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Thread: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

  1. #1

    Default Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    Since I have not played my Red version in a while, I thought it would be fun to give myself a new challenge. I had recently read about people doing speedruns of Metroid Prime, and it gave me the idea of seeing how fast I could complete Pokemon Red. If anyone else wants to give it a try, you can post here to tell how long it took, and what your strategies were.

    Here are the criteria that I decided to follow for this game:
    1. You must play through a Pokemon RBY game, beating each gym, the entire Elite Four, and your rival, until you reach the credits. This signifies completion and your ending time.
    2. I decided that I would not use any tool-assisted measures to cheat the game. I figured that if that was allowed, people with Gameshark or Action Replay devices could just give themselves the 8 badges, unnaturally upgrade their Pokemon, and sweep through the Elite Four.
    3. Use of in-game glitches are allowed, since the nature of a speedrun is to take advantage of any in-game means necessary to beat the game quickly. I chose to make use of the Mew trick, though I will not duplicate Rare Candies since it would cheapen the game the same way Gameshark modifications would.
    Optional Rule:
    I decided not to trade in any pokemon from another game. I will only use Pokemon and TMs from one game. The only time I would link to another game would be to evolve a Pokemon through trading (Gengar, Alakazam, Machamp). I have called this an “Optional Rule” because this is where the line between simply cheating and making use of the game mechanics gets blurry.

    I consider the Mew Trick legal because you only get level 7 Pokemon, with their base moves. You still need to level them up. I'm sure basically anyone would agree that trading in a level 100 Moltres would be considered cheating. What I am talking about when I discuss this “Optional Rule” is whether or not you want to trade in a Pokemon that is at a similar or lower level to your current team, but has been given its moveset by using TMs from another game. For example, I once beat the game by solely using a Mewtwo that knew Psychic, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, and Recover. (I taught all the needed HMs to a Mew which was never used to battle.) Since it was only level 5 when I traded it over, I still had to train Mewtwo myself. It was just naturally stronger because of its moveset and the fact that Mewtwo have the best Special stats.

    Getting back to the topic, this rule is something that you would just have to decide yourself if you want to will follow or not. I would think it would be fine if you wanted to trade in Pokemon with previously made movesets as long as they are at natural levels (no level 100s!). I just chose not to do this myself since I wanted to play only using a single set of TMs and Pokemon caught in my game.

    Now that the terms of play are out of the way, anyone is free to join in this challenge. Just post to explain what your strategy is, any updates that you want to share as you play, and when you beat the game, let us all know what your final time was.

    Let the games begin!

    Here is the progress I have done so far. Feel free to join.

    I'll start by explaining how I am approaching this task. In order to beat this game as quickly as possible, I thought up some guidelines to control how I play. By following these guidelines, I should be able to speed up the process.

    • Only train a small team with diverse movesets. By training fewer Pokemon, they are each able to receive a larger portion of the total earned experience points. Ex. A team of two will level up 3 times faster than using a team of 6.
    • Trainer's Pokemon give 1.5X the EXP that a wild Pokemon of the same Species and Level would give. Since a smaller team grows faster, try not to battle wild Pokemon, and skip many of the trainers.
    • Go as directly from one Gym to another as possible, only fighting as many trainers as are necessary for success.
    • Take the shortest route necessary. You could wander all over the place picking up items, but most aren't needed if you are only using a few Pokemon on your team.
    • I will rely mostly on having a strong offense. By only using two on my team, they should eventually get leveled up to the point that I could sweep through anyone in very few hits.

    I will be playing my game on the Pokemon Stadium (N64) Gameboy Tower. This allows me to play at double the normal speed. Since it doubles the in-game speed also, the only difference is that I don't have to sit around spending as much real time waiting for the next chance to press A.

    Starting a new game:
    - The first thing I did was to change the text speed to the fastest setting and turned off battle animations. That should cut out a lot of time.
    - I started by leaving my house, and walking out of town. Prof. Oak stopped me, I chose Squirtle, beat Gary, and ran directly to the Viridian City Mart to pick up the package, which I ran back down to Pallet Town. I delivered the package to Prof. Oak, and he gave me the Pokedex. I then went back up to Viridian City, running from all wild pokemon, and saved the game.

