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Thread: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

  1. #41
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Sorry, Hydronix is captured, not adopted. But there's Hannah's Mudkip Kaiko.

    L8 M
    Trait: Torrent
    Moves: Tackle, Growl, Mud Slap, Mirror Coat, Hidden Power: Electric, Powder Snow, Bubblebeam, Body Slam, Endeavor, Uproar, Rain Dance

    Would that work for you?

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  2. #42
    Jr. Comp. Tech Junior Trainer
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Alright, that'll do the trick. Closer levels and body size mean the, erm, 'process,' won't be as painful or stressful for either party. Heh...
    Computer problems? Contact Serv U 724 and Tune it up, Back it up, Keep it up.

  3. #43
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    OK, then. Come back in two days.

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  4. #44
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Any progress on the breeding process?
    Computer problems? Contact Serv U 724 and Tune it up, Back it up, Keep it up.

  5. #45
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    as a matter of fact, the process is complete. Here's your egg.

    -=Pokemon Egg=-
    It will hatch into a level 5 female Larvitar (we start at level 5 because it's hard to level up here).
    Trait: Guts.
    Moves: Bite, Leer, Sandstorm, Hidden Power: Ghost.

    Hidden Power was randomized. Other possible bred-on moves would have been Mud-slap and Body Slam.

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  6. #46
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    I'm breeding for Eevees.

  7. #47
    The real Shonta Moderator
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Welcome to TPM's AC/CC forum. We're glad you've joined but please take time to read the rules. To breed an Eevee, you first need to pick the baby's parents and then have the parents' owners' permission. There should be a list of approved Pokemon in the first post of this thread. Thanks in advance!
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  8. #48
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Jeff should post soon to confirm.

    *pays 2 stamps*

    Species: Vaporeon
    Gender: Female
    Trait: Water Absorb
    Level: 6
    Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Shadow Ball, Water Gun
    Holding: Mermaid Curse


    Hero (Ninetales, male, level 72): knows Ember - Tail Whip - Quick Attack - Will-O-Wisp - Fire Blast - Safeguard - Headbutt - Roar - Confuse Ray - Imprison - Flamethrower - Iron Tail - Grudge - Fire Spin - Dig - Double Team - Hidden Power: Ghost - Mimic - Teleport - Crunch - Slash - Toxic - Charm - Flame Wheel - Odor Sleuth - Entice - Extrasensory.
    Trait: Flash Fire (Fire-type moves deal 1.5 times damage. Immune to damage from Fire-type attacks).
    Has a High Speed Stat.

  9. #49
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    It's always good to see activity here, but do you have 2 stamps to pay for this?

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  10. #50
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    What are stamps?

  11. #51
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    One question answered thanks to the FAQ.

    Also, I recommend that you read the rest of the FAQ as well as the rules of this subforum. If, after that, you still have more questions, feel free to ask. Welcome to AC/CC!

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  12. #52
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Oh man, I didn't even realize that my Pokemon were still available for breeding. I'd like mine taken off the list for now.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  13. #53
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    They aren't on the list. He copied Amy's post on page 1 without even fully understanding it. Not a good way to start, I'm afraid. I hope he does read the rules and start acting accordingly.

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  14. #54
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Lies! They are still on the list.

  15. #55
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    I just double-checked myself, and they're not. Also, not necessarily a good idea to tell the person in charge of the whole shebang that she's lying. Just, you know, a small tip.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  16. #56
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    I want to breed with these Pokemon:

    Tsunami (Vaporeon, male): knows Tackle - Tail Whip - Helping Hand - Sand Attack - Surf - Growl - Water Gun - Shadow Ball - Quick Attack - Bite - Iron Tail - Focus Energy - Baton Pass - Aurora Beam - Hyper Beam - Take Down - Haze - Acid Armor - Mist - Body Slam - Hydro Pump - Slash - Recover - Icy Wind - Ice Beam - Dig - Hidden Power: Flying - Curse - Charm - Mimic - Trump Card - Aqua Ring - Mud-slap.*
    Trait: Water Absorb (healed by up to Ľ maximum Hit Points when hit with Water-type moves).

