Well whoa. Didn't expect that you bahstad! Thanks for ROTS.
O crap lemme warm up the generator. Eggs gonna be flying outta there..
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
State of the ASB Address
[Well now. Leave it to me to finally get this up on the day of a American tragedy. Shows how much I care for this commercialized day. Anyway, a moment of silence for the 9/11 folks that gave their lives and died that day 9 years ago.
There. Done. Tribute over. Back to the fun-because that's what you came here for! n_n
We're seeing some people leave and some people stay. Happens every September, and I wish dabsaww, Falcon's Eye and Darthcookiemonster the best of luck in their endeavors.They'll be back, they'll always come back.
But on the flipside, we do have new members Sonickrazy, crown34, darklight and 3m0d0ll! You each get 2 points for joining, link back to this NL when you post them in the Financial Tower.
Now onto the meat of whats happening this fall.
Thank to Elf, we've come up with a dynamic new way of updating the Safari Zone. Starting today-we will split up the Zone into Ref quadrants. Meaning each Ref will have their own thread for the Zone. You sign up in the main Safari Zone Thread still-and a Ref will come along and take your quest. You then post in the designated thread. This will (hopefully) alleviate confusion/wait times and make for a more qualitative Zone in which people may discover more than previously imagined.....
We're seeing a consistent rise in Contests and that's always welcome. Special thanks to Ayeun and Mew Master for hosting them-and don't be shy folks. They're not hard to do. You can practice with the mock reffing we have up and we'll be glad to help you with any questions you may have.
Well! The Tournament is over, with Blademaster taking it all at the very end. A very healthy pot as well, 76 points I believe? Congratulations Blade. The runner up, Ultimate Charizard, also had an outstanding show. Thank you everyone that participated, and we'll be sure to have a new Tournament up and running for the winter season. I'm sure by then you'll have your hands full with the other things coming this fall.
Member/ Ref of the Season.
Oh yes, Summer is winding down. But that does not mean we haven't been watching you all. We have our pick for Ref and Member of the Summer Season, and it goes to Greyfox and Ayeun !!
Grey has been very consistent with his Reffings this quarter, and quite possibly all year, and we really do appreciate the effort.
Ayeun has been consistently striving to keep activity at a good clip, with her energy to start contests, keep battles alive and her passion toward finishing her own fights.
3 points and a free catch/evolution for the both of ya!
New Stuff!!
Here's that section that you all have been drooling over. All those suggestions you all have had, well here are the ones that are coming to light thus far.
Pokeathlon: The concept is sound-and we will try to implement this soon. Mew Master is trying a test run of the Speed aspect, so feedback would be good (just PM him). The others will follow shortly, so suggestions are welcome.
Gym Leaders/Elite 4: The 6 Gym Leader thing is working well, and they're putting up with a lot of challenges. However, we do seem lacking in even stiffer competition, don't we?
Hence we have now chosen whom shall be in the Elite 4. This has been an time-consuming effort in which we've looked over not just the current Gym leaders records, but the records of most the other ASB community, and their level of participation and overall activeness. There are stipulations to being a E4 member...and here's one of them.
The Elite Four have the distinction of being able to Battle for Gym badges (better qualifying them for their position.), and Gym Leaders battling for Elite Four Status. More information can be found in the Tower of the Ascended, where the names of the Elite Four are revealed.
Now, prolly the biggest one...
Legends: It has come to our attention for many a time now(but moreso cause of the latest damn episodes in the Anime) that Legends are being used more and more. To the point where common people seem to whip them out all willy nilly. So, your fabulous Mod team plus helpers have worked arduously hard in figuring a way for you to attain these creatures.
It won't be easy, but everyone has a chance to get a few Legendaries-while others are still off limits. A few have been spotted in the Safari Zone, in random- not easily accessible-areas. Don't expect them to be captured on the first go round either, it might take a while for you to catch them too. A list will be up shortly pointing out what Legends are available in the Zone, and this list will grow in time. More information will be revealed soon.
Referees: Just a reminder. If you need to take a break, please don't leave your matches without any notice. If the break gets long, alert the folks waiting that a Sub-ref may be their best bet. This way we don't have matches taking years to complete.
Now, I've been hearing talk and offshoots about Gambling needing to be allowed in ASB. I'm going to say now that any direct gambling on ASB matches will not only be terminated on sight, but the match will be void and the participants will be deducted 10 points per allocation. That said, there has been rumblings about a Casino that uses ASB points being created in the Games section of the forum as a whole...We just need a few more permits and zoning rights to be legalize...err finaliz... worked out.
