump Kick | Calm Mind

    - Level: 44
    - Trait: Guts
    - Type: Fighting
    - Nature: Adamant
    - Item: None
    - Moves: Revenge | Low Kick | Strenght | Karate Chop

    - Level: 44
    - Trait: Guts
    - Type: Fighting
    - Nature: Naive
    - Item: Quick Claw
    - Moves: Smellingsalt | Rock Tomb | Vital Throw | Fake Out

    Ares (Combusken)
    - Level: 44
    - Trait: Blaze
    - Type: Fire / Fighting
    - Nature: Hasty
    - Item: None
    - Moves: Double Kick | Blaze Kick | Bulk Up | Slash

    - Have a nice day ^^

  20. #220
    Master of Electricity Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    I started a mono-type game this weekend (what... its only 2 years late :p).

    Name: Thorne
    Type: Rock
    Reason: Because Rock has a good variety of pokemon (and quite a few I like)
    Badges: 3

    ~ Started out with Treeko
    ~ Went and defeated May so I could get Pokeballs to catch pokemon
    ~ Since the earliest Rock type you can get is Geodude in the Dewford caves, transfered an Omanyte egg and then hatched it to use as my starter (Egg Moves: Haze and Bubblebeam)
    ~ Easily went through the Routes leading up to Rustburough
    ~ Got the Cut TM (and taught to my Zigzagoon HM slave)
    ~ Completely destroyed Roxanne with my sole team member, Omayte and his Bubblebeam (1 for Geodude, 2 for Nosepass)
    ~ Obtained the Stone Badge and TM39

    ~ Still feeling that my team is a bit lacking, traded over a Rhyhorn egg for my second team member (I don't like to wait until the Safari Zone to get a fairly vital team member)
    ~ Retrieved the Devon Goods and saved Peko, then recieved the Letter and Devon Goods from Mr. Stone
    ~ Set off for Dewford after training my Rhyhorn a few levels (Omanyte and Rhyhorn both take FOREVER to level...)
    ~ Went to fight Brawly and was defeated with ease by his Machop
    ~ Spent a signifigant amount of time training both Omanyte and Rhyhorn in the Dewford cave in preperation of my rematch with Brawly
    ~ After another defeat where Brawly got 2 lucky Criticals with his Machop's Karate Chop, finally defeated him mainly using Omanyte and Bubblebeam
    ~ Obtained the Knuckle Badge and TM08

    ~ Team is still feeling a bit lonely (and I already trained a Geodude, so I won't be using him), so I traded in a Lileep egg and hatched it (Egg moves: Recover and Mirror Coat), this will be my final traded team addition
    ~ Spent for-freakin'-ever training my Lileep after teaching it Bullet Seed for a decent attack... note to self, fossils (and Rhyhorn too) need way too much experience to level up nicely in the beginning of the game, never get fossils in the beginning ever again
    ~ Got the Flash TM, taught it to my Treeko (which I kept for the sole reason of having a Flash able pokemon)
    ~ Went through the cave and gave the Letter to Steven, got the TM47
    ~ Set off for Slateport
    ~ Defeated May again (easy battle, Lileep took out Wailmer and Shroomish with Bullet Seed and Acid respectively with a Recover here and there, and Omanyte destroyed Combusken)
    ~ Reached Mauville, got the Mach Bike (thank god)
    ~ Defeated Wally, who was blocking my way to Wattson
    ~ Faced Wattson... Magnemite and Voltorb fell easily (and Voltorb self destructed on my Lileep, silly bomb, rocks don't care if you explode), but I was forced to use multiple potions until his Magneton ran out of PP for Sonicboom before I Tail Whipped and Stomp'd it into defeat with Rhyhorn, I still lack a Ground attack or anything thats effective against that evil steel type
    ~ Recieved the Dynamo Badge and TM34

    ~ Got the Rock Smash HM, taught to Zigzagoon
    ~ Broke the rocks in the tunnel and got the Strength HM
    ~ Returned to Rust and got my Exp. Share
    ~ Went back to Slateport and took the boat back to Dewford
    ~ Delved back into the depths of the Dewford cave and smashed rocks until finally catching a Nosepass... my 4th team member
    ~ Spent some time training Nosepass to catch up with the rest of my pokemon after teaching him Shock Wave

    *Current Team*
    @ None - Withdraw / Haze / Bite / Bubblebeam
    @ Quick Claw - Tail Whip / Fury Attack / Horn Attack / Stomp
    @ Miracle Seed - Recover / Mirror Coat / Acid / Bullet Seed
    @ None - Harden / Tackle / Shock Wave / Rock Throw
    Master of Electricity
    Credits for the awesome banner go to Saffire Persian

  21. #221
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Why Nosepass? He sucks ass. Really.

