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Thread: ASB News [December 2016]

  1. #281
    Does it look like I care? Advanced Trainer
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    It depends on who's asking...

    Default Re: ASB News [Jan 2013 WHOAMG!]

    God I wanna teach one of my pokemon a move but I'm not sure which move I want

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    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I'm sorry, you're confusing me with someone who gives a shit.

  2. #282
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    Default Re: ASB News [Jan 2013 WHOAMG!]

    MAY 2013

    Sorry about not updating you guys in awhile. Real life and all that takes its toll. But that's neither here nor there, it's time to make you guys aware of the goings on for ASB in Summer.

    First, let's talk about the:

    Round 1 has finally come to a close with Ayeun, BTPoke, Emerald_Gen.3, and Rossymore advancing to the second round. Good work you four! Meanwhile, on the horizon, the Mod Team's got another special event lined up for July, so make sure you've got your teams up to par.

    ASB Awards!
    It's time again for you all to start nominating your fellow trainers for awards and such. Choose wisely and make it known who you want to represent our ASB!

    Legendary Hunts
    The Safari Zone's quite busy, with a few referee's taking on quite a few quests. While my adventure for my fifth legendary pokémon isn't as fantastical, there are quite a few other adventures worth following -- Darkly's quest for Cobalion and Chaos' hunt for Zekrom are fun to follow.

    Gym Leaders
    Looks like all the gyms are about finished now, so the new gym leaders should be ready to challenge in the next few weeks.

    Move Tutor Shop
    The move tutor shop hasn't been feeling active lately, so I'm gonna spice it up soon! Over the next two weeks, all Move Tutor Moves are BOGO! Buy one get one free!

  3. #283
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    Default Re: ASB News [May 2013]

    Mayhaps a Summer Xmas Tree is on the horizon?

    And kudos on major updates galore!

  4. #284
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [August 2013]

    August 2013

    Sorry about not updating you guys in awhile. Real life and all that takes its toll. But that's neither here nor there, it's time to make you guys aware of the goings on for ASB (cwatIdidthar?).

    Holy buckets! We got a swarm of newbies over the last few months and I love them all! Though late, I'd like to formally welcome Ampharos, Aura, Puma, Aerbrodactyl, Darth_Jack and Techy to our ASB. Thanks for hanging and sticking around and being generally good spirited folk.

    All of you receive 2 points for joining (which would HAVE been good to tell you upon you arriving, sorry LOL). Ya can link back to the NL for proof!

    Haven't really seen much action on this front, since the last Tourney ended. Maybe it's time to cook up another one. The same goes for Contests. By the way, thank you Oslo for hosting that last contest! Stay tuned, there might be Tournament news in the coming days!

    ASB Awards!
    Perfect timing! The ASB awards have just concluded, congratulations to all the winners! I didn't even get to vote, but that's ok, I'd just vote for everyone else anyway Now's the time to start making moves to be up there next year-and take one or four home!

    Legendary Hunts/SZ Overview
    Well now. As the months trudge on so do the Quests. I might get Cobalion just in time to go back in the Zone and complete my set Got alot of work to do. But don't let it deter you from chasing your own Pokemon Legends down.

    If you aren't sure about what is and isn't available in the Zone-Legendary wise-ask a SZ ref and they can relay that information to you. They won't tell you where though! SZ refs, check your inboxes for a welcome (and needed) surprise after you finished the NL.

    If you want to try any part of the SZ out feel free to ask a ref if they are free in the appropriate topic . Someone will take it!

    Gym Leaders
    Yes, Gym Leaders are open and ready to accept all challengers....except mine 'cause I'm waiting on something. So go ahead, challenge one, challenge them all. I'll be making moves in this vein as well soon enough so watch out now

    Gym Leaders: If you need to make substitutions to your team, now is the time to do so. You can add X/Y pokemon to your Gym-but you can't use them yet (case in point, I'm adding a Fairy type, but obviously can't use it as a fairy type until X/Y comes out). Also you should have your Gym team posted on your Ascended Tower Post.

    Move Tutor Shop
    Remember: You can attach up to 4 Move Tutor moves to your Pokemon at any given time. If you want to obtain a 5th, you'll have to lose one of the four you currently have on there. Think its about time we got some moves up there before X/Y comes...

