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Thread: TPM: The Card Game!

  1. #1
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default TPM: The Card Game!

    TPM: The Card Game!

    Hallo everyone! It’s time for another awesome project from your awesomely collaborative mods! : D
    I know what you’re all thinking. “But what exactly IS this card game you mention? Why do we care? More importantly, will there be pie?” Never fear, faithful RPGers! I can give you answers to ALL of your burning questions!

    1. Huh? Wha? CONFUSION!
    TPM: The Card Game is an idea cooked up by myself and your other sparkly moderators. It stems from our very own Engi’s original idea to turn RPG into a card game which sadly petered out after a few months (alas, such is the way of things :/).

    We took this idea and put a whole-forum spin onto it, with the main emphasis being on personal deck themes and card creation. For us RPGers, let’s face it, we’ve already made a ton of cards! It’s gonna be easy to think up some more.

    The main point to note is that, instead of the Magic format we originally followed, we’ve decided to go by Yu Gi Oh rules, since they’re slightly simpler and easier to bend to our wills.

    2. Why do we care?
    Because it will be FUN, that’s why! Since emphasis is put on card/deck theme creation, everyone’s deck will be unique to them. You wanna make a deck based entirely on one of your RPGs? Fine!

    We will be using a website called [yugioh card maker] to make our masterpieces, on which you can select your card type, level and effect and upload a picture to go with it (but make sure the picture is the same size as the window for it on the card, otherwise you end up with odd-looking cards).

    Once you’ve created some cards of your own, now what? When can you play? Well, simply submit your cards to the main topic in the TCG forum for mod approval (we need to watch for over-powered cards, &c, as you can imagine, to make it as fair as possible).

    3. How exactly, will we be playing this crazy card game, then?
    Simple. Anyone who plays or has played Yu Gi Oh will probably be aware that there is a desktop program you can use to play online with. Luckily for us, this program can be “hacked”, in a way, in order for us to use our own cards in it. Cool, huh? Weas thinks so.

    4. Will there be pie?
    Metaphorically? Yes. If you want to make a pie card, you can go ahead! (Although we, your moderators, reserve the right to deny any card we see fit. XD)

    5. So what exactly do we do now?

    Well, the main point of this topic is, primarily, to gain an idea of who’s interested, and how many people we can woo to our cause. : D So if anyone who’s interested could post in here, that would be magic. We’re welcoming and encouraging feedback and questions, so if you think something just is not right, feel free to heckle us about it! Similarly, if you have ideas and aren’t sure whether they’d be ok, just ask. Same for deck ideas that need approving, and whathaveyou. All I ask is that you don’t post any actual cards or card approvals in this topic - that’s what the one in TCG is for, since that’s the card game board after all. ^_^

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  2. #2
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    sounds like a cool idea, now to just get my hands on the program...

    So, our decks could be pretty much what we want, or does it have to be based on something in the RPG forums?
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  3. #3
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    It's forumwide, and yup, you can make whatever deck you like. So if you wanted to base yours off, for example, an RPG, then you'd just make your cards with that in mind. However, if like me, you wanna make you deck based on, say, Final Fantasy, then that's fine too. All we ask is that you choose a theme, and that you don't deviate from it too much in your deck.
    Same goes for if you wanted to make an ASB deck, or a Misc. deck or something. Makes for a lovely amount of variety and randomness, anyway. ^_^

    We're keeping in a few YGO staple cards, only with altered names/effects to make it more our own. You know, Pot and Storm and all that, cos those sort of cards are pretty essential.

    As for the program, you can download YVD [here] at XeroCreative. I just didn't put the link up before cos I wanted to see what sort of response we got first. ^_^;;

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  4. #4
    You crook! Ya CRIMINAL!! Veteran Trainer
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Not to be a dick, but I'm tired, I'm grumpy, and I have one thing to say here:

    Quote Originally Posted by Weasel Overlord View Post
    TPM: The Card Game is an idea cooked up by myself and your other sparkly moderators.
    No it isn't. It's just Yu-Gi-Oh! with a few name changes and TPM-themed cards. Sorry to break it to you guys, but this isn't an original idea, and it's not exactly a big one, either - there seems to be a total of about 3 people that are both YGO players AND RPG-ers that are interested in this aside from whomever on the Mod-force decided to put this together.

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  5. #5
    Solar Blaze Wizard Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Well, I, for one, am interested. Having played the game for 7+ years, I've created plenty of cards in my day, and I think it would be fun to see how those cards would play if they were pitted against real players (and not just used in fanfics, for example).

    I do have one suggestion. In the anime / manga, duelists often have new cards that the other player has never heard of. So, to add to the mystery (and fun!) of it all, my suggestion is that any new cards we come up with be PM'd to one of the mods; that way, we can't just look at the boards and instantly know what we're up against.

    If the mods think that's a bit much, OK, but I definitely think that decklists should be PM'd to a moderator before actually being played. First of all, the same type of thing happens in actual tournaments (well, they're written down and given to the judges, but you know what I mean), so this would be another way of 'keeping it real', so to speak. Second, this would ensure that people are actually being creative and not netdecking anything.

