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Thread: ASB News [December 2016]

  1. #41
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News: Updated 4/12/09

    State of the ASB Address

    A bit early, but hell, I got News to tell


    It's about damn time huh! Well you all can now see the new Improved ASB Movelist over in the TOwers. Take some time, familiarize yourself with it. Look over the moves-ask questions. Post questions, help me make it better than the best :O. I'll appreciate all comments. Much thanks to Elf for helping me compile this sucker.

    One Rule: Once we all get this Movelist straightened out-All Refs need to know the effects of these moves in all matches onward. K great n_n


    The May Contest is active for sign-ups. Alot fo ya have dove in already, and that's great I'm sure I can think of some simple yet fun things to do for this one. Remember, Reservations are until May 7th! The rules and parameters for the whole contest will be up by then..


    Tournament is in Round Two, and 2 of our three Matches are blasting forth. Phoenixsong and Andrew is delayed for extenuating circumstances and I will decide what to do there shortly. But with the way this one is going, who's up for another one?!?!?

    We'll see what's in the works for July.

    Gym Leader Acquisition

    An interesteing question was brought up to me by Knight of Time. Specifically, what happens if after this test run through is complete, we don't have any Gym Leaders-or if we have a lesser number than 8.

    Well, when that time comes, we may either decide to pick the person with the best overall Match against a Gym Leader, or we may keep it at whatever number we have (depending on activity levels and what not.) Let's just focus on where we are with matches now.

    Again, those of you that wanted to battle Andrew -please be paitent. I will have a solution soon.


    Hey, remember a long time ago when we had those Moderator applications and you all filled them out and then Hyp and I reviewed them all to see who'd we pick as the next ASB Mod.? turns out I'm an idiot, and Hyp told me to tell you all whom we picked months ago. I kinda forgot about that. Good thing I use my PM box huh. So, without further ado, we chose---

    Wtf? I didn't pick him?!?1 O god, now he's gonna bother me all day ;_;!

    Welcome to the great world of modding MeLoVeGhOsTs!


    Hrm. Other than that...there is no real big news. Oh well maybe the fact that there's a Hyp look alike popping in every now and then. Gotta wonder if he's gonna make a return anytime soon. Might even be his offspring Isoceles... >>

    Anyway, you keep fightin'; ASB !

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  2. #42
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News: Updated 5/5/09

    State of the ASB Address

    Alright. It's June. Guess I should unleash the beast once more.


    I noticed a severe lack of reffing from May to June. I'm not saddened by it. It's natural-we've hit that crucial final's job time where everyone has to deal with RL in order to somehow continue their existence on TPM to some degree.

    I just urge that if you take a leave, and it becomes extended for whatever reason, please just let us know. Or allow the use of Sub refs. It is not fair to have many people wait for the outcome of battles over a period of months. It'll benefit the battlers, the sub-ref (as practice and they may get pints too) and you (you get a break)


    June Contest has slowed quite a bit. It isn't a large contest to begin with, but I really don't think it should have slowed this much. It will finish by July, I'd just like everyone to post in it.

    But on the brighter side-we've had 4 Contests in a row! That's really great-means that we have a bunch of Contest loving battlers. Next month is the Grand Festival....and although I'm pretty sure I din;t have an inkling how it works, I will by the end of the month. So get your Contest ideas ready, cause July and August are gonna be filled with all sorts of weird and wacky changes.


    This Tournament is almost over. We're in the Final battle and well, we're just waiting for people to post. That's all. So no big whoop there. But any ideas about a new Tournament? Please, let them be known. The only restriction I am going to impose on any more tournaments is the use of the correct numbering system for it. (Doing anything other than 8 or 16 is bad.)

    Gym Leader Acquisition

    We need one more. That's all. However, we have 5? matches going on right now to see who has enough mettle to be the last Gym Leader. Thanks to both Weasie and MLG, who have been working really hard to help weed out the prospects and find our new Gym Leaders.

    By the way-ya'll can challenge the new Gym Leaders now. If you don't now who they are-they're Blademaster, Crazy Elf Boy and Greyfox.

    (Psst. Also means I need you guys to post your Gym's in the Gym Leader Topic.)


    Well MLG's a pompous ass, and I'm ok with that. We haven't had any sign of Hyp, but I know he's around. I can smell him. >> << >> <<


    Hrm...anything else.

    Oh. New Ref battle is up Yay for that.