    Let's end with this. Older members know that when a new game series comes out, there is a giveaway of some sort that allows all players to obtain one or more X/Y Pokemon with little to no fuss. It'll happen again. There will be a bit of lag though, as all the games come out at the same time. X/Y Logic in ASB will be allowed on 10/12.

    We'll be sure to continually update the Movelist and Stratedex as we go forward, so don't be alarmed if some things change all of a sudden or if something is skipped initally. We'll get it all covered.

    Keep fightin' ASB!

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  5. #285
    Does it look like I care? Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [August 2013]

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight View Post
    Yes, Gym Leaders are open and ready to accept all challengers....except mine 'cause I'm waiting on something
    What could you be waiting on that could possibly stand against my Lloyd Irving *can't wait for a gym battle with DL*

    Are you ready for this?
    Vs Seeker
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I'm sorry, you're confusing me with someone who gives a shit.

  6. #286
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [August 2013]

    >D You'll see.

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  7. #287
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    Default Re: ASB News [August 2013]

    I'd like to give hosting a Contest a go, so if it's ok with the usual Contest refs (Oslo, DL, Ayeun) can you let me have a whack at it?

  8. #288
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [August 2013]

    Shoot, sure!

    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  9. #289
    2 hot to hold, 2 cold to fold Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: ASB News [August 2013]

    Oct 2013


    As I type this, I'm raging through Gym #7, can't stop my Armadon (whoever gets the reference gets a cookie) and my FLAME ON!, I know most of you all are putting in that work to enjoy XY and start catching all these new guys. This whole evolution of games it pretty amazing, and it all will be implemented in ASB pretty darned soon. There are not as many changes as I thought, and I'll try to cover all them in a few go-rounds. So sit back and relax knowing your Mod Team is on the case with covering all aspects of this generation.

    1) Sprites:

    Yes, that's going to be hard. No longer will we have awesome sprites for our battles since the 3d captures are ...for lack of a better word-fugly. But after scouring (I know, its only been a day, I expect better solutions over time) I will say that the Interwebs have been blasted hard with low res screen captures. As the days go on, I'm sure we'll have suitable replacements.

    I'm also waiting for Sugimori Art to come out for the new ones...

    2) Fairy Type

    Pretty straightforward. Fairy type is active, as are all the changes to the type chart. It's not too much, but it will take some re memorization. The main site has a active Type chart for Gen 6, so that should help out the refs. All current battles that started before 10/12 do not have Fairy type changes added to them unless specifically asked to. That way we can clear out all the older battles.

    3) Move changes

    As you know, move strength have been decreased and shifted. That will not affect any of the moves in ASB at this time.

    4) Ability Changes

    The same for most of the weather based abilities. They've changed, but at this time, there does not seem to be a need to change them to mirror the games. If public opinion differs after we have a good month of battling (hopefully this or next month)

    5) New Moves and Abilities

    The new moves will be added after this Newsletter goes live. As the research gets deeper things will be edited, so do not take anything as final until specifically stated by Grey, MLG or myself. The Abilities 9thankfully0 are pretty straightforward, so they won't be too hard to implement!

    6) Safari Zone

    Over the next week, we'll send out updated places of Pokelocales for the refs. So you'll see your Flabebes in the Zone soon enough...

    Pokemon Acquisition
    After much discourse, the mod team has agreed to revise how Pokemon are acquired. We will be bringing back the Tower in order to allow you to buy Pokemon. There will be restrictions however, so you don't just buy every single new one out there. Details are forthcoming.

    Gym Leaders

    If you need to make changes to your team, please submit them now. You can edit, mash mix and completely redraft your team if need be, until Oct 20th. Make good use of the Giveaway!

    Move Tutor Shop
    I'm sure Grey will have a few surprises for you all with the Move tutor Shop! Details forthcoming.



    EVERYONE GETS A GEN 6. AT LEAST ONE. There's only 69 new ones so we toned it down a bit. Check the New topic for details.

    As stated, this will be addendumed heavily, so keep an eye on it!


    i Judge your entertainment!
    Entertaining quotes!

    (518): I legitimately just tried to piss above my head. I got to my chest at highest. There's piss everywhere.

    (801): I can't help but be optimistic. I'm like a ball of slutty sunshine.