    Trait: Volt Absorb (healed by up to Ľ maximum HP when hit with electric type moves.)
    Level 40 Female Jolteon
    Knows: Tail Whip, Tackle, Hidden Power Grass, Sand Attack, Thunderbolt, Thundershock, Flash, Quick Attack, Double Kick, Toxic, Pin Missile, Helping Hand, Shock Wave, Double Team, Detect, Spikes, Volt Tackle
    Restrictions: Will not breed with any umbreons.

  17. #57
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    You need to have a little more patience. There are only two workers for this topic, and neither of them are online at the moment. Moreover, you still need to pay two stamps to breed for an Eevee.

    Edit: Okay, well, Gabi's online, but my point remains.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  18. #58
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Hypotenuse Man View Post
    Moreover, you still need to pay two stamps to breed for an Eevee.
    I have 2 stamps.

  19. #59
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    OK, I've seen that you got 10 stamps at the Goldenrod Tower, so now you have 8 left. Please come back in 2 days for your baby Eevee. And you can use the database to keep track of everything you have.

    Also, do not double-post (yes, I've deleted your extra post). There are only a few valid reasons for someone to make 2 consecutive posts, and lack of patience is not one of them. We're not checking the forums 24/7 to see when you post something and reply immediately, we have lives. If you make a post, wait until someone replies. If no one has replied after a day or two, then you can try PMing us or IMing us, but there's no reason to post just half an hour after your original post to tell us you're still waiting.

    I understand that you're new here and may not know how everything works, but that's no excuse for not following the rules. Read them and follow them.
    Last edited by Lady Vulpix; 8th July 2011 at 11:00 AM.

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  20. #60
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix View Post
    OK, I've seen that you got 10 stamps at the Goldenrod Tower, so now you have 8 left. Please come back in 2 days for your baby Eevee. And you can use the database to keep track of everything you have.

    Also, do not double-post (yes, I've deleted your extra post). There are only a few valid reasons for someone to make 2 consecutive posts, and lack of patience is not one of them. We're not checking the forums 24/7 to see when you post something and reply immediately, we have lives. If you make a post, wait until someone replies. If no one has replied after a day or two, then you can try PMing us or IMing us, but there's no reason to post just half an hour after your original post to tell us you're still waiting.

    I understand that you're new here and may not know how everything works, but that's no excuse for not following the rules. Read them and follow them.
    I traded a Berry,not a Miracle Berry, so I have no stamps as of now.

  21. #61
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Oh, OK, then, thanks for letting me know.

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  22. #62
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    I might be late, but I'm waiting for my egg to be handed over to me.

  23. #63
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    I'm sorry it had to end like this. EleoMod would have received a baby Eevee if he hadn't decided to keep spamming in spite of all the warnings.

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  24. #64
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    It'll be a while befoe it becomes evident in the stories or the baby makes its appeareance once i get the info, but i'd like to breed Sinopa And Darin.
    Trait: Flash Fire (activates when user is hit by a damaging Fire-type move. Once activated, user’s Fire-type moves deal 1.5 times damage and user is immune to damage from Fire-type attacks.)
    Level 24 Female Ninetales with Rainbow Topknot and Crystal Blue Eyes
    Knows: Ember, Tail Whip, Hidden Power Fire, Slash, Sunny Day, Quick Attack, Toxic, Howl, Roar, Charm, Odor Sleuth, Faint Attack, Will-O-Wisp, Flare Blitz, Crunch, Confuse Ray, Mimic, Body Slam, Solarbeam, Dark Pulse, Imprison, Flame Burst, Flamethrower
    Coloring is Natural
    Trait: Synchronize (when the pokemon becomes poisoned, paralyzed, or burned, so does the opponent.)
    Level 20 Male Espeon
    Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Body Slam, Hidden Power Ghost, Detect, Sand Attack, Wish, Slash, Mimic, Odor Sleuth, Iron Tail, Focus Energy, Growl, Confusion, Psychic, Mind Reader, Psycho Boost, Reflect, Dig
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  25. #65
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    It has already become evident in your Dragon Games story. Come back on Thursday and I hope I'll be able to get online then.
    Last edited by Lady Vulpix; 27th July 2011 at 06:35 AM.