    Oh look at that! TREE'S HERE!!! Yes, it's 7 days early but It's been really gloomy over the US and well... I hear England is always rainy, and I'm sick of it. So let's start the sunshine here and maybe it'll spread throughout the world and the Sun will come and warm our spirits and our battered pasty bodies. (Well ya'll have pasty bodies. I'm good to go :p)

    Anyway, you keep fightin'; ASB !
    Last edited by DarkestLight; 15th June 2009 at 02:23 PM.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  3. #43
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News: Updated 6/15/09

    Not a State-of-the-ASB Address

    Hi all,

    This isn't a full-fledged update, just a note that I think is relevant.

    As you may have noticed, I haven't been around at all lately. This is not going to get better in the foreseeable future, so I'm quitting as mod. DL and MLG will keep things running smoothly in my stead, so... yeah. I'll still be around from time to time; I just figure ASB needs someone who can actually do stuff. Yeah.

    So cheers all! It's been a good ride.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  4. #44
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News: Updated 7/1/09

    State of the ASB Address

    July's half over! Let's get some much needed advertising going.


    Consistent. Keep up the good work. Summer has us all doing stuff too, so the slowdown is actually appreciated-just means you come back with stories to tell n_n


    The Grand Festival has started, and its...going slow. Cause people are away. That's ok. The Mid Tier and High Tier sections will be posted within the week-when I stop being so narcoleptic. But please, post in the Low Tier Contests if you are a participant in them, there's no reason for you to dawdle with those.

    If you still want to ref any of the Contests, feel free to just post in it saying you'll ref and well, take it from there. I definitely don't mind splitting up the labor!


    Really hope everyone's enjoying the sun where ever they are. Not much sun in NY-its barely broke 87 here and its pissing me off. But that just means I need to travel more!

    Gym Leader Acquisition

    Still working on that last enigmatic Gym Leader. We're also gonna hold one as a reserve, since Andrew's been MIA for quite some time now. So that means there are TWO.

    TWO. Slots still open. So get to your Gym Matches and try to finish them, it could be you!

    As we saw, Hyp is stepping down, and well, can't say I'm happy about that. Hyp, you were a great Moderator, and you will be missed. Even though I know this isin't your burial, I feel it is u_u. But you still come visit, ya hear?


    Umm I have a weirdly STRONG craving for Jell-O. It just hit me as I typed this. That can only mean I sense a heat wave coming on. I hope its true.

    Anyway, you keep fightin'; ASB !

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  5. #45
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News: Updated 9/7/09

    State of the ASB Address

    September. Labor Day in the US too! Well let's get to it!!


    My apologies for not being around. But everyone has taken great leaps and bounds in keeping this place alive-whether its been recruiting folk to join, grabbing an extra reffing or even making sure your battles finish. Summer's always a slow seson and we appreciate the input you were able to provide!

    Fall's coming fast so I do expect activity to rise. No worries though, I'll be back up to full reffing strength in no time!


    The Grand still alive. I know its hits a HEAVY slow down, but I'll keep it going. No Sept contest will be issued, but October will have a new one. So everyone in the Festival-don't fret. We'll make a major leap and bound soon.

    Gym Leaders

    I believe the last of the Gym Leader matches are over and done with, and that leaves us with 6 Gym Leaders. MLG, Elf, Weasel, Blade, Grey and myself. Andrew is leaving us, and so that makes a seventh active Gym, entrusted to Chris 2.1 and I. So in a weird way-Chris is also a Leader without needing complete dedication

    So go on and challenge us, s'no prob at all.


    Halleluah! Thanks to LV amazing skill-MLG finally has his name bolded! Show the patient Mod a round of applause and throw an apple his way. Hard. With spikes attached n_n! Seriously man, for the limitations you've endured, I'm glad to see that trial is over and you can really help me out n_n!


    Umm..not much else right now. Still working on some stuff-gonna get MLG up to speed on stuff and then yeah! Ideas and new things to do will definitely start flowing!

    Anyway, you keep fightin'; ASB !

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  6. #46
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News: Updated 9/07/09

    State of the ASB Address

    November. Thnksgiving is alot here, and that means the closing of Nanowrimo is close at let me get my writing in now!!


    As per my announcement in the Chat, I'm picking up reffings like a madman. I'm also clearing space in my calendar for a few extra things in the coming months that you all voiced concern and ideas over. But for now, rest assured that your battles will be completed by our competent refs, and that a new Mock Battle will be up 12/1


    November's Contest is winding down, Ocotber's Contest finished and well, that just leaves December. December's Contest is going to have a bit of a throwback attached to it, so let's just see how that goes.

    In any event, many kudos to Blade for making the badges of the Contests this year-they've all been excellent and I for one am glad that you take the time to do such a thing for us.

    Gym Leaders

    Well now. We got out Gym Leaders, and Elf is hard at work making a Gym Badge Case for you all to hold your badge in with pride. Hell, I even got challenged, which is rare enough. But --ehehehe---

    something of a moderate size will happen once 12/1 hits for all Gym it may be beneficial to see what's up about that. Might be worth your while to clear your battle queue's as well.


