I know it must be strange to see a poll posted by me, since my poll posting rate is about 2 a year, but hey, I haven't posted a poll since September, so it's that time of the year when I get to post one.

So, this poll is about your PCG life.

¤ Have you ever run a club or game in PCG? (ACs and CCs count). If so, which one/s? If not, would you like to run one?, and if you would, what kind of club or game would that be?

¤ If you answered yes to the first question, was/is running that topic easy or hard for you? If you've run more than one, which one was the hardest and why? Also, how did you get to run that topic/those topics?

¤ If you answered no to the first question, how much do you think you would dedicate yourself to a topic if you were running one?

My answers:

I've run all the Dragon Tamers topics, 2 tournaments, Pokemon Zoo Adoption Center, the Battle Tower, Pocket Monsters Breeding Center, 2 of the ACs that preceeded Dragon Tamers, 3 versions of the "Who's that Trainer" game, Expedia, and the club known as Charmander Central. Thankfully, I was not alone at any of those topics. It would have been really hard to run them on my own.

Of all those, Expedia has always been the hardest because we have to keep track of everybody's stories, come up with new ideas all the time and put them into words, and also make sure that we don't contradict each other in the process (and preferrably make the stories good so that the players enjoy them). Still, I love that game and I wish all the workers (including me) could dedicate ourselves more to it.
The 2nd hardest is the Battle Range, as it involves reading and rating all the battles, writing my own and posting scenarios. But that game is the main reason why I'm still on TPM after all this time and enjoying it much more than the day I joined. Running a tournament would fall in this category too. It's about as hard or as easy as running the Battle Range.
Charmander Central wasn't very easy either: we had to come up with new plushies and discussion topics, and it was really hard to keep the club active. It finally sunk into prune-land, but it would be nice to see it again.
Next in the scale of toughness come both Pokemon Zoo topics. The Adoption Center demands making up creative details about the new pokemon, and reffing at the Battle Tower takes some time. But of course I like both things, otherwise I wouldn't be doing it. And I'm really grateful the other workers are active at those topics. "Who's That Trainer" wasn't hard either. It would fall in the same category. Don't be surprised if you see it up again soon.
Next comes PMBC - handling requests is not that hard and it's fun. Updating the website takes some time but it's fun too.
Then Dragon Tamers Adoption Center and Reward Center are normally easy to update.

As for how I got to run those topics, I'll make it brief.
• Dragon's Guild Adoption Center: I got invited by Scott because of my participation at the Dragon's Guild.
• Mahogany Town Adoption Center: I got invited by Connor, probably for my experience at the Dragon's Guild AC.
• All the Dragon Tamers topics: were a consecuence of running the two ACs listed about, which merged with Help for the Shell-Less Adoption Agency to form the Dragon Tamers.
• Pokemon Zoo topics: invitation by the other workers after coming up with GS mode. Was made a worker at the Battle Tower again in the AIM chat we had when it was re-approved.
• Pocket Monsters Breeding Center: invitation by Dark Master of the Abyss.
• Charmander Central: most of the previous workers were inactive and Tara was taking 30 days off her computer, so they chose an active member who happened to be me as a temporary worker. Then they liked my work, so they made my position permanent. Well, for as long as the club lasted anyway...
• Expedia: invitation by Julina after most of the workers had resigned because she and Tyler liked my posts.
• Who's that Trainer: I came up with the idea and got QS to approve it.

Wow, now that I think of it... I've dedicated a lot of time to PCG!