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  26. #66
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    I'm here for the baby's info as well as Sinopa and Darin. I'll try to get an updated list ready to post soon for my avaible pokes
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  27. #67
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Congratulations! Sinopa and Darin are going to have a little female Vulpix baby with normal colors.

    Her moves will be Ember, Tail Whip and Iron Tail. Trait: Flash Fire.

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  28. #68
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Thanks. Here is the updated list of my available pokes.


    Trait: Intimidate (upon entering battle, the opponent's attack lowers one stage.)
    Level 78.5 Male Black and Silver Arcanine (Juice)
    Knows: Bite, Roar, Growl, Ember, Headbutt, Leer, Dig, Take Down, Sunny Day, Flame Wheel, Dragonbreath, Agility, Hidden Power Water, Flamethrower, Extremespeed, Rock Smash, Toxic, Odor Sleuth, Helping Hand, Strength, Safeguard, Slash, Aerial Ace, Recover, Body Slam, Crunch, Howl, Teleport, Reversal, Fire Fang, Heat Wave, Flare Blitz, Thunder Fang, Flame Burst, Retaliate
    Restrictions: Will not breed with Sinopa as she is like a daughter to him.

    Trait: Synchronize (when the pokemon becomes poisoned, paralyzed, or burned, so does the opponent.)
    Level 61 Male Umbreon
    Knows: Shadow Ball, Acid Armor, Tackle, Sand Attack, Slash, Zap Cannon, Pursuit, Psychic, Hidden Power Fighting, Quick Attack, Confuse Ray, Toxic, Faint Attack, Moonlight, Mimic, Mean Look, Screech, Swift, Helping Hand, Tail Whip, Rain Dance, Iron Tail, Growl, Assurance, Last Resort
    Restrictions: none

    Trait: Volt Absorb (healed by up to Ľ maximum HP when hit with electric type moves.)
    Level 40 Female Jolteon
    Knows: Tail Whip, Tackle, Hidden Power Grass, Sand Attack, Thunderbolt, Thundershock, Flash, Quick Attack, Double Kick, Toxic, Pin Missile, Helping Hand, Shock Wave, Double Team, Detect, Spikes, Volt Tackle, Spark, Thunder
    Restrictions: Will not breed with any umbreons.

    Trait: Shed Skin (Gives pokemon a 30% chance of curing its status conditions every turn.)
    Level 25 Female Mutant Winged Dratini
    Knows: Wrap, Leer, Blizzard, Hidden Power Flying, Thunder Wave, Extremespeed, Surf, Supersonic, Aeroblast, Twister, Shock Wave, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Double Team, Slam, Dragon Rage, Detect, Agility
    Restrictions: Must have 100 stamps (50 from battle range)

    Trait: Early Bird (sleep conditions last for half as long)
    Level 36 Female Houndoom with White Spots (juice)
    Knows: Leer, Ember, Mud Slap, Roar, Sunny Day, Hidden Power Psychic, Howl, Solar Beam, Rock Smash, Smog, Sludge Bomb, Bite, Attract, Counter, Overheat, Night Shade, Mimic, Faint Attack, Rest, Odor Sleuth, Beat Up, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Dark Pulse
    Restrictions: none


