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Thread: Who do you miss from TPM?

  1. #201
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Heald - LOL. I never liked Raz/Razola. He was a bastad. A real bastad. Anyway how could you hate me? I was a beautiful moderator. LOL. Theres been good mods and bad mods and some totally fucked up like how the hell were they mods to begin with. People like Charmanduh now she was a lovely moderator. Lovely person all round. Come back to the chat one day Charmanduh.

    Shazza - If there was a degree in TPM do you think I would get As or A+ or do you think they would have kicked me out? But seriously, yes I know but theres only so many different theories of Globalisation that one can take. And academic people are some of the most pathetic people ever. They can't write for shit. Yes they have great spelling, punctuation and probably grammar. But the majority of them read like pure shit. And how many times or ways does one need to describe something? Seriously sociologists should get out more and really study society rather than coming up with the shit they do.

    Kirby - Do you think its possible that one day I could be straight?

    Ace - There are no llamas outside I would need to go on a 25 minute car journey. Also I'm not familar with the ways of a Llama could you give me some assistance?

    but anyways, pc was gay, hg was gayer. l00g33 is pretty homo, pmc was really gay i think, ctm is straight sometimes, lp is a dike. kevin is osama.
    That was great.

    Shazza - Just because someone is from Australia does not make them great. Do I have to kill you? But just go play with Ace it looks like hes real horny.

    Woz/Christian_Whalley - I'm glad you were able to lol about something.

    Blademaster - Theres lots of funny shit, it just needs to be posted. Lets just say I'm working on something.

    Magmar - Sorry bud, but you need to read. You were far too lovable to be hated Magmar and we all remember the Magmar and Blastoise_Boy connection. But bleh you were a good mod and always deserved to be modded. And I'm thankful that you were modded it meant I got to mod misc, which, became far more popular and great than General Discussion. Although it use to be cool, how often tpm drama was posted in GD. Oh and the reason you need to read, is those were admins, and it was how GAY they are. Not in the literal sense of what we think of the word GAY today. Thus it wasn't actually who was or who was not homosexual. But who was GAY, who was GAYER and who were the GAYEST OF THE GAYS.

    Zak - I kinda think I know what Shazza is talking about. But that label could be applied to anyone, particular myself. And it is Shazza. Shazza may be a dear and hes kinda lovable but Shazza isn't always right. But I do love you Shazza Dear.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  2. #202
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    You're going to have to realize that this isn't something that's just going to happen overnight. You have to be patient with it, cultivate it. Nurture it like that bean plant you planted in grade three, only this time don't forget to water it and don't put it somewhere your cat can eat it. Consider it a responsibility you have to cultivate through love, water, and sunshine, and concentrate on the day to day operations involved. Don't get caught up dreaming about becoming a "bean" farmer, or spend all your time dreaming about how good your "beans" will taste in a salad, with a little oil and vinegar. This is the real world, and "bean" growing isn't something you're going to be really good at right away. Buy a book about "beans" first, read it, and learn what you're getting into.

  3. #203
    Modding GD for 20+ years Moderator
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    I particularly miss Chris the Sandslash because of the amount of interesting contributions he mad in the GD forum back in the day. It was nice discussing with him certain aspects about Pokémon and to find realistic explainations for what they do and how they do it (e.g. their attacks).
    Austrian ViceMaster Alex

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  4. #204
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by firepokemon View Post
    Shazza - If there was a degree in TPM do you think I would get As or A+ or do you think they would have kicked me out? But seriously, yes I know but theres only so many different theories of Globalisation that one can take. And academic people are some of the most pathetic people ever. They can't write for shit. Yes they have great spelling, punctuation and probably grammar. But the majority of them read like pure shit. And how many times or ways does one need to describe something? Seriously sociologists should get out more and really study society rather than coming up with the shit they do.
    I love you.

    Shazza - Just because someone is from Australia does not make them great. Do I have to kill you? But just go play with Ace it looks like hes real horny.
    When did I say that? Oh, just re-read my drunken post. Most people from Australia are retarded.