Also. do not forget about all the Fanart work available. Customize and legitimately make a badass banner for your team! Over in Fanart you can request a banner from Crazy Elf Boy, or a picture of your Pokemon from Mew Master/Crystal Tears, or the collaboration of Asilynne/Mystic Clown and Blademaster. Please, I implore everyone to take a look at each of their work and support our artists. These are all great ways to further showcase your teams might or skill out in new and very imaginative ways :O.
So. This is where I rag on MLG for not being around. Why would I do that. Damn drunk Belgian Waffle. Bet you he has Waffle squares for hands and he fills them with beer....hrm wait that's not a bad prospect....
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Would my PINKS battles be considered gambling? Or what do you mean by gambling? Because Ive already had two PINKS battles (lost them both but anyway.....lol)
.: Ben + Brandy :.
.: September 14th 2012 :.
State of the ASB Address
Welcome beloved servants, for another fabulous report from your local modsquad. Let's talk a bit, shall we?
New members
Flapjackal, Trikejacob, tbh1313, Amped, you all get two points for starting here in our ASB. Have fun!
Referees have been swamped with (real life) work these last month, but this is a typical september/october thing; we see it every year. However, this is not that negative. Getting a chill once in a while kinda brings back your spirit for ASB (atleast it does with me), so take a break once in a while guys but always let us know through the Absence Tower. That way your in the clear for both DQ's and reffings and everybody is up to date. ktnxbai
About the Safari Zone, the seperate-thread change has been tested and accepted now and most people seem content with the current situation, but a few changes have yet to be made. Me and DL discussed this for a while and here are our conclusions:
From now on, safrefs will have a maximum number of quests that they can take. If you're a rookie ref you're allowed a max of two quests in your thread. Three for Intermediate, four for Advanced and Master refs can take five or more challenges.
When claiming points, you only have to lin to the start-post of the safari adventure and the last round reffed. Then DL is gonna work his black magic and check out everything (so no thousand links anymore). Thank you black santa!
Next, safari refs are free to show legendaries as they see fit, but his/her challenger can only catch one. So you can see a thousand Legends, but only catch one (per game).
Further more, legends get more attacks as the number of opponents increase. When the legend is battling a pokemon one on one, it gets the standard three attacks. It gets four though, when fighting two opponents, and five when fighting three opponents. This evens out the number difference. And yes, they still got 150HP and EN.
Area-connectivity: Yes, your takers can travel to other area's, but that might take a few posts. Teleporting ofcourse, nullifies that. Be creative and make it worth while!
DISCLAIMER: Pokeballs can break people (by strong enough attack), and you don't get your money back! So be careful when throwing them out, get the pokemon asleep, trapped, hold down with a psychic attack, or anything else that might come up in your wicked, perverted, scary minds. Foolz!
Yeah, it's a whole different aspect, but it's coooool. Don't be shy people, hosting a contest isn't that difficult, so give it a go with our mock-contest, or if you have already done it, your own contest! It doesn't have to be big if you don't wanna, just go with a nice theme and enjoy the creation of art, pokemon-art! *twirls*
What you really think we'd spoil the fun already? Nice try
Support DL guys. Even ninjas need friends.
Tower the Ascended
So this is it. The E4 have been decided and this is the final order (unless they challenge eachother for re-ordering rights):
1. Ultimate Charizard
2. Blademaster
3. MeLoVeGhOsTs
4. Greyfox
So this means that if you wanna challenge the Elite Four, you'll need to beat UC first, then Blade, then me, then Grey. Challengers will have to use a set team of 6 pokemon that they can't change for the entire E4 runthrough.
That means, with me, Grey and Blade being in E4 now, that we have three new and fresh Gymleaders that will be giving your pokemon a run for their money! Say welcome to Mew Master, Ayeun and Dogfish44! Their gyms and badges (and the arenas for E4) will be displayed in the Tower of the Ascended as the entire Tower gets restyled.
Gymleaders who which to challenge E4 must have beaten four challengers first. E4 who want to challenge eachother can do so for re-ordering rights, but they match can be no more than a two on two, to keep it speedy.
- Pokeathlon, Casino, and more crazy ass ideas are being thought up, tested and analyzed. Don't come near the lab, 'cause Darkly got some crazy ass dog/toad hybrids that will smack you up. Shooty tongues with hair!
- A free evolution doesn't need expierence!
