August 2013
Sorry about not updating you guys in awhile. Real life and all that takes its toll. But that's neither here nor there, it's time to make you guys aware of the goings on for ASB (cwatIdidthar?).
Holy buckets! We got a swarm of newbies over the last few months and I love them all! Though late, I'd like to formally welcome Ampharos, Aura, Puma, Aerbrodactyl, Darth_Jack and Techy to our ASB. Thanks for hanging and sticking around and being generally good spirited folk.
All of you receive 2 points for joining (which would HAVE been good to tell you upon you arriving, sorry LOL). Ya can link back to the NL for proof!
Haven't really seen much action on this front, since the last Tourney ended. Maybe it's time to cook up another one. The same goes for Contests. By the way, thank you Oslo for hosting that last contest! Stay tuned, there might be Tournament news in the coming days!
ASB Awards!
Perfect timing! The ASB awards have just concluded, congratulations to all the winners! I didn't even get to vote, but that's ok, I'd just vote for everyone else anyway

Now's the time to start making moves to be up there next year-and take one or four home!
Legendary Hunts/SZ Overview
Well now. As the months trudge on so do the Quests. I might get Cobalion just in time to go back in the Zone and complete my set
Got alot of work to do. But don't let it deter you from chasing your own Pokemon Legends down.
If you aren't sure about what is and isn't available in the Zone-Legendary wise-ask a SZ ref and they can relay that information to you. They won't tell you where though! SZ refs, check your inboxes for a welcome (and needed) surprise after you finished the NL.
If you want to try any part of the SZ out feel free to ask a ref if they are free in the appropriate topic
. Someone will take it!
Gym Leaders
Yes, Gym Leaders are open and ready to accept all challengers....except mine 'cause I'm waiting on something. So go ahead, challenge one, challenge them all. I'll be making moves in this vein as well soon enough so watch out now
Gym Leaders: If you need to make substitutions to your team, now is the time to do so. You can add X/Y pokemon to your Gym-but you can't use them yet (case in point, I'm adding a Fairy type, but obviously can't use it as a fairy type until X/Y comes out). Also you should have your Gym team posted on your Ascended Tower Post.
Move Tutor Shop
Remember: You can attach up to 4 Move Tutor moves to your Pokemon at any given time. If you want to obtain a 5th, you'll have to lose one of the four you currently have on there. Think its about time we got some moves up there before X/Y comes...
Let's end with this. Older members know that when a new game series comes out, there is a giveaway of some sort that allows all players to obtain one or more X/Y Pokemon with little to no fuss. It'll happen again. There will be a bit of lag though, as all the games come out at the same time. X/Y Logic in ASB will be allowed on
We'll be sure to continually update the Movelist and Stratedex as we go forward, so don't be alarmed if some things change all of a sudden or if something is skipped initally. We'll get it all covered.
Keep fightin' ASB!