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Thread: December Contest 2007 - Finished!

  1. #1
    Judge of the Frost Beginning Trainer
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    Default December Contest 2007 - Finished!

    Hey all, I'll be your host of the annual (I think >.>) TPM December Pokemon Contest! This is my first contest, so I'm really excited to see how interesting and creative you guys will be with appeal choices, as well as challenging myself to judge as well as possible during this event. On with the show!

    Contest Rules:
    Contrary to the November Contest, ALL members may register to compete in this contest of which TEN spots are available, so get in quick in order to assure yourself a spot; there are, however, NO RESERVATIONS.

    Appeal Breakdown:
    1st Round - 10 contestants / standard three-move appeal
    2nd Round - 5 contestants / standard three-move appeal
    3rd Round - 2 highest-scoring contestants going at it for 5 rounds of battle

    SPECIAL NOTE: You may only use ONE Pokemon for all three rounds should you make it that far; no switching of Pokemon in this contest WHATSOEVER, so make wise choices.

    - Contest Stage -
    Everest Colosseum - set on the outskirts of a large, evergreen forest at the base of an icy mountain range, this newly-built arena has been especially created for the accomodations of the December TPM Pokemon contest. The audience stands surround three sides of the setting, with rows of ice-topped evergreen trees serving as the northern-most boundary of it. There are balconies covering all of the audience grandstands, permitting all types of moves, and though they are subject to the cold temperatures of the environment, the seats are heated and complementary blankets are handed out to assure the most enjoyable experience possible.
    All the contestants will perform their appeals on a snowy ground (or in the air if flying/levitating/attack enables so), with a background of colonnades of evergreen trees and a large frozen lake in the center. The ice around the shallows is thick, but in the middle should be a little thinner and could possibly be broken with an effective attack.
    Throughout the appeals, it will be snowing unless a weather-altering technique is used, and for the maximum holiday cheer, the contest will take place at night with multi-colored lights adorning all rows of the grandstands and the roofs of the balconies.

    1. Charles Legend & Cannonball 26
    2. Mew Master & Liger
    3. Dragonis & Hailee
    4. Mike Mysterio & Big Show
    5. MeLoVeGhOsTs & Roger
    6. Houndoom_Lover & Grand-Sama
    7. Chris 2.1 & Gaunte
    8. Blademaster & Atomic Boo
    9. Vermillion & Eňwen
    10. Weasel Overlord & Famfrit

    Dec. Ribbon

    Go ahead and include your Round 1 Pokemon choices and appeal moves with your registration post, thanks.
    Last edited by Pichu Luver; 15th April 2008 at 01:19 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Apply Now

    I'm Game now lets see Go Cannonball 26 My Shiny Genderless Voltorb

    Ok Cannonball 26 it's time we try this Appeal I like to call "8 ball Corner pocket Pinball Whiz Style!"

    Ok Cannonball 26 Start off Rollout hit and bounce of as many trees as you can then use Magnet Rise then Finish off by Crash landing into the Ground as you use Explosion!

    Rollout @ many trees ~ Magnet Rise ~ Explosion

    ~Charles Legend
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  3. #3
    Mew Master of SCIENCE! Master Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Apply Now

    Fair enough. I better get in on another contest.

    Let's go, Liger!

    Okay, start off with a Will-o-Whisp throughout the forest. Then start a Fire Spin around your self. While the cyclone is whipping around you, jump up in the eye-of-the-storm and launch a Shadow Ball at the ground in the center of the flames.

    Will-o-Whisp~Fire Spin (centering around self)~Shadow Ball (at center of cyclone, after jumping)
    ~Mew Master

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  4. #4
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Apply Now

    I'll give this a go too. Let's go Hailee (female Weavile)!

    Alright Hailee start off by strengthening the ice on the pond with Icy Wind. Then show everyone your Agility while you gracefully skate around the pond. Finish things by jumping up and using Swords Dance to do a triple axle!

    ~Icy Wind~Agility~Swords Dance~

  5. #5
    You must fear the Reaper! Advanced Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Apply Now

    I'll sign up with Big Show my shiny male Snorlax.

    Ok Show, lets start things off big! Use Fissure to break the ice over the pond up. Then send a Whirlwind out onto the pond to suck up some of the water. After that freeze your new waterspout over with an Ice Beam.

    ~Fissure~Whirlwind~Ice Beam~

  6. #6
    Usertitle ftw Master Trainer
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    I choose Roger, my male Charmeleon.

    Ok Roger, start up by focusing while you run towards the frozen lake and hit the center of the lake with focuspunch while you catapult yourself in the air, due the force. Then combine Fireblast with Dragonbreath and shoot it down at the lake, to melt all the ice and make it a hot spring.

    Focuspunch ~ Fireblast + Dragonbreath

  7. #7
    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Apply Now

    Right- let's try to keep things jolly, shall we? HMm, let's go, Grand-Sama! (Grandbull, Male)

    Let's see- pick a tree! The closest one, if you don't mind. Hmmm, let's make this tree up. Grand-Sama shoot tiny Shadow Balls at the tree making them stick like your typical tree decoration, and the then light them up with Shock Wave! And last but not least, put a Present under the tree!

    Shadow Ball~Shock Wave~Present
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

    ...while you sleep.
    ".....Congratulations. You're the KROOOOOOOZE of female weeaboos. -w-;;;" -Blademaster about my Dragonball Z summary of what I know.

  8. #8
    Judge of the Frost Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Apply Now

    It'd be really nice to get at least FOUR more people to sign-up, but two would do, I suppose.

    We need to get this thing off the ground so if you're reading this thread consider applying, please.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - SIGN-UP's NEEDED

    I'll sign up using my [F] Shiny Gengar, Gaunte.

    Gaunte, use a will-o-wisp to surround yourself in silky flames. Then use psychic to wrap the flames into an orb of fire above you, before tearing it apart with a shadow claw.

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  10. #10
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - SIGN-UP's NEEDED

    I'll join in. Go, Atomic Boo!

    (hurls Ultra Ball; a huge Drifblim(M) appears before him)

    Atomic, start off by floating up and conjuring some dark, angry clouds all around you with Rain Dance. Then unleash an Ominous Wind to give the crowd chills - a foul wind blows this eve. Finally, use Thunder and descend from the clouds as a horrible, crackling spectre from beyond the sky.

