You have no idea what’s going on, or why you’re here. All you know is that now you’re being thrown into a small cell and the steel door is being locked behind you. There isn’t much except a small cot, a toilet and a sink. It’s dark and dank and lit by only a small bulb.

A number of emotions are flowing through you, whether it’s anger, fear, confusion, sadness or a combination of the four. A number of questions flash through your mind. Where are you? What are you doing here?

Well, well, well. Another new inmate huh?

You look around, wondering where the voice came from.

Relax, I’m speaking to you through telepathy. I’m in the cell on the end, you may have seen it. He extra bolted up one.

You remember seeing it for a moment before you were thrown in your cell.

“Where am I?” you ask.

You’re at Ashford Asylum. In other words, the middle of nowhere! And in case you’re wondering what you’re doing here, well, obviously, you’re not exactly ‘normal’. You’ve got some ‘unnatural’ ability and the ‘good people’ here have found out.

“What do they want with me?”

What they want with everyone else here. To poke, prod and overall experiment on you.

You get a bit depressed by this. You’re nothing more then someone’s little guinea pig now.

“So I’m stuck in this cell forever?”

They let us out now and again, for exercise and such. They don’t have to worry about us escaping. I think we’re in the middle of the arctic or something, plus, they’ve got a small army…and Siege.

Siege? You wonder who, or what that is. You then here a harmonica being played. You discover it’s being played through the air ducts.

“Who?” you wonder to yourself.

That would be Scarecrow, another inmate, like us.

Scarecrow? You wonder who this guy is.

I’m afraid I’ve gotta cut this little talk short. They’ll be coming soon. If you want to learn anything else, me, Scarecrow and Nosferatu have all the answers.

Nosferatu? First Scarecrow now Nosferatu. Who were those guys. Furthermore, who was talking to you.

“Wait! Who are you?”

Silence for a few moments.

Just call me Spectre.

File Uploaded…[Ashford Asylum]

Established in 1999 by one Nathaniel Ashford as a base for genetic research. It was established after numerous reports of human beings displaying abnormal genetic activity. These normally manifest itself as some sort of ‘super power’. Ashford Asylum’s function is to round up these individuals and study them to determine which genes are behind this and what uses they have.

In order to protect the staff, subjects are kept under tight surveillance. Thankfully, the location and highly trained security prevent escape by any of the subjects.

File Uploaded…[Notable Subjects]

Subject Number: 471N0 (Spectre)
This young German male has displayed mental abilities similar to those described as telepathy and telekinesis. His real name and history have been wiped from the records by request. What’s behind his abilities is still being studied. He has been given neural suppression drugs to prevent him from using his more powerful abilities. He seems to have formed a friendship with subjects T73S8 and P2X81, who address him as ‘Spectre’.

[CLOOR=green]Subject Number: T73S8 (Scarecrow)
A man described as a ‘medium’. Able to communicate and harness almost supernatural entities. Extensive testing is required to find what exactly these entities are. He somehow managed to smuggle in a harmonica, although we’ve found no need to confiscate it. His name and history have been erased from the records on request. He’s made a friendship with subjects 471N0 and P2X81, who address him as ‘Scarecrow’.

Subject Number: P2X81 (Nosferatu)
This large man possesses almost superhuman strength and rapid healing ability. The structure of his skin cells makes his skin also puts it on par with tough level in terms of durability. While tests prove there are no throat or vocal abnormalities, he never speaks and has been classified as a mute. He’s made friends with subjects 471N0 and T73S8, who address him as ‘Nosferatu’. He appears to how resentment towards subject Y46S9.

Subject Number: Y46S9 (Siege)
Subject displays characteristics similar to subject P2X81. However, his simple thinking patterns, speech and obedience have given him a position as an enforcer here at the asylum. He has been fitted with an experimental weapon called “Gospel” making him the most powerful in terms of raw destructive power. He’s disliked by the other subjects, most likely for his employment with us. He however displays a fierce resentment towards subject P2X81[/COLOR]

Sign up form:

Name: Whether it be real or an alias
Subject Number: (only for subjects)
Subject or staff:
Weapon: For staff only. Only exception is Siege.
Power: Subjects only. Be creative
History: optional, yet recommended.
Relations: optional

Here’s mine

Name: Spectre
Subject Number: 471N0
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Subject or staff: Subject
Appearance: Standing at about 5’56’’ with a lean build. His hair is a pale gray, and falls just roughly past his head. His eyes are a piercing gold and has a pale complexion. While his face, the only bit of skin shown, appears flawless, the rest of his body is riddled with scars from countless experiments.

For clothing, Spectre mainly wear black leather with numerous belts, buckles and zippers. Enough said.
Personality: Normally quiet and soft spoken. Specters full of advise for the newer inmates and is usually one to come to in need of help. Despite his soft spoken nature, he’s quite witty and overall ready to stand up to those who wrong him and his friends (even though it’s pretty pointless).
Weapon: none
Power: Telepathy and telekinesis
History: history has been erased from files (later revealed)
Relations: friends with Scarecrow and Nosferatu. Like to speak to Poltergeist.
Other: He’s German.

The pale young man sat cross legged on the floor of his cell, his eyes closed and his face expressionless. By the look of things, people might think he’s meditating, or maybe sleeping, but in reality…

”What did they do to you this time?”

They just drew a bit of blood and took another tissue sample. Nothing too serious.

The staff haven’t seemed to have caught on to the fact that despite the drugs they slipped him, Spectre still had the ability to communicate telepathically, even if it was to an extent. It was using this ability that he frequently had mental conversations with Scarecrow, Nosferatu or Poltergeist.

”You think they’d have enough by now. I bet they’re just throwing them away so they can keep tormenting us.”

They can do a lot worse then take samples Scarecrow. You know that.

There was a pause. A tinge of guilt went through the psychic. He shouldn’t have brought it up.

I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…

“No, it’s alright. We’ve all been through this. Damn I hate this place!”

We all do.

Scarecrow mentally sighed.

”But there’s no way out. We’re in the middle of nowhere, and with all the drugs they feed us, there’s no way we can fight off the guards.”

Spectre was silent for a moment before…

I think I may have an idea. It needs a bit of work though.

“You do? Well, let’s hear it!”

Just then, Spectre heard the doors open and footsteps in the corridor.

They’re coming for us now. I’ll tell you then.