    Leveling up and more:
    - Since Squirtle was only L6 having only beaten Gary during the first battle, I wasn't in any shape to fight him again at Route 22 on the way to Victory Road.
    - I ran through Viridian Forest, only battling the two bug trainers that I couldn't avoid. They brought me up to L8, and I learned Bubble.
    - I entered Pewter city, bought some potions and pokeballs.
    - I used Bubble to quickly defeat Brock and his Trainers, and received the Boulder badge and TM 34.
    - Now that Route 3 was open, I started on my way to Mount Moon, fighting all but two trainers. Since Squirtle was getting all the EXP, he began to grow fairly quickly.

    Mount Moon:
    - Upon entering Mount moon, I saved and planned the route I would take.
    - When I resumed, went through the cave picking up a few useful items as I ran from Zubat, trying to only fight the trainers that I couldn't avoid (and the occasional Geodude that was just as quick to KO with a Bubble).
    - I fought the last Team Rocket member blocking my way, defeated the crazy scientist who wanted all the fossils for himself, and exited the cave, saving my game in the Pokemon center in Cerulean City.
    - By the time I had finished Mount Moon, Squirtle had evolved to Wartortle, and was around Level 18.

    Coming soon ... Choosing My Second Team Member
    Last edited by Master Kirby; 28th January 2007 at 09:24 PM. Reason: Updated progress
    Have an old pokemon cartridge laying around collecting dust?

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    Cerulean City
    • After healing in the Cerulean City Pokemon center, I tried to beat Misty's Gym. Since I only had a Level 18 Wartortle against her L18 Staryu and L21 Starmie, Bubble and Water Gun weren't working very well, and Tackle didn't do much. I restarted and decided to save the Gym for after Nugget Bride.
    • I walked towards Nugget Bridge, north of town, and fought Gary. His Bulbasaur's Vine Whip was starting to hurt, but after a potion or two I was able to win.
    • Next I beat everyone on Nugget Bridge, the Team Rocket member who wanted me to join him, and fought my way to Bill's house.
    • After returning Bill to human form and receiving the SS Anne Ticket, I teleported back to Cerulean City with an Abra I had caught.
    • Now that I had leveled up on more trainers, and taught Wartortle Mega Punch, I was able to beat Misty to obtain the Cascade Badge and the Bubblebeam TM.
    • After beating the Gym, the Policeman stopped blocking access to the house directly above the Gym, where a Team Rocket member had attacked, digging a hole out the back wall. I beat the rocket member, and recovered the Dig TM which I taught to Wartortle until Earthquake is available.

    Now that I have a clear exit from town, I am finally able to go about finding my second team member.

    Choosing My Second Team Member:

    My plan for this game is to see if I can sweep through using only Blastoise and one other team member. I plan on teaching Blastoise Surf, Ice Beam, Earthquake, and something else. I have pondered a few different possibilities for the second member. I want to use someone who can learn some powerful, accurate special attacks like what the Mewtwo I mentioned earlier had (Psychic, Thunderbolt, Surf, Ice Beam).

    Since I wanted to find someone who had high Speed and Special, and was able to learn some good moves, I had been thinking of going with a Starmie (Psychic, Thunderbolt, Surf, Recover) or Tentacruel (Surf, Ice Beam, Mega Drain, X). I was leaning towards Starmie, yet was not totally sure yet what to choose, so I decided to just see what Pokemon other that Staryu I would be able to find by using the Mew Trick at the Nugget Bridge.

    Mew Trick:

    Now that I have cleared Cerulean City, I am able to make use of the Mew Trick. For those of you who have never heard about it, enter “How to Catch Mew in Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow” into a Google search, and the first page you find should tell you all you need to know.

    Basically, what I did was stand one step out of the range of vision of the man in the grass next to the Nugget Bridge. Then I took a step into his view and opened my start menu before the Exclamation point appeared above his head. By choosing to teleport to Cerulean City with an Abra I had caught, I was able to escape before he could battle me. After battling a trainer, I am able to access my previously unaccessible start menu. When I walk back onto the Nugget bridge, I enter into a Pokemon battle with a level 7 Pokemon, who's species is specified by the Special stat of the last Pokemon you battled.