  22. #222
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by MeLoVeGhOsTs
    Why Nosepass? He sucks ass. Really.
    Probably the only one on his team that can use Electric attacks. And he thought that he could use Nosepass against waters. Either that or he is using it because he like Nosepass.

    (my first challenge complete)

    TERRY's GROUND CHALLENGE 2006- (Monotype Challenge) TPM RBY
    (my 2nd challenge)

  23. #223
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    People who've been following my Monotype Challenges across the face of TPM know that I've been planning on doing a Ruby MTC next. The only question was, which type would I use?

    Steel...Poison...Ice...I've already used these types in other Monotype Challenges; I didn't feel like repeating myself.
    Bug...Dark...Flying...Grass...Ground...Normal...Wa ter...all of those types have been successfully cleared by others in the Ruby/Sapphire Monotype Challenge, so what would be the point in me doing any of them?
    Many other types have also been started, but most have been abandoned partway through...I decided not to do Fighting or Rock, though, because those have at least been updated within the last year. So has Dragon, but I don't know if I'd really count that...but still, I've already done a Dragon monotype in Ruby (I used Game Shark to get Horsea and Bagon early, though.)
    So what types are left? Electric...Fire...Ghost...and Psychic.
    For its interesting variety of types, I ended up selecting Psychic.

    Name: Min
    Type: Psychic

    I started with Mudkip, beat Brendan quite decisively, and then, as soon as I had the Pokéballs, caught myself an HMer Zigzagoon. (I thought long and hard on a good set of nicknames for the nine pokémon I intend to use, but couldn't come up with anything I'm not going to bother with nicknames this time around.) Then I headed into Route 103 and tussled with wild pokémon for a while, building up a cache of items courtesy of Zigzagoon...and searching for two other pokémon to catch. After a longer while than I'd thought it would take, I found a Seedot and caught it to use as another HMer. Then I settled in for the long haul. My third catch, and the last I'd make for a while, was going to be long in finding.


    (I tried switching to DP sprites, but I couldn't get all three lines of text sitting to the right of the sprite with only the board code to work with, and the DP sprites are just too large to look good otherwise.)

    Zigzagoon L5
    Tackle, Growl, Tail Whip
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Mudkip L8
    Tackle, Growl, Mud-Slap
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Seedot L4
    Bide, Harden
    This guy's only going to serve one purpose: lighting my way through Granite Cave.

    Next: Still looking for you-know-who...
    Last edited by Poryhedron; 23rd November 2006 at 06:13 PM. Reason: Added banner. I'm putting them in all starting and ending posts now since they can't stay in my sig anymore.

    Poryhedron's Monotype Challenges
    Winner of the 2007 Pokéhelper Unown Award! Glad I could be of help!
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  24. #224
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Name: Min
    Type: Psychic

    After fooling around in Route 103 for quite a while, I finally found a Ralts. I caught her, and then crash-raised her against the Route 103 trainers. That wasn't quite enough to get her up to level 6 and her first attack, so I went through the scene with Wally catching a Ralts of his own and then took on Youngster Billy in Route 104. The EXP from that battle was enough for Ralts to pick up Confusion.


    Ralts L6
    Confusion, Growl
    She'll be my only fighter for a while...

    Mudkip L9
    Tackle, Growl, Mud-Slap
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Zigzagoon L9
    Headbutt, Growl, Tail Whip, Tackle
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Seedot L8
    Bide, Harden, Growth
    This guy's only going to serve one purpose: lighting my way through Granite Cave.

    Next: The Struggle to Overcome!

    Poryhedron's Monotype Challenges
    Winner of the 2007 Pokéhelper Unown Award! Glad I could be of help!
    Pokémon GO: Level 37, Team Mystic

  25. #225
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Great, I was looking forward to this. Psychic eh, one of the less interesting types I think, but great power that's for sure! So, you go rocking out that game, I'll be a loyal spectator and commentator. Ciao.