    Move: Rain Dance, Ominous Wind, Thunder

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  11. #11
    Warlock for Life-Mediev Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - SIGN-UP's NEEDED

    I'm in with my Shiny Female Celfable Eňwen.

    Start by throwing Magical Leaves in the air around you so that they cascade down in a multitude of colors. As they fall use Psychic and levitate yourself into them then glow with the power of the cosmos...Cosmic Power!
    Boo Yah!

    Riken | Oryx | Njord | Wraith | Blysse | Zoso
    Kabuki | Poe | Faul | Cruz | Haku | Surtr
    Trilless | Maladroit | Argonaut | Eowen | Gaia | Chocobo
    Penelo | Thor | Nereus
    Sylar | Mercutio

    Thanks River, you RaWk with a passion...Word.

  12. #12
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - SIGN-UP's NEEDED

    Well, by my reckonings, that leaves what, one space left? In that case, allow me! *swoops in* YOINK!

    I shall be using my shiny female Milotic, Famfrit. Hurrah!

    Famfrit, I want you to start off coiled in a circle, with a Captivate! Hold the audience's attention, show off how beautiful you are! Sway slowly from side to side as you rise slowly up from the ground and use a Mirror Coat. Finish off with an Aqua Ring, starting from where you are and swiftly spreading outwards.

    ~Mirror Coat (as you sway from side to side and rise from the ground)
    ~Aqua Ring

    this is hell
    we have a little something called integrity

    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

  13. #13
    Judge of the Frost Beginning Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Sign-Ups Closed

    ~December Contest: Round One~

    The coordinators and their Pokémon have had substantial time to plan their appeals, and now, amidst the falling snow and anticipating crowd, it is time to present in an attempt to win over the crowd – mainly the judge – and defeat all the rest. A few moments pass while the children settle down, the adults loosen up, and the grandstand lights dim a little as our first contestant takes the stage.

    There are some hoots and hollers as Charles Legend walks to the center of the Everest Colosseum with Cannonball 26 alongside him, a shiny Voltorb whose blue exterior blends right in to the environment. Charles Legend bows and leaves the stage, leaving Cannonball 26 alone to appeal. With a sudden burst of speed and precision, the previously idle Voltorb splits into action, hitting the nearest tree at just the right angle to fly right into the trunk of another one, and then another and another. The impact causes mounds of snow to fall down onto the ground from the tree branches, but they don’t hinder Cannonball 26 as he intently tries his best on his appeal. Bouncing off the same tree he started from, he flies center stage and then stops himself in mid-air over the snowy expanse. Coated in a glowing silver aura, he levitates a few feet upwards, looks directly at the crowd, and then lets loose a bright flash of light as he goes on a rapid descent towards the ground. A dull thud, quickly followed by a loud explosion rocks the arena, leaving a submerged Cannonball 26 in a small crater in the frozen ground, knocked-out but certainly relieved at attempting his best.

    Applause ensues the ending of the appeal for Cannonball 26, the field is repaired and snow added to retain his original status, and then Mew Master’s Flareon Liger advances onto the appeal stage. Dashing into the forest, she leashes several blue flames to wander between the trees. The pale lights flicker behind the stage’s façade, creating a mysterious mood for the rest of the appeal. Liger runs back to the open stage and looses a tower of swirling flames around her body. Steam rises from the ground as the snow melts and liquidates into water, weakening the fire substantially. Not as obscured as she would have been, the audience is able to see Liger jump up into the funnel’s eye and shoot a dark ball of ghastly energy towards the center. The crackling sphere explodes, blasting the fire apart and revealing the now damage landscape underneath the snowy layers. Liger lands on the spot, breathing hard and singed a bit but appreciates the applause she garners from the crowd.

    More field recoveries and then Liger is followed up by Dragonis’s Hailee, a lithe and sleek Weavile. Appearing to be the first contestant to utilize the frozen lake, she walks down to the water’s edge and shoots out a widespread zephyr of concentrated frost, strengthening the already stiff and rigid layers of ice and preparing it for…something. Putting her foot onto the glassy surface, she tests out its polish before stepping all the way onto it and speeding forward. Oh, ice-skating! She seems to be ice-skating, how interesting! Hailee gathers speed by circling around on the icy surface, raising her arms gracefully and flashing smiles at the crowd. Once she feels confidence about her velocity, she leaps into the air and spins around once…twice…three times in succession and comes down for the landing. The crowd bursts into applause as the Weavile comes back down, and though she falls on the ice during her descent, the response remains strong as she exits to make way for the next contestant.

    Mike Mysterio’s large Snorlax makes his way onto the stage, but as the light catches the creature’s fur the crowd notices his shiny quality. He traverses down towards the lake edge, makes some observations, and then lifts a stubby leg and cracks it back down on the surface like a whip. While the set crew groans as the ice is broken and fissured right down the middle, the audience is captivated by Big Show’s bold maneuver and living up to his nickname…thus far at least. He follows up by inhaling a gigantic-sized gulp of air and then releases it at least ten-fold as the savage winds strike the freezing water’s surface. Unfortunately for the Snorlax’s appeal, the majority of the water ripples back towards the center of the lake, but there a few tendrils of water flew into the air, which Big Show immediately freezes over with beams of icy energy. Visually let down as he looks at a frozen splash of water, the crowd politely applauses the creature as he meanders offstage.

    Following the gentle giant, after a re-freezing of the lake, is MeLoVeGhOsTs’s Roger, a Charmeleon. Looking a little bit out of place in the tundra-esque appeal stage, the fire lizard admires his surroundings and then, like his two previous opponents, makes his way down to the edge of the frozen lake. He cautiously steps onto the glossy, slippery surface, and after a few slow moments of eternity finds himself near the center of the body of water. His hand glows with a white energy before slamming it into the ice, where a mini-explosion is born and tosses Roger into the air. Quickly turning around while in mid-air, nearly wringing his own neck, he shoots a rather weak stream of red, yellow, and green flames at the ice. A heckuva lot of steam rises from the point of contact, and once it dissipates the audience is able to observe a steaming pool of water in the center of a frozen lake…at least for a few moments before the other 98% of the lake’s cold water undoes all of the heat imbued there.