    Well, MLG's been working pretty damn hard don'tcha think. If ya disagree well I'd agree with ya Naa not really, he's taken a real good shine to the inner workings more so now and well, he's everywhere I'm not. I'm thankful for that.


    New Section. And there is a BUNCH to fill it in with. As per your suggestions in the Suggestion Topic (all of them, I've been taking notes), I have constructed a timeline on which MLG and I will discuss, and try to implement each thing that we feel will be feasible to the continued survival and thriving of ASB as a whole (which is damn near all of them).

    There are going to be alot of minor changes in the near future that I hope are looked upon with an open mind. Some may stick, some may not, but hell, at least we can try to make them work as a community.

    The first thing that is on our checklist is: Abilities! As of now I've written up a list of Abilites-what they naturally do, and what I think they should do in ASB without being too overpowered. I will post this list as its own seperate post in the B&T forum within the next 48 hours, to which you all can sound off and tweak and voice opinions on them. But I do have one rule I'm going to manifest about Abilities.

    Abilities are NOT going to be mandatory. They will be an extension that can be opted out of, in order to lower or raise difficulty of matches.

    I know for a fact there are some that oppose the idea of Abilities even remotely touching us. At the same time, I feel it is not fair for us to selectively create an ASB that only works with what WE want it to work it without trying everything first off. Everything should be given a chance so we can see what we could do to make it work, or we could see that it wouldn't work at all. But at least we would witness it.Alright , back to lightheartedness.

    December is almost here, and so that means the sleigh bells are a ringing. I hope yer ready!! I know I've been saving my points for this time of year ! Only a few more days til its here, Oh I'm so EXCITED !!!

    We also have-as per the revival and rejuvenation of Pokemasters as a whole, a need to create a distinctive ASB Banner has arisen. So if you have any suggestions/drawings to submit for it, please, share them with the world. Hell, I'ma sweeten the pot.

    The person who's banner is chosen to represent ASB receives a free catch. Booya. There. I did it. I wanna see ASB as Awesome Style Battling, damnit. Make people roll here in droves. Bring out the creativity I see in your battling.

    Alright, I'll be back in 14 days or so. Or maybe Muggles will write the December one. I dunno n_N But ya'll keep fightin', ASB.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  7. #47
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News: Updated 11/16/09

    'Tweren't nothing, boss.

    Also, fuck year Abilities. Can't wait to see the list.

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

    HEY! I do art commissions! Follow me and my pals on their website here!

  8. #48
    perpetually absent Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News: Updated 11/16/09

    I'll see if I can get over my artist's block and try to doodle something. Suggestions are welcome!

    Click for my VS Seeker entry!

    Winner of the 2009 Jack of all Trades and Rising Star Unown Awards!
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    17:27 Samchu if Becki won't let me kill off Sara then Cici can't use super effective one-hit adorable ko moves on anyone

  9. #49
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News: Updated 11/16/09

    I've been looking at the list lately and will be discussing this with DL later. We just need to have some more moments. You know, the special ones n_n! No, really, since we both busy. Crap crap crap.

    I've reminded, or tried to remind people about gymleaders by posting up the status on them in the chat-thread. Thanks a lot Elf, for visualising the badges the Gymleaders thought up. It's cool to see more gym challenges and I hope someone will be getting them all! He or she gets a free lapdance! And perhaps sometime more.. *whistle*

    Sorry for not being a total new help, but I was kinda unsure on what the hell I could do around here. It was just normal for DL to take charge here, he's been doing this for quite a while, and damn good too. It's hard to compete with that Plus, I don't have blackman humor.

    So, reffing is out of the question for now with extreme busy RL, but I'll be sure to do the December News. White man word on that. >_<

    Further more, thanks a lot for those who voted for people at the ASB Awards. It was a smalll edition this year I think, but we'll be sure to make it even more cracking next year! Congratulations to all you who won; and again thanks to our local craftsman to make us these shiny plaques to put in our VS-seeker (another proof of you people's crazy minds, keep that coming!). Yes, I'm going to try and post a decent reply in the suggestions topic aswell.

    Also, I wanna see more fighting!

    I'm going to discuss with DL a new referee-promotion-action. We need to get those reffings up! DL is doing to much work around here. Hopefully our democratic system will allow us to shower you people with presents ^____^

    Also, anyone up for contest-reffing? I seem them paychecks becoming better already.

    *starts dragging a giant tree*

  10. #50
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News: Updated 11/16/09

    Beloved servants, a good day to you all. Glad you could make it. Please have a seat.