- Pinks battles are allowed. PINKS-battles are battles in which the winner takes the pokemon that fought in the battle.
- Fanart! Give our artsy members a pat on the back and check out their art-topics, where you can buy banners/avatars/etc.
- Now who wants to win an ASB-Oscar?![]()
Last edited by MeLoVeGhOsTs; 27th October 2010 at 11:52 AM.
State of the ASB Address
Well now. It's been another year in ASB, and December has finally rolled upon us. Usually, there's talk of parties, and events and all sorts of grand things to end the year off...
Why should this be any different! Let's get it on!
ASB refs are down and out. Guess all that pushing in the late Summer finally caught up with is huh? We lost a huge amount of activity from ya'll and I can't say that its not expected. I mean hey, times change right. But now's the time when we can finish this year off on a high note and keep it rolling through 2011. I mean hey, we do have a new generation looming just around the corner....
So, until everyone gets things together, I'll try to hold down a substantial number of reffings and hopefully will get most of these done by 1/1 (depending on posting frequency, of course). I'm sure all the other refs that are available will do the same, I'm not asking you for any more than what you can handle. All you other refs that need time to finish school projects and what not, please just post which battles need sub-refs.
After a long sitdown with MLG about the state of affairs here, we've decided to do something that actually seems long overdue. Greyfox is now a HeadRef. As such, he'll be the go-to guy for Reffing Tower duties and concerns. Also he is the guy you hanker around for your Mock Reffing reviews. Ironically enough, Greyfox is our Ref of the SeasonHooray Grey! That also leaves the Member of the season, whom happens to be none other than papabopp
Good work there, and I hope you keep it up.
(3 pt & free catch/evo, if yer wondering)
Legend Acquisition
For all the years we've been wishy washy on Legends, I must say there is not that much hoopla about it after all. These words will haunt me soon enough, I know it.
So, I'm going to set up a Tournament Sign up sheet. Its only going to have 8 slots. I'm not going to say when it will be set up. I'm not going to say what type of Tournament it will be. All I will say is that it will force you to only use a maximum of 2 Pokemon. So. Keep your eyes open. That's all there is for that.
With this lull in activity, Gym Matches have kinda stalled. Poor E4, guys got nothing to do huh? *Yawn* Maybe we should set up a gauntlet for you folks, lil team up versus inactive Gym Leaders... or a lil' Round Robin faceoff? We'll decide what's in store for you guys so you don't just have a rank. Be ready.
Casino is almost done. Calm down. We'll make sure you can spend your money soon enough. People getting large amounts, we're definitely gonna hafta cut them down.
Incubation station is open. 2 Deals redeemable until 1/4/11:
1) Buy 1 get 1 free. Applies to Eggs only..
2) Buy 2 eggs, get 1 small stone free.
Max 3 eggs per week for either deal, so no going crazy. And no "I bought three last week, so I buy three now that give me 2 more stones" either >p
...Huh? I didn't mention anything about ASB Awards? Yeah I did. Up there before. I dun see why I'd have to mention them, the Topic's already up...and everyone knows that you have until 12/12 to nominate people for each award.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
i am SO glad c~dub showed me this. i havnt cheked this thread in a long time lol im gonna save that evo for a bit![]()
Last edited by papabopp; 14th December 2010 at 08:48 PM.
State of the ASB Address
I'm going to get into it, 'cause as always, there's alot to cover.
REF! ASSEMBLE!! Hell attendance assemble, people have been down and out. Can't blame ya, its February! Schools restarted-and weather is acting all sorts of weird. Slow is slow. But lemme just wet yer palate with a few happenings, so when everyone comes back, you all will be ahead of the game.
Why are we celebrating? Because the Contests are back. Its heading into round two, and it's getting really creative. The Tournament is move at a great clip too, as the Semi finals are coming up!. We already know three of the 4 competitors, who will be the fourth!
We also have a few new members since the last NL. ambasaur, RODAN and jelibean man all get 2 points for starting out in our ASB! (If I missed anyone, don't hate me, I'm a little slow on the uptake...)
Well the Gyms have seen some movement. We got an average of two Gym Battles a month-which is good, considering the downturn before the uprising which is almost here! Good luck to Mike Mysterio and chaos_redefined!
Black/White News!!
Well, saved the best for last. There are a few B/W changes to ASB that you-the public-should know about. This is to prepare you and us for the new onslaught that will undoubtedly encapsulate us.
First off. There has been a meteor shower that has covered the entirety of the Safari Zone. (I've openly stated it in my quests. You don't have to, just know it has occurred.). This shower has had a few shards land here and there in the Zone.