    Houndoom_Lover’s Granbull Grand-Sama comes after Roger, bowing to the audience before walking over the closest tree in his vicinity. Admiring it for a bit, he closes his eyes and concentrates before producing a series of small, miniature Shadow Balls that instead of exploding, merely stick to the surface of the tree and brightly glow in a dim sort of way. Grand-Sama decides they aren’t bright enough and decides to light them up some more with a Shock Wave. The tiny bolts of electricity fuse themselves with the balls of energy and the majority of them light up, though there are few that accidentally explode but no severe damage is done to the tree and it’s existing decorations. Grand-Sama finishes the appeal by creating a cube-shaped box of normal energy and places it underneath the tree, faces the crowd and bows to the cheers of several of the children crying out in joy.

    A Gengar floats over the Everest Colosseum now, and though the children in the audience are slightly frightened, they can’t seem to take their eyes off the haunting creature…maybe it’s her shining qualities. First, Gaunt engulfs herself in silky blue flames; it seems to be a variation on the Will-o-Wisp. The flames twirl a bit before they swirl upwards, collecting themselves into a perfect, flaming sphere surrounded by the familiar aura of psychic manipulation. Gaunt smiles at the audience, and then, raising one singular claw coated in black, ghastly energy, slices up the flaming orb. The sparks fall to the ground and the audience politely claps as Gaunt exits the stage to make room for the next competitor.

    Another ghost swoops down onto the arena, this one Blademaster’s Drifblim named Atomic Boo. He raises his ribbon-like limbs and shoots up a beam of water energy. Dark clouds quickly swarm the Everest Colosseum location and a light drizzle replaces the soothing snow that had been there before. Due to the low temperatures, however, the rain doesn’t seem to be rain at all, but rather hard, almost semi-solid hail of some sort…but not quite rain. Regardless, he now releases a ghostly energy force that collects it self as a wind blowing right towards the audience. Several of the children start trembling, many of the younger ones crying, as they watch Atomic Boo fly from the dark clouds and with a bang of bright electricity (which strikes the ground, creating steam and a small dent in the frozen ground) appears right in front of the grandstands, causing nearly all of the children to cry out in fright and cling to their parents. Looking at the result, I’d say you got what you desired in your appeal.

    Replacing the rather frightening Atomic Boo is Vermillion’s Éowen. The moon fairy prances over the soft snow and gleams happily at the gazing audience, who perhaps need a little happiness in their lives now that they just got the crap scared out of them. She stops pleasing the crowd to start up her appeal, firing a multitude of multi-colored leaves into the sky. Having a tough time having to fight against the wintry weather and rather brisk wind, the leaves fall faster than expected, but the Clefable deals with the nuisance but exerting her psychic force earlier than planned. She floats up, holding up the leaves at the same time, and stares at the crowd, held in awe. Then, unexpectedly, glittering lights swarm her figure and engulf the Clefable in a bathing light that warms up the whole arena. Éowen calmly lowers herself to the intense applause of the audience.

    Lastly, Famfrit slithers onto the snowy arena for the final appeal of the first round! She begins by captivating the attention of the audience, which doesn’t take very much effort at all considering Milotic are well-known for their beauty, and then add on to the fact that she is shiny; what a find. Successful, she goes on swaying, but something is glinting about her exterior, a certain shine that is attracting even more attention and curiosity than she had garnered before. Suddenly, a rush of water bubbles from underneath of her, and instead of going up like a normal aqua ring, this one extends outwards, washing over the mounds of snow, slowly melting them and gradually getting larger until a large radius around her is wet and sodden earth. She leaves the stage to applause and the judge looks ready to give his round one marks.

    ~Round One Scores~

    ::Charles Legend & Cannonball 26::
    Overall, it was a good appeal, but the explosion at the end would have been far more effective in an arena with looser ground. The frozen quality of the field here prevented the maximum amount of impact and created a smaller explosion with fewer debris, etc. However, it was still very nice in that the “pinball” idea with the trees and the slow down with the magnet rise was very clever.
    7.7 / 10

    ::Mew Master & Liger::
    The main problem I had with this appeal with the inclusion of the Will-o-Wisp. It stuck out and was the only attack that didn’t really “fit in” with the rest of the appeal moves. Also, attempting fire on a field covered in ice made for a very weak fire spin that prevented a lot of the “what’s going on” factor during the finishing act; Liger was singed a bit as well and wasn’t as precise as she could be.
    6.4 / 10

    :: Dragonis & Hailee ::
    Very polished and nice, up until the very end when Hailee slipped on the ice. However, her grace and agility really shone throughout the appeal and it was very connected and fluid. Thinking on it now, it exemplified a Weavile’s star qualities, namely speed, rather well. Quite remarkable.
    9.2 / 10

    ::Mike Mysterio & Big Show::
    Big Show was visibly disappointed with his lack-luster water spout, and to tell you the truth the best moves for your desired effect were not chosen. Whirlwind coming from a creature without wings wasn’t very wise and considerably weaker. On the up side, the fissure was very effective and well-implemented. With different moves you would have achieved a higher score.
    5.5 / 10

    ::MeLoVeGhOsTs & Roger::
    While the desired result was achieved, the way in that it was created was a little flawed. Roger strained to turn himself in the air in order to locate his mouth towards the ice, but also asking for him to fire such a strong attack in mid-air after getting repelled from the ice was a bit much and took away a lot of the fire’s potential strength.
    7.6 / 10

    ::Houndoom_Lover & Grand-Sama::
    It was very festive and fit right into the crowd’s present mindset, as well as mine. It was innovative as well as pretty to look at and certainly put a smile on my face; in my opinion one of the best of the round.
    8.8 / 10

    ::Chris 2.1 & Gaunte::
    Polished, nice, cool, I don’t know what else to say except that you seem to rely on what works and not take a chance with more creative options. But to your credit, you know how to put moves together and make them look wonderful.
    8.6 / 10

    ::Blademaster & Atomic Boo::
    You scared pretty much every single person in the grandstands, and while the effect you had creating with the rain, ominous wind, and thunder, everyone being frightened of you detracted from their attention to the technical beauty of it all. I noticed, but the crowd’s reaction certainly needs to have an effect on your overall marks.
    6.6 / 10