    Trait: Flash Fire (activates when user is hit by a damaging Fire-type move. Once activated, user's Fire-type moves deal 1.5 times damage and user is immune to damage from Fire-type attacks.)
    Level 18 Female Black Ponyta with lavender flames blending into pastel blue and lavender eyes (coloring IS natural)
    Knows: Tackle, Growl, Return, Double Kick, Recover, Tail Whip, Flamethrower, Hidden Power Ground, Ember, Bounce, Blaze Kick, Mimic, Flame Wheel
    Restrictions: None

    and my


    Trait: Synchronize (when the pokemon becomes poisoned, paralyzed, or burned, so does the opponent.)
    Level 40.5 Male White Umbreon with Black Rings (juice)
    Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Psychic, Growl, Pursuit, Body Slam, Hidden Power Fighting, Bite, Shadow Ball, Toxic, Double Team, Helping Hand, Quick Attack, Headbutt, Iron Tail, Confuse Ray, Zap Cannon, Mean Look, Faint Attack, Hyper Beam, Charm, Night Shade, Torment, Façade, Yawn, Baton Pass, Focus Energy, Odor Sleuth, Taunt, Mud Slap, Dream Eater, Screech
    Restrictions: None

    Trait: Limber (prevents paralysis)
    Level 34 White Male Persian with Black Stripes (juice)
    Knows: Scratch, Growl, Hypnosis, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Dream Eater, Bubblebeam, Icy Wind, Bite, Hidden Power Dragon, Nightmare, Amnesia, Body Slam, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Shadow Ball, Pay Day, Aerial Ace, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Swift, Protect, Dig, Toxic, Faint Attack, Return, Water Gun, Assist, Psych Up, Double Team, Switcheroo, Taunt, Power Gem, Fake Out, Fury Swipes, Screech
    Restrictions: None

    Trait: Guts (attack raised to 1.5 times when induced with a status.)
    Level 18 Female Elemental Larvitar
    Knows: Bite, Leer, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Hidden Power Rock, Sandstorm, Mimic, Brick Break, Return, Attract, Screech, Sleep Talk, Rest, Façade, Rock Slide, Chip Away
    Restrictions: Will breed once before I take her off the list

    Trait: Intimidate: (upon entering battle, the opponent's attack lowers one stage)
    Level 28 Male Mightyena
    Knows: Tackle, Howl, Poison Fang, Hidden Power Psychic, Return, Faint Attack, Dig, Sand Attack, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Iron Tail, Torment, Rock Smash, Mud Slap, Shadow Ball, Headbutt, Rain Dance, Mimic, Protect, Bite, Attract, Substitute, Odor Sleuth, Body Slam, Double Team, Taunt, Hyper Beam, Roar, Sunny Day, Yawn, Bide, Swagger, Astonish, Swift, Toxic
    Restrictions: Will not breed with Growlithes or Arcanines

    Trait: Water Absorb (healed by up to 1/4 maximum HP when hit with water type moves)
    Level 20 Shiny Male Vaporeon (color IS natural)
    Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Charm, Hidden Power Electric, Mimic, Mud Slap, Reflect, Sand Attack, Bubblebeam, Surf, Ice Beam, Rain Dance, Toxic, Growl, Water Gun, Hydro Cannon, Dive (SM), Aurora Beam, Protect, Double Team, Crunch, Hyper Beam
    Restrictions: Will not breed with his sister Tiana or his daughter Angel

    Trait: Blaze (when HP is below 1/3, fire's power increases to 1.5 times)
    Level 25 Female Combusken
    Knows: Scratch, Growl, Rock Slide, Flamethrower, Hidden Power Electric, Headbutt, Focus Energy, Attract, Rest, Sleep Talk, Counter, Detect, Toxic, Endure, Protect, Ember, Return, Peck, Double Kick, Sky Uppercut, Metronome, Snore, Sand Attack, Mirror Move, Smellingsalt, Focus Punch, Substitute, Rolling Kick, Submission, Helping Hand, Fire Spin, Teeter Dance
    Restrictions: None


    Trait: Pressure (reduces the opponent pokemon's PP by 2 every time it damages the pokemon with pressure)
    Level 14 Female Absol
    Knows: Scratch, Leer, Ice Beam, Moonlight, Hidden Power Psychic, Rock Smash, Razor Wind, Taunt, Water Pulse, Quick Attack, Hail, Faint Attack, Future Sight, Aerial Ace, Shock Wave, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Stone Edge
    Restrictions: Will not breed with her father Zale
    Last edited by Wolfsong; 28th July 2011 at 07:51 PM.
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  29. #69
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Okay, i've decided what i want for my last captee. Shonta was kind enough to let me breed Serena with Eben Avis.