  10. #290
    Greyfox's Avatar
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    Default Re: ASB News [October 2013]

    NOVEMBER 2014

    Holy geez, guys and gals, it's been over a year since our last update, and I'm lookin' to kick ASB back into high gear with a few new things to hopefully get this league back to action! Since our last update, we've had a new generation of games come out and Hoenn confirmed!, so it's about time we start implementing some of the changes that X and Y gave us. But to start off, we're gonna go over some promotions for the month of November!

    Any battle that started (re: the first round was reffed) on or after November 1st is worth twice as many points! If you win a 1-on-1, you'll get 4 points! If you lose, you'll even get 2 points! Now get back to battlin!

    In addition to double winnings, the Move Tutor shop is having a special BOGO promotion for the month of November. You pay to learn one move, and that pokémon will end up learning two! Fantastic! Not only that, but the Move Tutor shop has been expanded to allow every move we've ever taught, including some new ones that haven't been revealed yet! Wahey!

    Our lonely suggestion thread hasn't been visited in quite some time. If you have an idea that you'd like to see implemented, head over thataways to let the mod team know and we'll see what we can do!

    As you know, we have a rule where you can't catch a legendary pokémon that's already been captured by another trainer until every legend of that group has been captured. Remember when Blademaster caught an articuno? Me neither, but apparently it happened. That said, we are now temporarily lifting that rule! If you want to catch an articuno (or any other legend that has already been captured recently), go for it!

    So that's a thing. But that's not really all that important when we're instead gonna talk about--

    As of right now, we've had no idea how to implement mega evolutions into the ASB. But I think I've got a plan! Peppered in the Safari Zone are various mega stones that are just itchin' to be found. But you can't just grab a stone and start mega evolving, no no! You also need a mega ring. How do you get one of those, I wonder? As of right now, you can only find mega stones for the pokémon that have mega evolutions in XY (so no Mega Gallade or Mega Sceptile yet). This will change once Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are released in America (something something November 21st). Once you find the stone, you won't be able to use it until after your quest has been complete, and it will need to be approved just like any pokémon you've caught. The mega stone will be specific to one pokémon as well!

    Alright, that's it for November's newspost. Hopefully this helps move ASB forward!

  11. #291
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB News [January 2015]


    Newsletter time! First up, the welcome notices!

    Nepence, Hipokrit3, Olkkis86 - Welcome to our forums. You each receive 2 points for being new. Link to this post when you claim them!

    Everyone else who has returned, Welcome back. You don't get points, but you do get recognition.

    Fairy's, Megaevolutions and stones OH MY!

    Fairy type has been a bit rocky since they were added, but thanks to DL's hard work, and the damage map has been updated. If any ref's have any problems with Fairy's, feel free to ask for help any time.

    Our Mega Tournament has been a blast, which brings us to the 600 Pokedolar question - Mega Evolutions, How do they work?

    Starting after the final round of the tournament, Mega rings/bracelets/bands/necklaces/hats/piercings will be available for sale in the approval tower for the LOW LOW price of 10 points! Until then, no bracelets may be purchased.

    Stones, on the other hand, are a different issue. You can (at present), only find them in the Safari zone in TWO different forms.

    First - Defeating powerful opponents, beating challenges, and passing tests MAY reward you with a random stone.

    Second - Mega Stone Ore has started appearing in sections of the Safari Zone. When refined in the presence of an appropriate pokemon, the Ore can become the correct stone. Ore and Pokemon will need to be dropped in the Megatower (coming soon) for 1 week for the refining process to complete.


    With the return of Chaos Redefined, as Nepence, the Casino is once again opened for business. Prizes have been adjusted to be as follows!

    * Eggs
    * Small stones - Evolve a pokemon from Stage 1 to Stage 2 without the need of battle experience OR points!
    * Large stones - Evolve a pokemon from Stage 2 to Stage 3 without the need of battle experience OR points!
    * Shard tokens - 3 Shard tokens lets you change the Ability of ANY pokemon on your team. You can also cash in Shard tokens to catch ANY pokemon. Prices for pokemon may vary.


    ASB Awards will be coming in the next few weeks, so its time to start thinking about who you want to nominate for anything.

    Double points

    Just a reminder, any battles started in November OR December are eligible for double points for both the battlers AND the Ref. The Tournament matches are all also done at double points. As of tomorrow, matches return to normal point allocations.


    According to our records, as of right now... We are back up to 6 gyms, and are ready to operate battles for all comers. Come get your badges people!
    Last edited by Ayeun; 1st January 2015 at 02:18 AM.

    Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.

    Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!

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  12. #292
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    Default Re: ASB News [January 2015]

    Quote Originally Posted by Ayeun View Post
    Starting after the final round of the tournament, Mega rings/bracelets/bands/necklaces/hats/piercings will be available for sale in the approval tower for the LOW LOW price of 10 points! Until then, no bracelets may be purchased.

    I have an addendum to this part of the update: Mega Rings/Bracelets/what-have-you can be purchased at the Mega Evolution Tower; however, the Tower will remain closed until the tournament finishes!


  13. #293
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    Default Re: ASB News [January 2015]

    Hey there! I think it would be a cool idea if each TPMer could have their own kind of Key Stone.

    Of course one can go with a normal Mega Ring from the game, but as long as the name's appropriate one could opt for, say, Mega Shoe.

    If sounds stupid, ignore.

  14. #294
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    Default Re: ASB News [January 2015]

    Quote Originally Posted by Mikachu Yukitatsu View Post
    Hey there! I think it would be a cool idea if each TPMer could have their own kind of Key Stone.

    Of course one can go with a normal Mega Ring from the game, but as long as the name's appropriate one could opt for, say, Mega Shoe.

    If sounds stupid, ignore.
    Thats why I listed a whole pile of random things like piercings or hats.

  15. #295
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    Default Re: ASB News [January 2015]

    Quote Originally Posted by Ayeun View Post

    With the return of Chaos Redefined, as Nepence, the Casino is once again opened for business. Prizes have been adjusted to be as follows!

    * Eggs
    * Small stones - Evolve a pokemon from Stage 1 to Stage 2 without the need of battle experience OR points!
    * Large stones - Evolve a pokemon from Stage 2 to Stage 3 without the need of battle experience OR points!
    * Shard tokens - 3 Shard tokens lets you change the Ability of ANY pokemon on your team. You can also cash in Shard tokens to catch ANY pokemon. Prices for pokemon may vary.
    Just to clarify, this does mean that, with a lot of prize collection, you could theoretically get a fossil/legendary pokemon through the casino. The mod team will, of course, be consulted on costs. I expect Mew to cost N+1, where N is the number of shards you think he costs.

  16. #296
    The Damsel of Disaster! Moderator
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    Default Re: ASB News [January 2015]

    February newsletter!

    Firstly, the exciting stuff. Welcome Brocke and Miika Säily. You are each awarded 2 points. Please link to this post when claiming them!



    The casino now has prices for it’s prizes! All points that are earned in the Casino can be cashed in as follows:

    5 Casino points - One egg in the incubation station; One shard (Combine 3 shards to get an ability change token!)
    10 Casino points - Any legal basic Pokemon as listed in the tower; or a Pokeball to take into the Safari zone.
    20 Casino points - Any legal stage one Pokemon as listed in the tower, A Greatball to take into the Safari zone; or a Small stone (Evolve one of your basic Pokemon to stage one!)
    30 Casino points - Any legal stage two Pokemon as listed in the tower; or a Large stone (Evolve one of your stage one Pokemon to Stage two!)
    40 Casino points - A fossil of your choice, that can be taken to the tower to become ANY basic fossil Pokemon

    At this time, you CAN NOT buy legends from the Casino... Which leads us to the...

    Safari Zone

    A few changes to the safari zone this month. The first involves Legendary Pokemon, and the second covers Mega stuff.

    Legends are breeding like rabbits! What does this mean? As of now, from the moment of CAPTURE, a 15 day countdown begins. After said countdown ends, any NEW safari quests that begin have the possibility to encounter that legend. No longer will you need to complete a set, or even wait for the first capture to be approved!

    Megastones and Megaore:
    Megastones can be earnt from any ‘challenge’ encounter, using the 150 hp/en chart. This can be any challenge, be it an encounter, boss, or legendary Pokemon. Ref’s, please note that any challenge encounter gains additional attacks when a trainer is using more than 3 moves. For further information, please PM myself. At this point in time, Megastones are limited to one (1) per adventure, and are generated AT RANDOM by the ref.

    Megaore is the more common method of gathering stones. Megaore can be found in almost every zone in the safari zone. It is up to you to figure out how to find it (Hint – Rock smash is useful for stuff now!) Megaore is limited to the number of Poke/Great/Ultraballs you STARTED with, plus one (1).

