Jaw-breakers and Chocolate frogs for everyone! I have returned!
It's been quite the year for me (for more details, see attachment, I don't want anyone non-interested to have to read it).
I'm frustrated for not yet having passed for my driving licence, and exams (the last batch before July) are due in 3 weeks. (I'm following courses at a college in Antwerp, BTW: Applied Informatics.)

But in the outside world it's been an eventful year as well, I've heared. Just mentioning the bird flu that's ravaging in the vicinities of my Belgian homeland. And those certain non-mentionable cartoons...

I'm interested: is there anything eventful worth mentioning I missed that has happened here at TPM while I was a-lurkin'?

BTW, I thought I'd give myself a 'Welcome back', just in case...

But I'm back at l(e)ast! *bounce* Though I doubt I'll be very (constructively) active.

So, uh... Who remembers me? XD