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Thread: Poll: Poll

  1. #1
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    Default Poll: Poll

    No, the title wasn't a typo. It's time for a poll about polling!


    1. Are you old enough to vote in political elections in your country?

    2a. If "no" to #1, when will you be old enough?

    2b. If "yes" to #1, have you ever voted in a political election?

    3. Have you ever voted in an election that wasn't for public office? (i.e. Hall government, popularity contest, etc.)

    4. Have you ever run in an election? If so, did you win?

    5. Do you think that majority votes to elect people to office work well?


    6. Have you ever answered one of those "What's your favorite Pokemon" polls?

    7. In a recent poll of Famitsu magazine, Japanese gamers voted Pokemon Red and Blue #51 on their list of top games. (No other Pokemon game made the top 100.) Would you have expected Pokemon to do better, worse, or about that well?

    8. A poll in Koro Koro magazine revealed that Pikachu was the most popular non-starter Pokemon from Pokemon Red and Blue, which is why it was chosen to be Ash's starter in the anime. If the poll had been run after D/P, with all available Pokemon, which one do you think would have been chosen?

    And here are my answers...


    1. Yes.

    2b. To be honest, no. But that's only because I wasn't old enough at the time of the last presidential election.

    3. Yeah, quite a few. The most recent ones were hall government elections; aside from that, there were things for school yearbooks and such.

    4. A few, yeah. The last was one for president of my residence hall government... nobody else ran, so it was kind of an easy win. Last year, however, my bid for the vice president spot didn't go so well.

    5. I think they would if people paid more attention. The problem is that some people are far too heavily swayed by propaganda rather than real issues and values (the advent of TV helped JFK get elected despite getting destroyed in the debates), and if the voters are uninformed, the decision isn't necessarily any good. Access to the airwaves also severely limits possible candidates. When only a few people out of an entire country even have a chance because of finances, you can't expect the best people to be elected. Representative democracy is good in theory, but it has its share of problems.


    6. Yeah. I always just say "*points to username*" or something snide like that.

    7. Honestly, I would've expected it to at least crack the top 30. Even a top 10 finish wouldn't have surprised me at all. Perhaps the franchise hasn't had as big of an impact in Japan...?

    8. Well, I'm still surprised that Clefairy wasn't picked, since it was the main Pokemon in the Coro Coro comics. (Maybe they thought it was too "girly" for a shonen anime.) But I think something like Sneasel might have had a good chance. I could see a lot of personality coming out of it, and it just drips with the "coolness" factor. Aside from that, maybe Eevee, if only because of the ever-growing list of Eeveelutions.


    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin Luper View Post
    Holy crap ... I'VE become a grammar nazi, too.

  2. #2
    Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Poll: Poll


    1. Are you old enough to vote in political elections in your country?
    yeah, i'm 21

    2a. If "no" to #1, when will you be old enough?

    2b. If "yes" to #1, have you ever voted in a political election?
    yeah, I voted in the last election cause I turned 18 that year.

    3. Have you ever voted in an election that wasn't for public office? (i.e. Hall government, popularity contest, etc.)

    4. Have you ever run in an election? If so, did you win?

    5. Do you think that majority votes to elect people to office work well?
    hmm sure


    6. Have you ever answered one of those "What's your favorite Pokemon" polls?
    only about a million times!

    7. In a recent poll of Famitsu magazine, Japanese gamers voted Pokemon Red and Blue #51 on their list of top games. (No other Pokemon game made the top 100.) Would you have expected Pokemon to do better, worse, or about that well?

    I thought it would've done better considering it was from japan and its still pretty popular over there, isn't it?

    8. A poll in Koro Koro magazine revealed that Pikachu was the most popular non-starter Pokemon from Pokemon Red and Blue, which is why it was chosen to be Ash's starter in the anime. If the poll had been run after D/P, with all available Pokemon, which one do you think would have been chosen?

    I dont even know any of the new d/p pokemon so..... lol

  3. #3
    Covfefe Super Moderator
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    1. Yes.

    2. No, this will be my first one, if I vote at all.

    3. Sure, for class president.

    4. Nope, never have and never will.

    5. I'm not sure what you mean, if you're asking if I like the idea of the majority vote being elected as opposed to the electoral stuff, then yes, I find the whole electoral thing pointless.
    If you're asking if we think most people who are elected end up being a good choice, than the answer will always be no. There's never gonna be anyone elected that people aren't gonna bitch about.

    6. Maybe a couple times, I think I probably said Tyranitar.

    7. I would have expected at least RBY to make it, because those games started a ten-year fad (I mean, come on, they were the first Pokemon-related thing to ever exist!). Don't care about the others.

    8. Funny you should mention that, an interesting fact is they actually were going to use Clefairy as the starter and having Pikachu instead was a last-minute choice.
    I'd like to say Eevee, but since that already existed when they decided... probably still Pikachu.
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  4. #4
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: Poll: Poll

    1. Are you old enough to vote in political elections in your country?


    2b. If "yes" to #1, have you ever voted in a political election?
    Just turned 18 this year; not yet

    3. Have you ever voted in an election that wasn't for public office? (i.e. Hall government, popularity contest, etc.)
    Student government and Homecoming obligations aside, no.

