
So yeah, this is a topic about Los Angeles.

You seeeee... my mother works for Northwest Airlines, and she just got promoted to become the base manager of LAX. (the airport in Los Angeles for those of you who don't know...) That means that she's going to have to get an apartment in LA, and fly back and forth between home and there on the weekends so she can visit my father and our family (even though I'm at college and such...) I think she's due to start working there in January.
This is a HUGE deal to our family... because, well obviously it helps my mother on her 'ladder to greatness' (lmao) and well... we're in the process of selling our house anyways 'cuz my father took a new job this year too.
So basically, my dog lives at home. lol

BUT that's besides the point!

This summer, because of this... I will be living with my mother in Los Angeles! Just basically to keep her company... and because I need to make money and get a job. So... I was wondering if anyone lives near or around the LA area. And if you do or don't, what do you suggest as a job I should try to get there for the summer? Money isn't really the issue as much as I want to have a fun job... (so if you suggest Wal-MArt, I'll shoot you. Already worked there... gaaah...) And basically anything related to what fun things you can do in Los Angeles. I'm rather excited and all that... so yeeeah...

^_^ Go mom. lol