    Since I knew that the Special stats of the last Pokemon I battled had to be 27 for me to encounter a Staryu, I walked south, through the Underground Path that passed beneath Saffron City, and found some level 13, 15, and 16 Oddish. Since Wartortle would OHKO any level 7 Pokemon I encountered, I caught an Oddish to weaken the Staryu before catching it. While testing out what other Pokemon I could find through the Mew Trick, I encountered a Gastly. After comparing the possibilities of having either a Starmie or a Gengar on my team, I decided to keep Gastly. I could teach him Thunderbolt (which I would get very soon), Psychic, Mega Drain, and Confuse Ray.

    Now that I had decided how my team would be constructed, I figured it was time to move on. I quickly leveled up Gastly against some weak Ratata who couldn't do any damage (I sure am glad he had Night Shade. Lick is useless against Normal Types), and now I am ready to go down to the SS Anne.

    It is hard to believe that 2:25 of game time has passed already. I guess playing on Pokemon Stadium in Double Speed makes the time really fly by. I don't know how that Ben Goldberg was able to beat the whole game in 2:19. I'll just have to see how long it takes me since I usually take forever to beat a Pokemon game.

    Game Time: 2:25


    Wartortle - Level 26
    Mega Punch
    Water Gun

    Gastly - Level 15
    Confuse Ray
    Night Shade

    Abra - Level 8 (used only for Teleportation)
    Last edited by Master Kirby; 27th January 2007 at 09:52 PM.
    Have an old pokemon cartridge laying around collecting dust?

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    If your game can't save anymore, replace it's battery!

  3. #3
    Ultimate Virtual Pokémon Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    I have to know. How did you catch Abra with only a Wartortle? I always need a pokémon with Wrap or Bind or a sleep move in order to get one; my usual method for using the Mew Trick in Cerulean City is to catch a Caterpie in Viridian Forest, raise it to Butterfree (Butterfree with Confusion can sweep Brock's Gym fairly easily) and make sure it learns Sleep Powder and Confusion by the time I reach Route 25. Even at a much higher level, Butterfree's Confusion is weak enough against Abra to weaken it without fainting it.

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  4. #4
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    Poryhedron: I dunno about MK, but my method of catching Abra is "throwing a Pokeball and praying it works." I never use a Wrapper.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun often does a normal Pokéball succeed at catching a fully healthy Abra?

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  6. #6
    Blue blue Master Trainer
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    For some reason, it happens to me more often than you'd think. I might just be lucky, though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    Maybe he figured he 'sold out' when he accepted a modding position and hanged himself. At least, that's what I would do.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    Poryhedron, Hypotenuse Man is right. I just saved the game while I was standing in the grass. Then I just threw pokeballs at Abra untill I caught one. If I was using up lots of balls, I just restarted at the save point where I still had all of them.

    I think it took around 4 or 5 tries before I caught one. A Great Ball works better, but I didn't have access to those yet. I never try weakening them because they always teleport away. Abra have pretty high Special, so that, plus the fact that they are also Psychic type is why Confusion won't do much.
    Have an old pokemon cartridge laying around collecting dust?

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    Yeah, it's really not that hard. Just keep restarting until one of them finally stays in that ball.

    This is a really neat idea. Next time I go back to my parent's house, I'm gonna grab my GBC and try it out. I've never actually played through RBY with the intent of doing it as fast as I can; I usually like to take my time and level up and stuff, but this should be fun.
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  9. #9

    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    That is the way it has always been for me too. I would always spend hours leveling up, talking to everyone, finding all the items, and building a large team with no regard for time spent.

    The hardest thing has been just trying not to level up as fast as I can by destroying any trainer I see. I keep finding myself battling lots of trainers because its easy EXP. Just today, while I was sweeping through the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City, it occured to me that I was just wasting more time since you don't get anything that is needed to progress in the game. Just a new pokemon. I guess I have to keep reminding myself not to play the same as usual. No extra battles. Just Speed.

    Here is my Progress update since I played more today. This won't be as long as the first posts since they were mostly explaining my strategy.

    To Vermilion City, to Cerulean City, and back again

    After receiving HM Cut from the captain of the SS Anne, I went over to Lt. Surge's gym and tried to cut down the bush. When it said I needed a badge to be able to use Cut, it occurred to me that I never went back and beat Misty after visiting Bill and getting my Gastly.