    ::Vermillion & Éowen::
    Simple and elegant, with a certain touch of magic that everyone likes seeing every once in a while. The only problem was the timing bit with the magical leaves, but you covered it up nicely and looking through the replay now I can’t find any other glaring errors.
    8.2 / 10

    ::Weasel Overlord & Famfrit::
    The extending aqua ring was a very cool effect at the end, and added to the glowing scales of Famfrit and the captivation you had previously cast on the audience, it was certainly a show-stopper. Overall, it was a little simple and mirror coat is used a lot to add that extra gleam to your appeal, but it still nice.
    8.4 / 10

    ~Closing Remarks~

    A big thank you to all of our competitors, but here are the continuing coordinators:

    Dragonis & Hailee
    Houndoom_Lover & Grand-Sama
    Chris 2.1 & Gaunte
    Weasel Overlord & Famfrit
    Vermillion & Éowen

    The crowd will take a short break, and when they come back they will see the same Pokémon on stage with new, three-move standard appeals.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Round One

    Alright Hailee, let's keep it simple this round. Start off by firing a Shadow Ball straight up in to the air. Then freeze the ball over with an Ice Beam. Finally, tear the frozen ball apart with X-Scissor.

    ~Shadow Ball~Ice Beam~X-Scissor~

  15. #15
    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Round One we start now? Wouldn't it be round two...with a new stage? A NEW STAGE?! And stuff? *looks confused*
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
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    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

    ...while you sleep.
    ".....Congratulations. You're the KROOOOOOOZE of female weeaboos. -w-;;;" -Blademaster about my Dragonball Z summary of what I know.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Round One

    No. We're on the same stage, sorry if it's usually not like that...but yes, we are on round two. I put "Round One" in the title so that you guys would know that it was up instead of looking in and seeing me post something that perhaps didn't really include you, you know?

    Regardless, yes, I need your round two appeals.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Round One

    *coughs gently*

    I'd at least like to get through round two before January.

  18. #18
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Round One

    Again, posting for Chris because he's too lazy to do it himself.

    "OK, Gaunte, use Trick Room to slow everything down, like in slow-motion. Gently hurl some Will-O-Wisp flames into the air and burst them with a Thunderbolt."

    (Nintendo) 4 Lyfe

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  19. #19
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Round One

    Well Famfrit, it DOES say in your description that you used to arise from lakes to becalm violent hearts, so let's recreate that! Start off by slithering out into the centre of the lake, where the ice is thinnest. Use an Iron Tail to smack it, and send you tumbling into the water, right into your element! Then use a Twister to raise yourself out of the water again, all the while using an Attract to "becalm" the hearts of the audience. ^_^

    ~Iron Tail (once you're onto the thinnest part of the ice)
    ~Twister (to raise yourself out of the water)
    ~Attract (to becalm the hearts of the audience)

    this is hell
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    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

  20. #20
    Is making this place terminal Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Round One

    I step out of the time vortex! Now, Grand-Sama, burn away the snow with Flamethrower, just enough so the ground shows- then vanish with Faint attack, high above the ground, then plummet down and smash the ground with Focus Punch (which would cause a mini Earthquake and rip open a few fissures, would be spiffy and nice if it did )

    Flamethrower~Faint Attack~Focus Punch
    Thank you Saffire Persian. (Complete list coming soon)
    Awards: Contest Ribbons~ Unown Awards ~ Fanfiction Awards
    Quote Originally Posted by DragoKnight View Post

    ...while you sleep.
    ".....Congratulations. You're the KROOOOOOOZE of female weeaboos. -w-;;;" -Blademaster about my Dragonball Z summary of what I know.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Round One

    Since DB has disappeared I will be taking this over and Vermillion says to move on without him, so we shall indeed.

    -~*The December Contest!*~-

    Appeal Two

    Arena: Everest Colosseum
    Set on the outskirts of a large, evergreen forest at the base of an icy mountain range, this newly-built arena has been especially created for the accommodations of the December TPM Pokemon contest. The audience stands surround three sides of the setting, with rows of ice-topped evergreen trees serving as the northern-most boundary of it. There are balconies covering all of the audience grandstands, permitting all types of moves, and though they are subject to the cold temperatures of the environment, the seats are heated and complementary blankets are handed out to assure the most enjoyable experience possible.
    All the contestants will perform their appeals on a snowy ground (or in the air if flying/levitating/attack enables so), with a background of colonnades of evergreen trees and a large frozen lake in the centre. The ice around the shallows is thick, but in the middle should be a little thinner and could possibly be broken with an effective attack.
    Throughout the appeals, it will be snowing unless a weather-altering technique is used, and for the maximum holiday cheer, the contest will take place at night with multi-colored lights adorning all rows of the grandstands and the roofs of the balconies.

    The Contestants

    Hailee Weavile
    Taught by: Dragonis
    Shadow Ball/Ice Beam/X-Scissor


    Gaunte Gengar
    Taught by: Chris 2.1
    Trick Room/Will-o-Wisp/Thunderbolt


    Famfrit Milotic
    Taught by: Weasel Overlord
    Iron Tail/Twister/Attract


    Grand-Sama Grandbull
    Taught by: Houndoom_Lover
    Flamethrower/Faint Attack/Focus Punch


    With Dream Breaker having dropped away and disappeared, the new Judge, River appears to take his place. Still in her winter gear from the last contest, she has a steaming mug of co-co and she motions for Dragonis to step up and begin.

    Hailee starts her appeal by aiming towards the sky and forming a ball of ghostly energy. It is crackling and ominous hissing noises come from the navy blue ball. When it is a satisfactory size she fires it up through the rainbow of lights. She quickly follows this by shaping a glob of bright blue energy. She fires this quickly and the jagged, cold energy beam quickly reaches and slams into the Shadow Ball. The Ice Beam stretches over some of the ball but it does not like being tampered with, and the ghostly energy explouds. The half formed ball and ice energy are sent spraying in all directions, some folding back on itself to freeze into rough pieces of ice. Not quite to plan, Hailee gamely jumps up into the air and slices the biggest piece of ice she can find.