    December has been a reflective month, with lots of ideas coming from you, our slaves, and the modsquad who's devine power transforms your ideas into something that we take credit for! We worked on some stuff in our secret hideout and this is the result.

    Teasers and new Shit!

    Stone(r) - Shop: Yes, we're opening up a Stone Shop on the first of january! Not Thunder, Water or Fire, but original evolution stones. Stones grant the pokemon exposed to their power an evolution; making a difference between a Small Stone and a Large Stone.

    Small Stone costs 6 points and can evolve a basic-pokemon into a stage 1 pokemon. Large stones evolve stage 1 pokemon, and cost 8 points. I use Polymarization and fuse my Stone shop with my Egg Center to create: DL's shiny magic place. Real name coming january first!

    Egg center: DL's cooking tha eggz, and even more so next year! Next year, more crazy promotions and manipulating diseases will plague the egg-center. 50% more chance on Ice-pokemon in a Hydro-egg in january? More chance on a love-pokemon in Plain-egg on valentinesday? Higher chance on black pokemon during Martin Luther King day? DL's got it all and is ready for you. Starting new year!

    Abilities: All the abilities have been finished and are ready for testing. DL will put up the finished version of the list after this Newsletter and this comes with a request. We want each of you guys to try out abilities by using them in ONE of your matches. Then by the end of the year we can gather the opinions of you battlers, you refs, and you watchers out there and get the system complete, before unleashing it on you, for realz!

    The abilities will be optional in battle, so not mandatory, for those who still want to battle without them.

    Ladder: You all heard a strange alcoholic talk about a ladder-system? No, you're not on drugs, it's true! Our secret hideout has been crowded for the past week plotting this scheme. The system is almost adjusted perfectly and if everything goes well then we can have that ready for next year! More information to come, probably in a seperate topic because that looks cool and important.

    Elite 4: We have gymleaders yes. Are they good? Yes. Well, here's an easy system to show other people that you're just as good or even better. You can become one of the Elite 4 of ASB, but you'll have to work for it. Hard. Information on this new battle-fetish will come with the ladder. Watch out for that.

    Towers: Me and DL going to do some smashing, some building and some re-construction. Stay clear of construction, you might hurt yourself. Check out new City-Center on newyearsday!

    Season-gratitude: Yes, four times a year (every three months), starting in March (after the first three months of the new year) we're going to have a ref and month of the season! Wanna know how to get it? Stay in line or I'll kick your ass.

    Safari Zone-changes: Yes sir, we mods can do it all, no doubt about that. Watch us as we pimp up the Safari Zone to fit 2010; ASB's most awesome year ever.

    Movelist: The ASB move-list shall be completely finished on the first of january. That way we can get rid of the crummy title-topic


    I've seen a lot of people in the reffing tower, trying out the mock contest. Rookies and other rankings alike. That's good! Seriously, thanks to you refs this place can remain as active as it is today, and even more in the future. Glad to have you in our community.

    To show our thanks to you who do all the work, we've been working on a new reffing-payment-system. Below, you can see the rank and the changes that are going to take place on January 1st.

    - Number of battles needed to collect reward: 6
    - Reward: Free pokemon or evolution

    - Number of battles needed to collect: 5
    - Reward: Free pokemon or evolution
    + Free egg | Safari Zone Trip with Pokéball | 3 points

    Advanced (= used to be expierenced)
    - Number of battles needed to collect: 5
    - Reward: Free pokemon or evolution
    + Safari Zone Trip with Greatball
    + Free egg
    + 4 points
    - Number of battles needed to collect: 4
    - Reward: Free pokemon or evolution
    + Safari Zone Trip with Ultraball
    + Free egg and small stone | Large Stone
    + 5 points

    Headrefs: yo mama.

    ==> New mock-battle/contest up soon!


    DL's doing all the contests for now, but don't be discouraged to try reffing them yourself. Not all contest have to be big ones. You can arrange 4-player contests aswell, choose what kind of appeal you want, choose how many pokemon contending, choose how many out at a time; normal, double, super, hyper appeals? everything is possible!

    To go along with the Battle-reffing, we got a little extra for you contest-refs.

    When you finish 2 Contests you get, aside from the basic 4 points, the choice between a Small Stone and a free egg; or a Large Stone. Finish 3 Contests and get a Ribbon that will allow you entrance into next years Grand Festival (limited spots this time). When you finish 5 contests, you a 10 point jackpot!

    Also, don't forget that contests count for a reffing on your reffing-sheet aswell.

