You make a mistake, you pay the price. That guy was dumb, so he lost.
The dumbest part was using Power Tool Dragon in a deck with Karakuri. Steel Shogun is a better Synchro for them.
I will say I'm a bit annoyed by the removal of United We Stand from the list altogether. I had to play against the Karakuri deck I mentioned and he was running Power Tool Dragon - he picked out three UWS's. Didn't give me much choice in the matter, did it? After Limiter Removal, he got its ATK up to 9200 and hit me for 7000 in turn 4. I pulled it out, but only barely, because he made a mistake in going for the opening in my LP and didn't attack my Avenging Knight Parshath.
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You make a mistake, you pay the price. That guy was dumb, so he lost.
The dumbest part was using Power Tool Dragon in a deck with Karakuri. Steel Shogun is a better Synchro for them.
I'm still putting my deck together I have some toon cards a relinquished a black pearl necklace and a sheild wing/power frame combo, any pointers on what Synchros to use?
5-star: Ally of Justice Castrator
6-star: Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
7-star: Black Rose Dragon
8-star: Stardust Dragon
9-star:Trishula, Dragon of the Ice BarrierMist Wurm
Every Extra Deck should have those. They're too versatile to afford not to run.
They really did kill Tengu Plant decks this format. What more to make Xyzs even stronger then kill one of the most popular Synchro decks?
Even so, I still prefer to use my Crashbug deck simply for the fact it is not overpowered this format. (Heck, once it gets Tour Guides in the Battle Pack, it still wouldn't be too strong. Six Samurais and Inzektors still would eat it up. Thank god for Dark Armed Dragon.)
<------ Major thanks to Cynder for these!
Well, the first major tournament of the format, YCS Long Beach, is this weekend. It's also the first opportunity for Konami to see what a huge mistake they made with their latest 'modifications' to the list.
You thought the spread of the Big Three decks (Dino-Rabbit, Wind-Up and Inzektors) compared to other types at Atlanta was bad? I predict that at least 80% of the top 32 decks will consist of the Big Three, and I further predict that one of them will win the tournament itself. Yes, T.G.s got the last laugh at Atlanta before being barred from competitive play (losing many of their key special-summoning tricks), but I seriously doubt lightning will strike twice.
On the bright side, I've had a nice string of luck with pulls from the current set, and currently I've found plenty of inspiration to build a few Magic decks, both for Standard and Modern. I doubt I'll be playing Yu-Gi-Oh competitively until some sense of order and balance has been resolved.
In other words, I'm taking quite the hiatus...
Computer problems? Contact Serv U 724 and Tune it up, Back it up, Keep it up.
Quick question... Why are these cards banned? If they were released officially, then why are they not allowed? I am confused.
Vs Seeker - 99% complete. Click here.
Winner of the 2010 "P for Princess", the 2013 "'Try again?'", and the 2014 "Jury" and "Mod Newbie" Awards!
Ayeun's Safari adventures.
my guess is that most of them that are banned in the original have become overpowered and some are made super rare and just made to brag about
Well they originally were Unlimited, or in Trishy's case, eventually limited. I guess Konami found certain cards to be a little too strong, so they nerfed how many you can have in decks.
Glow Up Bulb was a probably a contender for limiting because it could allow an easy summon for Formula Synchron, or easily pull out Ally of Justice Catastor. As it's effect is limited once per duel, I guess if Konami wanted to hurt it in someway, limiting or semi-limiting would not make much of an impact, mainly as far as I know most people ran only 1 in the deck. In this case, Forbidding was their way of solving the problem.
Spore... well somewhat the same case as Glow Up Bulb, it's effect is once per duel, plus it was very versatile for Synchros.
Trishula... eh.... he just banishes a card in field, random in hand, and 1 in grave. Since he was actualy pretty prevalent, I guess Konami just wanted him out of the way so decks like Infernitys could use something else.
Also, screw Dino Rabbit and Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaighty loops, I got Y2K.
<------ Major thanks to Cynder for these!
It goes much deeper than that. Unfortunately, Konami sees Yu-Gi-Oh as a money-maker, not a game.
Synchros no longer make them money, while Exceeds have only started picking up steam. The best way to increase their earnings is to eliminate the best Synchro material there was to offer (Bulb, Spore, Trish and Tengu) while promoting the best Exceeds have to offer.
Unfortunately, that means absolutely NOTHING regarding the Big Three was touched by the recent list. Prices on Tour Guide/Bus, Rabbit, Inzektors and Wind-Ups have exploded as a result of people's desires to play competitively. As I said in an previous post, either you play one of the Big Three or a deck full of counters at major tournaments, or there is no hope in making it ANYWHERE.
I realize that the people within Konami need to earn a living, but at the expense of alienating the playerbase? Simply inexcusable.
Computer problems? Contact Serv U 724 and Tune it up, Back it up, Keep it up.