    Once more Chris and his spiffy shiny Gengar take to the field. He starts with a move yet to be seen on the contest field, Trick Room. He closes his eyes and reaches out to the audience and Judge, willing them to see that they are actually faster then Gaunte himself. Slowly it seems that the Gengar is moving in slow motion. The Judge rubs her eyes but watches as he slowly moves his hands forward and fires off a cluster of small bright blue flames. Once outside the sphere of time warp they move at normal speed and Gaunte then concentrates and again in slow motion the audience watches as he sparks and glows a bright yellow before the electricity moves forward and 'attacks' the small blue flames.

    Satisfied with his appeal, he leaves and Weasel Overlord and another shiny Pokémon, Famfrit comes to the stage. The gold Milotic slithers forward onto the frozen lake. She continues until she is at its centre, and already some cracking and groaning noises can be heard as the ice bears her weight. She raises her tail, making it glow bright, almost white silver, and with all the effort she can muster she slams it into the centre of the lake. The ice easily breaks until such a massive hit and the ice cracks all around. She slips into the lake and all is quiet for a moment. Then a swirling pink and blue twister erupts out of the lake. The rainbow of lights illuminating the field affects it as well, and it looks like a multicoloured twister is dancing in the centre of the field. Famfrit can be seen swimming in its midst and she powers forward to the top, but only manages to get her head free of the whirling water and dragon energy. She works all the charm she can muster but she is spinning around and it isn't too effective on such a large audience.

    Last but not least is Houndoom_Lover and her Granbull, Grand-Sama. Grand-Sama steps out into the snow and decides that this just isn't to his liking. He spins in place, using a burning Flamethrower. The stream of fire hits the snow and it immediately begins steaming, and a very perceptible hiss is heard over the arena. Sama continues until he can just see the grass. Grand-sama however is lost in the steam to the audience and when a brisk wind clears it away, he is gone. The audience looks around when suddenly they see him coming down from the sky, his right fist glowing an orange colour. Undeterred by his speed, he slams his fist into the earth and the ground shudders around the impact. The snow ripples and some is sent flying into the air, but Grand-Sama is not doing so well. He is shaking his fist and looks dazed.

    HL returns her bull dog and the contestants wait while the Judge ponders over her notes. She stands and announces,


    The Contestants

    Hailee Weavile
    Taught by: Dragonis
    -:The Mark:-
    This could have been a good appeal but Shadow Ball explodes on contact so Ice Beam would not have frozen it all of it. So it was sent flying in all directions.

    Gaunte Gengar
    Taught by: Chris 2.1
    -:The Mark:-
    Very interesting appeal, the slow motion attacks (especially Thunderbolt) was quite unusual though, I didn't really see why you fried the Will-o-Wisp.

    Famfrit Milotic
    Taught by: Weasel Overlord
    -:The Mark:-
    The Twister was the best part of this appeal, the pink attack and water combined with the lighting was stunning. The Attract was not such a great finish, I saw why you used it but it's hard to get on top of a whirlpool.

    Grand-Sama Grandbull
    Taught by: Houndoom_Lover
    -:The Mark:-
    The steam had a nice effect and disappearing was a good use of the resulting vapour, but slamming the ground after speeding towards earth is not so wise. It would hurt quite a bit.

    So Chris 2.1 and Weasel Overlord go on to the Battle Round. A randomizer shows that Weasel Overlord attacks first.
    *Dad talking about his filling.*
    PL: Did it fall out?
    Dad: Yeah! ****in' thing only lasted two days.
    PL: Huh.
    Dad. I can stick my tongue down in my hole--
    He just stops.
    *hilarity ensues*

    Mom: We're one warped family.
    *through hiccups*
    PL: I didn't know you were that flexible!

    Winner of five Awards in RPG, including Best Writer.
    Winner of 2009 Golden Pen for Most Original Fiction

    PSN: River_in_Time
    XBOX tag: DameSquishdalot

  22. #22
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Round One

    The reasoning was to use trick room to slow the speed of the entire room down. I thought that would have worked due to the name trick room suggesting a large peramater for the attack. I also thought seeing a jet of lightening burst the balls of flame would be cool in slow-motion :p

    But it's ok, trick room is an incredibly difficult attack to judge and I used it mainly for a quirk factor (and am surprised to be in the finals again :p)

    Looking forward to the match Weas

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  23. #23
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Round One

    Yeah well, I was looking at the description of it and by my understanding it made the other Pokémon (or in this case people) think that they are way faster then Gengar, as Gengar is presumably faster then a human sooo.... To them it looks like just Gengar is moving in slow motion. Hence you are able to move 'quickly' in relation to him, but the actual attack outside of the range of Gengar's movments would behave normally. You can just get out of the way as you can she what he is about to do waaaaay ahead of time. A trick of mind it seemed to me, not an actual time warp.
    *Dad talking about his filling.*
    PL: Did it fall out?
    Dad: Yeah! ****in' thing only lasted two days.
    PL: Huh.
    Dad. I can stick my tongue down in my hole--
    He just stops.
    *hilarity ensues*

    Mom: We're one warped family.
    *through hiccups*
    PL: I didn't know you were that flexible!

    Winner of five Awards in RPG, including Best Writer.
    Winner of 2009 Golden Pen for Most Original Fiction

    PSN: River_in_Time
    XBOX tag: DameSquishdalot

  24. #24
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Round 2 Up!

    Thanks for explaining. It is a very difficult attack to interpret so good to know. Wease posts attacks first right? Gengar VS Milotic will be wicked

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  25. #25
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Round 2 Up!

    Yep, yep. I've told her so she should post soon.
    *Dad talking about his filling.*
    PL: Did it fall out?
    Dad: Yeah! ****in' thing only lasted two days.
    PL: Huh.
    Dad. I can stick my tongue down in my hole--
    He just stops.
    *hilarity ensues*

    Mom: We're one warped family.
    *through hiccups*
    PL: I didn't know you were that flexible!

    Winner of five Awards in RPG, including Best Writer.
    Winner of 2009 Golden Pen for Most Original Fiction

    PSN: River_in_Time
    XBOX tag: DameSquishdalot

  26. #26
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Round 2 Up!

    I'M HEEEERRREEE!! 'Allo! Bigods, I'm through to the battle round. O.o This hasn't happened in a goodly while, I tell ya. But curses, I chose Milotic. *scowls* Damn you, limited movepool! *shakes fist* But OH WELL.