  26. #226
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Name: Min
    Type: Psychic

    I knew there was going to be a battle with a Poochyena coming up, Ralts doesn't learn any attacks naturally that aren't Psychic-type, and I'm too early in the game to have any TMs, so I hung around the lower part of Petalburg Woods for a while, training against the wild forest pokémon. When I found a wild Silcoon, I took the opportunity to Growl at it 40 times, but I had to break off near the end when I was reminded that Harden only has 30 PP. Not that Silcoon's attacks were a threat after that many Growls, but I wanted to keep damage taken right now to a minimum.
    After Ralts had run out of Confusion PP, achieving level 10 in the process, I used a Potion, saved and went north. After the cut scene, I entered battle with the game's first Team Magma Grunt.
    I opened with Growl, since I still had some PP left for it. Poochyena opened with Sand-Attack. As a result, I missed with my second Growl, and Poochyena used Howl to cancel my first one. The next two turns perfectly mirrored the first two, and I realized I was in danger of going nowhere. Sure enough, by the time Ralts ran out of Growl PP and started Struggling, Poochyena had a higher Attack than it had started with. Luckily for me, though, Poochyena was so enamoured of Howling and Sand-Attacking that I managed a win anyway, without having to use a single Potion, because it almost never bothered using Tackle!
    "You're kidding me! You're tough!" No, you're just stupid is all...
    After that little adventure, I accepted the Great Ball reward and then ran back to Petalburg to heal. The Struggle to Overcome went a bit easier than I'd thought it would, but I still hope I won't have to do that again...


    Ralts L10
    Confusion, Growl
    She'll be my only fighter for a while...

    Mudkip L9
    Tackle, Growl, Mud-Slap
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Zigzagoon L9
    Headbutt, Growl, Tail Whip, Tackle
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Seedot L9
    Bide, Harden, Growth
    This guy's only going to serve one purpose: lighting my way through Granite Cave.

    Next: the First Badge! (Don't worry, posts will probably have a little more meat to them from here on out...)

    Poryhedron's Monotype Challenges
    Winner of the 2007 Pokéhelper Unown Award! Glad I could be of help!
    Pokémon GO: Level 37, Team Mystic

  27. #227
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Name: Min
    Type: Psychic

    I got through the rest of Petalburg Woods and reached Rustboro City (I skipped the Double-Battle Twins because I don't have two battlers yet. Are there any mandatory double battles other than the seventh Gym?) I picked up HM 1 and the Quick Claw and gave them to Zigzagoon and Ralts, respectively, then visited the Rustboro Gym.
    The two junior Gym trainers weren't a problem, but Roxanne proved a challenge. Potions flew on both sides, and I only beat Geodude after spamming Double Teams. Even after that, her Nosepass scored a lucky critical hit and knocked Ralts flat on her keister.
    I decided to train a bit more before trying her again, so I went to Route 116 and beat all the trainers I could reach. That brought me up to level 15, equalling Nosepass, so I decided to train a bit more against wild pokémon, until I reached level 16. When I did, Ralts learned Teleport, so I rode the move back to the Pokémon Center, healed, and then challenged Roxanne again. This time I was able to defeat her.
    When I left the Gym, the Team Magma thug blew past with the stolen Devon Goods, so I healed at the Pokémon Center again and then set off after him. Too late, though, I realized this was going to be another Ralts vs. Poochyena battle! I opened by spamming Double Teams, but he got in a couple Sand-Attacks first. I proceeded to Growl at Poochyena 40 times, but Ralts' accuracy had taken hits, so we struggled with Growl vs. Howl for a while. Every so often Poochyena would Tackle me to see how his Attack was doing. By the time I ran out of Growls, I had gotten his attack pretty low...but then, I still had twenty Teleport PP and about that many Confusions to dump. While I was doing that, Poochyena started Howling unopposed, and before long he was taking off half my life with each Tackle he managed to get through my Double Teams. I lost.
    To prepare for the rematch, I headed back down to Petalburg Woods, grabbing the items that you need Cut to reach; then, belatedly recalling that Teleport actually works against wild pokémon, I returned to Route 116, Cut my way onto the plateau and challenged the Schoolboy with the Ralts. I opened against him with nine Double Teams in a row so that I could pretty much ignore his Ralts' actions, then ate through my Teleport PP while his level-10 Ralts struggled to affect me with Confusion (when it wasn't pointlessly Growling.) Finally, with no more Teleports remaining, I used my own Confusion and defeated him.
    After that, I went back into Rusturf Tunnel and used up the rest of my Confusion PP beating up Whismur, reaching level 17 in the process. This left me with 6 Double Team PP and 40 Growls. With that arsenal, I stepped up and challenged the Magma Grunt again. I actually had worse luck this time, never getting Poochyena's Attack down very far, but I at least managed to keep him in check, and when I started Struggling, Poochyena didn't have enough of an advantage to overcome my six-level lead and the fact that I had six Double Teams and only four Sand-Attacks. The Magma Grunt finally went down, Mr. Briney got Peeko back, and I got the Devon Goods, a Great Ball, a Letter, and a Pokénav. Nice swag for beating a Magma Grunt, and I deserved it too, even if I'm only keeping half of it.