These shards can be White in color. Or Black...or Black and white. That's all.
Second off, we are now introducing Tokens. Tokens are small coin shaped emblems that can be purchased from us for a price. 15 points, to be exact. Now, why would you pay 15 points for a Token?
Because anyone that buys a Token can get
1) a B/W Pokemon (first form)
2) evolve their B/W Pokemon once
3) Change any Pokemon's ability once!
Tokens do not go on sale until March-and they won't be on sale long either. So you may want to finish up those battles you may have left hanging.
Hrm. Let me quell a few rumors and smaller events I've been meaning to discuss-and a few changes.
1) Yes. New Abilities are compiled. For the most part, most are not broken at all.
1a) Yes, Stall is still being worked on. Sorry for the wait. Stall breaks a bunch of shizzle.
2) Yes. Moves are completed-and some are even added to the movelist already. As B/W has not come out yet, these moves are not to be used. They are all subject to change as the games come out, but we feel we've done them a great deal of justice.
3) For SZ refs-I want to know if you have made any progress at all in the type/s you've chosen for the Zone. Also want to remind you all that not all Pokemon are attainable in the Zone.
4) A new quirk for B/W. Sleep Talk is NOT a TM anymore. Therefore, since that can horribly harm a B/W exclusive Pokemon, we've decided that all B/W Pokemon know Sleep Talk instinctively. If by some change a Move Tutor list comes out with Sleep Talk being able to be learned by them all, this clause will then be removed!
That's all for now. I heard something about E4 changes....but that may have to wait until B/W comes out. Later~
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
so are tokens the only way of obtaining B/W pokemon??
No. Tokens are the only way of obtaining B/W pokemon for free-and they won't be around long.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
uhh it seems to me like a token is equivelant to 15 points wich doesnt seem free to me. what am I not getting?
Also, will tokens be the only way to change our pokemon's abilities to the new ones when black/white comes out?
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Can the Token do any of the 3 things listed? Or all of them?
Because I ain't paying 15 points for something I can catch in the Safari Zone and evolve myself for a fifth of the price.
what just a freaking second Darkest dose that mean there is not going to be a Black and White Giveaway, or are the tokens smiler to the Diamonds and Pearls from the Diamond and Pearl Giveaway?
some clarification would be nice to know Darkest one.
~Charles Legend
ASB VS Seeker Profile
“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein
"The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences." --from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham
"To build a story world, the author must be part artist, part engineer, and sometimes part mad scientist.." --from Fundamentals of world building by Jessie Verino
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates
In order
papa: If you get a Token (a la win one, earn one or obtain one by some other means)..then its free, right? What I'm saying is that B/W Pokemon arent only going to be available via Token; its just an option.
chaos: yes.
Blade: One of the three. And yes, you can catch them in the Zone for 1/5th the price, just like how you can evolve your Pokemon for super cheap via battling, but the option of evolving them via stones is available for those that may utilize it. Also, they aren't going to be standard issue, they will be gone relatively quickly.
Charles: Where does it say anywhere about there not being a giveaway? But yes, the Tokens are similar to the Diamonds and Pearls of DP fame.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Wait a minute... Does that mean if say, for example, I wanted to change the abilities of some of my team, that I am going to have to fork out 15 points for EACH of them? That's highway robbery. Even if there is a give away, say I wanted to change 4 pokemon's abilities over... That's 60 points. I make that in a year! Why should I have to get new pokemon copies to get the alternative abilities?
Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.
Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!
Ayeun's Safari adventures.
Aye: Yeap.
This is not something to be taken lightly. We really had to think about this. You all picked your abilities from the available pool at the time, and knew it was non negotiable deal. Now with the onset of new ones, we know that there are going to be a few that have ridiculously new and powerful ones. (who the HELL gave Ninetales Drought needs to be shot) At the same time, we did not want to renig our stance on keeping the specifics on Pokemon obtaining as they were.
This way we figured, yeah its a high amount, but at the same time, you can change it as long as you have a Token, since this changes a fundamental aspect of your Pokemon quote unquote, forever. More will be explained in the giveaway, and it may not be as expensive as it seems.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
so you just buy them like you'd buy anything else? How else can you get them? you can win them? where? the tourney?
You can win won in the tourney, it seems, or you can find them in the Safari Zone. Referees, for now, are supposed to be able to earn them as ref rewards as well, but I haven't gotten around to updating the tower yet. D:
Is there a limit of one token per customer?
