This is going to contain spoilers about the movie X-Men 3 so if you do not want to hear anything about the movie I suggest you stop after this sentence.

Ok for starters, let me just go on record saying that I think X-Men 3 is quite possibly one of the worst movies I've seen in the past few years. The glaring omissions that have been made against the comic/series alone is staggering. Not to mention the overall poor quality in plot. X-Men - Turn everyone into mutants. X-Men 3 - Turn mutants into everyone else. Yeah,... it's that bad.

So here's just a small compilment of things I just found horribly wrong with the movie. I'm going to keep it short so that others can add in what they've seen/thought.

-When Professor Xavier and Juggernaut come face to face outside of Jean's house there is absolutely no form of contact between the two. Considering that Professor Xavier is Juggernaut's half brother whom he severly hates you'd think that there would have been at least an exchange of words. Or maybe at least you'd expect Professor Xavier to have mentioned that his unstoppable brother whom he imprisioned is free.

-Juggernaut at one point is chasing Shadowcat through the building blasting through the walls. They reach the mutant child that can actually negate the mutant X-Gene (the source of the "cure") and when Shadowcat reaches the child first she finds she is unable to morph through the walls. Following this Juggernaut blasts through the wall, and the two dodge as he slams clear into the wall and gets knocked out from the collision because apparently his mutant powers are negated. HE'S NOT A MUTANT! Juggernaut's power actually comes much like the Rhino from Spider-man, the entire suit that he wears gives him the "unstoppable" nature and he would not be negated by the child.

-Juggernaut NEVER REMOVES ANY OF HIS ARMOR! Especially the helmet because that is the only thing he is susceptable to. Not to mention that his armor offers a significant amount more coverage and he actually has clamps which hold the helmet in place.

-They kill of Cyclops in the beginning, I know that he's not a major character but come on... that's bullcrap.