    Zak - I kinda think I know what Shazza is talking about. But that label could be applied to anyone, particular myself. And it is Shazza. Shazza may be a dear and hes kinda lovable but Shazza isn't always right. But I do love you Shazza Dear.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zak
    That's a new one... what exactly do you mean?
    I don't even know what I was implying in my post. the only logical excuse I can come up with is that Zak a few years ago would try and befriend and partake in #pbs but ultimately fail.

  5. #205
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by firepokemon View Post
    Heald - LOL. I never liked Raz/Razola. He was a bastad. A real bastad. Anyway how could you hate me? I was a beautiful moderator. LOL. Theres been good mods and bad mods and some totally fucked up like how the hell were they mods to begin with. People like Charmanduh now she was a lovely moderator. Lovely person all round. Come back to the chat one day Charmanduh.
    I wasn't aware you were ever a mod.

    Although to be fair, the only forums I visited for the first 2 years were FanFic and RPG.

    Raz and I used to be part of a select group of jocks that would go around TPM bullying everyone and knocking over the nerds' and geeks' lunches. We were all bastards. Unfortunately, most of the jocks got banned, Raz never posts any more and some others decided that being 20 and posting on a Pokemon wasn't acceptable. So there you go.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  6. #206
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by shazza View Post
    I love you.

    When did I say that? Oh, just re-read my drunken post. Most people from Australia are retarded.

    I don't even know what I was implying in my post. the only logical excuse I can come up with is that Zak a few years ago would try and befriend and partake in #pbs but ultimately fail.
    You sure you aren't thinking of Raven Adonis? I've only entered that place when I needed to reach someone who I know frequents there. Either that or when someone would IM me funny logs from there. I honestly don't remember going out of my way to go there just for fun. And if I did it was never to impress anyone.
    Last edited by Zak; 28th April 2008 at 01:08 PM.
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

    We're not going to Guam... are we?

  7. #207
    Million Dollars Made Again Elite Trainer
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    Zak sucks up to me everyday on AIM trying to befriend me, but his awful similarity on LX makes me say no.

  8. #208
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    At least I'm a little kid.
    In 20 years, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook will merge together into one super big time-wasting site called YouTwitFace.

    We're not going to Guam... are we?

  9. #209
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    Zak retaliates with the most insipid, banal comments.

  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by Katie View Post
    Along the same lines, there was that *RedGyarados* person who was active, and then later posted a thread saying that the person that everyone had been talking to never existed, and that they had changed their personality for a contest or something. I can understand fooling people into thinking you're the opposite gender, but how the hell does one change their personality? Say the opposite thing they were originally going to say? That was just an odd confession.
    I liked her (?)

  11. #211
    The hair trigger is back! Moderator
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Hoo boy, I thought I posted in this topic at one point, maybe I'm thinking of a similar one.

    Anyway, yeah, there are a few people I miss from here, with the reasons for each, they are:

    Rambunctious Jamirus- well, when I used to play Pokemon Hangman, I was one of her biggest competitors for plushies, I think I may have gotten more plushies than her at one point, but one of the last major computer crashes made me lose the information on the plushies I won, which eventually made me decide to give all mine up and stop playing (I mean, how would anyone try to go back to see what plushies you won? With some of the topics already gone as far as I know, returning and restarting just wouldn't be worth it to me anymore).

    Charizard04621- ah, Karin, at first I thought she was a guy who I mistakenly thought was named Kevin (not PMK Kevin), in the old ASB, I used to prefer her reffings to most other refs, but since times have heavily changed here, I've been getting used to DarkestLight's reffings in the new ASB.

    DarkPrincess- this may come as a surprise to some people, but I honestly don't know what has become of her. In the old days when I was DarkPrince etc., she was a fairly common sight here, but I haven't seen any trace of her, anywhere, not even on AIM when I used to talk to her every once in a while. One thing's for sure, if she ended up coming back and getting to her old account, I have a funny feeling she may be shocked at my name change. People can change on the outside more than on the inside, after all.