    Ralts L17
    Confusion, Growl, Double Team, Teleport
    She'll be my only fighter for a while...

    Mudkip L9
    Tackle, Growl, Mud-Slap
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Zigzagoon L9
    Headbutt, Growl, Tail Whip, Cut
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Seedot L9
    Bide, Harden, Growth
    This guy's only going to serve one purpose: lighting my way through Granite Cave.

    Next: Smooth Sailing!

    Poryhedron's Monotype Challenges
    Winner of the 2007 Pokéhelper Unown Award! Glad I could be of help!
    Pokémon GO: Level 37, Team Mystic

  28. #228
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    So when *is* the next psychic type?

    Edit: Found out myself. Abra in Granite Cave, Natu, Wobbufet and Girafarig in Safari Zone, Spoink near Lavaridge, Meditite and Chimecho at Mt Pyre, Lunatone/Solrock @ Meteor Falls, Baltoy in the desert.


    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  29. #229
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris 2.0
    So when *is* the next psychic type?

    Edit: Found out myself. Abra in Granite Cave, Natu, Wobbufet and Girafarig in Safari Zone, Spoink near Lavaridge, Meditite and Chimecho at Mt Pyre, Lunatone/Solrock @ Meteor Falls, Baltoy in the desert.

    I'm not bothering with an Abra, especially since they're mind-bogglingly difficult to catch when you're restricted in what you can use against them. And, you actually missed a Psychic-type, one I am planning on using.


    Name: Min
    Type: Psychic

    After selling a bunch of worthless items, I headed back south to Mr. Briney's seaside cottage and sought his services in delivering the Letter and Goods. We sped along the waters of Routes 105-6, arriving at Dewford where a most delightful concept was in vogue: "KIND WORLD". I heartily approved.
    I trekked up to Granite Cave, where I recieved HM 5 and a warning: it wouldn't work without the local Gym Badge. I taught Flash to Seedot, and visited the Gym. Thanks to my elemental advantage, Dewford Gym was smooth sailing compared to Rustboro. I quickly picked up the KnuckleBadge and then went back to Granite Cave and explored.
    Having Seedot's light was very nice. In a lot of my Ruby or Emerald playthroughs lately, I haven't even bothered teaching Flash to anyone, so it was a pleasant surprise to be reminded of how much easier (and more graphically detailed) Granite Cave is with it.
    Since this is Ruby and not Sapphire or Emerald, there were no Dark/Ghost-types to annoy me in here. There were some Aron who proved annoyingly resilient, and knew Mud-Slap besides, but I stuck it out and defeated them...and after two such wins, Ralts evolved into Kirlia! ^_^
    I delivered the letter, recieved a TM I'll never use, and then returned to Mr. Briney and set off for the distant shore of Slateport. After beating all of the beach and Seashore House trainers, I entered the city itself, and streamlined my party a bit by depositing Seedot. Then I talked to Dock at the shipyard, unlocking the Museum, and headed into the thug-infested center of learning.
    I got TM 46 from Mr. My-Poochyena-lost-to-a-Psychic-type-twice, and immediately taught it to Kirlia. Now I had a non-Psychic-type attack to use on Dark-types...but it turned out I needn't have bothered. The two grunts who tried to attack Capt. Stern didn't use Poochyena, and since this is Ruby, that meant they didn't have any Dark-types at all. Much like my last Gym Battle, this Magma encounter was smooth sailing. (What, did you think I was referring to the ocean travel? Silly, that's not a sailboat!)


    Kirlia L22
    Confusion, Calm Mind, Double Team, Thief
    She'll be my only fighter for a while...

    Mudkip L9
    Tackle, Growl, Mud-Slap
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Zigzagoon L9
    Headbutt, Growl, Tail Whip, Cut
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Next: Coming Full Circle!

    Poryhedron's Monotype Challenges
    Winner of the 2007 Pokéhelper Unown Award! Glad I could be of help!
    Pokémon GO: Level 37, Team Mystic

  30. #230
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris 2.0
    So when *is* the next psychic type?

    Edit: Found out myself. Abra in Granite Cave, Natu, Wobbufet and Girafarig in Safari Zone, Spoink near Lavaridge, Meditite and Chimecho at Mt Pyre, Lunatone/Solrock @ Meteor Falls, Baltoy in the desert.

    I hope your going to use Metagross, you could Use Starmie, right?