    I rode my new bike up to Cerulean city and beat everyone in the gym using my Gastly, bringing him up to level 24. Now that I could use Cut, I went back to Vermilion City and used Gengar to beat everyone in that gym also. This brought him up to level 26, and he evolved into Haunter.

    Next I used my brother's Gameboy and Blue version to trade Haunter back and forth so he evolved into Gengar. I'd have to say that two evolutions at once really boosted his stats. I also gave him Thunderbolt and Rest, so he became a lot more useful.

    Evolution! -> ->

    Current Game Time: 3:32


    Gengar - Level 26
    Confuse Ray
    Night Shade

    Wartortle - Level 27
    Body Slam

    Abra - Level 8 (used only for Teleportation)

    On Towards Saffron

    Now that Gengar's stats were far superior to Wartortle, I concentrated on using him more often until he evolved into Blastoise at level 36. To save time, I skipped Diglett's Cave and getting Flash, and just navigated Rock Tunnel in the dark.

    I healed in Lavender town, and went straight over to Celedon City where I could get Ice Beam at the top of the Celedon Department Store.

    Erika and her garden loving friends were easily defeated through the use of Wartortle's Body Slam (I know Ice Beam would have been better, to the exstent of overkill, but I didn't need to bother.) And Gengar's Confuse Ray and Night Shade. Their defeat enabled Wartortle to reach Level 36 and evolve into Blastoise, and Mega Drain replaced Rest in Gengar's moveset.

    Evolution! -> ->

    Since Gengar was still around level 26, I used him to beat every Team Rocket member who got in the way in the basement of the Game Corner. Since Gengar knew Mega Drain, every one of Giovanni's pokemon were knocked out in one hit without a chance to make a move.

    Before going to Saffron City and getting Psychic to teach to Gengar, I biked over to the house above Cycling Road to get Fly. I traded to get a Farfetch'd, and taught him Fly and Cut, so now I don't need that Oddish any more.

    Before ending for the day, I biked over to Saffron City where I obtained and taught Psychic to Gengar, finalizing his moveset. After beating everyone in the Fighting Dojo and realizing that it was all a waste of time since I didn't get any badges, I flew back to Lavender Town and saved the game.

    Current Game Time: 5:55


    Gengar - Level 37
    Confuse Ray
    Mega Drain

    Blastoise - Level 36
    Body Slam
    Ice Beam

    Farfetch'd - Level "Who Cares"
    Fly, Cut - Thats all that matters
    Last edited by Master Kirby; 28th January 2007 at 09:17 PM.
    Have an old pokemon cartridge laying around collecting dust?

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  10. #10

    Default The END!

    Shut Down Team Rocket

    Now that the Game Corner is out if the way, I only had two more Team Rocket events that I had to beat so that Giovanni would be available as a gym leader.

    I first took the Silph Scope that Giovanni left behind, and entered the Pokemon Tower in Lavender town. I easily beat Gary and made my wat to the top floor, evading anyone I could. From this point on, I made it a point to use repel every time I entered a building, cave, or water where wild pokemon could attack. This saved me a lot of time that I didn't have to spend running from them.

    After defeating all the Rockets and getting the Poke Flute from Mr. Fuji, I flew to Saffron and cleared out Silph Co. While it is 11 floors tall, I was able to finish quickly by taking the elevator to the 5th floor to get the card key, running down to the third where I could take a teleport pad to the 7th, beat Gary again, and then teleport to the 11th where I could quickly convince Giovanni to give up crime for good.

    Gym Leaders Fly By

    With 4 gyms in my way to the Elite 4, I was technically half way there. In actuality, I was a lot closer. By this time, I had gotten the hang of going quickly from place to place, only fighting the necessary battles, using repel at all times when walking through the wilderness, and cutting out unnecessary actions. Since Earthquake was found in Silph Co, I was able to finish Blastoise's moveset, and didn't need to spend any time looking for any more TMs. My game time after beating the Game Corner was 5:55, and two hours later, I had beaten Giovanni at my final Gym.