    Gym Leaders

    More gym-matches are finished or on the way. That's good. I already saw that Mike Mysterio is going after gymleaders, one by one. You won't be stopping me there Mike, but you can try the rest! Actually, CEB made a big shiny badges-box where you can add in the badges as you win them. So be cool and start battling those gymleaders.


    This is the little section where I can praise myself and talk shit about DL, BUT since it's almost Christmas time I'll be nice. RACIST!

    New Members

    Yeah, I made up this part of the newsletter to make the new members feel more welcome

    So, welcome Ayeun, Dark Cookiemaster, Shivaree, Drusillia and Kyuutetsuki! You all get one point for being cool, *ahem* I mean, new; just link to here in the banktopic.


    ~ The Christmas tree is glowing like DL's cheeks. The kindness and generosity is fake and completely politically influenced, but we don't care.
    ~ ASB Banner? Who's up for making that stuff? Seriously, we need a kick-ass banner to show of our community! Aswell as a color! Get in that topic people!
    ~ Hall of fame is going to be updated aswell.
    ~ Sig-moves: we've got a pretty good grip on that idea aswell, but we're saving it for a bit further in the new year.
    ~ Do I hear another Tourney coming up next year? Oh wait, probably misheard that.

    I know that's a lot to swallow, but I hope we did you guys a favor by using your ideas. Me and DL are both very excited about the stuff that's going to be brought in action!
    Last edited by MeLoVeGhOsTs; 18th December 2009 at 01:59 PM.

  11. #51
    You must fear the Reaper! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 18/12/09]

    I will beat you MLG.

  12. #52
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News: Updated 11/16/09

    Quote Originally Posted by MeLoVeGhOsTs View Post
    Higher chance on black pokemon during Martin Luther King day? DL's got it all and is ready for you.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  13. #53
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 18/12/09]

    Hey, waitaminute, Darkly... this picture proves that your argument is invalid:

    Last edited by Greyfox; 19th December 2009 at 04:03 PM.

  14. #54
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 18/12/09]

    If we're talking black Pokemon for Martin Luther King day, we're going to have to make a list of what Pokemon are naturally black in colour...the majority of them are Dark types, methinks.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

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  15. #55
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 18/12/09]

    Hate you both, and Grey....there's no picture there

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  16. #56
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 18/12/09]

    Is too...! =P

  17. #57
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 18/12/09]

    ...That picture is invalid. That's James Earl Jones and Bob Marley. They're both Black. INCORRECT WORD USAGE IN PHOTO=FAIL!

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  18. #58
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 18/12/09]

    Since when is James Earl Jones white? Don't say Star Wars 6, because that doesn't count!

  19. #59
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 18/12/09]


    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  20. #60
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 18/12/09]

    Beloved servants, a good day to you all. Glad you could make it. Please have a seat.

    Yeah I just stole his format. Sue me, I'm tired and sick. Anyway, we got a brand spanking new Newsletter for you all to read and enjoy. Though this one is what I'd expect a new one to be for this year, all sorts of small yet huge at the same time

    Teasers and new Shit!

    Stone(r) - Shop: Well, its open, as all have noticed. Which is pretty cool, considering most of us are now battling hard to evolve Pokemanz. I know I'm going to need to buy a bunch soon, But speaking of that..

    Egg center: I may as well post this here. I wasn't too busy about the Incubation Station but for this year..there will be random Egg drops. They'll still cost the same, but they'll be special in a way.

    All proceeds of random Egg deal drops will be going to something...awesome !!!

    Well, to be fair, let me state the first one now. if you buy a Hydro Egg during 1/16/10 and 1/20/10, you will hatch a Pokemon that is part Ice sometime during its evolutionary life. You can buy a max of eggs a a day for this deal. Yes you can buy 8 eggs total over the 4 days.

    Abilities: Well, after years of debating them, Abilities are up and running and for the most part...ASB has not crumpled to the ground. Like I expected. We have some stiucky situations-but those are worked on and I think as a whole, you all stuck to your guns about making them work without being superfluously overpowered. So, hats off to ya.

    I'm sure there still will be snags, but things are running much smoother than before

    Ladder: Ladder is chugging along, what are your thoughts so far. I wanna know!! I haven't had a ladder match yet, but I'm working on it. Im just prety psyched everyone took to it so danged fast.

    Towers: Well, that's done and done. New Decade, new set. Thanks to MLG for all his demolition and diligence in keeping this place up to snuff while I relax a bit. Been weird not having to work so hard.

    Season-gratitude: <---MLG still hasn't explained this to ya. I'm sure he will soon :O



    Thanks to Mew Master for reffing this years first contest! Dont think I've quit on giving Contests as well, I'm just letting everyone who wants a turn have it. Remember, There is no set limit on how many Contests happen in a month, its all up to the ref and participants-and how many they can handle!


