Yeah, my specifications for ref were very...erm...weird. Anyway, just be active. Anyway, this battle will not be enhanced damage as my last battle was. Here are the rules:

I send first, you attack first
Arena at bottom
1 vs 1
Everything normal
60 hour DQ time (2 and a half days, will stretch to 3)

Okay, my pokemon for this match will be Psion, my Abra. I am quite fond of him, but don't be mislead by his appearance. He is a very powerful fighter, and can defeat many enemies in succession..


Now, for the arena. This arena will be quite nice for the match.

Arena: Treetop Stadium
Basically, a stadium on top of the trees. On the very tops of immensely huge trees, there is a platform for battle. It is not small, yet not huge. It can fit and hold about 10 Snorlaxes, so it is pretty powerful. It is also made of unbreakable...stuff, so don't try to break the platform. Don't even try to meddle with it, because the builders won't be too happy. It cannot be changed in any shape or form. Don't try. It will hurt. A lot. Even if something hits the platform, it will not break. It can sway SLIGHTLY in the breeze, but not that much. However, it is an enormous drop to the bottom, and if a pokemon is unlucky enough to fall to the bottom, it would hurt. Yeah. So don't fall. However, if you do fall off, if you still have some consciousness, you will try to grab a branch. There is about 60% chance you will grab a branch, and 40% you will not. If you have psychic powers, they will kick in and give you 75% change grab a branch, 25% change not. Small pokemon can also hide in the branches that are near the platform. Both pokemon start on the platform. Anything else? Nope, its pretty scary. Oh yeah, if you are a ref, you better bring a flying pokemon up here, cuz if you fall, it won't feel good.

Okay, so who dares take on my challenge?