    (my first challenge complete)

    TERRY's GROUND CHALLENGE 2006- (Monotype Challenge) TPM RBY
    (my 2nd challenge)

  31. #231
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by DaBlackBandit
    I hope your going to use Metagross, you could Use Starmie, right?
    ...Metagross? How exactly would I be able to use Metagross? You can't get a Beldum until you've beaten the Elite Four, and the R/S MTC is cleared when you beat the Elite Four.

    Poryhedron's Monotype Challenges
    Winner of the 2007 Pokéhelper Unown Award! Glad I could be of help!
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  32. #232
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by DaBlackBandit
    I hope your going to use Metagross, you could Use Starmie, right?
    Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

    (my first challenge complete)

    TERRY's GROUND CHALLENGE 2006- (Monotype Challenge) TPM RBY
    (my 2nd challenge)

  33. #233
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Starmie? Slowbro? I hope it's Slowbro it's one of my alltime favorites. Good progress, although I hate Ralts.

  34. #234
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    o.O..Ummm...thought this was a monotype challenge. Aren't all the psychics listed with the exception of Spoink Dual Types? {I know Abra too..but he already discounted Abra..}

    EDIT: Wobbuffet too. Leaving only one type...that I don't remember being able to catch in R/S..O.o I'll just wait until he does it though, cause its Pory and Pory rox like that lol.

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  35. #235
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Crazy
    -Duel types are allowed as long as one of those types is your type.
    It's legit.

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  36. #236
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by MeLoVeGhOsTs
    Starmie? Slowbro? I hope it's Slowbro it's one of my alltime favorites. Good progress, although I hate Ralts.
    Aww... ;3; I like Gardevoir. ^_^ Oh well...I'll be getting another battler before the fourth badge, I promise.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight
    o.O..Ummm...thought this was a monotype challenge. Aren't all the psychics listed with the exception of Spoink Dual Types? {I know Abra too..but he already discounted Abra..}

    EDIT: Wobbuffet too. Leaving only one type...that I don't remember being able to catch in R/S..O.o I'll just wait until he does it though, cause its Pory and Pory rox like that lol.
    There is only one monotype challenge at TPM that forbids dual-types: Crazy's Limited Pure Monotype Challenge for Fire Red/Leaf Green. Everywhere else, dual-types are permitted and even expected. I can use any pokémon that is Psychic-type, regardless of what other type it may have.


    Name: Min
    Type: Psychic

    Having finished with business in Slateport, I headed north, beating all of the trainers (again, except for the Double-battle Twins on Route 103) and clearing the Trick House. A Youngster on Route 110 had a Poochyena, but being almost twice its level allowed me to beat it easily with Thief. Brendan, on the other hand, was a surprising challenge, since his Grovyle had Pursuit. His Wailmer was also a bit of a pain when it started using Rollout. I Double Teamed three times and it still kept hitting, and I finally had to use a Super Potion and pray it didn't hit a fourth. It didn't.
    When I finally reached Mauville, I picked up HM 6, taught Zigzagoon Rock Smash, grabbed a Mach Bike and headed back south.
    While I was clearing Cycling Road, Kirlia learned Psychic, which helped against the myriad Magnemite. After I'd beaten all of the Triathletes, I went back to the north end, and then did a speed run through Cycling Road, scoring 9.30 seconds and 0 collisions. I may try for 9.16 later, or I might not bother.
    After hopping off Cycling Road at the south end, I headed down to Slateport and used the Itemfinder to find a bunch of nice stuff on the beach. Then, while I was at it, I had Mr. Briney take me back to Dewford where I used Itemfinder some more...and then, while I was there, I withdrew Seedot from the PC and went through the secret area in Granite Cave that you can only access with the Mach Bike.
    With that taken care of, I deposited Seedot again, returned to Mauville and defeated Wally in front of the Gym. It was embarrasingly easy; one Thief and his Ralts was down. Then I considered taking on the Gym itself, but the trouble Brendan had given me made me reconsider. I decided to clear the nearby trainers first. I defeated all of the trainers on Route 117 and this side of Route 118, except for the double-battle schoolgirls...and, when I had finished beating the last of them, the Hiker in Rusturf Tunnel, Kirlia evolved into Gardevoir!
    With Gardevoir by my side, I entered Mauville Gym and proceeded to clean house. Wattson's trapmaking skill is horribly overrated ingame...I defeated all of the junior trainers without stepping on any switches, and then hit one switch and marched up to Wattson. (I seem to recall it being a bit trickier than that in Emerald...) A couple Calm Minds and I swept Wattson without too much trouble (hilariously, all three of his pokémon got caught by Gardevoir's Synchronize!)
    I accepted the Shock Wave TM, and used it on Gardevoir, replacing Thief. Since there aren't any Dark/Ground-types, Shock Wave is always at least as good as Thief against Dark-types, and is better rather often. Plus, it has double the PP, which is kinda important right now with Psychic having only 10. Then I pedaled back to Verdanturf and used Zigzagoon's Rock Smash to open Rusturf Tunnel. I recieved Strength in gratitude, and taught it to Mudkip.
    I picked up my rewards (a Repeat Ball and an Exp. Share) for completing Devon's errands, and then called it a day.