    Now then Famfrit, let's start things off with a Safeguard, I think. Best to be on the safe side. Then use Dragon Pulse, and finally, use a nice Blizzard.

    ~Safeguard ~Dragon Pulse ~Blizzard

    this is hell
    we have a little something called integrity

    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

  27. #27
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Round 2 Up!

    Use confuse ray to perplex Milotic. Next use energy ball then thunderbolt

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  28. #28
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Round 2 Up!

    -~*Chris 2.1 VS Weasel Overlord*~-
    ∞}|December Contest|{∞

    Battle Round One
    One on One

    Disqualification Time: One Week.

    Arena: Everest Colosseum

    Set on the outskirts of a large, evergreen forest at the base of an icy mountain range, this newly built arena has been especially created for the accommodations of the December TPM Pokemon contest. The audience stands surround three sides of the setting, with rows of ice-topped evergreen trees serving as the northern-most boundary of it. There are balconies covering all of the audience grandstands, permitting all types of moves, and though they are subject to the cold temperatures of the environment, the seats are heated and complementary blankets are handed out to assure the most enjoyable experience possible.
    All the contestants will perform their appeals on a snowy ground (or in the air if flying/levitating/attack enables so), with a background of colonnades of evergreen trees and a large frozen lake in the centre. The ice around the shallows is thick, but in the middle should be a little thinner and could possibly be broken with an effective attack.
    Throughout the appeals, it will be snowing unless a weather-altering technique is used, and for the maximum holiday cheer, the contest will take place at night with multi-colored lights adorning all rows of the grandstands and the roofs of the balconies.


    Gaunte Gengar
    Taught by: Chris 2.1
    HP: 100%
    Energy: 100%
    Status: Ready.
    Confuse Ray/Energy Ball/Thunderbolt


    Famfrit Milotic
    Taught by: Weasel Overlord
    HP: 100%
    Energy: 100%
    Status: Superb.
    Safeguard/Dragon Pulse/Blizzard


    With the appeals over the last two standing contestants take to opposite ends of the field. Chris 2.1 and Guante are at the northern end of the field while Weasel Overlord and Famfrit take the southern. The lake neatly dives the arena but the two Pokémon meet at its eastern edge. Their orders are given and they set to it.

    Famfrit turns her attention inward and focuses creating a shield to block out all those harmful status afflictions. Gaunte however is ahead of her on this one. The Gengar is much faster then the Milotic and while she is concentrating on her shield, his eyes flash a bright white and two beams of light fly from them and meet in a point. The meeting point flashes before zooming onward for Famfrit. The beam is much brighter then the original and seems to be pulsing. It hits Famfrit in the head but she does not seem to notice. She finishes her shield and it flashes up for a second, bright white. When it fades to transparency however her eyes seem to be glazed.

    Her eyes continue to be glazed over and she seems involved in her own world. She starts to weave back and forth, towering higher and higher, until she resembles a large snake being hypnotized by a charmer. Gaunte finds this odd, but while Famfrit's busy waving in the breeze, Gaunt charges up a bright green ball. When it is about the size of a beach ball Gaunt fires it at Famfrit. It slams into her midsection, sending crackles of grass energy over her body. Famfrit screeches and stops her waving, crashing back into the snow, some sense back into her eyes.

    With her whits temporarily back, Famfrit sucks in the cold, frigid, winter air. Gaunt form meanwhile is sparking and she is beginning to glow yellow. Being mostly energy herself, Gaunte charges her electric attack first and zaps Famfrit, hitting her just below her head. Famfrit screeches and let's loose her Blizzard. Breathing out with a hissing, whistling noise, the air is super cooled and has ice shards from freezing the moisture in the air. It washes over Gaunt and a few of the shards collects and Gaunt's right foot is encased in ice and rime.



    Gaunte Gengar
    Taught by: Chris 2.1
    HP: 88%
    Energy: 84%
    Status: Brrr. Right foot frozen.


    Famfrit Milotic
    Taught by: Weasel Overlord
    HP: 70%
    Energy: 87%
    Status: Oww!! Confused, 30% chance of hitting self or forgetting attack. Safeguarded for 4 more rounds.

    Gaunte was hurt 12% from Blizzard.
    Gaunte was fatigued 3% for Confuse Ray, 6% for Energy Ball and 7% for Thunderbolt.

    Famfrit was hurt 16% for Energy Ball (8 x 2) and 18% from Thunderbolt (9 x 2) but 30% damage cap.
    Famfrit was fatigued 5% for Safeguard, and 8% for Blizzard.

    Chris 2.1 posts attacks first.
    Weasel Overlord posts attacks second
    *Dad talking about his filling.*
    PL: Did it fall out?
    Dad: Yeah! ****in' thing only lasted two days.
    PL: Huh.
    Dad. I can stick my tongue down in my hole--
    He just stops.
    *hilarity ensues*

    Mom: We're one warped family.
    *through hiccups*
    PL: I didn't know you were that flexible!

    Winner of five Awards in RPG, including Best Writer.
    Winner of 2009 Golden Pen for Most Original Fiction

    PSN: River_in_Time
    XBOX tag: DameSquishdalot

  29. #29
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Battle Round 1!

    Use a double team, energy ball then thunder.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  30. #30
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Battle Round 1!

    Okay Famfrit, use a Surf to get rid of those clones and do some damage! Then use a Mirror Coat to deflect that Energy Ball right back. Finally, use another Mirror Coat to deflect the Thunder, too.

    ~Surf ~Mirror Coat ~Mirror Coat

    this is hell
    we have a little something called integrity

    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

  31. #31
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    Mar 2001

    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Battle Round 1!

    -~*Chris 2.1 VS Weasel Overlord*~-
    ∞}|December Contest|{∞

    Battle Round Two
    One on One

    Disqualification Time: One Week.