    L15 Genderless Ditto (Serena)
    Moves: Transform
    Characteristic: Limber


    Eben Avis is a level 13 Male Aerodactyl
    Attacks: Wing Attack, Agility, Dragonbreath, Double-Edge
    Trait: Rock Head: This Pok mon is not affected by recoil damage from attacks
    Last edited by Wolfsong; 16th September 2011 at 11:22 PM.
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  30. #70
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Alright, come back in 2 days!

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  31. #71
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    i'm here for the aerodactyl egg
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  32. #72
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Here you go!

    -=Pokemon Egg=-
    It will hatch into a Female Aerodactyl.
    Moves: Wing Attack, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Dragonbreath (bred-on move).
    Trait: Rock Head.


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  33. #73
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    An update for the breeding list:


    Trait: Intimidate (upon entering battle, the opponent's attack lowers one stage.)
    Level 78.5 Male Black and Silver Arcanine (Juice)
    Knows: Bite, Roar, Growl, Ember, Headbutt, Leer, Dig, Take Down, Sunny Day, Flame Wheel, Dragonbreath, Agility, Hidden Power Water, Flamethrower, Extremespeed, Rock Smash, Toxic, Odor Sleuth, Helping Hand, Strength, Safeguard, Slash, Aerial Ace, Recover, Body Slam, Crunch, Howl, Teleport, Reversal, Fire Fang, Heat Wave, Flare Blitz, Thunder Fang, Flame Burst, Retaliate
    Restrictions: Will not breed with Sinopa as she is like a daughter to him.

    Trait: Synchronize (when the pokemon becomes poisoned, paralyzed, or burned, so does the opponent.)
    Level 62 Male Umbreon
    Knows: Shadow Ball, Acid Armor, Tackle, Sand Attack, Slash, Zap Cannon, Pursuit, Psychic, Hidden Power Fighting, Quick Attack, Confuse Ray, Toxic, Faint Attack, Moonlight, Mimic, Mean Look, Screech, Swift, Helping Hand, Tail Whip, Rain Dance, Iron Tail, Growl, Assurance, Last Resort, Crunch
    Restrictions: none

    Trait: Volt Absorb (healed by up to Ľ maximum HP when hit with electric type moves.)
    Level 40 Female Jolteon
    Knows: Tail Whip, Tackle, Hidden Power Grass, Sand Attack, Thunderbolt, Thundershock, Flash, Quick Attack, Double Kick, Toxic, Pin Missile, Helping Hand, Shock Wave, Double Team, Detect, Spikes, Volt Tackle, Spark, Thunder
    Restrictions: Will not breed with any umbreons.

    Trait: Shed Skin (Gives pokemon a 30% chance of curing its status conditions every turn)
    Level 30 Female Mutant Winged Dragonair (which means she was born with wings, is part flying type and she will learn fly naturally at L.28)
    Knows: Wrap, Leer, Blizzard, Hidden Power Flying, Thunder Wave, Extremespeed, Surf, Supersonic, Aeroblast, Twister, Shock Wave, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Double Team, Slam, Dragon Rage, Detect, Agility, Fly, Dragon Pulse
    Restrictions: Must have 100 stamps (50 from battle range)

    Trait: Early Bird (sleep conditions last for half as long)
    Level 36 Female Houndoom with White Spots (Juice)
    Knows: Leer, Ember, Mud Slap, Roar, Sunny Day, Hidden Power Psychic, Howl, Solar Beam, Rock Smash, Smog, Sludge Bomb, Bite, Attract, Counter, Overheat, Night Shade, Mimic, Faint Attack, Rest, Odor Sleuth, Beat Up, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Dark Pulse
    Restrictions: none