    Too bad its a new year and I do Newsletters first hahahhaa. Shittalk time! MLG is garbage. Yo he ticks me off. Every time he types I feel english teeth in my ear and it burns like the dickens. He's not even from England! But it still burns. Its like he has a continental shelf for a snaggletooth

    Told you I'd get you back, foo >P

    New Members

    O.o You know, I'm glad MLG made this section. He's really keeping this place together as a integrated society more than me currently, and I applaud him for that. But I don't know who's new since December...uhh..

    Mario 72486

    Ya'll get one point. Link to this topic in the Bank when you claim.


    ~ So umm yeah, not much here. Surprises to come soon in waves again. Always look forward to reading suggestions.
    ~ Tourney? Think all the main Christmas hoopla has died down. Might start one up.

    Done for now :O Ya'll keep battling, ASB.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  21. #61
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 16/1/09]

    Formost: I like the use of the word 'ya'll'.


    Also, season-gratitude is an event to honor Ref of the Season and Member of the Season. It comes four times a year *gasp*, so it'll start in March. So ya'll be good and I might grant you that prize! What? Yes, I am a total dictator. Eat beans.

    I'd also like to hear about the abilities. What's good? What's bad? What needs twitching? Don't hesitate to throw it out. I don't want our cosy little diner to go bankrupt. Blow some life into my artificially created shithole!

    That is all.

  22. #62
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 16/1/09]

    Well, just a small note to pass along here, but everyone here ought to check the chat thread, I made an update to a blast from the past.
    Knight of Time

    Legend of Zelda fan for life.

    Owner of the Zelda Unown Trophy (2011), the Gamer Unown Trophy (2012), the Hangman Trophy (2014), the Have you played this game? Unown Trophy (2015), and the Hard Worker Trophy (2019)

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  23. #63
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 16/1/09]

    What is this? A commoner posting in our elite mod-thread?


  24. #64
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 16/1/09]


    Incubation Station: Ting Ding! We have a promotion starting on April 1st, no joke, and running until the 15th. Grass/Ground eggs will be more likely to hatch Grass pokemon, so all you grass-lovers out there, abuse the promotion! Also, evolution stones are still available for non-expierenced pokemon.

    Abilities: Well actually, they seem to run fairly well. Still, if there are any questions don't hesitate to PM me or DL!

    First catch list: Kyle finisihed the first catch list I started a few years back, so thank you Kyle for that. So if you're interested in eternal fame and glory in our ASB, check out what spots are still open.

    Ladder: Yes, for all you competing in the Ladder. Switches to your team can be made from April 1st to 7th. Just post in the Ladder topic and let us know.

    Ref and Member of the Season: Our first winner for Ref of the season is Knight of Time! You've proven yourself to be a good and consistent ref this season, well done. Member of the Season goes to Oslo this time; you're a welcome addition to our ASB, you battle well and you just approved as a ref, so try for Ref of the Season next time! Both of you get three points and a Free Catch or Evolution at Approval Tower.


    Times are busy, but I've seen a few applications in the Reffing Tower so things will pick again no doubt. Thanks to all the refs who are hanging in there!

    Also: DL IS A GIRL! *runz*


    Again thanks to Mew Master for doing the latest contest and proving that there are no limits to what contest you can do. Might aswell do one myself.. Damn.

    Don't forget the contest rewards: When you finish 2 Contests you get, aside from the basic 4 points, the choice between a Small Stone and a free egg; or a Large Stone. Finish 3 Contests and get a Ribbon that will allow you entrance into this years Grand Festival (limited spots this time). And when you finish 5 contests, you get a 10 point jackpot!

    Contests count for a reffing on your reffing-sheet aswell.

    Tower of the Ascended

    Mike is still on his path of collecting all gym-badges and I can't blame him! Still, the gymleaders records are up in the Tower of the Ascended so check it out. Also, challenge Blade, he's been in a killer mood ever since he got appointed. He's already proven his worth in the All-comers challenge so far. So beat him!


    Both me and DL have been quite busy with real life ever since 2010 started, so this a form of apologies here. Right now busy times are not over, but it seems a bit better, though. Still, you can always contact us via PM if you have any questions, or if you're in the mood for some love.

    New Members

    Welcome, Everoy, Oslo and Dogfish. You all get one point for free, just link to this topic in the Bank. We applaud newcomers and their unabused minds!


    ~ ASB Banner: no one willing to take a crack at this?

    Well that's it for this newsletter. I'm taking my leave with these words: keep fighting, damnit!

  25. #65
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 30/03/10]

    Aww, shucks.

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  26. #66
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 30/03/10]

    Yay, thanks, I'm flattered. Can't wait to use those points on something exciting!