    As another way to ensure creativity, perhaps there should be a rule as to how many real cards are allowed in one's deck. For example, if we say that (just to throw a number out there) 50% of the deck must be completely created, and at least another 25% (again, just for a number's sake) must be renamed cards, that leaves a maximum of 25% of the deck that's made up of boring old real cards.

    You mentioned something about renaming and possibly tweaking the effects of older staples. I'm all for that (especially the effect-tweaking part), but we first need to define what these older staples are. Perhaps we should brainstorm up a list, then post that list and say that, if you wish to use one of these staple cards, you must use the version we've provided for you. I'll go and post a couple examples of what I think you mean by a tweaked effect in the TCG Forum.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hinoryu
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  6. #6
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Quote Originally Posted by Blademaster View Post
    Not to be a dick, but I'm tired, I'm grumpy, and I have one thing to say here:

    No it isn't. It's just Yu-Gi-Oh! with a few name changes and TPM-themed cards. Sorry to break it to you guys, but this isn't an original idea, and it's not exactly a big one, either - there seems to be a total of about 3 people that are both YGO players AND RPG-ers that are interested in this aside from whomever on the Mod-force decided to put this together.
    Good! Let the hate flow through you!
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
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  7. #7
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    there seems to be a total of about 3 people that are both YGO players AND RPG-ers that are interested in this aside from whomever on the Mod-force decided to put this together.
    Yes Blade, if you'd have paid attention to the actual topic you'd have noticed that I said that the MAIN point of this thread was to gauge reactions and get a feel for how many would be interested before we invest overly large amounts of effort. I also never said that it was a UNIQUE idea, did I? Saying that we thought of it doesn't mean that we invented YGO.

    @Starjake: Yeah, I think that idea's quite a good one, re: having a set number of staples in. Also we had planned to have big old brainstorming sessions too, so what's considered as staples can be worked out then. ^_^

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  8. #8
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Hello there. I have never posted in RPG before, but this topic somehow attracted my attention. I came up with a question, of a general interest, not that I'd be making cards like that, at least not for public use. And not necessarily that I'd take part in this game.

    What's your toleration when it comes to real-life person cards? Like George W. Bush card or perhaps someone's girl- or boyfriend card?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Those all sound find Mikachu Yukitatsu, the cards can be people, members, anime, fan fics, rpgs, anything. Just please also consider everyone's feelings, but at the same time everyone should remember this is for fun, and to not take it too seriously!

  10. #10
    I Finnished last Moderator
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Another question, when you generate a card, will it be automatically saved somewhere? I mean if you just create a card for fun or because you want to test, can other people automatically see it? I didn't find the answer from the site itself.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    When I generated a card, I just right clicked on the picture and save as. It saves it as a .bmp file. Also if you want to do Presidents and stuff, creating a possible "Debate Forum" deck would be fun. But you should post your card ideas here!

  12. #12
    Solar Blaze Wizard Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Quote Originally Posted by Roy Karrde
    everyone should remember this is for fun, and to not take it too seriously!
    You know, this is an obsession for some of us, so by definition we are required to take it far more seriously than we really have any right to. ^_^

    So, when does this start? I eagerly await the chance to unleash my fiery wrath upon my foes! BWAHAHAHA!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hinoryu
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  13. #13
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Even though I have never played a real game of yugioh in my life I will still try this out. It looks fun.

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  14. #14
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    While gauging on the number of responses that we could generate from this project, I suppose we could start some form of discussion on the rulings and card allowance. I had posted a sample of rulings that the mods had agreed to put in place. I would suppose the main idea now is to run through the rulings and card allowance list and maybe if you are unhappy about any of them. You could voice out and we would listen to your opinion. The sample ruling are posted here.

  15. #15
    Smoke and fire Master Trainer
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Hmmm it sounds bizarre but its piqued my interest. I'm still confused but I've been gone for two days ands trying to catch up on internet stuff but you said for people to state if they're interested. So yeah am interested. Historical TPM card deck now that could be interesting ^^
    Registered March 24th 2000

    Dude, you were the dumbass who was pissing us all with your "game", you've lied to us, spammed. (yes you have) and utterly annoyed us, you big, fat hypocrite.

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  16. #16

    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Hmm, actually sounds pretty interesting.

    I used to play YGO on YVD, and apprentice before that, so i might dig out my old Deck and see what i can come up with.

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  17. #17

    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Infact ive already created 8 new cards lol.

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  18. #18
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Well post them up man! Atleast descriptions of them, that is if you want to create a deck around them!

  19. #19

    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    May as well. Its mostly Warhammer themed though ive never been good at warrior decks.

    Theyre not all specifically meant to work together either. Its not a strict set.

    Is that enough? lol
    Last edited by Ultimate Charizard; 1st June 2008 at 09:17 PM.

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  20. #20

    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    ...and one specifically for TPM.

    edit: This is gonna end up as a set soon enough lol.

    I do seem to be short of magic/traps though. Could use some equips i think...

