Ok, I have been wanting to do this for a long time. I have opened up this banner shop so I can bring joy to the hearts of the AsBing community.

I haven't done this much before but want to have a go at some new types

Here are some samples I have done before:

Maybe something like this

or this

How bout this

I don't know what you want so just fill out this little form here.

1. NAME: what name do you want on the banner?
2. BACKGROUND: Do you want a picture, or just a solid color?
3. SAYING: Do you want something printed on the banner like a quote or something
4. TRAINER: Do you want a trainer sprite on your banner?
5. TEAM: The pokemon that are in your team, Female or male and whether they are shiny or not

I mainly will do the first type of banner in a different colour, backgorund or otherwise.