True, as a fairly dedicated fan to the game, It would be nice to that Konami actually would see to a balanced format. Betcha more then anything that the next new kind of monster that comes out they push Xyzs out of the way.
That's one reason I do tend to prefer to only use the odd Xyzs like Number 34: Terror Byte or Wind-Up Zenmaister. (Poor guy got pushed over by Number 39: Utopia. I still prefer to use him in my decks.)
<------ Major thanks to Cynder for these!
Mario, Tour Guide doesn't even exist in Japan yet. Over there, the Wind-Up Loop isn't as easy to pull off.
Did anyone stop to wonder that this may be the real reason why Tour Guide and Wind-Up Carrier weren't touched?
And by the way, many people think that a company exhibits greed when what it really is exhibiting is Capitalism. You know, an American concept, something that defines a democracy?
No, I do not know what the September List is going to be yet.
However, I am here to tell people that if past September Lists are any indication, it will likely be much better than the March List that everyone hated. You see, historically, March formats tend to be bad, and the September formats tend to be a lot better.
I remember the March 2010 format not-too-fondly...
With Frog FTK
And Rescue Cat
And x3 Infernity Launcher
And the Dweloren Loop
And many other very bad things
It was all fixed six months later.
So... To anyone who plays the game... Don't spend your savings on three Inzektor Hornets or Rescue Rabbits just yet...
People, I don't want anyone to get excited, because this list is not 100% confirmed. But it is the most reliable one so far. This is sort of the one that we got the same way we got the March List.
And if it's real, I think everyone can live with it:
New Forbidden
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Future Fusion
New Limited
Inzektor Hornet
Inzector Dragonfly
Ultimate Offering
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Chaos Sorcerer
Evigishki Gustkraken
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
New Semi-Limited
Tour Guide from the Underworld
Mirror Force
A Hero Lives
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
Pot of Duality
E-Emergency Call
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
Rescue Rabbit
Debris Dragon
The Agent of Mystery - Earth
New Unlimited
Necro Gardna
Emergency Teleport
Destiny Draw
Swords of Revealing Light
Level Limit Area B
Magic Cylinder
Like I said, I can live with this List if it is indeed real. It doesn't kill all the problem decks entirely, but it does trim their claws a great deal.
Last edited by Dark Sage; 12th August 2012 at 12:32 PM.
The above List is now official, at least for the OCG.
Any comments?
Praise the people who limited Hornet. I hate that cheap thing.
I'm in your dimensions, screwing with your reality!
I'm actually quite glad to see Brionac getting bumped off. I've mixed feelings about Future Fusion since it nerfs my Elemental Heroes a little bit - but not too much. And they should have had REDMD limited to one a long time ago. I've got a friend who plays Hieratics and abuses the hell out of that card.
And now Agent of Mystery - Earth is coming onto semi-limited? Oh yes. My Fairy deck shall be reconstructed and my compatriots will fear my Master Hyperions.
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And it's not bad!
Here are the changes:
New Forbidden
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
New Limited
Wind-Up Magician
One Day Of Peace
Solemn Warning
New Semi-Limited
Thunder King Rai-Oh
Advanced Ritual Art
No Longer On The List
Black Feather - Kalut the Moon Shadow
Lightray Summoner Lumina
Shien's Smoke Signal
Okay, let me go over these changes:
Sangan: Despite the fact that I, myself, USE this thing, all I can say is, thank GOD. Everyone who used it considered it a necessary evil. This pretty much also kills Tour Guide, Rescue Rabbit, and a LOT of other stuff that people hate.
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity: Theres a tombstone somewhere that says: RIP: Wind-Up Loop. Born: 11/19/11, Died: 3/2/13. No one will miss you at all.
Wind-Up Magician: Might be overkill now that getting rid of Zenmaity pretty much makes the whole archetype dead, but it's hard to feel sorry for them.
One Day of Peace: Eh... Never really had problems with that anyway.
Solemn Warning: What can I say? I wrote protest letters and signed numerous petitions begging for them to do this. And seeing as I refused to compromise my principals by using this awful card, I may well be the happiest player in the game right now.
Tsukuyomi: Eh, might as well. Making it limited didn't do much anyway.
Thunder King Rai-Oh: Not sure why they did this, but it's not like I use it.
Advanced Ritual Art: I'm a little nervous about this one. Everyone claims it's a bad card, but I have my doubts...
Spore: I'm surprised they didn't do this a long time ago. Not much point with Trishula gone.
Black Feather - Kalut the Moon Shadow: Uhm... Might actually cause Blackwings to make a comeback? You never know...
Lighsworn Summoner Lumnia: Not sure... Never really had a problem.
Shien's Smoke Signal: Okay, this is the only real problem I had. Still, I'm willing to let this slide.
All in all, I would have liked to see more, but the changes they do have are excellent.
Last edited by Dark Sage; 15th February 2013 at 10:26 AM.