    Avian Freeze- I talk to him occasionally on AIM, but other than that, I have not seen him on here in a long time.

    Ledian_X- during the days of the Pokebabies RPGs (there were two of them, the most recent one was a few years ago), he was one of the most common (and most important, I believe) posters in the RPGs.

    Silver Ledian- hardly can say anything about him since I don't remember too much of him, other than that he was a PCG mod, anyone know what became of him?
    Knight of Time

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  12. #212
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Knight of Time View Post
    Silver Ledian- hardly can say anything about him since I don't remember too much of him, other than that he was a PCG mod, anyone know what became of him?
    Yeah, he still posts from time to time. In fact, he posted in this very thread and last logged in 8th of May in this year. So he's somewhat around.

  13. #213
    why wub woo Moderator
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    What happened to that kid phaedrus? He was another one of my loyal suck-ups, even though every time he displayed his borderline homoerotic obsession with Green Day, I told him to shut up and stop listening to a talentless, hypocritical band that can only play one song.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  14. #214
    for all seasons Moderator
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Knight of Time View Post
    Ledian_X- during the days of the Pokebabies RPGs (there were two of them, the most recent one was a few years ago), he was one of the most common (and most important, I believe) posters in the RPGs.
    Please refrain from mentioning the second Pokebabies RPG. After all the fun shenanigans and action of the first one, the second one was seriously a borderline shipping topic. 10 pages spent milling about a ranch? No thanks. I should've just set Tiki on a killing spree.
    Last edited by DragoKnight; 17th May 2008 at 01:37 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oslo View Post
    Tony is gay for little Snorlax.

    Watch my YouTube to support my drug habit

  15. #215
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Knight of Time View Post

    Ledian_X- during the days of the Pokebabies RPGs (there were two of them, the most recent one was a few years ago), he was one of the most common (and most important, I believe) posters in the RPGs.

    Silver Ledian- hardly can say anything about him since I don't remember too much of him, other than that he was a PCG mod, anyone know what became of him?
    Like Shazza, I've seen Silver Ledian post on the odd occasion. As for Ledian_X he can be seen viewing the forum often, not posting clearly, but watching, TPM tends to get many people that watch but don't see to post all that much. But hes still around, and he still participates in roleplaying games at the SPP forums.

    Oh and Knight Of Time you should post again in Pokemon Hangman, it'd be interesting if a few more played that game.


    Hmm Phradeus, interesting person, kinda strange but interesting.
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

    Oh I miss you Calaveron

  16. #216
    SW-2628-7394-6108 Master Trainer
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    Lol I was being sarcastic about the list of the gayest of the gay. Oh god that stupid blastoise connection. Embarassing, embarassing! But whatev.
    winner of the (a)ncient (2009), (v)intage, (2009), (v)eteran award (2011), (e)veryone wins! (2011),
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  17. #217

    Default Re: Who do you miss from TPM?

    Quote Originally Posted by Heald View Post
    I think I've hated every mod of every forum on this board at some point in time. The only exceptions I can think of are Scott, Zak, the Video Game mods and most of the RPG mods (don't even get me started on the RPG mods of past and present, since that is a whole nest of trouble), since they're the only mods that weren't retarded enough to realise my bad-ass attitude and my acting like a dick about 99% of the time was never really in malice. Ironically enough, all the mods who confronted me over my attitude earned my real-life ire, which probably contributed to the fact that although I could probably mod this place than most of the mods combined, I sort of shot myself in the foot by making physical threats of violence towards the mods and their families.

    Not that I'd want to be a mod on a Pokemon forum anyway, because the only people who actually were modded are EXACTLY the kind of people who would brag about it to their friends.
    Well since by default i fell under the rpg mod banner i love you too heald lol.

    TBH the only reason i 'got modded' was because its harder and harder to find a valid excuse when people ask what your doing on a Pokemon Board in your late teens/early twenties.

    Do sometimes wish i could go back a few years though when this board was still Lively. Needs a good kick up the ass at the min.

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