    Trait: Flash Fire (activates when user is hit by a damaging Fire-type move. Once activated, user’s Fire-type moves deal 1.5 times damage and user is immune to damage from Fire-type attacks.)
    Level 20 Female Black Ponyta with lavender flames blending into pastel blue and lavender eyes
    Knows: Tackle, Growl, Return, Double Kick, Recover, Tail Whip, Flamethrower, Hidden Power Ground, Ember, Bounce, Blaze Kick, Mimic, Flame Wheel, Stomp, Wild Charge
    Coloring is Natural
    : None


    Level 8 Female Sandile
    Trait: Intimidate
    Knows: Leer, Rage, Bite, Sand Attack, Thunder Fang
    Restrictions: None

    and my


    Trait: Synchronize (when the pokemon becomes poisoned, paralyzed, or burned, so does the opponent.)
    Level 40.5 Male White Umbreon with Black Rings
    Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Sand Attack, Psychic, Growl, Pursuit, Body Slam, Hidden Power Fighting, Bite, Shadow Ball, Toxic, Double Team, Helping Hand, Quick Attack, Headbutt, Iron Tail, Confuse Ray, Zap Cannon, Mean Look, Faint Attack, Hyper Beam, Charm, Night Shade, Torment, Façade, Yawn, Baton Pass, Focus Energy, Odor Sleuth, Taunt, Mud Slap, Dream Eater, Screech
    Restrictions: None

    Trait: Limber (prevents paralysis)
    Level 34 White Male Persian with Black Stripes
    Knows: Scratch, Growl, Hypnosis, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Dream Eater, Bubblebeam, Icy Wind, Bite, Hidden Power Dragon, Nightmare, Amnesia, Body Slam, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Shadow Ball, Pay Day, Aerial Ace, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Swift, Protect, Dig, Toxic, Faint Attack, Return, Water Gun, Assist, Psych Up, Double Team, Switcheroo, Taunt, Power Gem, Fake Out, Fury Swipes, Screech
    Restrictions: None

    Trait: Guts (attack raised to 1.5 times when induced with a status.)
    Level 18 Female Elemental Larvitar
    Knows: Bite, Leer, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Hidden Power Rock, Sandstorm, Mimic, Brick Break, Return, Attract, Screech, Sleep Talk, Rest, Façade, Rock Slide, Chip Away
    Restrictions: Will breed once before I take her off the list

    Trait: Intimidate: (upon entering battle, the opponent’s attack lowers one stage)
    Level 28 Male Mightyena
    Knows: Tackle, Howl, Poison Fang, Hidden Power Psychic, Return, Faint Attack, Dig, Sand Attack, Rest, Sleep Talk, Snore, Iron Tail, Torment, Rock Smash, Mud Slap, Shadow Ball, Headbutt, Rain Dance, Mimic, Protect, Bite, Attract, Substitute, Odor Sleuth, Body Slam, Double Team, Taunt, Hyper Beam, Roar, Sunny Day, Yawn, Bide, Swagger, Astonish, Swift, Toxic
    Restrictions: Will not breed with Growlithes or Arcanines

    Trait: Water Absorb (healed by up to Ľ maximum HP when hit with water type moves)
    Level 20 Shiny Male Vaporeon (color IS natural)
    Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Charm, Hidden Power Electric, Mimic, Mud Slap, Reflect, Sand Attack, Bubblebeam, Surf, Ice Beam, Rain Dance, Toxic, Growl, Water Gun, Hydro Cannon, Dive (SM), Aurora Beam, Protect, Double Team, Crunch, Hyper Beam
    Restrictions: Will not breed with his sister Tiana or his daughter Angel

    Trait: Blaze (when HP is below 1/3, fire's power increases to 1.5 times)
    Level 25 Female Combusken
    Knows: Scratch, Growl, Rock Slide, Flamethrower, Hidden Power Electric, Headbutt, Focus Energy, Attract, Rest, Sleep Talk, Counter, Detect, Toxic, Endure, Protect, Ember, Return, Peck, Double Kick, Sky Uppercut, Metronome, Snore, Sand Attack, Mirror Move, Smellingsalt, Focus Punch, Substitute, Rolling Kick, Submission, Helping Hand, Fire Spin, Teeter Dance
    Restrictions: None