    Gardevoir L31
    Psychic, Calm Mind, Double Team, Shock Wave
    She'll be my only fighter for a while...

    Mudkip L9
    Tackle, Growl, Mud-Slap, Strength
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Zigzagoon L9
    Headbutt, Growl, Rock Smash, Cut
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Next: My Next Party Member Awaits!

    Poryhedron's Monotype Challenges
    Winner of the 2007 Pokéhelper Unown Award! Glad I could be of help!
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  37. #237
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Gardy is allright, but I despise Ralts and am not to fond of Kirilia. Oh well ^^ you seem to make a good progress, I'm eagerly waiting for your new catch.

  38. #238
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Name: Min
    Type: Psychic

    I returned to Mauville and headed north. I thought about taking on the Winstrates, but decided to save them for later. As with every other double-battler, I also skipped the interviewers Ty and Gabby. I beat every other trainer on the road, though, from Route 111 onto Route 112, back onto Route 111 and then down Route 113 (whoops, skipped the double-battle Twins here, too!) to finally arrive in Fallarbor Town. I healed, picked up and sold the Nugget at the impact crater in town, grabbed TM 28 and taught Dig to Mudkip, and continued on down Route 114, beating trainers as I went.
    As I approched Meteor Falls, though, I decided to start skipping more trainers. I was almost to the site of my next catch, and I was eager to make it. I crossed the large bridge, beat the Picnicker on the other side and then tried to skip every other trainer between her and the cave. I got caught by one Hiker, but made it otherwise.
    I entered the cave, and met a couple of Zubat before watching the cut scene with Team Magma, Prof. Cosmo and Team Aqua. Shortly after that, I ran into a level 16 Solrock. I sent out Gardevoir, she used Shock Wave...and Solrock fainted.
    ;3; This is not good...curse my level-35-ness...
    I kept looking, and found another Solrock, but it too fell to a single Shock Wave. On the third Solrock I tried Psychic out of desperation, even though I'd done the math and knew it would be stronger even when ineffective, and sure enough the third Solrock fainted as well. It probably didn't help that it was level 14 instead of level 16...
    I spent the next few minutes scrambling all around the Meteor Falls cave. What I was looking for was a Solrock with high enough HP and SDF IVs to survive a Shock Wave. What I ended up finding was a Solrock that was level 18 instead of level 16...and this one took a Shock Wave and held on with 3 HP. I sighed with relief, tossed an Ultra Ball that Zigzagoon had found some time ago, and finally caught myself a Solrock.


    Solrock L18
    Rock Throw, Tackle, Confusion, Harden
    Should come in handy against the Fire, Normal and Flying Gyms.

    Gardevoir L35
    Psychic, Calm Mind, Double Team, Shock Wave
    The first, and still the strongest.

    Mudkip L9
    Tackle, Dig, Mud-Slap, Strength
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Zigzagoon L9
    Headbutt, Growl, Rock Smash, Cut
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Next: Whole Lotta Trainin' Goin' On!

    Poryhedron's Monotype Challenges
    Winner of the 2007 Pokéhelper Unown Award! Glad I could be of help!
    Pokémon GO: Level 37, Team Mystic

  39. #239
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    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    I'm actually kinda glad I took so long to update means I didn't lose any posts when we moved back to vB and lost a week's worth of activity.