  27. #67
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 30/03/10]

    Why is my NAME blinking?

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  28. #68
    Jr. Comp. Tech Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 30/03/10]

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    Why is my NAME blinking?
    A better question would be: why is everyone a mod?

    Gotta love April 1. This is an acid trip waiting to happen...
    Computer problems? Contact Serv U 724 and Tune it up, Back it up, Keep it up.

  29. #69
    Jump, little Snorlax, jump! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 30/03/10]

    Is it so bad that I actually find the background delightfully ironic and don't mind the new colour scheme?


    I will enJOY this day while it lasts.

    EDIT: AHHH, why is my JOY blinking?

    SECOND EDIT: This is on crack. JOY JOY JOY JOY JOY.
    Last edited by Lady Vulpix; 31st March 2010 at 10:26 PM. Reason: Do not edit posts which contain Joy.

  30. #70
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 1/5/10]

    State of the ASB Address

    Hello all. May is in, and that's great. Allergies are gonna be gone pretty much altogether, summer's rolling in (Winter for you folks down unda) and I actually start reffing a bit more because that time of year is fast approaching!


    So. How're we doing. Reffing tower is getting some use finally, which is great. Tower of the Ascended hasn't done too bad in terms of reffings. I can tell you what I am thinking though. I'm thinking that its gonna be a good summer with the way battles are moving. Yeah some are slow, but with people coming back now, it will pick up to a good gait. Yay for that.

    Also Ref/Member of the Season: Spring Edition ends in June, so keep at it. We're watching you o.o...MLG watches you when he's naked though, so be wary though.


    Wow. We haven't had a contest all year. Nor had we any inkling of a Tournament. WelL, all that's about to change. Yessir, we're going to either have a Grand Festival or a Tournament! But-unlike decisions in the past, your Mod-team alone is going to decide which one will it be.

    Unless of course, you think that's unfair, to which you can send your reasoning to MLG or I in PM.


    Yeah so this section is new. Mainly 'cause MLG's getting a bunch of cheap shots at me lately in these NL's and I haven't the chance to counter.

    But how do you counter a person who does such a good job, and is there when you are not and helps everyone out and still has a stern grip on his cock, and still focuses on the issues and still laughs abut it all and still wants to snuggle with his soiled socks after watching Beverly Thrills Cock 1-4 in a row?

    Yeah, MLG's a hard one to replace n_N! I've been so sick these last few months that ugh, life was a chore, and I apologize ASB. Kina took it out on you. Never again. I'll get back into super reffing shape and throw some more energy into it, 'cause that's what we do. We bounce back hard! We're not a damn surviving ASB for nothin'


    Heald's gonna do some ladder Sprucing, and I am going to open up a few reffing slots. Check for them. We kinda want the Ladder to have a proper run, just to see how things are, feelings, adjustments, stuff like that.


    Whoa, off soapbox there. What, 7 days til Iron Man, and its Free Comic Book Day. Uhh Whoa lets see. New members this past month include C~Dub, Deragf, papabopp, thatguy and Patar all of whom receive one point for being new and awesome and well received by everyone! . Claim it at the Financial Center, and link to this post :O

    I'ma work on getting some oldbies back...they owe me -.-..and well soon it'll be that time of year. We have some good stuff ready for the summer, and if you didn't know, in the Incubation Center, all Pokemon they are flowery seem to hatch more often in their respective Egg Groups (Most likely Earth Eggs..but there's a few that hide out in other groups....mayyybe)

    Uhh yeah. I got nothing but I got comics to snag. You keep fightin', ASB.


    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  31. #71
    perpetually absent Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 30/03/10]

    You forgot to announce the triumphant return of one of our favorite refs! Which is me. [/ego and sarcasm]

    Anyways, I totally forgot about the summer tree, which means I need to get my loli butt into gear and... take on more reffings. Yes.

    Click for my VS Seeker entry!

    Winner of the 2009 Jack of all Trades and Rising Star Unown Awards!
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    17:27 Samchu if Becki won't let me kill off Sara then Cici can't use super effective one-hit adorable ko moves on anyone

  32. #72
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 30/03/10]

    Summer tree?

    Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.

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  33. #73
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 30/03/10]

    Yeh isn't that weird they have Summer in July.

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  34. #74
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 30/03/10]

    Damn upside downlanders

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  35. #75
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 30/03/10]

    I was serious... Whats the summer tree? Is it like the christmas tree we had? or is this kuro just being crazy?

    Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.