    This is what happens when i get bored lol
    Last edited by Ultimate Charizard; 1st June 2008 at 09:00 PM.

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  21. #21
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Heh, some good cards. Warhammer themed deck I see? I'll probably go for a meme-based one myself.

    Anyway, here are some forum-related cards, 1 monster, 1 spell and 1 trap:

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
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  22. #22
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    I have added all your cards to the main TCG topic for them being up for debate by the mods as to if they should just go for Show Off Fun or if they should go into the next YVD set coming this week. Here is the link to the main topic.

  23. #23

    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Special request for Roy...

    Last edited by Ultimate Charizard; 1st June 2008 at 10:14 PM.

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  24. #24
    Solar Blaze Wizard Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    ...I have plenty of cards, but none of them have pictures yet. Can I post them anyway?
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  25. #25
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    Sure feel free to, I'll go on and post them up for consideration.

  26. #26
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Haha UC, I love those Warhammer cards. XD I might have to make some High Elf ones myself, you know. Call of the Wolf seems a tiny bit over-powered though. But I guess that's for the TCG thread!

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  27. #27
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    I'm curious as how some of these cards can be played in the program.

    I'm currently working on a set based on some of the monsters from Resident Evil (which I've dubbed, the "B.O.W. Set")
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  28. #28
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Mystic_clown: I just tested out the program and, from what I can tell from the interface, it is essentially the same as playing it table-top style: it doesn't do any automatic calculations for you, it just shows you what cards are on the table. You can also see your hand but you need to give permission to your opponent before he searches your hand. Therefore, you have to do the rulings yourself. This requires both honesty from both parties (as you could theoretically draw 10 cards in one draw phase) and also careful watching as to monitor cheating from both sides. Hopefully this shouldn't be an issue, and if battle logs are posted on the forums, then cheats should be caught.

    Also, a taste of things to come:

    These cards will be much more relevant in the context of other cards I have in the works.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
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    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Incidentally, three more for fun:

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  30. #30
    The Crows, just stop the crows Moderator
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    Here are some that I made, tried to not make them OP.

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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    I <3 this idea, although Ive never played YGO, just the DBZ CCG and Magic cards. Id like to start making some cards to make my deck with but unfortunately I still dont have reliable net access at my house (I use the library comp) ;.; So Ill have to have fun later :/ lol

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  32. #32
    The destroyer of worlds Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Now, time for some cards from my B.O.W. Set

    and since it's too small to read, here's Nyx's effect:
    This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This carc can only be Special Summoned be removing 10 "T-Virus counters" from the field. once per turn, you may active 1 of the following effects:
    -Select 1 monster on the field and equip it to this card. It gains half the ATK of the monster equiped.
    -Select 1 monster equiped to this card and send it to the graveyard. Deal 800 damage to the opponent's lifepoints.
    Last edited by Mystic_clown; 3rd June 2008 at 12:56 AM.
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  33. #33
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Mystic_Clown: If you lay off the paragraphing a bit, you could probably fit all that text in.

    Anyway, here's a set that should have you all trembling in your knickers:

    Plus a couple of internet related cards:

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  34. #34
    Товарищ Красный Master Trainer
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game! are having way too much fun with this!

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  35. #35
    why wub woo Moderator
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Scott! Not in front of the other guys, they look up to me!
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Vulpix
    You have turned my vacation thread into a discussion about Heald's balls. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  36. #36
    Solar Blaze Wizard Cool Trainer
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    *wanders in*

    ..., guys?

    (where did everyone go?)
    Quote Originally Posted by Hinoryu
    I shall not be out-nerded!

  37. #37
    Where I live is purple. Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    In order to make my return seem productive, I'm contributing some of my ideas.

    More to come later, if I feel like it.

    ...I'm not dead yet!

  38. #38
    exit stage Crowley Elite Trainer
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Well, in reference to the "where is everyone" question... I've JUST got back from my boyf's at Cardiff, so. I finished my Final Fantasy X set, but have been having tons of trouble adding them to the .set files, which has sort of put me in a mood with the program. Hopefully, after job-hunting I'll be able to be more active in this.

    this is hell
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  39. #39
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    I've only played Pokemon and the ORIGINAL Digimon TCG...

  40. #40
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    Default Re: TPM: The Card Game!

    Wahh going to Vegas really took me out of the whole TPM TCG Groove, anyway I am hoping that we get the first set out tonight! Dont worry if your card isnt included in the first set, it will be soon. We just picked and choose which one we could work with early on. But more will be included!

    I do have alot of people I want to thank. First off Mr. Pikachu for being a Grammar Nazi and combing most of the cards for innacuracies. Weasel Overlord for doing so much work including bringing this to the RPG Forum. Starjake for being a very very crazy man and writing up a tons of cards in YVD format, including all anime cards from the original series O.O. And of course everyone that has submitted cards for the set, you guys are awesome.

    Edit: Also a set 1.5 will hopefully be out next week, with more fan made cards added.
    Last edited by Roy Karrde; 22nd June 2008 at 10:35 PM.

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