There will be a preset number of days Tokens can be bought. Yes you will be able to buy more than one.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Will I be able to purchase B/W mon after, and change abilities after?
This confuses me...
Back bitches
If tokens are available only for a while, I think we should be able to get them during the Summer and Winter Trees even if theres a limit of them then.
From what I understand.....
Yes, you can buy/evolve B/W pokemon afterwards. At normal prices, even. No, you cannot change abilities afterwards.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
You over looked the fact that Politoed get's Drizzle which is which I'm holding off evolving Misty into one, granted at the moment she still a Poliwag but still that's my plan.
It's kind of funny thought because Slowpokes were said to have ended a Drought if I'm not mistaken. also specking of Drought perhaps I'll look into getting a Vulpix with it...
but yeah why do you think they need to be shot, also are are you talking about only Game Freak or any one in the ASB that dose?calls out my entire team, including Irvin Ooze my my Grimer and tells him to power up it's Stench ability to the max to ward off any insanity Pichu welding a gun... -_-
~Charles Legend
ASB VS Seeker Profile
“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein
"The computer world is like an intellectual Wild West, in which you can shoot anyone you wish with your ideas, if you're willing to risk the consequences." --from Hackers & Painters: Big Ideas from the Computer Age, by Paul Graham
"To build a story world, the author must be part artist, part engineer, and sometimes part mad scientist.." --from Fundamentals of world building by Jessie Verino
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates
Changing abilities of old pokemon into new ones should cost A LOT. It's not like you can change your haircolor at will aswell. New pokemon can get the new abilities as easy as gingerbread, but old pokemon are 'set'. Changes can be made, but'll cost ya.
Also, looking forward to B/W. Pity I have no time, though![]()
I understand the costing a lot phase of this plan, but if I wanted to change my main battlers team (and there is almost 20 of them) to new abilities, I am out 300 points.
in reflection, to replace them with clones of them selves, and basically say 'Screw you all the good memories that I have had' would cost me about 100 points. So you are saying that emotional attachment and memories mean nothing?
Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.
Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!
Ayeun's Safari adventures.
No. They mean 200 points. You can pay an extra 200 points to keep those memories.
On a completely unrelated note, I know some people get upset by the idea of gift pokemon being discarded, but I will not be upset with anyone buying a clone of a gift I got them and giving away the old one, if this is the only financially feasible way for you to change the abilities of it.
Also... for MLG's metaphor... While I can't do it regularly, hair dye does exist. We are not saying that we should dye our hair every day, but you guys are saying that hair dye should cost more than a cloning machine.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Yeah, that's great that you wanna change your abilities. But it's not because you want, that you can. So if you want to, you'll need the cash
And emotional value and memories are all personal. If the new abilities are that important to you that you buy new versions of your pokemon, that's your own choice.
You know, this is the first time I've felt that something's being done unfairly. 15 points is excessive, 5 points wouldn't be nearly as steep.
I couldn't possibly clone my mons, I've actually had good memories with some (GRUMPYpig, Ectabat, Venn).
I personally think there should be a week of change - Where you can change abilities for free. Then after that, they get relocked.
Back bitches
Note: I was expecting this severe backlash. I've prepared a statement to prove this is not highway robbery.
Ex 1.) I look back to my cartridges. I can't transfer my Whipper (Venusaur) from the Original Red to Fire Red. If there was way, it would be a shitton of money to buy/create a converter that allowed transfers from Oldred to FireRed.
EX 2.) You're telling me its cheap to get a new heart? Assistance limb? Hell even dentures cost a ton of cash. These are fundamental parts of you. The same goes for your Pokemon. These abilities (though introduced in Gen 3) have stuck with your crew since.
EX 3: MLG is right. I am in agreeance that 15 points is a harsh contrast to everything we've tried to make affordable to everyone, but at the same time, these Pokemon have been with you guys forever. You've battled with them in so many facets, but as soon as something new comes out, you wanna switch them at the drop of a hat?
I couldn't change Muddy at all (Dunsparce). No way no how. Dun care if he got some super ability that let his prowess double upon being hit
(Holy shit. No I'm dead serous he really gets that, didn't even know. I got curious and looked up 'Sparce and he gets Self Conscious, funny XD). No way. Muddy is Muddy and he's awesome the way he is.
Stones cost 6 to 8 points, and this helps evolve Pokemon that don't even USE stones to evolve. Yes, their bodies were gonna change anyway, you just accelerated it. But this is something that doesn't/shouldn't change, and yer upset 'cause you have to pay double to do so?