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  36. #76
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 30/03/10]

    Quote Originally Posted by Ayeun View Post
    I was serious... Whats the summer tree? Is it like the christmas tree we had? or is this kuro just being crazy?
    It is exactly the same as the Christmas Tree

    My ASB Team:
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  37. #77
    Give me my cookies. Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 30/03/10]

    When Is the summer tree gonna start?!

  38. #78
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 30/03/10]

    Patience my friend, patience.

    Also, newsletter is going to be up soon!

  39. #79
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 30/03/10]

    Mr MLG sir, I was just wondering what the rewards were for Contest reffing. Battle reffs get to trade in for points, and free pokemon and evolutions and stuff, but the poor contest reffs don't have anything.

    Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.

    Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!

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  40. #80
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    Default Re: ASB News [Updated! 30/03/10]

    State of the ASB Address

    JUNE! IT'S JUNE! FUCK I LOVE JUNE! Wait..exams, good weather whilst obligated to stay inside, hayfever getting the best of me again..fuck june. Anyway, newsletter should cheer me up. After all, I can bash and crash everything I want here IMMA GOD! *wiggles*


    I've seen a boost, a spurt, a blessing! ASB is alive folks, and we're telling ya! Refs are doing a great job keeping the place going, so an honest and well placed thank you is the right thing to do. Along with the thank you, I'm gonna thank one ref even more. Yes it's june, that means a half year has passed and we're on our second Ref of the season! Congrats, DarkestLight! You've always been a good and solid ref, but you've been taking up loads of reffing these last months (like you said in last newsletter), including Tourney! You don't need them, but earn them anyway: here's three points and a free catch/evolution!

    Aside from that, new Mock-battle and Mock-contest are up for grabs in the reffing tower. Try out your chance on promotion!


    In response to Ayeun's question: contests count as a succesful reffing, so you can just put them on the reffing-list. Aside from that, extra rewards are here for you contest refs! If you ref a contest with 1-4 you get two extra points after completing it, 4 points for a contest with 5-8 people, 6 points for 9-12 and 8 points for 13-16. ON TOP OF THAT, you get a free Small Stone for completing two entire contests, and a free Large Stone or 8 points for completing three contests. Now how's that for starters.

    I've also seen DL running around with loads of ribbons, murmering something about a festival, something grand. Is he excentric or nuts?


    Holy jezus fricking chirst, this tourney is hot! Hot, fast, full of explosions and fireworks! You people are tha bomb, rocking this tourney so hard. Seriously, the tourney is going great and I would like to thank everyone battling, reffing or just spectating! People who already moved to round two are Knight of Time, Mike Mysterio and DarkestLight. I'm curious about the finale...

    Tower of the Ascended

    Yeah, all gymleaders are in the run for a badge and I'm liking this. I can hear an elite4 coming already.. Will you have enough qualifications? Try to beat me, IMMA GOD!


    Yeah, DL and I've been busy trying to sort out our ASB here, trying to implement things that are unique and refreshing. While most of that work gets done in places you don't even wanna hear about, it's getting done, and that's the most important thing. Don't forget you can always put up suggestions for us at Suggestion Topic, or PM us if you have any questions/ideas/naked pictures. Yes, DL likes little girls!!

    Anyway, I thought I'd keep it clean this time and don't go bashing DL all that much. He's got feelings too you know. Black feelings, but feelings nonetheless.


    The ladder is ending for this half year on June 30th! We didn't get as much participaters as we thought, but money was a big problem in januray. With the new tree (oops), we should be able to fix that. So don't wait out guys and join the ladder for the last half year of 2010. Adjustments are going to be made, so don't sweat it. Lots o' money to win!

    New Members

    Bobyjoe, pereloth, CCW, Conman, Kirby97 and Handsome Dan (RaZoR-LeAf), you're all new to our ASB and you get one point for doing nothing more than that! Aren't we awesome? Just link to the Financial Tower to make your point vallid. Get yourself some eggsies n_n


    Since we already got the Ref of the Season, here's the Member of the Season: Wolfsong! Wolfy you've been consistent, and really giving it your all this season. So here's three points and a free catch/evolution from DL and I. Go nutz.

    DL is totally going insane bit by bit, alone in his Incubation Center. So he decided he needed to see some people. A pretty little discount for ya'll, that's his source of trickery and deceit! Starting June 15th, you get two eggs for the price of one! But because he's sooooo cheap, there's a max of 4 eggs per week, so don't go crazy kids.

    Also, Tree is coming folks! Ninja-style!

    The last little surprise contains Safari Zone. I'll be honest: I'm not gonna ruin the surprise, just gonna tease you a bit. It's got everything to do with unobtainable pokemon O_O!

    To phrase it in a true hero's words: "you keep fighting ASB "
    Last edited by MeLoVeGhOsTs; 12th June 2010 at 09:08 AM.

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