    Name: Min
    Type: Psychic

    The first thing I did with Solrock was head back to Route 113 and collect ash. I also battled the double-battle Twins on that Route. I raised Solrock against the wild pokémon until I had collected enough Ash to get Blue and Yellow Flutes. Then I went back down Route 114, battled the trainers I had skipped, passed through Meteor Falls and battled my way down Route 115 to Rustboro. I made a quick stop in Route 104 to battle the Twins there, then passed through Rusturf Tunnel and cleared Route 116's double-battle schoolgirls and Route 103's Twins.
    Returning to Mauville, I headed north again and battled Gabby and Ty, then climbed Mt. Chimney and defeated Team Magma there. Then I climbed down Jagged Pass, entered Lavaridge and took on Flannery's Gym. As I'd hoped, Solrock clobbered all of the Fire-types there with its Rock Throw, earning me the Heat Badge with ease.
    I left Lavaridge, and rode the Cable Car back up to Mt. Chimney to battle the trainers up there and buy a ton of Lava Cookies. Then, just to be a completionist, I went back down Jagged Pass, since I don't have an Acro Bike and it's not possible to fight all of the trainers in one trip without it. I beat the trainer I'd missed last time, then left the area (really this time) and headed south.
    I returned to Petalburg and challenged Norman's Gym, again relying on the Rock-type in my party. I made sure to battle all seven junior trainers, padding Solrock's level nicely; I knew I'd need to be strong because at least one of Norman's pokémon had Faint Attack.
    Norman's first Slaking spammed Yawn like crazy. Every single time it acted it used Yawn, despite the fact that if I ever decided not to blow my Blue Flute it would be a waste of a move. I defeated the Slaking without much fuss, but (and this is probably what Norman was going for) its last Yawn took effect right as Vigoroth took the stage, giving Vigoroth a free Faint Attack on Solrock while I played the Blue Flute again.
    Vigoroth only got the one attack, because next turn I used a Rock Slide that took off just over half its life and made it flinch, and a second one finished it off. Then I finished off the other Slaking with similar ease, despite the fact that it, too, used Faint Attack after getting its Focus Punch foiled only once.
    I picked up Surf, taught it to Zigzagoon and called it a day.


    Gardevoir L36
    Psychic, Calm Mind, Double Team, Shock Wave
    My first battler. Temporarily overshadowed by Solrock the Gym Crusher.

    Solrock L39
    Rock Throw, Rock Slide, Confusion, Fire Spin
    Should come in handy against the Fire, Normal and Flying Gyms.

    Zigzagoon L9
    Surf, Growl, Rock Smash, Cut
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Mudkip L9
    Tackle, Dig, Mud-Slap, Strength
    HMer. Just wait and see what I have planned!

    Next: Another Catch?

    Poryhedron's Monotype Challenges
    Winner of the 2007 Pokéhelper Unown Award! Glad I could be of help!
    Pokémon GO: Level 37, Team Mystic

  40. #240
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Jan 2004

    Default Re: 2004 R/S Monotype Challenge

    Since this stupid new board deleted my long update (+start) post I'll shall now retype.

    Well, I looked over the types and selected Bug, Steel, Ground, Rock, Dark and Poison. So I though, Dark is overused, Poison is a bit boring in RSE, Bug failed me once, since I haven't retook it. Steel is only available in Granite cave (with Aron) as is Rock. So Ground it was. Strangely, it evolved into a Rock MTC...Go fish.

    Name: Sandy
    Type: Rock
    Reason: They're solid.
    Badges: 6

    So I started out and named myself Sandy. Uninspired and the only Ground-esk name I could come up with. I proceeded and took Mudkip (duh), trained up, beat rival, yadayadayada (no real explaination here, since it's not a Ground MTC). I went further and defeated Team Aqua twice, then hurried into Rustboro and trained some more. Mudkip evolved and learned Mudshot.

    I entered the gym and disposed of the gymtrainers with ease. Next up was Roxanne.

    Roxanne: Yeah, Mudshot on Geodude, Mudshot twice on Nosepass, yay badge!

    I picked up the favor by Mr.Birttany and sailed to Dewford. I arrived in Granite cave and started training some more, delivered the letter, picked up Steelwing and decided to challenge the gym. Three steps before the entrance I ran into a Geodude. 'Hey! Geodude is ground AND rock! I'll train him'. Thus, caught him, raised him back at Rusturf Tunnel and sailed back to Dewford when he reached l.15. I decided to train him some more in Granite cave.

    When training in Granite cave, I faced an Aron. 'Hey, another Rock pokemon!' So I thought. If I did a rock challenge from the beginning I would have been obligated to start the 'real' challenge at Dewford, where I would capture my first rock pokemon obtainable. So technically I didn't do anything wrong with my starter pokemon. With a big smile on my face, because of my own cleverness and luck, I started the rock challenge from that moment.

    Training up Aron was big deal. He didn't raise that easy as Geodude, AT ALL! I even had to sail to Slateport and defeat the beach trainers there, before coming back to Dewford and facing a gym who had tons of advantage over me. I got rid of the gymtrainers with difficulty, but it worked.

