I told you before, Crazy, I'm not doing this for the points - I'm doig it to prove I can. But I know no one with Leaf Green, so I'm essentially ****ed - all I can do is catch three Metapods, level them up as high as I can, and strap in for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong game of stalling and Tackling my opponents to death...


I don't know what to do. Is it worth it to spend would could likely be hundreds of hours just to prove I can do something no one cares about and win a prize I don't even really want? I doubt it. I should just let someone else waste their time doing it - if all I'm gonna be doing is walking, Tackling, healing, and repeating the process a thousand times, I won't even be having much fun, either... I'm already bored, and I haven't even beat Brock yet...

So, screw it - I shouldn't jump into this type of thing so eagerly.

I'll check what other types are still available, and then I'll try again.

EDIT: OK, I checked over this topic, and the types that haven't been taken are:


Now, I don't have a Gameshark or anything like that, so I'd say Dragon is out, since the first Dragon I can possibly get is a Dratini in the Safari Zone. Way too late.

Psychic and Ground or possibilities considering I can get a Sandshrew or an Abra after just one Badge, but I'm not sure if Crazy would allow that.

That leaves me with Fighting... Not the hardest type to get through the game with, but certainly not easy, either...

OK, I'm re-taking the Challenge with Fighting-type Pokemon - early in the game, they can only learn Normal and Fighting moves anyway, which will be a challenge in itself.

I'll update my progress as I go; until then, I'm outta here - CEB can take the Bug challenge instead.