    Arena: Everest Colosseum

    Set on the outskirts of a large, evergreen forest at the base of an icy mountain range, this newly built arena has been especially created for the accommodations of the December TPM Pokemon contest. The audience stands surround three sides of the setting, with rows of ice-topped evergreen trees serving as the northern-most boundary of it. There are balconies covering all of the audience grandstands, permitting all types of moves, and though they are subject to the cold temperatures of the environment, the seats are heated and complementary blankets are handed out to assure the most enjoyable experience possible.
    All the contestants will perform their appeals on a snowy ground (or in the air if flying/levitating/attack enables so), with a background of colonnades of evergreen trees and a large frozen lake in the centre. The ice around the shallows is thick, but in the middle should be a little thinner and could possibly be broken with an effective attack.
    Throughout the appeals, it will be snowing unless a weather-altering technique is used, and for the maximum holiday cheer, the contest will take place at night with multi-colored lights adorning all rows of the grandstands and the roofs of the balconies.


    Gaunte Gengar
    Taught by: Chris 2.1
    HP: 88%
    Energy: 84%
    Status: Brrr. Right foot frozen.
    Double Team/Energy Ball/Thunder


    Famfrit Milotic
    Taught by: Weasel Overlord
    HP: 70%
    Energy: 87%
    Status: Oww!! Confused, 30% chance of hitting self or forgetting attack. Safeguarded for 4 more rounds.
    Surf/Mirror Coat x Two


    Famfrit is still smarting from the attack by Gaunte so her muddled mind is temporarily clear. She watches as Gaunte splits herself off into five clones. This nearly causes her confused mind to haunt her but instead she hears her trainer’s orders and turns to the pond. She calls to the water beneath but nothing happens for a bit. Then with a great groaning and crunching of ice, water surges up out of the centre. It has lost some of its power getting free of the ice but it still quite effectively gets rid of the pesky clones. The bit of damage to Gaunte was a nice side bonus.

    The small amount of damage Famfrit did has pleased her greatly but her angered mind was keeping it clear of the muddied thoughts. Now once more she isn’t sure what to do. She looks to and fro before turning to the ice. Her eyes are glazed over as she starts to repeatedly slam herself against the ice, doing fair damage. Gaunte is pleased with her jumbled thoughts and builds a sparking green energy ball once more. She waits until Famfrit has stopped slamming herself (though she isn’t really much more lucid) and fires. The grass energy explodes on contact with her scales and she shrieks.

    The pain has once more woken Famfrit from her waking dreams and she stares at Gaunte with much hatred in her eyes. She watches as Gaunte starts to spark and glow and she knows what’s coming. Her scales glow a bright pink colour and while Gaunte is suspicious she doesn’t know what to make of it. She fires her supercharged bolt and it slams into Famfrit. She screeches as the energy flows through her. Then she looks at Gaunte oddly pleased and a huge crack it heard as the energy is sent back to the Gengar, twice the size. Gaunte is shocked into a stand still and get the fully brunt of the blast. She is incapable of screaming and when it is over; if she were not a ghost she’d be smoking.



    Gaunte Gengar
    Taught by: Chris 2.1
    HP: 59%
    Energy: 73%
    Status: *bleepages*. Right foot frozen.


    Famfrit Milotic
    Taught by: Weasel Overlord
    HP: 40%
    Energy: 72%
    Status: *more bleepages* Confused, 30% chance of hitting self or forgetting attack. Safeguarded for 3 more rounds.

    Gaunte was hurt 3% from Surf and 24% from Thunder.
    Gaunte was fatigued 3% for Double Team, 6% for Energy Ball, 8% for Thunder.

    Famfrit was hurt 3% from self-inflicted confusion whacks, 16% from Energy Ball and 12% from Thunder (max damage).
    Famfrit was fatigued 5% for Surf, 10% for Mirror Coat.

    Weasel Overlord posts attacks first.
    Chris 2.1 posts attacks second
    *Dad talking about his filling.*
    PL: Did it fall out?
    Dad: Yeah! ****in' thing only lasted two days.
    PL: Huh.
    Dad. I can stick my tongue down in my hole--
    He just stops.
    *hilarity ensues*

    Mom: We're one warped family.
    *through hiccups*
    PL: I didn't know you were that flexible!

    Winner of five Awards in RPG, including Best Writer.
    Winner of 2009 Golden Pen for Most Original Fiction

    PSN: River_in_Time
    XBOX tag: DameSquishdalot

  32. #32
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Battle Round 2!

    oh my god, I'm sorry!! *dashes in*

    Okay Famfrit, start with a Blizzard, then use Hydro Pump and finally, use Iron Tail. If she tries another Thunder, use Mirror Coat again.

    this is hell
    we have a little something called integrity

    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

  33. #33
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Battle Round 2!

    Ok protect against blizzard, use thunderbolt and then use energy ball

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  34. #34
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Battle Round 2!

    -~*Chris 2.1 VS Weasel Overlord*~-
    ∞}|December Contest|{∞

    Battle Round Three
    One on One

    Disqualification Time: One Week.

    Arena: Everest Colosseum

    Set on the outskirts of a large, evergreen forest at the base of an icy mountain range, this newly built arena has been especially created for the accommodations of the December TPM Pokemon contest. The audience stands surround three sides of the setting, with rows of ice-topped evergreen trees serving as the northern-most boundary of it. There are balconies covering all of the audience grandstands, permitting all types of moves, and though they are subject to the cold temperatures of the environment, the seats are heated and complementary blankets are handed out to assure the most enjoyable experience possible.
    All the contestants will perform their appeals on a snowy ground (or in the air if flying/levitating/attack enables so), with a background of colonnades of evergreen trees and a large frozen lake in the centre. The ice around the shallows is thick, but in the middle should be a little thinner and could possibly be broken with an effective attack.
    Throughout the appeals, it will be snowing unless a weather-altering technique is used, and for the maximum holiday cheer, the contest will take place at night with multi-colored lights adorning all rows of the grandstands and the roofs of the balconies.


    Gaunte Gengar
    Taught by: Chris 2.1
    HP: 59%
    Energy: 73%
    Status: *bleepages*. Right foot frozen.
    Protect/Thunderbolt/Energy Ball


    Famfrit Milotic
    Taught by: Weasel Overlord
    HP: 40%
    Energy: 72%
    Status: *more bleepages* Confused, 30% chance of hitting self or forgetting attack. Safeguarded for 3 more rounds.
    Blizzard/Hydro Pump/Iron Tail


    Gaunte is not feeling particularly well after her frying and she is quite glad to hear she won't be moving anytime soon. She waves her arms up and down, concentrating on creating a shield. A translucent white shield appears all around her and she feel much more confident about her chances. She just sits back and watches as Famfrit leans back and calls up her icy powers. A cone of frigid air, ice shards and rime come flying at Gaunte but it all bounces off the shield. When it ends Gaunte drops the shield to a furious Famfrit looking back.