    All I had to do now to gain access to the Elite 4 was:
    • Beat Sabrina (I used Blastoise's Earthquake a lot)
    • Get Surf in the Safari Zone (Used repel and my bike)
    • Beat Koga (Game time=7:16, L:45, L:39)
    • Swim south of Pallet Town to skip having to go through Sefoam Island
    • Get the Secret Key in the Pokemon Mansion
    • Beat Blain
    • Beat Giovanni
    At this point, my status was:

    Game Time = 7:55
    Body Slam
    Ice Beam

    Confuse Ray (I hardly used this the second half of the game since I had all the offensive moves.)
    Mega Drain

    On The Home Stretch

    The end has come! After getting the last badge from Giovanni, I passed through Victory Road and arrived at Indigo Plateau.

    The Elite 4 were actually pretty easy to beat. After having played all the newer pokemon, I had been expecting higher leveled opponents than there were. The time I spent finding a diverse moveset for my two contenders was well spent because most of the Elite 4 pokemon were knocked out in one hit.

    Gengar's Thunderbolt took out the water types that Lorelei had. His Mega Drain and Psychic took out Bruno's 2 Onix and Fighting types. Blastoise's Earthquake took out Agatha's Poison types, and his Ice Beam and Surf took out all of Lance's team except for Gyrados, who got a Thunderbolt. By switching back and forth, I took out Gary's team with Super Effective hits, and finally was named the Champion!

    Final Status:

    End Game Time = 8:49


    Blastoise L:56
    Body Slam
    Ice Beam

    Gengar L:51
    Confuse Ray
    Mega Drain

    Oddish L:13
    This guy was used to catch weak pokemon without killing them. He allowed me to catch Gastly, the Spearow that I traded for Farfetch'd, and Ekans.

    HM Users
    Fly, Cut


    Final Thoughts:

    Looking back at this Speedrun, it was a fun way to play through the game from a totally different point of view. Since I usually spend time leveling up a large team, and doing everything in the game, this was interesting to be able to go for a different goal.

    I originally had no idea how long it would take to beat the game since I usually take so long. If I did it again, I could probably do it even faster. As I look back at the guidelines that I came up with before starting the game, they turned out working well when followed. During a Speedrun, It doesn't matter if you get the legendaries, or all the cool items. All that matters is the goal of finishing as quickly as possible. While there are many ways someone could go about reaching this goal, there are a few tips that I think would help anyone.

    Speedrun Tips
    • Only use One or Two pokemon on your team. They will level up quicker than a large team.
    • Build movesets made up of diverse types of offensive attacks. This will increase the chance of Super Effective One-Hit-KOs.
    • Only do tasks that are necessary to reach the final goal. After beating a Gym, go directly to whatever task will allow you to enter the next Gym. It isn't necessary to fight all the trainers you see.
    • Only fight Trainers. Use REPEL at all times that you can't avoid wild pokemon encounters. These places would be in Buildings, Caves, or in the Water.
    • Plan ahead. Decide on your Pokemon, movesets, and where you plan on going before playing. Feel free to save, explore, and then restart when you have found the quickest route to your destination. Thinking ahead will save game time since you won't have to backtrack or waste time standing still while you make a decision.

    If you follow those tips, you should be able to beat the game much quicker than before. If you want your old game to bring a new challenge, this is a great way to do it.

    I hope this has given some of you some new ideas how to enjoy your game even more. Feel free to join in and see how fast you can become the next Champion of the Elite Four!
    Have an old pokemon cartridge laying around collecting dust?

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    If your game can't save anymore, replace it's battery!

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    This sounds really tempting. I think I'm going to try it out -- only problem is I lack a useable version. Both my Yellow and My Blue have files that I wouldn't want to delete ^_^'

    I'll figure something out though.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    If you have access to a second GB, you could trade all your good pokemon to one game. If you have Pokemon Stadium (Nintendo 64), you could also store all you pokemon and items in there. Then you'd still have them when you restart. Years ago, I got a "Mega Memory Card" device that you plug into your gameboy, and plug your game into it. It lets you back up game saves. I used that so I could still have my old saves.