Hell even when you played Diamond or Pearl, and sent your Pokemon over to Pal Park you only had a ~50% chance of having your Pokemon pop out with a second Ability. (Took me like 22 tries before I got a Magic Guard Clefable w/Softboiled-ugh the drama.)
This immediate backlash doesn't sound like you actually care about them at all up to the point of sticking by your choices that you made years before this new ability sweep came through. I want you all to think about that. You're only seeing the immediate cost of this to "better" yourself and using the "close bond" issue as a defense. That is not sound because you're changing a fundamental aspect of them-changing them to fit your needs instead of treating them as they are despite the new changes.
My honest advice:
Take! your! time! Yes, 300 points is alot to change 20 Pokemon. Try switching 45. 60. hell, try 100. Yeah its alot of cash. Yeah I seem jaded because I hoard points like a madman and can actually buy a shitton of tokens-but at the same time, I really don't think its fair to switch abilities at all just because new ones came out.
But at the same time, we're going to make sure that over time, you WILL be able to eventually get what you feel you need to keep up with the times.
Like I said. Over the next few months, there will be a series of events that will help you all gain chances to change abilities. Some'll be cheaper than others. This is the most expensive-and its also one that is not going to be around very long.
Secondly, its also a way for us to foster activity -.-. You want this badly, you work on it. You don't get better at anything just by buying the best things, 'cause people still defeat you with older methods and you're then left sitting there wondering how you still lost when you have all this brand new shiny stuff!
Trust us, this is not as bad as it seems. You all gave everything a chance before, give us a shot to show you this won't be as bad as it sounds. We haven't let you down yet,and I positive we won't start now.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
I ain't changing a damn one of my Pokemon. But 15 points... I'm just curious why that number? Ten sounds fair.
I don't even know any new Abilities my team can learn. Not worried about it since the games aren't even out yet.
O.o. Muggles can answer that better than I.
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
This would be valid, but the only change I really want to make is to Nightstalker, my Sableye, which you will be changing anyway. i.e. You guys are changing a fundamental aspect of my pokemon. Now, I'm not getting up you for doing so, since Stall breaks things in weird places. But, on the other hand, this was my oppurtunity to make Nightstalker my Sableye again, and you guys attach a 15 point price tag on it.That is not sound because you're changing a fundamental aspect of them-changing them to fit your needs instead of treating them as they are despite the new changes.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
o.o. Stall was fundamentally borked, yes and I've really tried to make it more than fair now. In the same vein, some other abilities are changing their function a bit (Sturdy comes to mind), so primary Abilities that get a bit of a tweak are not as deeply changed as switching to an all new ability (ie. Plastic surgery for a scar on your face versus a new arm).
Were you thinking of switching to Teasing Heart with Nightstalker?
i Judge your entertainment!
Entertaining quotes!
From textsfromlastnight.com:
(518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.
(801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.
Veekun called it mischeivous heart, but yeah.
As I said, I'm not getting up you for making it more fair, but it is an aspect that you are changing, and I would prefer to be able to switch to something else instead if I so desired. Old stall vs new stall is a rather notable change, in all versions you have presented so far. As I said, I'm not complaining that you are making that change, though. I recognize that old stall is a bit much.
While I am unaware of your other planned changes, the change in stall does not fall under your comparison to plastic surgery vs prosthetic limbs. The things they affect are fundamentally different. Old stall affects posting order while new stall affects stats. It's as close as a comparison as between Ninjask and Shedinja. Sure, they both are somewhat related (name in case of stall, Nincada and the bug type in the case of Ninjask/Shedinja), but that's about it.
You're already giving me a prosthetic leg. I'm asking for a different one. That's what my case comes down to.
[14:48:30] .:- Steampunk Angel -:. {{I love Ben}} says:
oh chaos your awesome lol
Those of you who don't like the pricey cost of the Tokens can always check out the reffing tower for the promotion there.
I think they're just to much whining. Seriously.
Also, the reason we boosted it up from 10 to 15 is because it should be that expensive. If you want bigger boobs, you'll need a lot of cash for a surgery. You can't change your boobs for 2dollar just because they might suit you better.
Also, it's not like we're getting something out of the 15 points, we just want you to play and work hard![]()
Last edited by MeLoVeGhOsTs; 22nd February 2011 at 05:31 PM.
Like I said, I have no complaints. But awesome PR right there, to claim your customers are whining too much.