    Brawly: Yeah Brawly. I scored some lucky hits with Magnitude from Geodude and managed to obtain the badge, since Aron got smacked with one low kick. YAY badge!

    So, I sailed back to Slateport, entered the museum at once and defeated Team Aqua again, then more training, Trick House #1, defeated rival, more training, arrived in Mauville, more training, more training, defeated Winstrates, defeated Wally, won Tough Contest with Aron, received bike, obtained HM06 and entered the gym. Yeah, Geodude had evolved by then and Magnitude defeated them all.

    Wattson: Yeah, Magnitude x3. YAY badge.

    So yeah, received HM04 by using Rocksmash in the tunnel, grabbed the blackglasses and reached Route111, did some more training, got Soothsack and finally arrived in Fallarbor town. Did some more training on my way to Meteor Falls and Aron finally evolved! (Note to self: Aron is a bitch to train, never train him again.) Skipped one Hiker and entered Falls.

    Yeah, Team Aqua did another Cameo, I picked up the Hidden Nugget and so on. Captured my new pokemon!! Jubbles, the Lunatone! Trained him up (a whole lot easier then Aron), defeated the Hiker, trained in Route 115 and went up to Mt.Chimney.

    So yeah, Team Aqua was easy, although Archie's Golbat, bit my Lunatone to death. After that Lairon defeated everything. More training, more training down Jagged pass, reached Lavaridge, defeated Gymtrainers.

    Flannery: Yeah easy, Rockthrow disposed of the entire party. YAY for Jubbles! YAY for badge!

    Went to the dessert, picked up Root fossil, picked up Sandstorm, revived Lilleep, starting training him with exp share and decided to drop Graveler. He had reached his full potential since I have no means of trading. Yeah, Lileep required alot of exp so I couldn't handle that many pokemon. Back in Petalburg, defeated the gymtrainers at Norman's gym. The old man himself was up next.

    Norman: Yeah so Dad fell quite easy. I wouldn't have moved to Hoenn for opening a gym with only such skills..Lol. More rock throw and confusion work from Lunatone, Lileep sucking up the exp. YAY badge!

    Picked up Surf from Wally's parents and cleared out the sea from petalburg to Slateport, meanwhile picking up TM13 and thus teaching Lunatone Icebeam. Decided to drop Lileep aswell, I realised that Rockslide and Recover both needed Breeding and my Lileep was male...Oh well, he was to slow to train anyway. Checked my PokeNav and defeated all available trainers.

    Then crossed the sea at Route 118, trained up, cleared out Weather station, received Castform, dropped Castform, caught Tropius as HMer and entered Fortree. Then, Route 120, picked up Devonscope after defeating Kecleon, defeated Gymtrainers and finally Winona.

    Winona: Yeah, Icebeam, Rockthrow, finished. YAY badge!

    The, more training, Lairon evolved!! Reached Lilycove, defeated Rival for last time, received Lumberry from the 'T' guy, planted it (very good berry), watered it and entered the safarizone. I caught myself a Rhyhorn in the Safari zone and started training it up with my Double battle method. (For those of you who don't know what it is, it's just defeated Ty and Gabby over and over again with a strong pokemon and a weak pokemon. Lightningrod really helped me here, since both pokemon got rid of Exploud and then Magneton was a piece of cake.) Did so until Rhyhorn was l.30 and then entered the Trickhouse. Did Trickhouse #2 and decided to call it a day. Saved.


    Ragnarak (Aggron)
    - Level: 45
    - Nature: Relaxed (+Def, -Spd)
    - Trait: Sturdy
    - Moves: Headbutt | Metal Claw| Protect | Irontail
    This is the powerhouse and physical wall of the team.

    Jubbles (Lunatone)
    - Level: 44
    - Nature: Lax (+Def, -Sp.Def)
    - Trait: Levitate
    - Moves: Psychic | Rockthrow | Icebeam | Hypnosis
    Special Attacker of the team, in a Rockteam this is highly needed.

    Icarus (Rhyhorn)
    - Level: 30
    - Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -Sp.atk)
    - Trait: Lightningrod
    - Moves: Stomp | Tail Whip | Rock Blast | Scary Face
    Will be the sweeper with attacks like Earthquake, etc.

    HMer (Linoone)
    Surf | Strenght | Cut | Rocksmash
    Will be replaced by Wailmer

    HMer (Tropius)
    Secret Power | Fly | Razorleaf | Stomp
    Will receive Rocksmash and cut aswell.

    Pokemon previously owned: Graveler, Lileep.


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