    Abilities and Moves

    The 2015 overhaul has begun, starting with:

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkestLight View Post
    Pure Power
    Boosts the power of physical attacks.
    The Pokémon has undergone intense meditation and achieved great strength. The base strength of ONE of the Pokemon's physical attacks per ROUND is boosted.
    As we progress through the changes, we welcome any feedback on abilities OR moves. If you find something you thing that should be changed, post a comment in the Suggestion thread, and we will take it into consideration.

    Mega tower

    With the conclusion of the Mega Tournament, the Mega tower is now open for business. Feel free to design your own Mega band/bangle/sword/shield/hat or whatever item you wish! Just remember to bring your 10 points!


    January’s “farmhand” contest is now over, and spots are open for February’s “Mod” contest. Feel free to sign up if you wish to try your hand as a coordinator.

    Also remember, contest points allocation are up to the judge. You can award any number of consolation points as you wish.

    That concludes the February newsletter. See you all in March!
    Last edited by Ayeun; 8th February 2015 at 05:45 PM.

    Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.

    Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!

    Ayeun's Safari adventures.

  17. #297
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    Default Re: ASB News [February 2015]

    A few things to mention then...

    First, I will need to readjust casino prizes... They were a tad under where they should be beforehand, and now they are drastically under. So... Games will be modified soon.

    Second, movelist...
    I think it would work a lot easier if you set up some general guidelines, and then covered moves that did things differently as individual cases. For example:
    All moves that, in-game, have 40 power: Deal ~4 damage, use 1-4 EN. Type and Physical/Special are taken into account afterwards.
    All moves that boost/penalize a fixed stat by 1: Use 1-4 EN.
    All moves that boost/penalize a fixed stat by 2: Use 5-7 EN.

    Adjust numbers as appropriate, I'm making these up (and not checking the movelist or anything).

    Afterwards, if you decide that, since Tackle has 95% accuracy in game, it is specifically called out as using 1~3 EN, but has a 5% miss chance.

    A lot of moves do very similar things, and this will allow a short list to cover a lot of moves.

  18. #298
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    Default Re: ASB News [December 2016]

    WINTER 2016

    How is everyone doing so far? Crickets? That's great! It's been almost two years since our last news post, but we're gonna shape things up a bit for 2017. Let's get started with the obvious bits:


    With Sun and Moon officially out worldwide, it's time to start the traditional giveaway. This time, all ASBers will be given 5 Alolan Points (AP for short) for catching new and exciting Pokémon for their teams. If you have a Kanto native that has an Alolan cousin, you can use your AP to swap them to their new form! Alolan natives and Alolan variants can now be found in the Safari Zone, and (with some exceptions) can be caught in the Approval Tower.

    The Legendary Pokémon from Alola and the Ultra Beasts will slowly start roaming around the Safari Zone as well, so make sure you stock up on plenty of Ultra Balls and, dare I say, Beast Balls as well!

    Z-Crystals have also started making their ways around in the Safari Zone. While we haven't officially implemented Z-Moves into the league quite yet, rest assured that they will be coming very soon!

    Speaking of Z-Crystals, did you know that you can now purchase items for your Pokémon to equip and use in battle? Well, now you can! Stop on over to the Item Depot for more details!


    We've done a bit of house cleaning in the Rules Tower. Starting with evolution reform! Now you will no longer need to spend any points to evolve your Pokémon! However, you might have to show your Pokémon off a little more.


    No one has caught Zygarde yet, but when they do, they'll be in for quite a surprise! After finding the Zygarde Core in the Safari Zone, you can use that with your Zygarde to change them into their 10% or 50% formes. And! When they're in battle and have 50% of their health remaining, they will automatically change into their 100% forme. This will cause all of Zygarde's stats to increase by quite a nasty bit!

    Greninja is a little more widespread, but even they're getting in on the action! Greninja can now be found in the wild with the ability @Battle Bond. If they have this ability, they will transform into their hero forme once they've KOed an opponent! Like Perfect Zygarde, Ash-Greninja's stats will increase by quite a bit and their Water Shuriken will have it's attack power doubled!

    Both of these forme changes will follow the rules of Mega Evolutions, so they can only be used once per battle.


    That's it for today's exciting update. Hopefully you'll be hearing more from me very soon.
    Last edited by Greyfox; 19th December 2016 at 03:21 PM.

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