    If you get you know the game well enough, you could generate pretty much any pokemon you want if you do the right things. Even if you restarted your game, you could still eventually get any pokemon you wanted.
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  13. #13
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    Yeah, I know, I'm just lazy >_<

    But if I did do one, i'd likely use Slowbro and Weezing, maybe a Third. Depends.

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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    Quote Originally Posted by Poryhedron View Post
    I have to know. How did you catch Abra with only a Wartortle? I always need a pokémon with Wrap or Bind or a sleep move in order to get one; my usual method for using the Mew Trick in Cerulean City is to catch a Caterpie in Viridian Forest, raise it to Butterfree (Butterfree with Confusion can sweep Brock's Gym fairly easily) and make sure it learns Sleep Powder and Confusion by the time I reach Route 25. Even at a much higher level, Butterfree's Confusion is weak enough against Abra to weaken it without fainting it.
    He used the UP , B trick. Cuz we know how well that works. LOL

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  15. #15

    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    Up + B INKREESEZ TEH CAPTUR RATE!!!!!@!!11111

    Hahahahaha! I remember when people used to say stuff like that. I used to tap A real fast just incase it helped the ball stay closed.

    The pokeball capture probability is all about chance, so I just threw pokeballs until one worked on the first try (before the Abra could Teleport away) . With those lower level pokemon, I don't think you really need to weaken them much (if at all).
    Have an old pokemon cartridge laying around collecting dust?

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  16. #16
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    Quote Originally Posted by Master Kirby View Post
    Up + B INKREESEZ TEH CAPTUR RATE!!!!!@!!11111
    WTF L0L N0 T3H C4PTUR R4T3 1NCR34535 WH3N Y0U H0LD L 4ND R 4FT3R Y0U THR0W T3H BALL N00BZ0RZ!!!!!!1111oneoneleven


    OK, no it doesn't. Just felt like tossing that in.

    Incidentally, I wanna try out this Speedrun, but I don't have Yellow anymore - the closest game I have to RBY is Fire Red. Could I use that up until the Elite Four? They are basically the same up to that point...

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  17. #17
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    Well, I think you're dragged to the Sevii Islands for awhile... or am I remembering that wrong? It seems like you were required to complete some quest there before you could go from Cinnabar back to Viridian for the last Gym battle. If that's the case, I imagine it'd skew your time a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  18. #18
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Naw, that quest is optional - you can just say 'No.' and then Surf back to Pallet first.

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  19. #19

    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    Incidentally, I wanna try out this Speedrun, but I don't have Yellow anymore - the closest game I have to RBY is Fire Red. Could I use that up until the Elite Four? They are basically the same up to that point...
    Sure. You can use Fire Red if you want to. The comparison between end times might not be that accurate though since key game mechanics have been changed since the original RBY.
    • Special has been split up into Special Attack and Special Defense.
    • Pokemon have Abilities.
    • You are able to get the Running Shoes.
    Those changes affect the game more or less depending on how you use them. Some Pokemon have become better or worse due to the Special split. I guess since everyone has Abilities, any advantage you may have could be lessened based on the abilities your opponents have, so that shouldn't make that much of a difference. The only thing that jumps out at me as significantly changing the speed of the game would be the Running Shoes. As long as you don't get or use them, I guess it would take a similar amount of time to beat the game since the majority of things are still the same as the original.

    It all comes down to the purpose of the game. To have Fun. I don't see a need to make a new topic in the Advanced Generation board when you can just post here. If you are trying to beat the game as quickly as possible, you probably will skip most of the extra features anyway. I think it would be fine if anyone with Fire Red or Leaf Green joined this challenge. It would be interesting to see how similar the times would be between generations.
    Have an old pokemon cartridge laying around collecting dust?

    Join the Pokemon RBY Speedrun
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    How fast can you beat the game?

    If your game can't save anymore, replace it's battery!

  20. #20
    Ultimate Virtual Pokémon Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    Kanto is a larger place in FR/LG. For example, a lot of narrow passages that were two spaces wide before are now three spaces wide. That means extra walking time...I wonder whether the Running Shoes reduce time more than the expanded land increases it.
    Also, abilities definitely have an effect on time. It doesn't take as long for the game to say...

    ROCKET sent out EKANS!
    Go! PORYGON! it does for the game to say...

    ROCKET GRUNT sent out EKANS!
    Go! PORYGON!