    Trait: Pressure (reduces the opponent pokemon's PP by 2 every time it damages the pokemon with pressure)
    Level 14 Female Absol
    Knows: Scratch, Leer, Ice Beam, Moonlight, Hidden Power Psychic, Rock Smash, Razor Wind, Taunt, Water Pulse, Quick Attack, Hail, Faint Attack, Future Sight, Aerial Ace, Shock Wave, Fury Cutter, Icy Wind, Stone Edge
    Restrictions: Will not breed with her father Zale

    *pays 2 ccps I'd like to breed Tiana with Darkfire/Skye's Nuka. She should confirm shortly

    Trait: Synchronize (when the pokemon becomes poisoned, paralyzed, or burned, so does the opponent.)
    Level 20 Shiny* Female Espeon with a Blue Gem
    Knows: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Mimic, Hidden Power Dark, Charm, Psychic, Reflect, Morning Sun, Sand Attack, Calm Mind, Iron Tail, Light Screen, Teleport, Growl, Confusion, Skill Swap, Toxic, Bite, Meditate, Zap Cannon, Headbutt, Shadow Ball, Crunch
    Coloring is Natural


    L.20 M Purple glowing houndoom
    Trait: Early Bird
    Knows: Ember, Leer, Smog, Roar, Howl, Bite, Rest, Snore, Swagger, Hypnosis, Sunny Day, Hidden Power~Psychic, Dream Eater, Thunder Fang.
    Color is natural
    Last edited by Wolfsong; 17th July 2012 at 12:53 PM.
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  34. #74
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Posting to confirm. Nuka can never keep paws off.

    Also, updating:

    Shandar, male Gyarados, Level 20
    Trait - Intimidate
    Attacks - Splash, Tackle, Trash, Bite, Iron Head.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  35. #75
    Dragon Tamer Administrator
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    OK, website updated. As for the breeding, please come back in 2 days... or perhaps a day and a half.

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  36. #76
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    I'm back for Tiana and the baby eevee

    Edit: Mikachu and darkfire/skye were kind enoug to agree to let their pokemon breed for me.

    Youai (Female Mienfoo)
    Lv. 7
    Inner Focus
    Moves: Pound, Meditate



    Level 5 Male Black Eevee
    Ability: Run Away
    Attacks: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Hidden Power (Dark).
    Coloring Is natural
    Last edited by Wolfsong; 19th July 2012 at 09:19 AM.
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  37. #77
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  38. #78
    My font color trolls... Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Confirming :3

    Alright, uhm. Would you please remove Sige, Kamaria, and Drystan from the breeding list?

    Also, I'd like these two Pokemon to breed for me:

    Aure level 5 Female Pidgey
    Attacks: Tackle, Sand-Attack, Gust, Air Cutter
    Keen Eye: Accuracy cannot be lowered

    Tototl level 7 Male Natu
    Attacks: Peck, Leer, Drill Peck
    Trait: Synchronize: If this Pok mon is afflicted with Poison, Paralysis, or a Burn, the opponent catches the same status effect
    Last edited by Skye; 19th July 2012 at 05:03 PM.
    What do you think of people who call themselves airheads?

    Adopted Pokemon . ASB

  39. #79
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    All right. Come back in two days. *leads the pokes to a breeding room and closes the door
    Silver Wolf
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  40. #80
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    Default Re: Pocket Monsters Breeding Center

    Wow, this place became active all of a sudden, at one of my busiest times!

    OK, Amy, you may come back tomorrow for your new baby. ^.^

    As for this one... it will be a level 5 male Eevee with normal colors (sorry if you were hoping for a special coloring, there was a 1/4 chance that he wouldn't inherit the colors from either parent).
    Trait: Run Away
    Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand and Sunny Day.

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