    Famfrit's anger is clouding her mind again and she is senseless. She is bobbing her head up and down and seems fascinated by her reflection on the surface of the lake. Gaunte just snickers at her behaviour and charges up a Thunderbolt. The electricity flies true and courses over Famfrit delirious form. She screeches and twitches during the attack. When Guante finishes Famfrit turns and looks her right in the eye, and Gaunte can see she is no longer confused.

    Famfrit slithers forward, raising the end of her tail from the snow. Gaunte can't really move with his frozen foot and so powers up her attack in defence. Famfrit swings around and slams her tail down over Gaunte's head. Gaunte yelps and let's loose her attack, which explodes on Famfrit's belly. Both Pokémon fall back, in quite some pain.



    Gaunte Gengar
    Taught by: Chris 2.1
    HP: 49%
    Energy: 56%
    Status: *bleepages*. Right foot frozen.


    Famfrit Milotic
    Taught by: Weasel Overlord
    HP: 10%
    Energy: 56%
    Status: Not so great. Safeguarded for 2 more rounds.

    Gaunte was hurt 10% from Iron Tail.
    Gaunte was fatigued 5% for Protect, 6% for Thunderbolt, 6% for Energy Ball.

    Famfrit was hurt 18% for Thunderbolt, 16% for Energy Ball but max damage cap.
    Famfrit was fatigued 8% for Blizzard, 8% for Iron Tail.

    Chris 2.1 posts attacks first.
    Weasel Overlord posts attacks second.
    *Dad talking about his filling.*
    PL: Did it fall out?
    Dad: Yeah! ****in' thing only lasted two days.
    PL: Huh.
    Dad. I can stick my tongue down in my hole--
    He just stops.
    *hilarity ensues*

    Mom: We're one warped family.
    *through hiccups*
    PL: I didn't know you were that flexible!

    Winner of five Awards in RPG, including Best Writer.
    Winner of 2009 Golden Pen for Most Original Fiction

    PSN: River_in_Time
    XBOX tag: DameSquishdalot

  35. #35
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Battle Round 2!

    Thunder x3. Even if she mirror coats it back you'll still survive.

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


  36. #36
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Battle Round 2!

    Just use three Hydro Pumps, Famfrit. I don't think there's much we can do at this point.

    this is hell
    we have a little something called integrity

    Weasel Overlord says:
    spanner cock?

  37. #37
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    Mar 2001

    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Finished!

    and I am back! And I ain’t disappearin again! *kicks school away*

    -~*Chris 2.1 VS Weasel Overlord*~-
    ∞}|December Contest|{∞

    Battle Round Four
    One on One

    Disqualification Time: One Week.

    Arena: Everest Colosseum

    Set on the outskirts of a large, evergreen forest at the base of an icy mountain range, this newly built arena has been especially created for the accommodations of the December TPM Pokemon contest. The audience stands surround three sides of the setting, with rows of ice-topped evergreen trees serving as the northern-most boundary of it. There are balconies covering all of the audience grandstands, permitting all types of moves, and though they are subject to the cold temperatures of the environment, the seats are heated and complementary blankets are handed out to assure the most enjoyable experience possible.
    All the contestants will perform their appeals on a snowy ground (or in the air if flying/levitating/attack enables so), with a background of colonnades of evergreen trees and a large frozen lake in the centre. The ice around the shallows is thick, but in the middle should be a little thinner and could possibly be broken with an effective attack.
    Throughout the appeals, it will be snowing unless a weather-altering technique is used, and for the maximum holiday cheer, the contest will take place at night with multi-colored lights adorning all rows of the grandstands and the roofs of the balconies.


    Gaunte Gengar
    Taught by: Chris 2.1
    HP: 49%
    Energy: 56%
    Status: *bleepages*. Right foot frozen.
    Thunder x Three


    Famfrit Milotic
    Taught by: Weasel Overlord
    HP: 10%
    Energy: 56%
    Status: Not so great. Safeguarded for 2 more rounds.
    Hydro Pump x Three


    Famfrit is not looking good. She isn’t going to kicking much longer (well not kicking more like slithering but details…). She glares at her opponent one final time and breathes deeply for a final attack. Guante only grins wider and she collects her negative electrons one final time. When she is glowing a bright yellow and Famfrit can’t possibly take in any more air they both fire. The Thunder slams into the Hydro pump and races up it, frying poor Famfrit. It is not all lost however as her attack gushes over Gaunte and she goes flying back skidding across the ice. She finally stops way on the other side, pleased she won, but a bit chagrined by the ungainly she did it.



    Gaunte Gengar
    Taught by: Chris 2.1
    HP: 37%
    Energy: 46%
    Status: *cough* Um yay? Right foot frozen.


    Famfrit Milotic
    Taught by: Weasel Overlord
    HP: 0%
    Energy: 50%
    Status: Out.

    Gaunte was hurt 12% from Hydro Pump.
    Gaunte was fatigued, 10% for Thunder.

    Famfrit was KO’d by Thunder.
    Famfrit was fatigued 6% for Hydro Pump.

    Chris 2.1 is the winner and gains 4 points and the Dec. Ribbon.
    I gain 4 points for reffing the majority and unfortunately Weasel Overlord gets nadda. Off to the next one.
    *Dad talking about his filling.*
    PL: Did it fall out?
    Dad: Yeah! ****in' thing only lasted two days.
    PL: Huh.
    Dad. I can stick my tongue down in my hole--
    He just stops.
    *hilarity ensues*

    Mom: We're one warped family.
    *through hiccups*
    PL: I didn't know you were that flexible!

    Winner of five Awards in RPG, including Best Writer.
    Winner of 2009 Golden Pen for Most Original Fiction

    PSN: River_in_Time
    XBOX tag: DameSquishdalot

  38. #38
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    Default Re: December Contest 2007 - Finished!

    Whoop whoop! That makes 3 now! Thanks for reffing Riv

    Contest fic
    *Chapter 37 up*
    Posted September 22nd, 2013


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