    4. Have you ever run in an election? If so, did you win?
    I was voted in as a moderator on another forum, although I only "ran" because my friend/the admin put me in it.

    5. Do you think that majority votes to elect people to office work well?
    If people were more aware as to what was going on in the campaign time, it probably would work. Although it seems like in most cases, people don't care and vote because they're told to do so.

    6. Have you ever answered one of those "What's your favorite Pokemon" polls?

    I probably have and don't remember.

    7. In a recent poll of Famitsu magazine, Japanese gamers voted Pokemon Red and Blue #51 on their list of top games. (No other Pokemon game made the top 100.) Would you have expected Pokemon to do better, worse, or about that well?
    Personally, although it seems like GSC could've had a shot within the lower tier of 100, I think the results seem a little accurate basing from a lot of the series that showed up. And even then, there are still games from completely unrelated series that would've also had a chance.

    8. A poll in Koro Koro magazine revealed that Pikachu was the most popular non-starter Pokemon from Pokemon Red and Blue, which is why it was chosen to be Ash's starter in the anime. If the poll had been run after D/P, with all available Pokemon, which one do you think would have been chosen?
    I'm in the bandwagon to believe Eevee is popular enough to have a chance. Although out of the Pokemon that have an evolution line, Ralts or even Buizel could have a chance.

    I'd say Mudkip, but that's trolling.

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  5. #5
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: Poll: Poll


    1. Are you old enough to vote in political elections in your country?

    Yes, I am 22, that's over 18.

    2b. If "yes" to #1, have you ever voted in a political election?

    Yes, in Euro parliament election, presidental election and MP election.

    3. Have you ever voted in an election that wasn't for public office? (i.e. Hall government, popularity contest, etc.)

    TPM Unown awards 2007? OK, that doesn't count, I think...

    4. Have you ever run in an election? If so, did you win?

    No, I used to dream dream of becoming a politician when I was younger, though.

    5. Do you think that majority votes to elect people to office work well?

    There are always so many problems to solve. But considering that the politicians are also humans, they work quite well...


    6. Have you ever answered one of those "What's your favorite Pokemon" polls?

    Yes, I may have said Articuno, Psyduck or Bulbasaur or something but now I think they are all equal. Except my level 79 Magikarp.

    7. In a recent poll of Famitsu magazine, Japanese gamers voted Pokemon Red and Blue #51 on their list of top games. (No other Pokemon game made the top 100.) Would you have expected Pokemon to do better, worse, or about that well?

    Well I thought Pokémon was bigger in Japan. But, I also agree and then disagree, too. And if you ask just me, my top 5 would be:

    1. Super Mario Bros 3
    2. Final Fantasy VII
    3. Super Mario 64
    4. Final Fantasy VIII
    5. Tekken 3

    Final Fantasy VIII is a newcomer in my list, I used to hate it.

    8. A poll in Koro Koro magazine revealed that Pikachu was the most popular non-starter Pokemon from Pokemon Red and Blue, which is why it was chosen to be Ash's starter in the anime. If the poll had been run after D/P, with all available Pokemon, which one do you think would have been chosen?

    Well if I can vote for starters, too, my most popular Pokémon is my level 100 Ivysaur (which I forgot to evolve!!!) since I have used it most.

    EDIT: Oh, you didn't ask my choice, did you? I think it would still have been Pikachu, the D/P ones aren't that popular.
    Last edited by Mikachu Yukitatsu; 3rd December 2007 at 06:58 AM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post

    1. Are you old enough to vote in political elections in your country?
    Yes, I am 23. And the legal voting age in Singapore is 21, I think.

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    2b. If "yes" to #1, have you ever voted in a political election?
    I had just voted once and that was like two years ago if I am not wrong. Back then, I was still serving my national service. And besides having an election day at that time would meant an extra day off for us.

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    3. Have you ever voted in an election that wasn't for public office? (i.e. Hall government, popularity contest, etc.)
    Hell no, it would be a waste of time. Besides as of now, I am not even active in any organisation that requires me to vote for their leadership seat.

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    4. Have you ever run in an election? If so, did you win?
    I was put up as a candidate for my club's election many times during my secondary school days. But then, I guessed I was unpopular back then so many people voted against me. Thankfully for that fact, I was freed from a certain disaster responsibility.

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    5. Do you think that majority votes to elect people to office work well?
    Well then, I am a strong believer in democracy. So if a leader is elected by the majority, we should respect the majority's decision.

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post

    6. Have you ever answered one of those "What's your favorite Pokemon" polls?
    Nope in fact, I had only once participate in a Pokemon Quiz that pairs you up with a Pokemon according to your personality. And irony, I always find myself being a Mudkip though I distasted that Pokemon.

    Oh and if you are wondering, that quiz originated from Pokemon Red Rescue Team.

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    7. In a recent poll of Famitsu magazine, Japanese gamers voted Pokemon Red and Blue #51 on their list of top games. (No other Pokemon game made the top 100.) Would you have expected Pokemon to do better, worse, or about that well?
    Surprisingly that they still do well, I was thinking that they would dropped in ranking- wise and could have been worse. I guess the Pokemon franchise is rescued from a certain doom by their recent successful release of Pearl and Diamond.