    Fortunately most Special Abilities don't produce readouts right at the beginning of battle, but others have different ways of pointlessly wasting time.

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  21. #21
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    The other modern adaptation that kills speed challenges is a Shell Beller with a multi-strike attack (Pin Missile, etc). Probably one of the most annoying things in the game, even if you're not in a hurry.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    Hey...I found my Pokemon Blue and my Game boy Color and decided to give it a try.

    Pallet Town
    -Selected Squirtle from Prof. Oak's lab.
    -Defeated Gary (Squirtle level up to 6)
    -Left for Viridian City.

    Viridian City
    -Received Oak's parcel.
    -Return to Pallet Town

    Pallet Town
    -Give Parcel
    -Receive Pokedex
    -Go through Viridian and into forest

    Viridian Forest
    -Defeat only required bug catcher
    -Squirtle learns bubble

    Pewter City
    -Defeat Brock's underling
    -Defeat Brock (got lucky, 4x weakness plus squirtles STAB plus x2 critical hit OHKO'd both)

    Mt. Moon
    -Found Mega Punch
    -Received useless fossil
    -Enter Cerulean City

    Cerulean City
    -Defeat Gary at Nugget Bridge (Mega Punch defeats bulbasaur, water gun rest)
    -Defeat Nugget Bridge

    Catch a Mew
    -Defeat hiker in the way of youngster
    -Catch a bellsprout to weaken mew
    -Catch abra
    -Uhh teleport from the jr. trainer and defeat youngster
    -Catch Mew

    Call it a day

    Time: 1:21

    Wartortle L:23
    Mega Punch
    Water Gun

    Abra L:10

    Mew L:7

    Pokemon in PC:Bellsprout

  23. #23
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    Since this was expanded to include LG/FR, I'd like to post a link to my speed runs of the game. They include the "basic" run (beat the elite 4 as fast as possible) in a single segment time of 2:49:09, and the "Elite 4 Round 2" quest (obtaining the national pokedex via 60 regular pokedex entries, as well as completing the lost little girl and the ruby/sapphire sidequests) in a time of 5:16:xx

    Both videos are on the above page. I hope this doesn't count against me as advertising, because that's not what I had intended it to be.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    I'm going to have a go of doing this, for my team i was thinking :

    Ice Beam

    Last edited by Mudkipz; 28th May 2009 at 04:56 AM.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    0:34 minutes in and at Cerulean City
    Wartortle Level 18
    Tail Whip
    Water Gun

    Just about to fight Blue then off to do the mew glitch. =D

  26. #26
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    1:23, just arrived at Vermilion City.

    Mew Level 12
    Seismic Toss

    Abra level 10

    Oddish Level 12

    Wartortle level 27
    Water Gun

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    Hey, welcome to the forums. Multiple posting is discouraged here, so be sure to edit your last post if you want to add something new but no one has posted after you.

    Good luck with that speedrun!
    Winner of the Unown Awards: 2008 "Hard Work", 2010 "Dedicated", 2012 "Journalist", 2012 "Unown", 2013 "Anchorman", 2014 "Unown", 2015 "Jeff Jeff Jeff Jeff!"

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    Ignoring the fact this forum hasn't had a real post in years, I don't mind successive posting when it comes to chronologically updating progress. *shrug* Maybe it's just me. Who knows if this guy is even going to come back or anything?
    ~Mr.E, the mystery.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    I don't think you're using a ROM, but it might change the speed of the clock. Just a thought, I'm not suspecting anybody.

  30. #30
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    2:07 in and just walking through the Dark Cave. Hopefully i shall finish under 5 or 6 hours...Well heres hoping..

  31. #31
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    Default Re: Pokemon RBY Speedrun

    Time to start this.

    I'm playing on my Red version.

    I picked Bulbasaur. I lost to Blue, and made my way to Pewter City.

    Lvl 9
    Leech Seed

    Total Time: 20 min

    I beat Brock, in two hits (Had trouble with the Jr. Trainer, go figure) and went to Mt. Moon. Bulbasaur evolved

    LVL 17
    Leech Seed
    Vine Whip

    Total time: 47 min
    Last edited by Redfire313; 19th October 2009 at 02:06 PM.

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