    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pikachu View Post
    8. A poll in Koro Koro magazine revealed that Pikachu was the most popular non-starter Pokemon from Pokemon Red and Blue, which is why it was chosen to be Ash's starter in the anime. If the poll had been run after D/P, with all available Pokemon, which one do you think would have been chosen?
    I am not very sure but then again all Pokemons seemed the same to me. IF in case, I have to choose a Pokemon, I guess my answer would still either be Pikachu or Charamander.

  7. #7
    Modding GD for 20+ years Moderator
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    Default Re: Poll: Poll

    1.) Yes, being 30 years old I'm more than old enough to vote on anything.

    2.) Yes, on every single one that concerned me so far.

    3.) No, never.

    4.) No, standing in the public isn't my kind of thing.

    5.) In theory if those elected would actually follow the people's wishes and wouldn't just do what they think might be a good idea (particularly for themselves).

    6.) Yes, of course, there was a time when you just couldn't evade those.

    7.) It's a realstic rank though with the past popularity I would have thought it to be in the top 20. But there are many better games.

    8.) That surprises me as Pikachu in Red/Green didn't have too pretty graphics as far as I remember. From the other Pokémon, I think probably Cyndaquil would have been the chose one. Or maybe Eevee or Lucario.
    Austrian ViceMaster Alex

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  8. #8
    for all seasons Moderator
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    Default Re: Poll: Poll


    1. Are you old enough to vote in political elections in your country?
    Yessum. I've held the power of a vote for over a year now.

    2b. If "yes" to #1, have you ever voted in a political election?
    One state election and one federal election. My vote didn't make a difference either time.

    3. Have you ever voted in an election that wasn't for public office? (i.e. Hall government, popularity contest, etc.)
    Jeez, countless things, though the only thing that rings a bell was voting best dressed at the year 12 formal. Important stuff there, the guy in the red suit won.

    4. Have you ever run in an election? If so, did you win?
    Year 6 and 8 S.R.C.? I won by a landslide the second time, though the first was rigged and ended in a draw. Ooh, and modship for the Fanfic forum. I got second. Or third.

    5. Do you think that majority votes to elect people to office work well?
    What else are we gonna do? Gladiator-style fights? Office settled over a couple rounds of Mario Kart? Though if I had my way, people would be voted just based on what I think. ...Be thankful I don't have my way.

    6. Have you ever answered one of those "What's your favorite Pokemon" polls?
    At least three times over the years, before that question essentially got banned.
    It's Venusaur btw. ZOMGZORS B&

    7. Would you have expected Pokemon to do better, worse, or about that well?
    I would've expected them to have ranked in about the 20s, honestly. And I think G&S doesn't get enough credit. They really took everything that was in the original, and improved on them tenfold. It didn't feel recycled, it really did feel upgraded.

    8. If the poll had been run after D/P, with all available Pokemon, which one do you think would have been chosen?
    Probably still Pikachu. Though I would've liked for them to have maintained the manga storyline and use Bulbasaur (BIAS). If I had to choose any other, I might be inclined to say... Munchlax. People seem to love that thing.
    Last edited by DragoKnight; 11th December 2007 at 01:00 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oslo View Post
    Tony is gay for little Snorlax.

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  9. #9
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    Default Re: Poll: Poll

    1. Are you old enough to vote in political elections in your country?
    Yes. Yes I am.

    2b. If "yes" to #1, have you ever voted in a political election?
    Nah, I only turned 18 a couple of months ago so I haven't had the chance.

    3. Have you ever voted in an election that wasn't for public office? (i.e. Hall government, popularity contest, etc.)
    Yeah, but only in small class things when we're having competitions and that. I can't remember ever voting in a talent show or anything...

    4. Have you ever run in an election? If so, did you win?
    No, but if I did, I'm sure I'd have a landslide win.

    5. Do you think that majority votes to elect people to office work well?
    Well, yeah, I spose. I don't really keep up with politics or anything so I've never really thought about it. But democracy seems to be mostly functional... I think?! Haha. That's really bad isn't it.


    6. Have you ever answered one of those "What's your favorite Pokemon" polls?

    Oh but of course. In fact, I'll answer now. Mareep!!

    7. In a recent poll of Famitsu magazine, Japanese gamers voted Pokemon Red and Blue #51 on their list of top games. (No other Pokemon game made the top 100.) Would you have expected Pokemon to do better, worse, or about that well?
    Higher, it was a massive phenomenonenonenon and all. But there are a lot of games out there, 51 is still pretty good isn't it? So I'm not that surprised.

    8. A poll in Koro Koro magazine revealed that Pikachu was the most popular non-starter Pokemon from Pokemon Red and Blue, which is why it was chosen to be Ash's starter in the anime. If the poll had been run after D/P, with all available Pokemon, which one do you think would have been chosen?
    Blimey I don't know, I can't think of any Pokemon now. Err... hmm. I can't imagine it being anything other than Pikachu. All the Pokemon I can think of who might fit the bill are all from the first generation anyway...

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